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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 14th 2018, 12:33 am

A simmer of energy blasted just over Danny's head. A black laced glove reached out to grab her by the sleeve of her Stanford Cheerleading jacket, pulling her behind a display case. Dirt and debris lined the edges of her knees and coated the lining of her jean shorts with dust and powder from drywall. "Is there anything else you want to tell me about this whole thing other than 'don't worry about it?'. Because, I'm pretty worried about it."

A blonde woman in a sleek black and purple skirt sat next to Danny, the wrappings of her ankle high heels crawling up her legs just below her knees. She reached to readjust the green sleeveless top that gravity and intensity left out of place. Every strand of loose hair hugged her shoulders as she turned her head to Danny. "Everything I want is interesting. It only makes sense it would draw the attention of people with weird energy weapons. I wasn't expecting a cheerleader though."

"You're a witch being chased by energy throwing men, and I'm the unexpected variable?" Danny reached to pull the sleeve of her jacket up, letting her touch her bracelet.

"Everything you just said made perfect sense." A loud hiss began to build up on the other side of the room. "You just said it in a dumb way."

The hiss became a boom even before it impacted into the case Danny and the witch hid behind. Danny executed a perfect tumble towards a pillar on the side of the room, taking her away from the immediate struggle, but on the other side she could see her newly acquainted ally likewise pushed against a pillar.

The night had started normally for Danny. Normal enough given she knew a cursed artifact needed to be locked away in her family vault, but she never expected to find a witch trying to excavate the relic. And, definitely did not think the witch would become an ally of necessity. The Tamamoa exhibit rested on the western wing of the museum, the place the chase began. After turning down two corridors and taking a flight of stairs, Danny could safely assume she was lost somewhere on the southern wing of the museum, nestled between a pottery display and a modern art exhibit.

The artifact never made it out of the exhibit hall. The witch drew more attention. "I get that you're interesting and all-" A turquoise wall appeared between Danny and another energy blast. A small glimpse of light poked through before the energy began to wear away a major hole in the barrier. Even with the hole, Danny darted across the room. "But, what was that artifact you were trying to steal?"

"It belongs to me. Or, at least it did belong to me." The witch grabbed Danny's forearm and pulled her to a relative safe spot next to her. "Someone other than your parents stole it."

"Archaeology was so much easier when everyone in those tombs used to just stay dead." Danny conjured a turquoise crossbow on her forearm. She popped out with a readied bolt and launched the projectile towards a forming ball of energy at the front of the room. "Do these guys want that artifact?"

"No." The witch popped out from behind Danny. Black webbing began to cascade down the doorway, ensnaring two men in its grasp. "They're after me. And you now."

For the first time, Danny managed to get a good look at one of her assailants. Dressed in a black body suit, each man had a gauntlet protruding from their forearm with an opening just over their hand. Even with their limbs restrained, a ball of energy still began to form. Each strand of the webbing burned away as the energy ball grew in diameter.

"Those things are pretty tough to deal with. We should probably get going- um?" Danny looked over to the witch.

"Angelica." The witch hopped back behind the pillar, looking to a side door.

"I'm Danny." The brunette readied another bolt as the two men began to regain their bearings. "I think we can-"

"Don't move!" The side door Angelica had in her plans flew open. Three more black suited men with gauntlets burst out, flanking Danny and Angelica. "Try to cast a spell and we'll melt both of you."

A blade shot forth from Danny's forearm. "Any ideas before I get us started?"

Angelica lifted her hands in the air, giving Danny a sideways look.

"Really? Don't seem so interesting now." Danny felt her blade begin to waver.

A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by bigman3 October 14th 2018, 4:48 pm

Saturday Night. You might think most kids would be out with friends having fun and enjoying their life, but nope not Alex. He runs down stairs with a black draw string bag in his hand and says "Hey ma, I'm going to my friends house for a bit, call me if you need anything"

He runs out of the house real quick and when the coast is clear he blinks into the closest alleyway, opens his bag and reveals his costume, a blue ski mask, a matching blue sweater and some black swimming goggles. He puts them on and clicks his heels and blinks out of the alleyway looking for something to do.

As he travels around the city he sees an array of explosions and colors from the museum. He blinks on over and stands on top of it looking through a window to see men in suits, a cheerleader, and a witch fighting each other. He doesn't know whats going on but he teleports down there.

"Okay everyone calm the f*ck down, the hero is here"

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 15th 2018, 12:13 am

"This is the end of the line for you." Heat rose before the energy ball even began to materialize from the face of the gauntlet. "Take out the other-"

A very quick statement of existence pulled the room's attention to the newcomer. Danny stopped assuming people were on her side when the witch tried to rob her and saved her in one ten minute span. Even when he announced himself as a hero, Danny still decided to go on with just trusting the witch. Actually, she barely trusted the witch.

A blunt construct appeared just before each of the black suited men before Danny. Danny spun around as a turquoise bar appeared in the air, just touching the bars placed at the perpendicular of the men's chest. A forceful kick shoved the bar into the successful impact zone, forcing the men to take two steps back before keeling over.

"Good job, hero guy." A turquoise barrier shot up just before any energy blasts could reach Angelica. "Miss Interesting wanted to give up and get shot."

"I was just hoping they would shoot you first." Black webs tore through the floor of the room, opening up a passage to the bottom floor.

"But we probably need to do the opposite of calming down. I say we get calmed up." A turquoise shield appeared on her forearm. "I don't know if you teleported, or were invisible, or wished yourself here, but if you can do that with the witch, it would be great. Don't let her steal anything while I hold them off."

A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by bigman3 October 15th 2018, 4:21 pm

Alex watches in amazement as a super fight breaks out.

"Wow I've never been in one of these for" he says outloud.

He then ignores Danny's order and blinks to the black suited and men. He teleports in front of each of them, grabbing their guns and then blinking to the window he came through and leaving them up there.

"Ok now that everythings even, lets go"

He blinks to one goon and immediately follows with a huge right hook to the ribs, then blinks to another and throws a jab at his chin and then a cross to his head and then following it up with a left uppercut also to his chin and finishing it with a right hook to, you guessed it, his chin, which dropped him.

This continued for quite a bit until...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 15th 2018, 6:21 pm

"Hey!" Danny turned her head back to the younger man who interjected himself to her defense. "I told you to get her out of here!"

"It looks like he's doing something better." Angelica rushed towards the window now hosting the gauntlets. "Up your game, cheerleader."

"My game is up! I'm up! You need to-"

Absence of weapons did not keep the men in suits absent from presenting danger towards the others in the room. While they were surprised by the sudden action, they anticipated a fight. And, welcomed the opportunity for a pitched battle.

Two goons rushed towards Danny while her back was turned, making quick work to get her off the ground. The second goon grabbed hold of her legs, pinning her in place while she made an effort to get her hand over to her wrist.

It only took one goon to subdue Angelica, grabbing her from behind, and covering her mouth while tucking her arm behind her back.

The two other goons found their attacks coming for them directly. The first goon caught a punch to the gut, keeling him over without enough time to activate his suit. The second man punched a button on his utility belt. A green glow began to fill the circuits around his suit. "We've got the prize. Teleport out."

"No deal!" Danny finally got her hand over to her bracelet, activating a grappler's fighting stance. "I can deal with these two!"

Buttons on utility belts began to activate around the room while Danny continued to put up a winning effort to break loose from the two men grabbing her. A surge of light broke from the men's suits. "Fall back! Fall back!"

A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by bigman3 October 15th 2018, 7:54 pm

Alex finishes up with his goons by being lighting fast and teleporting all around so no one could possibly land a hit on him, he would stick and move, just like his coach taught him, only this time its with super powers.

He looks over at the weirdo cheerleader and her witch friend and sees them in a bit of trouble. He is a bit to interject until he sees the green glowing on the belt. Blink doesn't know what that is but it probably can't be good. He quickly blinks into the now shining man and grabs a hold of them.

"He's got a bomb, I think, but no worries I got this!" Blink shouts, then Alex blinks out of the musuem...

Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 15th 2018, 9:15 pm

The blows to the suits continued to ripple through the now glowing material, beginning to generate more heat with each passing blow.  While the blows continued to knock the conscious mind from the men, it began to awaken something else within them.

"What the hell?" Danny slammed her shield into the head of a man Alex just delilvered several body blows into, only to watch him get up stronger. And without hesitation, he blocked her next shot with an overpowering ease. "Did this guy get stronger?"

Danny felt herself flip outside of her own control. She looked up from her back at the ceiling. Her inner mind still channeled messages and reflexes from her ghostly assistant, but for once, it did not do enough. Fighting the force exerted on her went against her expectations and landed her in a more inopportune position. "I can't use...his weight against him! He's got something-"

Cackling green energy spoke enough of a warning to Alex. His departure left Danny in a tough spot. Taking the warning of the bomb, Danny put up a turquoise barrier to shield herself.

Nothing came in the form of a blast.

Instead, the discharge of green energy from displaced men began to join together. A shifting energyscape eventually gave way to a different space. "A portal?" Danny caught a glimpse of a blackness taking form in the center of the cackling, green circle.

"That's not good." Angelica tried fighting against the man holding her- until she realized the form of the man had shifted in size by a few feet. "Really not good!"

"I'll show you what's-"

As Danny began to craft a blade to try and carve her hand free, the arm of the now eight feet tall golden creature holding her threw her in the center of the circle. Followed by Angelica.

the portal would begin to shift and shake as three giant, golden creatures looked on, waiting for the return of the one who released so much energy into them.

A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by bigman3 October 15th 2018, 9:30 pm

Alex reaches the top of museum and realizes the guy he grabbed is no longer with him. Did he already blow? Alex's hands begin to shake, this is the first time this happened, did he fail to save the day? Are people dead because of him? He does a quick prayer and then looks down from where he teleported out. Everyone seems to be ok and a huge sigh of relief engulfs Alex's emotions.

Why is there a portal down there? Also why didn't he travel with you, he could have opened the portal while he grabbed him. But for now Blink is a little embarassed to go down there, he must seem like a huge *sshole...

He blinks down back to the musuem.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I thought he was a bomb and I tried to get him out with me but now there's a portal" Alex says scrambling to redeem himself.

But then he realizes that the girls in the witch costume and cheerleader costumes are gone and 3 giant golden monsters were just staring at him.

"Are you the bad guys?" He asked confused as to what has been going on in the first place, "You probably are."

Alex then blinks straight towards ones arm but it moves out of the way and he falls head first into the portal...


Status :

Quote : "No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle"-Peter Parker

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Age : 21
Job : ha none
Humor : Bueno
Registration date : 2018-10-01

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A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Empty Re: A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man)

Post by Danny The Sphinx October 15th 2018, 10:05 pm

No sound came from the mouth of the golden creature. It merely pounded its fist together, throwing a massive shot towards the head of Alex. The full force of the creature flew past the teleporting body of the young meta and into the wall behind were he once stood.

A gargled command came from an adjacent golden creature as it predicted the course Alex would take towards the portal. Once the creature entered the portal, it would begin to channel the crackling green energy to pulse through its body, causing a discharge of energy all through the extra dimensional tunnel as it sprawled out for a few minutes of travel.

Once the tunnel became more tangible and less wormhole, the golden creature would find itself in another wing of the museum. The Tamamoa exhibit contained a number of cryptic marked tapestries and etched carvings depicting long forgotten languages.

Once the green energy from the portal began to blast the room, the tapestries would become more visceral, showing scenes back in time. The carvings would embrace the light, feeding it into their crevices, keeping it in their secrets.

A Lying Witch And a Wardrobe (Big Man) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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