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Puppet Master (Saileyra)

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Puppet Master (Saileyra) Empty Puppet Master (Saileyra)

Post by Danny The Sphinx May 28th 2018, 1:44 am

"If we go in through the front he'll see us." Tsukimi Sanada tucked her sword into the sheath along her back. Her hair was tucked nicely into a ponytail falling just past her shoulders. The tip of the turquoise constructed blade fell along the green dress she wore for the night with a tight feel around her upper body and a more loose and flowing hem line flowing down around her knees with a pair of black heels not giving her the greatest of agile footwork, but a great pivot point.

"I'm expecting him to see us. I want him to do more than just see us." The ever so ambitious Danny pulled her hand away from her bracelet. She gave Tsukimi her sword, then created a crossbow for herself. While her partner took to the night in her green dress, Danny wore a solid white dress with a few red spots creeping like vines around her body. The bottom half of her dress hugged her hips and thighs with enough room to let her maneuver but with enough tightness to keep up with Danny's movement. A pair of red boots with a heel low enough for comfort and a black tint to the foot of the boot finished out her outfit- an outfit she did not plan on fighting in. But, what happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas. Except the mad geniuses. "I'm about to cash him out."

Tsukimi began to tag after Danny as they made their way towards the main chamber of the Grand Majestic Casino. "That means he is winning and walks away from the table with a lot of money!"

"Suzy! Let me have my hero lines!"

Danny formed a shield on her off hand, pushing through the swinging double door of the service corridor her and Tsukimi used to access the casino from their vantage point across the strip at an evening magic show. Her forceful entrance did well to break the first shot clashing against her shield. Her night took a number of changes once the call to evacuate came. First, her actual evacuation of the magic show. Second, her quick access through a bridge she made joining two massive buildings to the exact building declared a major evacuation point.

The shots breaking against her shield never let up. Danny planted her back foot and pushed forward. Slowly she slid her back foot up, then pressed forward again. Once more. Twice more. She could get there.

Tsukimi moved into Danny's blindside gap. No shots made their way to her, but insight hit her in the face when she turned to the center of the room. "Danny. Look out!"

A brush of tendrils began to creep around Danny's shield, trying to pull it from her form. Tugging to keep the shield meant nothing to Danny- it came from nothing, and the next one would too. She dissipated the shield, ready to make her next. Her eyes looked up, taking view of a man hovering in the center of the room. All along the room were his tendrils, wrapping up casino goers in his grasp. She counted five tendrils shooting towards her, grappling her shield. She then began looking at all of the shadows wrapping around the hostages along the giant casino floor. She did not even get to one fourth of the number before her shield took form again. "Alright, Suzy. We just ran into a problem."

Puppet Master (Saileyra) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Puppet Master (Saileyra) Empty Re: Puppet Master (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra May 28th 2018, 2:05 am

It didn't take very long for word to spread over the loudness of the music that a man was floating people were screaming for chrissakes. Saileyra on the other hand was just here gambling on stolen money trying to get her money back in order. Who woulda known some asshole would bust some of the casino and start taking hostages. A tentacle came squirming near her ankle she just jumped out of the way.

Frowning her lips turned into almost a snarl as her eyes focused on it's face staring at it's general direction confused as to why it would even bother. Xeonix wasn't too far away as he casually walked over to the woman with screaming people uneven from all the bullshit.

Scanning the room she noticed the hostages but this fucker was really ruining her night and some unlucky people. Well, that didn't matter at the end of the day. All she really did was shove some of the extra money in her bra as she stood up peeling back the long coat revealing a clad black outfit.

It was leathery, her boots strapped around her shins in x's, the womans back had beautiful high ponytail that had random aesthetically drawn feathers of red, yellow, and white. Her eyes pinning the tentacle monster? Not sure what the fuck this guy was.

There was a hero on scene.. and Xeonix took to sit on a chair next to her as she drawn her blade. "Go time?" She glanced over to him, "Go time." She said in return with a smirk. Pointing the katana in the general direction of the monster she'd aim right between the clavical and neck so it'd puncture right through his right pectorial near a lung collasping all air functions. Upon doing so, the bullet was mercury shrapnel piercing other vital organs but not going to cause immediate... death. Slow and painful? Maybe? Did she care? No.

Xeonix shortly followed up behind her moving about her arm becoming a gauntlet that was spiked beautifully woven around her arm pulsing red for protection. Scanning over the creature, she stood blade ready waiting for some type of retaliation.

Puppet Master (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2013-04-18

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Puppet Master (Saileyra) Empty Re: Puppet Master (Saileyra)

Post by Danny The Sphinx May 28th 2018, 8:24 am

"No, no, no. I pull the strings." Both of the man's arms crossed over his chest, allowing his fingers to stroke his collarbone. While his hovering position did put him in a position to provoke attacks, it did not come without a great vision. A vision of Danny and Tsukimi making their immediate entrance along with the disappearance and reappearance of Danny's shield. It also came with a great vision of Saileyra and her death inducing bullets. A rumble shook through his tendrils.

The bullet dug into flesh, but the Puppet Master remained unscathed. A bullet ridden, blood stained tuxedo took the bullet just fine for his tastes- but not his flesh. Or his tuxedo. A man with salt and pepper hair and belly slightly protruding over his trousers launched himself across the room to take the bullet with the assistance of a tendril. His fingers slowly began to twitch as the bullet exited his body, missing the Puppet Master. "I need more marionettes."

The first line of attack came from the walls. Tendril occupied hostages leaped down with the guidance of the tendrils. There first order of business sought to overwhelm Saileyra- or at least distract her. Each hostage found their landing softened by the tendril acting as a bungee cord. And just as with any cord, it allowed the hostages to jump, dodge, and flank Saileyra with better outcomes than the regular run of the mill casino goer. While the attack continued, the Puppet Master planned on trying to truss up Saileyra with a shadowy appendage.

On the other side of the room, Danny fought off the three attacking tendrils with an old fashion sword and shield style melee. She sliced once, diced twice, and then iced thrice. The tendrils fell back to the advantage of Danny, but not to the advantage of Tsukimi.

While Danny pushed her advantage, the a tendril creaped behind the duo, wrapping itself around Tsukimi's waist.

Tsukimi raised her blade in an effort to slice away at the tendril, but her intention turned towards her partner. "Danny!"

Barely in time to keep her shoulder attached to her body, Danny darted to the side. Pressed from both sides, Danny found herself holding the shield against the tendrils before her and the sword towards Tsukimi. "Hold still. I think I can hit it!" Danny believed herself assailed on two sides until a pair of hands from a hostage reached down and grappled her, pulling her three feet off the ground. "I can-um."

Her shot was impaired. Any attempt to slice the tendril holding her assailant would surely strike the hostage as well. However, Danny did not wish to join the same fate. Something had to give.

Puppet Master (Saileyra) Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Puppet Master (Saileyra) Empty Re: Puppet Master (Saileyra)

Post by Saileyra May 28th 2018, 5:04 pm

1 was not super fast to begin with. But, her reaction time was phenomonal alongside her ability to see attacks and adapt. The hostages were the least of her worries, Saileyra knew she had to get the man got hit by the mercury bullet slowly he would be paralyzed... but it would take a long while.

Saileyra sliced through body and tendril alike. The bodies of hostages squirted open but at the same time bodies were getting destroyed hopefully. Pointing the trigger, the gun blade fired at the tendril shooting through it she danced to the slight right slashing at the tendril that tried to swipe her up with Xeonix's gauntlet talons.

Puppet Master (Saileyra) SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 450
Registration date : 2013-04-18

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Puppet Master (Saileyra) Empty Re: Puppet Master (Saileyra)

Post by Sponsored content

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