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Two of a Kind

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INV ONLY Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 2:23 am

Late night cravings. Ever since she gained the powers of an arachnid, Victoria started having these bizarre spurts of hunger which she simply couldn't describe. While most others were sound asleep, she found that she instead was caught in an internal battle with herself, aimlessly roaming the streets of New York City amidst the darkness practically scavenging for food. In most cases she was able to come by exactly what she was looking for, and went back home entirely satisfied. But in some extreme cases, her hunger only grew.

And so here was another instance where she departed from her townhouse, an hour or two past midnight, adorned within a long khaki trench coat, under which she was wearing nothing but her pajamas. I mean, did it really matter? Not many people were awake at this time; so it wasn't really like anyone important was going to see her. Tightening the sash around her waist, Victoria dug her hands into her pockets and made her way through the snow infested grounds of New York City, one bunny slipper stride at a time.

A thin blanket of snow continued to fall all around her as she approached McDonald's, home to tonight's craving: a cheeseburger. Thankfully this particular McDonald's was open 24/7, and rather conveniently, was no more than a 10 minute walk from her house at most. Exchanging dollared bills for a wrapped up burger, she exited the restaurant and had a seat on the curb.

In her state of utter joy, she literally rubbed the warmth of the burger against her face, savoring the moment in its entirety, before unwrapping the paper to unveil the contents inside. Oh the satisfaction of having her craving fulfilled! Her mouth watered as she dug in for her first bite, and every bite after that was only that much better. If she died on the spot, well she'd die in complete harmony.

Or so she thought… until her spider-senses began to tingle, alerting her seconds prior to the danger behind her. She maneuvered herself to the side in time to evade a man who had dove at her. Dropping her burger to the ground, she rolled onto her backside and moved her hair from in front of her face to have a better look at her pursuer.

He was… by all accounts human. Any ordinary thug would have carried a weapon with him or at least some sort of a disguise. But this man appeared almost normal, save for the look of empty desire on his face. He was craving that burger even more than she was!

"Look, if you're really that hungry, I don't mind chipping in to buy you something." She put out her hands so as to imply further that she meant no harm at all. "Really, it would be no trouble at all."

But that wasn't enough to quell him, apparently. For the man dove at her yet again, and this time he succeeded in mounting on top of her. Her hands instinctively caught his own as he tried long and hard to rip her face apart. Victoria gritted her teeth and wailed out into the starlit sky, first and foremost for help. But help never came.

Not that she really needed it, though. It was more of a decree of confirmation; in the sense that, given no response, it meant she was entirely alone. No need to hold back any further.

This man wasn't responding to human speech. He had gone completely astray; though he might have looked every bit the part, he was very far removed from any human she had ever met before. It was almost as if his desire for the cheeseburger had turned him into some sort of zombie. He grunted like a wild beast, and when she managed to kick him off, he literally faced her while getting down on all four of his limbs.

Retrieving her mask from her pocket, Victoria pulled it over her face: Scarlet Web was back, bitches. Too bad no one was going to be around to witness this. Or maybe that was to her advantage, because shit was about to go down.

He charged at her again, senselessly. It seemed the poor lad could hardly think. Aiming her right hand in his general direction, Scarlet Web fired off a stream of web, stopping him dead in his tracks. With a well executed backflip, she swung the connected thread over a lightpost, and hung her prey in the air.

"Sleep tight. I'll leave the cops to clean you up."

Last edited by Scarlet Web on August 27th 2017, 4:53 am; edited 2 times in total

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic August 27th 2017, 4:32 am

Color Code:
Professor Matheus
His feet crunched against the snow lined up in the alley-way as he broke out into a full sprint. Grabbing his hood with both of his hands and pulling it upward over his mask, it casted a dark veil that revealed only the whites of his mask. Jumping, he kicked off one wall after another from side to side before outstretching his right hand to grip the edge of the roof top and easily tossed himself over.

He was hurtling over large pipes and sliding through small openings, it seemed he was all but in a good mood.  Allowing his momentum to help carry him over the edge and above the streets, right hand outstretched to release a single strand of web that splat on the edge at the top of a nearby building. It became a repeated process and now he was swinging through the city. The night time was usually the best time of day for one to clear their mind. Especially with the low amount of activity and distractions.

For a person like Keshawn, it was a times like this that he cherished the most. Especially after what he was told by Professor Matheus not too long ago.
As normal as every visit to see the Professor was, the lab was just as quiet as usual. Large illuminating lights with robots moving in every direction. It was hard to figure out how Professor Matheus didn’t go crazy from the insanity.

Keshawn, may I have a word.” The professor was busy tapping on his keyboard before casting a backward glance towards Keshawn. Who was now casually walking over towards him with his hands in his pockets.

Yeah?” Keshawn locked eyes with the professor who pointed up towards the large screen. On it revealed a new paper article about an unknown Vigilante that was on the way of becoming a crowd’s favorite.  “Yeah I see it, what about it?” Keshawn questioned, not really seeing the importance of the matter.
Look real closely, to the picture.” Professor Matheus typed a bit more on the keyboard, causing the screen to zoom in past the cops and towards the villains who were webbed handing upside down from the nearest light post. Sitting back in his chair with his legs crossed as he revolved in it to glance at Keshawn once more. “Does this ring a bell?

He couldn’t help but displayed a shocked look on his face. “The hell? “ Keshawn took a few steps closer towards the screen. “I’ve never seen these guys before in my life, let alone do such a tactic that involves hanging them from a light post. It’s too..

Too Domesticated?” Professor Matheus questioned, lightly tapping his fingers together as he tried to piece together the situation. “Exactly.” There was a bit of a skeptical look on Keshawn’s face, what exactly what he thinking. “Professor, there’s no way that there are others out there like me right?

In Theory no, there’s never two kinds of the same person. But in reality there’s a chance. Like you and I both know Keshawn you gained you’re abilities through experiments and procedures. However, just like how there are other people proclaiming to be heros and villages and what not. There are some that were born with their powers. So there is a possibility that there is someone who possess similar powers to yours.” Keshawn’s eyes remained glued to the screen.“However that only brings up further question. I’m sure that I erased all of my notes so the idea  that the government could recreate someone like you Keshawn seems impossible. I would like to have some answers as well.” They both were glancing at the newspaper article. “I wanted to inform you of this earlier, but this isn’t the first time something like this happened. Stories of this Web Warrior has been spreading across New York City like wild fire.

Keshawn’s hands were now clutched into fists, as he walked over to grab his backpack. “I’m going out, and I’ll see what I can find out.” The professor nodded while he returned tapping on his keyboard. “I would recommend wearing a jacket, the snows beginning to build up out there, and I don’t want you catching a cold.

I’ll be fine.” Making his way towards the Exit as the slide down closed behind him. Keshawn made his way out of the subway tunnels and into the streets of New York.
---*FlashBack ova*----
There can’t be someone like me out there could it.” He thought to himself, still swinging across town as he was beginning to give up on his search. “My life’s already complicated enough. I don’t need someone like this roaming around.” His eyes turned after hearing the sound of a struggling, a fight? Landing on a nearby light post he saw what appeared to be a woman and a man fighting. In times like this it was safe to assume that she was being robbed, but as soon as he was about to give a hand he ended up frozen in his tracks  by what he saw.

The woman maneuvered her body in such a  graceful way that the guy instantly found himself hanging from the nearest light post. Movements so fast that it seemed only Keshawn was able to keep up with them. Keshawn’s mind flashed back to the newspaper article, it was a her. His right hand clenched into a fist, before leaping up off the light post, his body twist into in the air. If she was anything like him, then he knew of some abilities. Thrusting his right hand forward, he shot out a tiny burst of webbing that was aimed to forcefully stick Victoria’s right hand into the light pole where she hung the man, and if successful Keshawn would shoot another web out of his left hand aiming to web the rest of her right arm to the pole as well.

So it’s you.”Now standing in the snow, he faced her.

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress August 27th 2017, 4:50 am

It all happened in the blink of an eye. Much sooner than she could have ever hoped to catch on, much sooner than even her spider-senses could alert her to the trouble. Wait, what?

In a state of confusion, Scarlet Web found her right hand pinned to the pole of the streetlight. In the same instant that she attempted to pry herself free, she was amazed to see another stream of webs shoot out in her direction and cover up the rest of her arm, practically chaining her into place. Just what was going on?

At the sound of another individual, Scarlet Web turned to acknowledge her pursuer. For reasons she did not know, this night had brought upon more trouble than she ever thought possible. And this time around, it seemed that her spider-senses, for whatever reason, weren't acting the way they were supposed to.

"Me?" was all she managed in response to the hooded figure's question. What could a guy like him possibly want with her? Questions plagued her mind. The situation looked more grim by the second. But he had her. At least for the moment.

Scarlet Web remained calmed, never once trying to free herself of the webbing. Instead she simply stood there, examining the contents by which it was constructed. Flawless, utterly so. And not unlike her very own. Just who was this guy and why was he able to shoot and spin webs like her?

"Uh, not sure why you have me tied to this pole, but since you look like you know what you're doing, I'll just stand here and wait for you to explain yourself."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic August 29th 2017, 1:43 am

Color Code:

He took a couple of paces forward, the sounds of his feet crunching in the snow. "Yeah just remain where you are." His voice a bit deeper than usual. The light began to reveal Scarlet Web's figure a bit more the closer he got. She seemed almost harmless. So many questions boggled in his mind but saw himself getting interrupted as the man that was hanging from the light post began to regain consciousness. He even began to murmur something.

Upon the first murmur, Keshawn fired off a web to forcefully keep the man's mouth shut. "Not a word." His attention now refocused on Scarlet Web. "You've been causing me a lot of issues." Looking at her mask but how she still had on night clothes, definitely a weird sight. "What are you? A government project made in my image? How did you get your powers and why are they so similar to mine?"

She seemed much more harmless the more he talked, but he fought through any chance of reasoning with just more questions. "Why is it you are here, just showing up all of a sudden." His right hand clenched into a fist. "Identity theft? I don't need more people like me out here, ruining everything I'm working for."

"I'll give you a few seconds to answer."

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress August 29th 2017, 8:20 pm

Identity theft? Big words for a rookie.

It all clicked in her mind. She too had been on the receiving end of some uncertainty over the past month or so. Scarlet Web had been roaming New York City for years, saving as many lives as she could en route to combating its ever rising crime rate. But it wasn't until just recently that she had been accused of doing things she would never so much as think of doing.

As per her sense of moral justice, Scarlet Web never took a life. More over, she was always calm, and level headed, disposing of her victims in the most sincere way possible. But lately, she had arrived upon the scene of battered foes, savagely wounded as if struck by some sort of disaster. That "disaster" was now looking her straight in the eyes.

Still, the way this apparent man had enlisted a deadline upon her like so was almost humorous. She didn't know whether to laugh or be offended at the predicament of being given "a few seconds" to answer. And so she did the first thing that came to mind; from the hand that had been tied up by him, Scarlet Web began to secrete her venom, torching the webbing like fire and quite literally vaporizing it like an acid. She was free in a matter of seconds.

"A government project? No, no, no, you have this all backwards. I've had these powers for years; I've only recently so much as heard of you." Though she couldn't tell based on his appearance alone, seeing as though the opposition was quite tall and muscular, his voice was that of a youth. If she had to guess, she'd say he was 16 or 17 at best.

"You're who they call the 'Hooded Spider', right? Well, hate to break it you buddy, but I've been swinging around this city with my webs long before you even knew how to walk. So if anybody here is a copy of the other, it's you."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic September 1st 2017, 1:16 am

The lens on Keshawn's mask slowly narrowed, showing that he was squinting. He couldn't tell whether or not she was telling the truth. One thing that made it hard was that he couldn't really tell her age from appearance alone. The trench coat hiding any noticeable features, and her mask did the same. "For some reason, I just don't believe you." His right-hand clenching into a fist, he could tell just by her tone of voice. She was underestimating him, judging him, pity. Sounds that he were much to aware to let by past him. However he took the chance to hear her story, the man hanging from the light pole continued to squirm.

Returning his attention back towards Scarlet Web, maintaining his surprise as he began to see his webs slowly loosen in their sticky grip and wither away. Almost like seeing cheese drip off pizza after you pick up a slice fresh from the oven. It lit then vaporized. "What the?" He thought to himself, now on high alert. It was true their abilities were similar, but not completely identical.  

"Hmm..either doesn't matter how long you've been here. Crime has still been on the rise, that is at least until we got here. When we deal with someone, they stay off the streets. For good."  Mind flashing back to all the villains and even heroes alone that he's beaten senseless. Each going through their, purification process so that they proved no more issues to society. " The "Hooded Spider" was something others started calling me..not my intent to be a "hero" Far from it."

His right hand loosened its fistful grip and motioned towards one of the pockets on Keshawn's uniform. Taking out a small phone he didn't even look before he pressed a button on the middle of it sending a call home.

The professor turned on his computer after seeing an incoming call. "Hmm? Keshawn? Wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon. Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah, I found the person whose been causing so many issues." His head looked up towards Scarlet Web. "What should I do?"

"Hmmm...well that's a tricky one. Let's see if she will come in willingly and answer some questions, if not know what you need to do. The Purification." Professor Matheus slowly began to push up on his specs. "You don't need to explain everything, I was listening in on the whole conversation. Bring her in, if it's too much then retreat." He was lightly tapping on his computer zooming in on Keshawn's location through the phone. Hacking into the nearest security camera and faced it towards their directions. From there he saw a woman in a mask in a large trench coat along with the man hanging from the light post by webbing.

"Keshawn put me on speaker phone. I wish to talk to her."

It was a surprising look, but Keshawn complied and pointed on the speaker button and turned the phone towards her so that the audio could reach. You could hear a light cough in the back ground before Professor Matheus made himself known. "Ah hello miss can you hear me?"

"Well anyway, I will get to it. My name is well you can just call me the Professor. I see you've met The hooded spider as yall would say. One of my greatest achievements. " He took a dramatic pause before continuing. "I have to say i'm looking at your records and your history is quite impressive. The hero side that is, I have yet to find your true identity but it's only a matter of time. But I'll skip ahead into asking if you will willingly follow The hooded spider here so I can ask a bit more questions in person and in private. Or openly out here, but I will still need for you to come with us."

He would rest back in his chair as he waited for a response, it would determine he and Keshawn's next course of action.

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 4th 2017, 8:12 pm

Scarlet Web couldn't blame Hooded Spider for not taking her word. I mean, why should he? After all, they had only just met for the first time. And to make matters that much more bizarre, he had caught her in such a time where she wasn't even properly dressed. Sure her mask was on, but in place of her usual garb was a fleet of pajamas and a coat to cover them.

But Hooded Spider wasn't the only one concerned. Scarlet Web herself was equally untrustworthy. There was something about this kid that colored him the wrong way; while first impressions were already out of the window, she had witnessed his work in times past. And it was no secret to anyone that she wasn't exactly a fan of the sort of things he accomplished.

To her, killing was against her morals. She'd never allow herself to succumb to the level of her enemies. But this kid… this kid took lives like they belonged to him, like they never mattered to begin with. And it made her stick to her stomach. He was more of a villain in her eyes than a hero. People always had the potential to change according to her, but Hooded Spider didn't cross her as the type of person who wanted that for himself. He seemed content the way he was.

She listened in on his conversation with some professor over the phone. Wait, seriously? He honestly wanted her to believe that she was the one causing trouble around the city? How ridiculous! If anything, she was the one righting all his wrongs. She was the one cleaning up after his mistakes. She was the one paying for his dues, being blamed for killing criminals and being framed as a murderer. She couldn't go on like this. No way. She couldn't have her reputation be tarnished any further than it already was.

Her own eyes narrowed at the idea that this so called "professor" was so hell bent on unmasking her and finding out her true identity. That wasn't common knowledge that was meant to be trifled with; she wasn't just going to go around letting that be thrown around. Not that she really had anyone that would be harmed from her identity being exposed, but still. It was her right to protect her identity and none of their business to know it.

It was strikingly obvious that when the offer was made to her regarding her paying a visit to this professor that were she to refuse, she'd have no choice other than to engage the Hooded Spider in battle. Not that she wasn't confident in her own ability; heck, it'd be a bit embarrassing if he was already at her level so soon. But this wasn't about whether or not she could best another spider in battle. This was about her reputation and getting to the bottom of this farce.

"Fine. I'll agree to tag along. For now." As far as she knew, she didn't have anything to lose in this situation. There was no telling what the two of them planned to do with her, but so long as she was on guard, they weren't going to be able to uncover her identity so easily.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic September 5th 2017, 11:06 pm

Color Code:
Computer System
Robot Guards
Professor Matheus

Keshawn nodded before bringing the phone to the right side of his face. "We are on our way professor."  He looked back towards Scarlet Webb before walking over towards the pole the man was hanging, he was still squirming. Even witnessing the whole situation. Keshawn's body rotated into right round house kick into the light pole, denting it immediately on contact. It began to topple under its own weight and fell to the ground with a loud crash. Causing the man to fall out of the web and into the snow. Staring up towards the Hooded Spider in what seems to be an expression of fear. "Get outta here." His specks narrowed to simulate a glare, and on a quick response the man high tailed it and ran in the opposite direction.

"Tsk." Scoffing, he returned his attention towards Scarlet Webb before pointing his right wrist and attached a web to the top corner of the nearest roof. "Let's see if you can keep up." Giving a tight tug, he was launched into that buildings direction. Kicking his foot off the wall to send him upward, with a front flip onto the roof. From there it was like being on the track field, jumping over pipes like hurdles and jumping over large gaps between buildings. Lacing a web every now and then to give off a high-speed swing when he felt the needs to. Eventually landing off at an abandoned train station entrance, the front of it was sealed off by a police sign that stated "Closed".

Two of a Kind 82359260_085db995ce

Keshawn didn't stop his walking and casually stepped over the sign, not even looking back to see if the Scarlet Webb was following. He made his way down a long flight of stairs and onto the train tracks, it was an approximately a 15 min walk down the train stacks in which Keshawn made sure not to speak a word to the Scarlet Webb, but eventually, he did come to a stop. Turning towards the wall, he pressed his hand onto it setting off a hidden scanner that traced over his palm in a blue aura. In response was an automatic computer voice that sounded a bit feminine "Scanning Complete, Welcome Mr.Wilson. Please proceed with your entry code."

Keshawn winched after hearing the mentioning of his last name but followed with the protocol. "Entry Code: 78315." "Voice recognition and numbers matched, Welcome." The walls began to split revealing a hidden hallway, in which he traveled down. Expecting Scarlet Webb to follow, the doors closed immediately behind her in a large room of complete darkness. But one by one lights began to cut on, illuminating the hall with Keshawn following off of pure instinct. If Scarlet took the chance to look up she would notice weirdly shaped guns mounted on the top of the roof and aligned at the hall. Hearing the sounds of metal wiring as pointed in her direction and turned as she went along.

From there they reached yet another door, Keshawn stepped on a large pad that immediately began to scan his feet and then brought up scanners to go over the rest of his body. "Recognizing Mr.Wilson. Please Proceed." He took a step forward as the doors remained open for Scarlet, and there it was. As the doors crept open a large amount of light escaped through the cracks and there was an enormous lab. Robots of all different shapes and sizes moving in different directions and performing different tasks. Robots repairing other robots, robots typing on computers, even robots standing as guards who slowly came to approach Keshawn, with their attention towards Scarlet Webb.

Two of a Kind 7590587da73ad7e8402bb08b980ec69e--doritos-starcraft

"Intruder detected, Commencing custody." They were about 7 feet in height but large enough to be compared to the size of an SUV. "Abort, code 6542 Bypass." The robots immediately began to abort their order and return to their points, the voice coming from a far off distance. There Stood Doctor Mathus, who turned around casually in his revolving chair in front of an even enormous screen. Could be compared to the size of one of the big screens in Down town Manhattan. "It's a Pleasure of you to join us Mrs. Scarlett Webb. I have to say once again that your history of heroics is pretty Impressive, to say the least. Remarkable." He looked over towards her. "Just for reassurance, I would like to present myself my name is Doctor Matheus." The shades over his eyes began to scan her figure and the out layer of her mask.

"Welcome to my lab." Motioning his right hand to the enormous space around him. It's amazing that such a large lab could be contained underground without anyone else knowing.

Two of a Kind 3tBsmo1

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 8th 2017, 1:35 pm

Witnessing Hooded Spider's coldplay almost prompted Scarlet Web to lash out in anger. What was his purpose behind vandalizing public property? If his motive was to release the prisoner she had taken, then he could have just as easily lowered him down with the strand she had left closer to the ground; that was, of course, how she had intended for the police to capture him.

That brought another portion of mistrust into the equation. Why was Hooded Spider allowing this man to get away? He was clearly possessed; very obviously influenced in such a way that he had been robbed on his own consciousness. Allowing him to get away was only going to lead to further disaster. Did he truly care so much about establishing himself as an intimidating presence that he was going to willingly go to the extent of doing as he pleased? No! She would not allow for others to be harmed by his recklessness. He might have meant well, but in terms of execution, this boy lacked poise.

So when he took off in a hurry, bent on besting her in a test of speed, Scarlet Web was delayed in her departure. For long after Hooded Spider had already begun swinging through the city, Scarlet Web had instead opted to remain behind, to firstly recapture that man he had shamefully allowed to getaway, and then garnering her superhuman strength, she lifted the light post back and hammered it into place, this time keeping the carnivore of a man tied in a seated manner with his feet to the ground and his back against the pole. She didn't bother saying a word to him, seeing as though the man was no longer capable of comprehension nor reasoning with humans, to say the least.

Turning her head in the direction that the boy had taken off, Scarlet Web's eyes narrowed. What a brilliant display of arrogance. His insolence went without questioning. With the alleyway all to herself, she carefully exchanged her coat and pajamas for her more traditional superhero costume, and then herself made off after Hooded Spider, her figure becoming a mass of red and blue.

It didn't take her long to catch up with him. And when she did, her patience was drawing to a painful end. Running along beside him as the two of them approached an abandoned train station, she remained silent, cautiously taking note of her surroundings. She noticed that he didn't even bother to ensure she was keeping up with him; another flash of his ego, seeing as though neither one of them could make much use of their spider-sense in the current predicament. And because of the nature of her silent ways of moving about, there really was no real way of trusting that she was even behind him.

Nevertheless, Scarlet Web continued to follow the boy. "How much further?" She asked a single question during this time, as they descended the rather long flight of stairs, though he did not have the decency to return her curiosity, apparently. Weapons of mass destruction were seen all around. She was going into their territory of her own accord. Not the brightest thing to do, though if she wanted to get to the bottom of all this, then she didn't exactly have much of a choice.

As they approached the inner, true confines of the underground laboratory, Scarlet Web was careful to avoid any scanners of any kind. There was no telling what they could unveil about her.

Upon coming face to face with the professor at long last, Scarlet Web was very much surprised to see that he was rather young --being of her own relative age-- and perhaps coming as even more of a surprise, fairly dashing. To accomplish all this at his age was no small feat; the man was truly a genius, without a doubt. Between all his success and charm, Scarlet Web momentarily lost her breath.

It went without saying that while she did not know him by face, Scarlet Web had happened to hear Matheus' name be tossed around once or twice in the past. He was a scientist of the highest caliber, who formerly worked for the U.S. government; it would have been weird had she not at least known of him and his success, just as he in turn had educated himself of her own accomplishments.

"Thank you, Professor. I must say, the pleasure is all mine. To think I'd happen along a man of your caliber down in the trenches of an abandoned train station." She moved her eyes toward Hooded Spider for a brief glance. "Much less for you to be in any way associated with such a characteristic individual such as this boy, well, I don't suppose I suspected that."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic September 9th 2017, 12:23 am

Color Code:
Professor Matheus

Professor Matheus lightly chuckled at the situation while his hand was still resting up behind him on the ledge by the keyboard. "Ah yes, The Hooded Spider. He's quite the character, but if you take the chance to really know him. I'm sure you would find out that he's a nice guy, but he does have his reasons for why he acts in the way he does." His eyes flickered over towards The Hooded Spider and their gazes met. "But I'll leave him to explain his history." Giving The Hooded Spider a thumbs up.  

Even though she was polite, she could tell the way she mentioned Keshawn that there was some bad blood between the two. "Let's start off by saying that we are not the bad guys and that we are indeed friendly. Allies one may say. Fighting for TRUTH... JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY." His right hand motioned into a fist that he pounded against the center of his chest.

"So with that being said, I don't want any negative assumptions about anything going on around here. With a hero of your caliber, i'm sure you can understand our situation. Me and the Hooded Spider here both come from separate backgrounds but ran into each other out of pure destiny. " His hand motioned towards The Hooded Spider once more. "But like most people, we all hold our fair share of secrets. Which I can let you in on if you tell us your situation, one thing that we all want to know is. Who exactly is The Scarlet Spider?" Laughing amusingly at the thought, he stroke his fingers through his hair.

"I also want to question how is it exactly that you got your powers. I can let you in on a bit of information that may surprise both you and The Hooded Spider here. Just to show that I am a man of my word, I'll trade a secret for a secret." Almost as if on instinct his left hand reached a bit further back to push one button on the keyboard and up brought two screens. One is a picture of blue and red DNA labeled "Scarlet Spider" and the other labeled Mr.Wilson which was just a plain white strand of DNA.. It was almost like a presentation. "You see, and here's another secret heh. Two for one am I right? The Government has kept a watchful eye on you Mrs. Scarlet Spider, so a close eye that I, head of the scientific Gene department was told to detain you and bring you in. But after seeing you in action we came to the conclusion that it was impossible. The Government feared how long you would remain a hero, and if so how would we respond if you were to as some would say...turn.  Don't take it personally, they do it to everyone. But I can understand their worry, and as a response. Since we couldn't capture you, we chosen to recreate you."  His left hand pressed against one more key, this was a moving screen capturing presentation now. Both her and Keshawn if they would have looked, would see a tiny clump of DNA remove itself from Scarlet Spider's DNA and over onto the Mr.Wilson's side of the screen and it would repeat this animation over and over again.

Scarlet Spider's DNA
Two of a Kind BMoIm9f

Mr.Wilson's DNA
Two of a Kind 3RA9507

DNA Transfer Process (Success)
Two of a Kind NbvLiF4

"That's where The Hooded Spider came in, he is ..a product of that decision." He would give that next sentence some time to sink in, more focused now on the expression on The Hooded Spider and Scarlet Spider's faces. Keshawn's mask which reflected his eyes and expressions showed a large look of surprise. That is when he removed his hood and Scarlet. Well, he didn't exactly know how she would have handled such a situation. " Now one question could be asked? How exactly did we obtain your DNA? Well, heh. Mrs. Scarlet Spider, you sure didn't make it easy." He tapped on the keyboard once more, this time showing a video representation of a masked hero fighting some old man in a robotic suit. Showing the fight in a good amount of detail before the fight went a bit out of hand the destroyed the camera. "What better way to obtain someone's DNA, than from getting it from them fighting one of their enemies. We obtained it from a trace of blood that you left behind and I'm sure you know that even the tiny trace of someone could contain their whole DNA."

"But the government and even I wanted more, we wanted something better. Stronger, faster, more unique.Even with your DNA Scarlet, that still wasn't enough. So we had to do something else that fills in those unknown gaps in the DNA we obtained. That is why The Hooded Spider there was not only a product of your DNA, but a rare spider that the .." He motioned his hand. "Ahhh I might as well admit it, everyone knows rumors have spread around long enough. We obtained the spider from The Area 51, a rare spider from another planet." He gave another pause for the two to let the information sink in. "I predicted you two would meet, and as so I with held this information til I can reveal it to the both of you at the same time." He smiled. "I do have to admit, it all went according to plan. Perfectly." He thought to himself, pushing up on his specs as he waited for a response from the two.

Keshawn was at a lost of words and just continued staring at the screen. Watching the fight of the Scarlet Spider and Emerald Mantis fighting over and over again.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 9th 2017, 12:56 am

To think that such a small sample of her blood would have been capable of producing a clone. Well, not a literal clone, but this so called Mr. Wilson was a product of her DNA. His alter ego as the Hooded Spider was in large part because of her existence; she had directly influenced his creation through her expertise. And equally so, much of the credit quite obviously belonged to the professor. He was becoming more and more admirable by the second.

Seeing the samples appear on the screen, Scarlet Web was very much taken aback. She was thoroughly impressed, to say the least. "Given this all happens to be your doing, Professor Matheus, I'm not surprised. Not in the slightest." What a powerhouse of a man.

But of course the government would take precautions. It was only natural. She could never blame them for doing so. Heck, she had her own suspicions. At the end of the day, she was human. Perhaps of the metagene, sure, but still vastly human in every context. She was prone to error just as much as the next.

"A secret for a secret, hm? Unfortunately I'm not aware of how exactly it was I gained these powers. I woke up with them the very next day. I consider it a gift. A gift from the gods. So I'm not sure if I'll be able to bargain with you any further than that."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic September 9th 2017, 1:10 am

Professor Matheus smiled while placing his hands inside his pocket. "Well, I'm glad to hear you're not offended by my work. Or upset, makes this a whole lot easier." He raised an eyebrow after hearing that she did not have any clue as to how exactly she received her powers. "A gift from the gods you say? Well with what I've seen so far I wouldn't doubt the presence of higher beings who can refer to themselves as gods. But that is a possibility." Now looking over towards Keshawn, seeing that his specs were still widened in surprised but slowly began to close, returning to the proper length. It seemed he had finally taken it all it.

"The Hooded Spider, you are by far one of the greatest things that the government has ever laid eyes on. Be proud." Trying to give some words to him in hopes to cheer him up, not as his professor but as his friend. " And I have to say, you amaze and impress me as well, every single day." Smiling and giving a thumbs up, Keshawn returned a gaze and cast it to the side.

"Now, on with the game. The Hooded Spider do you mind?" He looked up hearing himself be announced, the Professor motioning with his hand in which The Hooded Spider began to get the gif of what he wanted. He nodded and brought his hands up, uncovering the bottom of his mask. "This secret will be for another secret, you already know my identity. Now his, and hopefully..yours." The hooded spider began to slowly roll up his mask before removing it all together. The darkened skinned boy's eyes were focused on the mask he held in his hands. Pointing it so that the two were looking at each other before he looked up towards Professor Matheus. Not wanting to stare Scarlet Spider in the eyes.

"Well..tell her your name Hooded Spider. This is just to show that we are trusting people." There was a brief pause as the professor urged the enthusiasm.

"Keshawn.." He mumbled at first before raising his voice. "My name is Keshawn Wilson."

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 9th 2017, 1:21 am

That had escalated much sooner than expected. No offense to Keshawn, but he was a rookie in this game. He had only just begun his career as a hero, so he didn't nearly have as much to lose as Scarlet Web did. In fact she had everything to lose and virtually nothing to gain. What would an alliance with them even mean to her?

Less for Hooded Spider and more for the professor, Scarlet Web contemplated removing her mask. Matheus was a powerful man. He had endless knowledge of the city which could come in handy. An ally in him was worth the risk.

"Very well. I'll keep my end of the bargain." She peeled her mask off her head. Long, luscious locks of brown hair spilled from the mask and fell down her backside like a curtain made of silk. Sparkling blue eyes moved to gaze upon the professor. Her facial structure was magnificently formed, with high cheekbones and a well defined jawline. Her lips were thick, her nose sharp, her eyelashes full and long. She had revealed herself to them.

"Victoria Hoover at your service."

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Logic September 9th 2017, 1:32 am

Keshawn mad a mental note of her identity when he looked over towards his right before returning his gaze towards Professor Matheus.  Who couldn't take his eyes off Scarlet sp- I mean..Victoria Hoover. He had to admit, she was beautiful. "Well I can one say one, you surely didn't get her looks Keshawn." Laughing a bit to clear up the situation, he gave a minor cough before following up. "Too soon?"

Keshawn just gazed towards him. "Guess so about this. Since it seems you are trustworthy and that Victoria Hoover is your name." He turned towards his computer. "I'll just make sure that it is her real identity." He thought to himself, tapping busily on the computer. "I have one final surprise, this one pertains more to you Scarlet Spider. You two can explore the lab, talk, set things straight, and more importantly figure stuff out. This will give me time to set everything else up properly. " He pointed up towards the ceiling.

"I'll either send a robot for you two when I'm ready. Or call you on the inner come." From there he continued typing on the keyboard, images flashing and disappearing in split seconds, it was amazing he could follow along with such things.

Keshawn slowly slid the mask in his pocket before turning to walk a bit. Glancing back at Victoria to see if she was following.

Main Char: The Hooded Spider(Keshawn)

Status :

Quote : "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
-Professor Matheus

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2017-04-12

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INV ONLY Re: Two of a Kind

Post by Spidress September 16th 2017, 1:44 pm

Victoria met the professor's eyes for some time before shyfully lowering her gaze. Her cheeks turned red and she stroked some hair behind her ear.

At his request, she began to follow Keshawn. Her hips swayed from side to side as she strode toward him.

In their time alone with one another, the two spiders conversed closely. At first Keshawn was hesitant to speak, keeping to himself for minutes at a time. But eventually he gave way to Victoria's charisma, and he found himself sharing his life's story with her.

Coming to understand him far better, Victoria vowed to become something of a mentor to him. To say she saw immense potential in the boy was an understatement; it'd be on her to ensure that he realized his potential and that he used his powers for good.

Eventually the two of them were summoned back by the professor. With Victoria leading the way back this time around, they stood before him.

Status :

Quote : Does whatever a spider can.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 87
Registration date : 2017-08-26

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