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Valentines Dragon

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Valentines Dragon Empty Valentines Dragon

Post by serpentail August 5th 2017, 2:42 pm

Timonthy had only been going to the bank to deposit his most recent check and to withdraw a bit of cash.  But as he heard the shouting coming from around the corner he knew it wouldn't be that easy.  Glancing around quickly to make sure no one could see him, Timothy allowed the scales to envelope his body in a bullet resistant shield.   Timothy took a moment to collect himself and plan ahead.  It was impossible to tell how many bank robbers there were by sound alone.  He could however be sure they had taken hostages, that meant he had to move quick if he slowed down it would give the crooks time to execute a hostage.

Timothy turned the corner as his wings spreading out behind him and his eyes fell upon the nearest crook.  Timothy leapt forwards his wing propelling his body forwards so he slammed into his target smashing them against the opposite wall with enough force to break ribs  and hopefully knock the man out.  An explosion rang in Timothy's ears as he turned to see the next henchman holding a smoking gun pointed towards timothy.  The bullet wasn't powerful enough the break Timothy's scales but it still hurt and would definitely leave a bruise.

Shit  Timothy looked around realizing there were five men working together on this robbery, way more than he expected.  That meant Timothy had no time to spare.  As the gun fired a second time Timothy launched himself forwards again knocking down the gunman as he immediately turned to the crooks friend.  A clawed hand gripped the man's shoulder tearing at the flesh as a scaled knee slammed into his groin.

Timothy turned to see the last two criminals jumping out of a nearby window a bag likely filled with bills in hand.  Timothy bolted smashing though the nearest window to see the two men sprinting full speed towards a car parked behind the bank.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-07-07

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by Miss Valentine August 5th 2017, 3:06 pm

"Hurry, he's on to us!" the crook with the bag of money in his hand exclaimed, clicking open the door to the passenger's side of the car and slipping inside quickly.

"Let's get the fuck outta here already!" the other shouted as he slid across the hood of the car and spun off of it, opening the door and sitting down into the driver's seat with haste. Shoving his key into the slot, he started up the engine, eyes moving to the rear view mirror. His eyes widened. There was a hot babe sitting in the back seat of his car!

He turned around to question her being there, but when he looked back at her, all he could do was stare with an open mouth. The way the latex suit hugged her curvaceous figure; the way her blonde hair was so elegantly woven with endless volume; the way her chest ballooned out from her collar, as if her clothing could hardly contain her breasts… he was at a loss for words!

From Timothy's point of view, all the Dragon Kid would have been able to make out was the car shaking. Bouncing, jumping, and trembling. It didn't move an inch, even after it was clear that the engine was running. But as all the ruckus came to a stop, the engine switched off, and the backdoors of the car opened simultaneously; a blonde haired woman sporting a white and black jumpsuit with a domino mask worn over her face stepped out, a crook held in either one of her hands. They were still conscious, but it was clear that they had suffered a brutal beating; not that they truly cared, it was almost as if they had enjoyed being in the woman's presence.

It was then that Miss Valentine noticed the incoming dragon. Her eyes widened at the sight of his unorthodox powers and she automatically assumed he was another superhero. "Oh? Someone already had this case, huh?" She tossed the two crooks forward, creating a pile on the ground by toppling them over one another. "In that case, I believe these two belong to you."

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by serpentail August 5th 2017, 8:02 pm

Timothy swore under his breath.  Sure his wings helped him outmaneuver other people but there was no way he could chase down a car.  What the hell the car wasn't going anywhere it seemed to shake around but it didn't start to drive even though the engine was running.  Timothy faltered, is this some kind of trap?.  It didn't seem likely, this was a random robbery and they thieves had no way of knowing Dragon Kid would show up.  Timothy cautiously approached the car.

Before he reached the automobile Timothy witnessed a blonde woman step out of the vehicle a criminal in either hand.  Timothy paused awestruck by the bombshell before him.  She threw the crooks at Timothy but his eyes stayed fixed on her, fixated by her beauty.  Timothy had to blink before he realized she had spoken to him.

"Um yeah,"  Timothy was still collecting his thoughts as he growled out a response.  Shit i sound like an idiot.  "i mean yeah, i, uh, i had this one covered," though his voice came out as a low growl in his dragon form his words still carried a boastful tone.

Timothy paused for what was probably too long for the sound of a siren grounded him back in reality.  He averted his gaze to look at the crooks.  They were conscious though dazed.  One of them had managed to stumble to his feet looking like a deer in the headlights as this scaled monstrosity turned in his direction.  A quick punch to the man's jaw was enough to sent his crumpling back down to the ground his consciousness lost.

"Oh god please don't hurt, please man.  I don't want to die," the other crook was now begging for his life too afraid to stand up.  The cops would arrive any second, Timothy decided it would be best to leave the rest up to them.

"Better get out of here before the cops show up," Timothy look at the beauty in front of him his eyes drawn slightly downwards.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-07-07

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by Miss Valentine August 6th 2017, 5:57 am

Even as Timothy knocked the crook unconscious, all Miss Valentine was watching... was him. Simply put, she simply couldn't pry her eyes away from, for the simple fact that she found his powers to be so very unorthodox, and in the same sense, that much interesting.

At the sign of the sirens, she too became admittedly startled. It wasn't exactly a pleasant sound to hear, most certainly not to a super hero. While sure, some were rather well acquainted with the cops, in truth, most weren't on the best terms with them. Miss Valentine just so happened to be one of those people. She didn't need to be told twice to dip; heck, she would've done it of her own accord if not for Timothy's warning.

"Good call. Let's bolt." Taking a running start, she dashed forward quickly, taking her glorious frame into a nearby alleyway, where she only continued her great escape. Assuming he had reeled in at her side, she recalled his lowered gaze from before and shot him one of her own in return. Were those... scales over his body?

"So what exactly are you? No wait, let me guess! Let's see... are you some kind of lizard? Like a Salamander Man or something like that?" For whatever reason, she felt proud of her theory. "Yeah, that's gotta be it! I'm right, aren't I?"

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by serpentail August 6th 2017, 4:40 pm

Timothy followed Miss Valentine into the alleyway, stopping only when she did. He paused to catch his breath as Miss Valentine started guessing what he was.

"Not exactly," Timothy's voice came out as a low growl. "i'ts more of a dragon." the scales receded back into his body as he spoke and his voice returned to it's natural tone. "And you must be..." Timothy's voice trailed off as he thought about his next words. "A super-powered supermodel," Timothy stated the words as if he was stating a fact rather than a guess.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-07-07

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by Miss Valentine August 6th 2017, 4:45 pm

"A dragon? Wow!" She giggled softly at his compliment. Was he trying to flirt with her? "Not quite. Contrary to belief, I'm entirely human. A rather strong one at that, due to all the training I've been through, but still human."

She shrugged. "Not the most interesting thing in the world, I know. But it is what it is; it's like they say, we don't choose our powers, they choose us. And well, I guess no power has really chosen me yet. But that hasn't stopped me from taking up the mantle of a superhero."

Her eyes ran over his scaled physique. "Are you permanently a dragon, then?"

Miss Valentine
Miss Valentine

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Age : 32
Registration date : 2017-08-03

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by serpentail August 7th 2017, 2:15 pm

Timothy listened intently as Miss Valentine explained her lack of powers. It was true he had never chosen to harbor the Heart of The Dragon, it had just happened across him and he had tried to do his best from there.

He chuckled slightly at her question. "No, i can change between this and my normal human form at any time." Timothy paused for a second before continuing, "Man it would suck to be stuck in this form forever. I'd never be able to have a normal human life."

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2017-07-07

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Valentines Dragon Empty Re: Valentines Dragon

Post by Sponsored content

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