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Day With A Dragon

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Day With A Dragon Empty Day With A Dragon

Post by The Nekromonga January 24th 2013, 11:45 pm

Patient suite
Time: 0900 H

Thread Character: Li Xiaolongnu :

Xiaolongnu awoke abruptly in a hospital bed, at precisely eight in the morning, just as the nurses were doing their rounds delivering food to the patients. She had a terrifying nightmare; she was a terrible beast, caged and abused, brought to a far away land, attacking humans and... Eating whole tunas. The smell of steamed salmon and jasmine rice registered very well with the half-dragon, and the nurse, a small statured, middle-aged chinese woman, greets the young teenager.

“Oh you’re awake, finally.” She said, speaking in mandarin, as she brought in the tray and placed it at her bedside. Xiaolongnu blinked, looked around, and realized she was in a hospital. A very nice hospital to boot, considering she had her own room- back in town they usually had large wards.

“I am vegetarian.” Xiao said, responding in her accent, sighing at the food. Though she’s spent her life as a Buddhist vegetarian, ever since her... awakening, she’s been hungry; so hungry for seafood.

“Oh really? You weren’t very vegetarian when you came in here.” She said, smiling, opening the tray for her to reveal the Salmon fillet and bowl of rice, as well as a side of pickled vegetables. Xiao lower jaw hung slightly open, mouth watering.

“What?” She shook her head clear of the distraction and responded, not really understanding what she meant.

“You were probably out of it dear, but when you first came here, you ate half a tuna’s worth of meat, and a whole grilled squid.”
The nurse responded, smiling. She had a soft spot for children with appetites. She laid out a pair of chopsticks and a cup of tea. Being a culturally sensitive workplace, it was only fitting she knew what she was doing. It was rightfully so, for the sake of the hospital’s reputation.

“Oh. Okay.” She said, slowly taking up the chopsticks, but still a bit tired.

“I’ll let you decide. If you want to eat something else, you can just visit the cafeteria. You’re also being released today.” The nurse came over to help her eat, leaving her alone when she had the energy to do so.

“What’s your name? Where in China do you come from?” Xiao asked, curious to the identity of her care taker, before she took a large lump of fish and rice, chewing with decorum.

“Oh, I’m Diana Chang. I’m not from China dear; I’m a third generation descendant, though learning mandarin seems to pay off with international patients like you. How about you?” She asked back, taking a seat. Diana always had time for good, polite patients.

“Li Xiaolongnu.” She answered simply. She chewed and swallowed, already halfway through her food.

“What a beautiful name. Like the legend?” Diana asked, having heard of it once from her grandparents. Xiao simply nodded, as she consumed the rest of her meal.

“Well. You certainly look the part of a Chinese princess. And so tall, too! You could be a model. I’ll check up on you later. If you need anything, talk to me.” Nurse Chang assured her, with a hand on her shoulder.

“Thank you. Thank you so much, Miss Chang. You are very kind.” Xiao said, nodding her head in an attempt to bow, giving her caretaker due courtesy... and her empty food tray.

“And you have the nicest manners I’ve met among my patients. Good day, Xiao.” Nurse Chang left Xiao to her room, handing her remote to the suite’s television.
Xiao looked at it and sighed... she spends the morning browsing local programs. Unsurprisingly, nearly all of it was in English, and Xiao wasn’t exactly... that good.

Time: 1100 H

Later on, Xiao was eventually informed that she was being released from the medical center, all expenses paid. She was puzzled and also surprised at the kindness shown to her. She told them she knew no one in the city, let alone in America. She could visit the Chinese Embassy, but she was already aware of her own government’s involvement. She was alone and had nowhere to go.

She went to the nurse’s station to ask for Diana, but then she was handed a change of clothes and an iPhone, apparently both belonging to her. Curious, she heads to the women’s restroom to change out of her patient gown... she looked at the clothes and was somewhat embarrassed- The shorts were a bit tight and was generous with the thigh, given most of her height was in her legs. But at least her top was a sporty red tank top and a nice white blouse. She also had sneakers for footwear.

She recalled some of the women who passed through the lobby, and realized they wore less. She would’ve blended in, except for her generous height making her prominent.

Back at the lobby, she turns on the mobile device and was relieved that it came in Chinese. There was already a message in the inbox, and she opened it. It was an audio message in Mandarin.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be around to learn your name, but I’m a very busy woman. My name is Elisheva Wong; I’m here to help you. This mobile device has a debit card to handle your expenses for a few days, until you can get back on your feet. I know you’re scared, but I need you to stay away from the police, especially a group called Dominus for awhile...” She paused. Elisheva Wong? Xiao didn’t know who she was, but to be handed a phone just like that. She continued playing the file.

“I’ve arranged with a friend, for you to meet with a group of... young people like yourself, who need direction. Her name is Jade Tran, and she’s a social worker for special children like you, Xiao. She’ll take care of the rest. Wait for her and other special teens at the lobby.” The message ended, and Xiao was left with many questions, with Ellie unable to answer them. She had very few options, and decided it was best to wait.


“Hello [Insert name]. Do not be alarmed, do not be afraid. I am not your enemy, and I know about your situation. Others like you have received this message. Proceed to the lobby of the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on this date and time. There you will meet with others like you, young and confused, as well as a Vietnamese woman named Jade.”
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Swordsmaster January 25th 2013, 6:51 am

The message came and Darren was in a fit about it. Was this lady on the message seriously giving Darren Cross, the Swordsmaster order? Who the flipping fudge did she think she was to be giving him orders!? No one gave him orders! Except John and Phoenix and the rest of the Talons, but that totally didn't count! He was the mother fudging best sword fighter this world had ever seen, except Jack Maroon of course, because even with his adaptive muscle mimicry he could never hope to defeat the man. Not yet at any rate, but someday soon he'd overpass the man and finally defeat him. But shaking his head he focused back on the message at hand. He could either completely pull a Darren and do whatever the fudge he wanted or actually listen to the message again and perhaps do what she wanted. So as he continued running in the direction of Las Angeles at about 110 miles per hour he flipped out his phone, provided to him along with a second shirt by Aaron Hale. Him and Sean were awesome, always letting him borrow their shirts, he felt bad for them though he was just going to loose it anyway somehow.

So, as he continued running he listened to the message once more; this time a bit closer and realized that if John had gotten the message he would have at least decided to go if only to check it out. That and the fact that there were going to be other kids there around his age certainly meant he should go day a day or two journey to find out just what was going on, not like he was going to die on the journey and with his durability and healing factor, no matter how slight it may be; Darren figured he could make the flight in about two days instead of the average four by car. Why one might ask, simple, he doesn't have to stop annnd no traffic! A grin spread across his face as he pulled his book bag tighter on his back, sword handle sticking out of course, and took off down the road once more!


Boy was he tired, Darren was nearly about to pass out but right when he ran past a restaurant a generous waiter happened to be holding a pitcher of water. With a grin Darren sprinted past snagging the water before it could be picked up. Sure, the waiter would perhaps be angry but Darren was sure he wouldn't mind too much, water was free and he of course needed it more than some fancy rich dude. Gulping it down he continued to run stopping just as he came up to the hospital he was to meet the other people and some Jade lady at. He wiped his mouth, shook his head to get his hair straightened and then walked on inside. For once he wasn't the odd sight, no he was wearing cargo shorts, bare feet, and a tie dye t-shirt with bushy long brown hair; his whole appearance screamed California surfer, when really he was from Australia. But, the tall Asian was what caught his very short attention. Walking up he grinned, "Hey there, how's the weather up there tall stuff?" Great way to start up a conversation the 5'6" Australian thought to himself.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by AmusedGlint January 25th 2013, 10:13 pm

Moving was never easy, no matter what anyone said. Jade didn't know how some people were able to pack up and leave their old life behind so quickly. She had to call and tell the firm that she was leaving, and then she had to break the news to her parents and friends, all of whom asked her about where she was going and why. Questions which were easily deflected. The Vietnamese had only tell them the truth and they would leave her alone- of course she did not speak the entire truth. Perhaps she forgot to mention that this "social service" job was going to have her around Meta Humans all day and night, though she doubted that they would very much care. Her friends and family knew that she was a Meta Human, they had known for five years now, and since Jade's patrol did not through her into conflict with any high level villains, she had no need to fear for her friend's safety. That portion of her life, however, was over. It had been months since her last patrol, and she preferred it that way. Since her encounter with several radical villains, Jade decided to change her tactics, and instead of combating crime on the streets, she would ensure that crime never existed in the first place.

After her affairs were set in order, she departed to Beverly House to set up her office and room, then she took some time to ingrain the lay out and equipment of the facility to memory. Jade hoped that it would be enough to help her manage several teens on her own; how many was she going to be helping? She had no clue in the world. Her benefactor was not kind enough to divulge that information, and that was what made her the most nervous. Who were these people? What powers did they have? What psychological or physical trauma would they have? How many of them were already too far to be saved and merely sought Beverly House as a safe place to find food to eat before they left to continue their onslaught of crime and villainy? Some of these questions had answers that were better left unknown, yet Jade couldn't help but wonder. She also hoped that her employer would be kind enough to appear so that they could converse on how the House would be run. Jade needed information on how much upkeep the House would require and the general day to day expenses of the property, most of all though, she had to know how safe they all were from prying eyes.

Her train of thought was disrupted however, when she saw a rather bland looking key sitting on the counter of what Jade could only assume to be the "dining table". Painted fingers picked up the cold steel and rolled it in her palm. So this was how she was going to transport the teens to the House…

A time later, after driving around the city for over a good hour, Jade showed up to the Hospital at which she was supposed to be picking up her charges, driving a new, yet inconspicuous black van with tinted windows. She found a rather far parking spot and exited her vehicle, looking around as her black boots touched the ground. How on earth was she supposed to know how the Meta Children looked like? It wasn’t as though they would be holding a large sign saying: “Jade!” in bold letters. With a sigh the Vietnamese woman placed her hands in the pockets of her black overcoat and hurried forward allowing for the wind to blow against her dark hair that she allowed to grow down to her ears. As she scanned the front of the hospital she stamped her feet a few time, wishing that she had decided to wear more than a simple pair of blue jeans. She opened her cell phone, checked the time, and then resumed watching the front, not knowing whether or not she should go in or wait outside.

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
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Registration date : 2013-01-02

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Augsp January 26th 2013, 3:11 am

OOC:I'm supposed to post here right??

A new start.
That was what her father had told her. Training, with other teenage metahumans. Elle walked into the hospital, in a t-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap pulled down. Her knives lay concealed in her ankle boots.
“I think she's it,”Grant whispered and pointed at. her.
“It's not polite to point,”Elle said mockingly, uoting her mother.
“Okay. Is this better, squirt?” she gestured with his hand flat.“You want me to talk to her or you?”
“i can do it,”Elle gritted her teeth and walked over to her. Straightening her cap, she she asked “Excuse me, but are you Miss Jade?”
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 24
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by The Nekromonga January 26th 2013, 5:53 am

“Ni Shae Sha-muh?” Xiao responded instinctively, snapped out of her deep train of thought when a young man approached her. He appeared to be a local, and Xiao thought a few moments to her English class, while being a bit defensive and taking a step back, her posture lacking confidence. She looked down on Darren, her generous height making her slightly embarrassed.

“Oh. Sorry. Hello. My name is Xiaolongnu. How you do?” She said again, mustering up the rudimentary English she knew to converse with Darren. She wondered why he had approached her, though. People who’ve never heard East Asians speak English before might wonder why they seemed to speak in a slightly abrasive tone, and need time to understand her heavy accent, inflections, tone and pronunciation that were all over the place.

“Are you one of special person I meet?” She asked, a bit more quietly.

Meanwhile, Jade would most likely recognize the Dragon girl that she had helped rescue some time ago... was it a week or two weeks ago? It didn’t matter. Such details are often irrelevant.

Xiaolongu stood out mostly because of her height and strong build, the blessings of her draconic heritage. Being an attractive creature garbed in a modern Beverly girl’s clothes would only make it more awkward and uncomfortable for the conservative girl from rural China... without even adding the fact that she turns into a veritable engine of devastation. She briefly glanced in Jade’s direction, and maintained a few moments of eye contact- a startling familiarity born of that time she arrived in L.A.
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by The Nekromonga January 26th 2013, 10:17 pm

((As the others say they'll wait to enter, the order goes back to Swordsmaster to post))

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Swordsmaster January 27th 2013, 1:26 pm

So she was obviously not from any sort of English speaking country at all, that much was obvious when the tall Asian girl spoke some Asian language that Darren would have never understood in the first place. Next, after a long wait for her to figure out what he said, came the English. Ah, sweet English, so easy to understand and much better for Darren to reply to. “Yea, I’m not even going to try to pronounce that, how’s about I just call you Xia, Xia sound good? Great, name’s Darren by the way.” He said with a grin upon his face. He had just run for two days straight and now most people would be worn out but, not Darren. No apparently having ADHD and being a superhuman meant you ran on a lot more energy that most people, who knew? Certainly not him, that was for sure.

He of course rose an eyebrow at what she said, or whispered, next so she got one of the messages somehow too then? Oh now this was priceless, usually Darren was late to show up to everything and was the one who had no idea what was going on but apparently she didn’t know much more than him either, score! “Well seeing as we are both waiting here in the lobby like the message told us, than yes, yes I am tall stuff.” Sure, he knew her name but tall stuff fit her a lot better than Xia, Xia was just too short of a name and he had no idea how to pronounce her real name. It may be true that if he took the time and effort to understand it he could figure it out, but where was the fun in that when you could simply make up names for everyone?

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by AmusedGlint January 29th 2013, 2:30 am

What a minute? Was that? Jade stepped closer to examine the individual across the room. The night had been a haze for her, the adrenaline clouded her memory, but she was sure that that was the girl- or rather, the dragon turned girl from the other day. However there was no way to be sure unless she was able to assess her up close, but from her unnatural height- especially for an Asian woman. Her boots clicked against the floor as she took a step forward, but was intercepted by a girl asking if she was "Miss Jade". The Vietnamese woman stopped in her tracks and regarded the girl before her, she couldn't be more than... seventeen? Sixteen? Either way, she knew Jade's name, so that must mean that she was an avid follower of Meta Human affairs, or she was one herself. Yet it would be very coincidental that Jade would meet a "fan" here, thus it was concluded that the girl was a Meta.

"Yes," Jade answered with a smile, "I am Jade, but before I do any official introductions, I think we need to greet our friend over here." Her eyes glanced in the general direction of the tall girl and her male companion and strode forward with a brisk pace, the heels of her boots clicking against the tile as she did so. "Hello?" She inquired upon approaching the two, still wearing her smile from before. "I believe we've met, correct? From the night at the dock... though I cannot for the life of me remember your name, I'm sorry." It was then that she remembered there was another standing next to the dragon girl. "Oh, and we've certainly haven't met, but of course," Jade glanced around, "the hospital is hardly the best place to talk. Shall we head out to the vehicle where we can discuss this in private?" Then as a way to lighten the mood, she stated a rather weak joke, "Don't worry, my van isn't white and I don't have candy."
Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 118
Age : 28
Registration date : 2013-01-02

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Augsp January 30th 2013, 3:26 am

“Nope, we haven't,” Elle replied cheerfully.
“And I'm pretty sure that i am one of the speicial people,”She added with a smile, whipping off her baseball hat. She shok her blond hair free and smiled
“may i come with you?”Her brother asked cautuously.
“I'm hust her to look over my baby sister here, so if you want Ican go,” he said and dutifully placed a hand on Elle's right shoulder. Elke slapped it away and giggled.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 183
Location : SOUTH Korea
Age : 24
Job : What kind of twelve year old has a job?
Humor : Nyan!
Registration date : 2012-12-12

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Gastly January 30th 2013, 3:46 am

((OOC: I'm guessing since I was supposed to reply here but was late, I'll slot in now before the post goes back to Nekro. Please correct me if I'm wrong Razz))

Late. Of course he was late. Tony was notorious for being fashionably late. He had gotten himself distracted on the way to the hospital. The message that he had received was shady, and he had almost no clue if he should trust it. However, he decided to just go with it and hope for the best. It wasn’t going to hurt him to just see what was happening. Even on his way there, he had gotten lost. Tony ended up having to ask a multitude of people to direct him to the hospital. He wondered why in the world they were meeting in a hospital, out of all places.

He spent a short moment examining the outside of the building. He adjusted the sunglasses that he had over his bright green eyes and grinned. It had been an impromptu type of meeting, and he wasn’t prepared, but he did come prepared for the glaring lights of the Californian sun, at least. He entered the building, and gave the area a quick scan. His eyes fell on the girl that stood at the same towering height as him. Tony always thought he was a tall guy, but obviously if he was going to stop growing, this girl was going to have him beat. He pulled out his phone and checked the anonymous message again, and looked around. He really wasn’t too sure who he was supposed to meet and what he looked like. Though, it seemed as if around the tall girl was a gathering, so he decided to just ask them. He hadn’t anything to lose, after all.

He walked over to the group and laughed, “Hey there guys! I’m wondering if any of you know,” he paused to check his phone, “where I might find a Vietnamese woman by the name of Jade.” He grinned and waited for a response, but then decided to add in a joke or two. “It says here that I’m young and confused. I’m hoping they’re not trying to send me to the nuthouse.” he let out a loud laugh and just scratched the back of his neck a bit awkwardly. Obviously he thought his jokes were just the most hilarious things ever.

Day With A Dragon ApVN9CQ

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 50
Registration date : 2012-08-14

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by The Nekromonga January 30th 2013, 6:49 am

Xiao was a bit confused at the antics of this Darren fellow. She certainly didn’t grasp his sense of humor immediately, taking awhile to catch on. “Oh... you call me tall stuff.... because I am taller? Okay. You funny. I suppose we wait for others.” She said, politely laughing a rather fake laugh as to not seem offensive. She found speaking to the swordsmaster still a bit of a chore. She looked around, and surely enough, others began to arrive.

“Other people come now. Let’s talk to them.”

As she walked over, Xiao looked at Jade, keeping her eyes on the lady for a few moments then having a great feeling she had met her before, a familiar presence. Xiao recognized her as much by scent as sight, and she was slightly embarrassed... surely people did not smell each other! She was barely conscious back then, but she saw her rescuers’ faces. “Ah... you... and the others, you help me when I come to America. Thank you so much. Do you know where they now?” She bowed as she said her thanks. as of yet she couldn't contact the one who arranged this all.

By now, Xiao was getting conscious of the number of people arriving. Thankfully, all of them seemed to have been informed beforehand. She responded to Anthony, “Yes. This woman is Jade.” She politely pointed out the older lady to Anthony. Overall she felt at ease now, since their elder was a lady, as well as Elle, someone her age. She dared to hope that she might find friends here.

Xiao looked at the small crowd the young people had become. She decided to simply focus on the activity they were here for. “Jade say hospital not good for talking; Jade we go someplace else, yes?”

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Swordsmaster January 30th 2013, 7:15 pm

“Yea Xia, that’s why I call you tall stuff, because you are like seriously tall girl, I mean aren’t Asians supposed to be short or something?” He asked jokingly with a big old smile on his cute, Australian sun kissed face. After Xia said something about waiting to meet some other people, they of course showed up; four more people if he was to be accurate and none of them looked like they could prove even the tiniest of threats to him. He simply stood there and listened to everything the four of them had to say, making his own witty comment to counter the one by the lady Jade who apparently called them all here. ”Aww man, you mean I won’t get to ride in some big white van with no windows or backseats and eat candy all the way back to New York?”

Sure, it wasn’t the best thing in the world to joke about but hey, it was a joke and it had to be said, not only that but she did bring up the topic therefore technically giving way to jokes about it. ”Anywho, like Tall Stuff said, where we going Misssss Jade, I’d like to know more about this whole secretive message and meeting before I agree to anything.” Sure, he was the idiot Australian, the Talons Hobo Kid, the Immature Jokester with a sword, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a brain. He actually had a pretty big brain and he certainly wasn’t going anywhere with some lady that he didn’t know in some van when she didn’t even know him yet. She’d have to be crazy if she thought she could just waltz right in and make him do whatever the fudge she wanted.

Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Quote : "Fairy dust isn't the same as Pixie dust man..."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 436
Age : 27
Registration date : 2011-05-13

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by AmusedGlint February 2nd 2013, 2:10 am

"Not so loud!" Jade found herself hissing at the teens, though the bossiness that came through with her voice was an unintended effect. “Though you there is nothing wrong with any of us, proclamation that we are…” Her voice lowered to a whispered for this next part, “Meta Humans,” then it resumed its normal volume, “will not sit well with many people here due to the current events. Discussing our next step in here may incite fear within others, and though I am sure that every single individual here is capable of holding their own in a fight, you must learn that there are other ways to settle issues aside from violence.” With her warning done, Jade began to address the questions of the charges, studying them as she did so. They were not what she thought they would be at all. She supposed she imagined them as being much… shorter and more… violent; and though the images of the children did was not something that she expected, she did not mind for this meant that her job would be much simpler than she had in mind… hopefully.

“Yes,” said she to the newest teen to their party, her mind so frayed at the moment that she forgot to exercise caution whilst revealing her identity, “Yes, of course,” to the girl and her brother, “and according to my knowledge, I will take you all to a facility that is well equipped to protect the lot of us, and to provide a safe place for you to learn about not just your powers but about you as an individual.” Jade glanced at the black clock on the hospital walls. She was going to save this part of the speech until they reached Beverly House, but it was now or never. With a beckoning of her hand she gestured for them to follow her, and with that she left the hospital and headed towards the van that was loaned to her by Agent Ellie. Those who wished to follow her were welcomed to do so, those who did not want to proceed were free to leave as they willed.

“Truthfully, Beverly House was created so that Meta Humans would not be defined for the powers they possess, but for the people beneath those powers. There are some of you who might see my message as ‘cheesy’ and ‘unoriginal’ but by God it is better than the grim alternative.” Jade had reached her van now, and pressed the unlock button twice, eliciting a double reply from the vehicle. “Now I will not lie to you, when Dominus comes knocking at our door, we will have to register ourselves because it will be for the best. Keep in mind that by having our powers known to the public, medical centers would have better knowledge on how to deal with your ailments and injuries. “ Stopping to take a breath, the Asian woman surveyed the faces that had chosen to follow her here. They were Meta Humans, each and every one of them. It was quit breathtaking to be honest. Jade had never before seen so many powered individuals gathered in one place, even if there were just roughly five or six of them. “So, what do you say? Will you come with me?” With another press of a button on her key chain, a door slid open to reveal the sleek leather covered seats within, inviting the teens to choose whether or not they would trust this odd woman who was no one to them until tonight.
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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Augsp February 2nd 2013, 2:41 am

“You bet!”Elle replied quietly with her eyes glinting.
“I'll just...tag along,”Grant said with a little uncertanity.“of course you're coming, morn. Remember what dad said?”Elle replied teasingly and pulled a chocolate bar out iof her back pocket and nibbled on it. Least she had a little candy.

“But if they come, I wouldn't go so easily. I lead a team. Most of them are like me, and they need me. I'm not part of this. This is for my sister. Alright?”Grant suddenly added. And it was all true. Whatever happened. He woukld stay true-until his family was threatened, anyway. They were the most important one to him.
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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

Post by Gastly February 2nd 2013, 10:24 pm

Tony let out a laugh and just waved at everyone around him. He wasn't sure exactly what to say so he just followed the group out of the hospital and towards the van. He never did like hospitals. They were too sterile and clean for his tastes. Bad things happened in hospitals, and most of the time, he tried to keep himself a kilometres distance away from the place. He pondered the offer for a moment and then just shrugged. The facility might give him the opportunity to do more with what he had, after all.

"Well, why the hell not, I've got nothing to lose from this!" he said with a small grin. There was no reason not to follow the woman, and if anything were to go wrong, well, he could probably just run away. "Though I'm hoping none of this is a set up." He was still slightly sceptical about it all. An anonymous message, apparently sent to meta humans like him, and putting a bunch of them in a van to take to some place who knows where. It seemed like the type of thing where everything was just a hoax and it was all just a plan to lure them into one place and knock them out. The word 'facility' was something to be sceptical about too, but he decided to let it all slide for the time being.

"The name is Tony, by the way. And it's a pleasure to meet all of you!" he said, gesturing to himself as he said so. He thought it might as well be appropriate to introduce himself before getting into the van. It was always good to know who you were working with.

Day With A Dragon ApVN9CQ

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Day With A Dragon Empty Re: Day With A Dragon

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