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Lab Rats

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Lab Rats Empty Lab Rats

Post by Morpheus Complex June 13th 2017, 6:22 pm

Donovan was in one of his highly secret laboratories on a private island in the pacific. He walked through the corridors of the very bottom level of the lab. They were criminals. He had some of his people aid to break them out of their prisons only to be kidnapped and brought here….for experiments. The lower level was almost pitch black, almost to drive the inmates/test subjects insane. Guards in hazmat suits rushed from the elevator, opened up a cell door and began beating one of the inmates. Donovan counted. Eight seconds before he passed out. He saw the whole thing through his night vision sunglasses. One of the guards carried the criminal on his shoulder and hauled him to the elevator. The inmates didn’t react to the noise that they were making. They were used to it. Donovan followed them to the elevator.
“Hello, Mr. King.”
After a few moments of silence, they had reached the Weapons Testing Wing. This wing was not too much unlike the Prison Wing, but this time it was well lit and kept very clean and white. The cells were had one way windows. Scientists were in front of each one, writing things down on their clipboards. Some of the subjects had red dots on them. Others were constantly bleeding through their eyes, ears, noses, and mouths. A scientist injected the man that took a beating with green liquid. The hazmat guards opened up an empty white room, filled with nothing but white walls and white tiles. They threw him inside and closed the door. He began to come to.

A few hours later, after witnessing nothing happen to the man, except for his screams for help, his crying, and the very amusing breaking of his psyche, he began to feel nauseous. He held his stomach until something interesting happens. He began projectile vomiting. He was also projectile from the other end. And he didn’t stop. One minute later of his vomiting and diarrhea, he dropped to the floor. His body was drained of its fluids. Donovan nodded. “I need the effects to start to take root at least a week in advance of exposure. It will need time to spread.”

Donovan walked out of an cave, where the entrance to the facility had been hidden. He looked in a huge ditch. It was filled with dead bodies. Dozens. All nude. He makes a quick side note to properly scold the maintenance for this. He looks at his helicopter on the beach and began to walk towards it. He was particularly excited about this quarter. He expected to see massive returns.
Morpheus Complex
Morpheus Complex

Status :


Warnings : 1 Warning
Number of posts : 39
Location : I am in a basement. Call for help.
Age : 26
Job : Funemployed
Humor : "I was ask to take the red pill or the blue pill. I stiood up, kicked his ass, swallowed both pills, went to his house and f*cked his wife."
Registration date : 2016-08-21

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Lab Rats Empty Re: Lab Rats

Post by Orsy June 14th 2017, 12:38 pm

The skies above the Mid-Pacific ocean were calm and bright blue.  Gulls flapped along, squawking in the air as they circled around the many tiny islands that rise from volcanic activity.  Other than the sound of birds, the air would be silent except for the calm trickling of the moving waters.  Though the skies suddenly darkened as a sudden emergence of a storm cloud blocked the sun, growing and booming with thunder.  Strangely enough, however, the wind did not pick up and no lightning struck the ground.  Instead, a loud boom of thunder crackled through the air as a bright circle of multicolored light seemed to be drawn within the clouds.  The circle suddenly opened up light a heavenly doorway and let out a thin, glowing bridge like structure of the same multicolored light.

Lydia, the Valkyrie, slowly stepped out of the bright gateway, her steel sabatons clanking against the rainbow as if it was as solid as a city street.  The heavily armored woman looked out across the seas for a moment before extending her massive angel wings and taking flight, the gateway disappearing along with the storm clouds right after.  Why was a warrior of Asgard flying in the middle of the Pacific?  Heimdallr, the keeper of the Bifrost, had used his sight to see that a large tsunami struck the shores of Eastern Asia as a result of a large quake in the ocean.  To Asgard, these quakes are usually due to the presence of Jormungandr, the World Serpent.  So Lydia was sent to investigate the Great Worm’s contribution to the natural disaster.

The flight along the salty ocean was calm, warm, but too quiet.  Jormungandr is very large, large enough to coil around the whole planet and nip at his own tail, possibly the largest living being in Midgard.  Yet, there is no sign of his presence in these waters.  The more the Valkyrie looked, the more it was evident that the snake hasn’t surfaced from the seas just yet and Ragnarok was not yet upon the world.

Disappointed and annoyed, Lydia was about to cease her flight and ask for the Keeper to open up the Bifrost for her.  But she found herself passing through a dome of some sort, like an illusionary field that prevented something from being spotted.  Curious, Lydia hovered in place above the sea and looked down to see an entire island that was not there moments ago.  An island on which a modern facility was housed.  The winged woman quietly swooped down closer to the facility and let out a quiet gasp in shock at what she had spotted; a deep pit in front of the facility entrance, filled to the brim with rotting corpses.

The deaths of mortals was not something Lydia would usually get worked up over, but these bodies were laid out in the open and seemed to have died without being given a fair fight.  Their deaths were dishonorable, and the fact that they were not given a proper funeral only made that dishonor weigh heavier.  The Valkyrie’s gaze switched to a man in a clean suit, casually walking past the corpses and heading towards a human flying machine.  Somehow, this man was responsible for all this dishonor, and Lydia was not going to let it pass.

As the man in the suit approached his helicopter, he’d be met by the sudden sight of a short sword flying through the air and striking the tail of the vehicle, slicing it off completely and ruining the craft.  Afterwards, the blade would quickly fly up from the ground and into the Valkyrie’s hand, who was hovering above the beach with an intense glare focused down on the man.  “How dare you bring dishonor to the dead!  Only a coward to perform such misdeeds!  I will send you to Hel myself, human!”  Lydia let out a battle cry before summoning her shield onto her left arm and swooped down at him at great speeds, charging into battle.
Post Mate
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Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Lab Rats Empty Re: Lab Rats

Post by Morpheus Complex June 18th 2017, 6:30 pm

As Maverick headed towards the copter, within a flash the tail wing was sliced off. “What!?” He looked around, far from pleased. He looked up into the air to find what appeared to be an angel clad in armor. “Great…”
He grabbed the color on his suit, and spoke into it. “We’ve been compromised. But I am more than able to handle it. Lock all exits and entrances.” He looked up at the Angel saying nothing. She flew at him. “How dare you bring dishonor to the dead! Only a coward to perform such misdeeds! I will send you to Hell myself, human!” He slightly knitted his eyebrow. He was angry. How dare she cast judgement on him. Everyone else is too cowardly to do what needs to be done, what he has always done. As she flew at him, he barely had to react. He reaches out to his telekinesis, and he felt his body surge. He stopped her in her tracks. He was going to have fun with this one. Donovan shoved her into the ocean, surfing her body against the current, wetting her wings. He threw her out and into the steel frame of the helicopter, and repeatedly smashed her body against it, damaging it severely. He can afford a new one. He usually wouldn't let his emotions get to him. But her comment really made him mad. She and these other heroes. It all just pissed off the Corporate Executive. The Pilot got out of the Copter. Good. He ripped apart the machine, and raised her body into the air. He had the pieces of copter surrounding her, and smashed all of it towards her, creating a ball. He slammed the ball down to the sand on the beach below. “That should do it...can’t let my guard down though...she could be resilient. He Donovan squeezed on the debris, hopefully crushing her body.
Morpheus Complex
Morpheus Complex

Status :


Warnings : 1 Warning
Number of posts : 39
Location : I am in a basement. Call for help.
Age : 26
Job : Funemployed
Humor : "I was ask to take the red pill or the blue pill. I stiood up, kicked his ass, swallowed both pills, went to his house and f*cked his wife."
Registration date : 2016-08-21

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Lab Rats Empty Re: Lab Rats

Post by Orsy June 19th 2017, 11:10 am

“Guh!  W-what sorcery is this!?”  Lydia demanded as she felt her body stop dead in the air, her wings and limbs being stretched out like a frog on a dissection table.  “Ergh…  You think this will stop me, mortal?  I cannot be stopped so easily.. I am might~ Eeeeeeeh!”  She yelled out as her body was suddenly flung towards the ocean, her body skipping across the top like a flat rock and wetting her wings.  The Valkyrie would hope this was the end but her body was flung yet again into the side of the helicopter, “Aagh!”  The force was enough to cause the woman pain, but luckily her body was durable enough to survive making such a dent in the vehicle.  “Ugh!  Ergh!  Gaah!”  She continued to grunt out in pain as the telekinetic man continued to smash her face into the steel helicopter frame, the metal crumpling from the force of her body slamming into it over and over again.

The trauma was finally over, but the beating wasn’t as Donovan lifted her into the air again.  Lydia was still dazed from the beating, but even if she wasn’t she couldn’t move a muscle.  The helicopter was ripped in half and Lydia let out another cry in pain as the pieces of metal were smashed into her at all angles, and squeezed it into a metal cocoon around her body before slamming her into the ground.  “Ergh…  I-I will not.. Be vanquished… by human trickery..” Lydia grunts and groans as her mental prison closes in on her form more, crushing her with its might.

Donovan would see that the clear blue skies above would suddenly grow dark and thick with storm clouds, the quiet ocean air began to boom with the sound of thunder.  The sky flashed as lightning struck the ocean mere meters away from the island itself as the stormclouds grew more fierce by the second.  There was a loud CRACKOOM! and a large, bright bolt of lightning struck the tightly packed ball of metal, and continued to arc through it like a tesla coil.  Branching arcs of electricity would scratch through the sand, turning it to glass as the ball of metal began to glow red hot from the continuous stream of lightning.

Lydia would suddenly bust out from the top of the ball, her sword held high as the lightning travels through it and her.  The Valkyrie glared down at the suited man, her body and armor having taken some good damage from the repeated slamming.  “Foolish human!  Prepare to feel the full might of the Storms!”  She let out a battle cry before aiming her sword at Donavan and directing the full bolt of lightning straight at him with another loud boom of thunder!
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : Don't let the kitty fool you, this Orsy is a happy boi.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 143
Location : Somewhere
Age : 28
Job : None'ya
Registration date : 2015-01-06

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Lab Rats Empty Re: Lab Rats

Post by Sponsored content

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