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Aria Murakis

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Aria Murakis Empty Aria Murakis

Post by Cerek April 15th 2017, 5:24 am

Aria Murakis

"It always makes things awkward when I tell people I can see their thoughts, like yes Sally my ass is nicer than yours and your boyfriend knows."

The Bio

Real Name: Aria Murakis
Hero/Villain/Renegade Name: Project Artemis
Title: Project Artemis
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Age: 73
Race: Herbarium perfectum hominem
Hair:Jet black
Eyes:Jet black
Height: 5 feet 6 inches
Blood type: N/A

The Looks

The Personality

Aria has been through ringer in her time past her activation, she was introduced early on to human trafficking as she was found and sold to them after the incident in the Pacific laboratory. She's witnessed and been a part of some of the worst crimes committed on men by men. It would take a long time before she was fully conscious and sapient, able to think properly and resist her captors with ease. For a decade she wandered by herself with nothing but confusion, anger and regret. She caused destruction wherever she went when someone would get in her way all throughout East Asia. Since various encounters with Cebra and Erum her fire has been tempered some and the hurts of the past healed to point. She found a love of martial arts and the spirit of fighting, indeed she found many things she could enjoy and her attitude underwent a huge shift from a violent angry victim into a woman of considerable strength of mind and body.

There is still a seed of violence, anger and revenge inside her and from time to time it surfaces when pressed, usually brought on by people from her past that have used or abused her. Her everyday attitude is a charming, upbeat one guided by a sharpened silver tongue and very little perverse inhibitions. She goes from crude to witty seamlessly and is a terrible tease. Her deepest kindnesses are reserved only for those who she's seen as worth such feelings, people who would reciprocate those feelings.

The Story

The alternative project to NEA-71 Hephaestus class cyborg AKA Cebra Ulkenne Aria was not only meant to be a weapon but one capable of countering Cebra. The data on the creation of both Cebra and Aria is spotty but part of the process was the creation of an artificial womb and plant proteins to build unique stem cells. During the attack on the facility where both Cebra and Aria were stored Aria was stolen away by mercenaries and was being transported away. During the transport however the craft the mercenaries used was hit by a rival company disguised as pirates, the mercenaries were killed and Aria taken. Aria ended up mentally in a neutral state only responding to commands of a superior, when the pirates took her back to the port where there hideout was something terrible happened. Her last standing orders from her training administrator was to eliminate any hostile bearing a rifle. When she awoke many years later that's when the hell started, the entire port and village where she'd been taken was razed to nothing with not but dead and shanty huts.

Her secondary objective was to return to the closest HQ and await orders, unfortunately the closest one was in Canada near the U.S. border across the ocean. Fortunately her powers permitted her to easily slip aboard a fuel tanker headed for the west coast of Canada. Some time after her arrival and in the middle of her journey to the Vancouver HQ the mask personality program malfunctioned and she gained her identity that was once her mask and all the memories of her upbringing. In her first fit of rage at how she was used she rampaged through the city tearing apart anything and everyone in a fit of rage. This was the first time she encountered Cebra as he tried to stop her, the fight they had was long and brutal but in the end both were completely destroyed. Both however were designed with a means to reconstruct even a completely destroyed body

The Priority

1. Strength
2. Agility
3. Endurance
4. Reaction

The Powers

Solid body: Aria's molecular density is more concentrated than any humans, though you may not suspect it in that small body is the power of bus. She can take a lot of punishment before the pain begins to get to her and she can put an enemy through a wall if she wanted to.

Telepathic skills:

-Telekinetic control: You've seen it before, the ability to move objects with the power of ones mind. Aria can use her mental abilities to move around or throw objects and people. She does have some limitations with that power however, for one if her concentration breaks the object will drop obviously. Another is simply strain, if the psionic energy she's using to hold something or someone is less than a resisting energy field she can lose her hold. This ability however can be used to set things ablaze via creation intense friction in the air and igniting it

-Molecular cohesion field: When she's killed even when her body is completely destroyed the very cells that make her up will try and reassemble. If cells are destroyed then all that's needed is one survivor to multiply and regenerate into a full new Aria. It's very much like every cell in her body is a magnet for the others as well as simulating mitosis

-Mind invasion: The ability not to read a mind but to see images being displayed at the time, this ability cannot see anything that the person isn't currently thinking about . The ability is broadcast so in order for her to zero in on someones thoughts she needs to be alone with them or have some time to concentrate and weed out the others.

The Weaknesses

Solid body: A body that strong requires a lot of energy, if she were to eat the amount of energy she needed in normal food she'd blow up to the size of a house. Aria has a supply of a special Orion product called Hirilium that she steals when possible. She needs to consume them quite frequently and even more so after a fight otherwise her strength will disappear quickly and she will faint.

Telepathic skills: As she uses her telepathic abilities it starts to hurt her brain, as time goes on the pain gets worse. The stress on her mind by using experimental mental abilities can cause her brain to hemorrhage. Though she will always heal and regenerate the pain of her abilities is enough for her to heavily rely on her physical prowess.

Molecular cohesion: The cohesion eventually always works however there are things that can keep her molecules apart for a sustained amount of time. If she is separated in multiple parts in different areas then there is no way for her to be reconstructed, she will remain in pieces until all her parts can contact each other.

The Items

Hirilium tablets: An Orion invention disguised as a simple chemical additive for fuel but is also used to sustain Arias energy

The Fluff

She's not much for personal space, often making others very uncomfortable with how "hands on" she can be. Not hesitating to reach in someones pocket for something or lift someones shirt to look at a wound there's nothing she wont violate. The times where she is more docile and able to be comfortable around Cebra and even hang out he's commented on how forward she is with the touching

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Last edited by Cerek on May 29th 2022, 8:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 622
Location : Montreal QC
Humor : In good balance
Registration date : 2017-03-20

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Aria Murakis Empty Re: Aria Murakis

Post by Super Cutie May 31st 2017, 12:00 am

Just know that the mind invasion is permission based, and this is approved. Spidey


Aria Murakis Tumblr_mh2dgmzN7L1qiz3j8o1_500
Super Cutie
Super Cutie
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : idk.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 920
Location : yes
Age : 32
Job : yes
Humor : yes
Registration date : 2011-02-18

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Aria Murakis Empty Re: Aria Murakis

Post by inquisitor May 8th 2022, 12:49 am

Archived copy:
Forum Moderator
Forum Moderator

Status :

Quote : Fellas, you can walk out of here on your own two legs, or the EMTs can wheel you out on stretchers. Make the right choice. -Gavin Clough

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 161
Location : Being bouyed by the laughter of podlings.
Age : 34
Job : Warbound
Humor : Not child friendly.
Registration date : 2019-03-30

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