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The Spirit

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The Spirit Empty The Spirit

Post by The Daemon March 16th 2015, 12:02 am

The Spirit
"This is a truly fractured dream...this little thing you call reality."

Basic Biography

Real Name: ???
Pseudonym: Guest
Hero/Renegade/Villain Name: The Spirit
Title: "The Unknown", "The One that should never be", "The whispers"
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: undefined
Occupation(s): Spirit
Gender: None
Race: Daemon
Hair: Varies
Eyes: Varies
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Blood type: Blood type of it's host, if applicable at all.

The Looks

Human form (when spirit powers aren't altering apperance)

The Legacy

  DISCLAIMER:This is literally subject to change any single time he get's shot in the head. So I'll go ahead and state his general personality, but please keep in mind you could meet this character and he could be completely different than what you read here.

    Base personality:
              Honest and benevolent spirit that can't catch humor to save his life. His greatest fear is becoming "just like them" (Daemons) and preying upon humanity. He is a curious being that seems to defy everything that one would expect of his race.

    This is a History. But I'm trying to make this a little different like most histores. How? Well I intend to tell you a story. Because this character doesn't have much of a history... but his story "History" goes back arther than his genesis. This story, this history is a story of something that has yet to even happen yet... but is already history. Confused yet, or thinking  "oh God here comes the convoluted shit."? Well hopefully that attitude will change. First let's learn a little history about what out little "Spirit" buddy is.

  Daemon. A greek word that conveyed a supernatural creature between God and man, or more specifically what one would call a spirit. The Spirit world is a rather vast and spaceous place, the only confines to such a place are your own imagination, and those confines are not even of the spirit world, but you yourself. The Spirit world is vast, and it's denizens are unlike anything you could possibly fathom. But I will do my best to convey into words that which cannot be fathomed, and I will do my best to explain the circumstances that had come to pass... all of it starting around this "race" of spirits. The Daemons.

  Daemons are are a collective name for an emobient of spirits, spirits born of concepts. Spirits born of concepts and powerful beliefs. Spirits of Valor, Justice, Purpose, Hope, Serenity, Love and Wisdom were ushered onto the ethereal plane known as "The Spirit world". These were spirits that were isolated from what he have come to know as the "real world". Spirits remained untouched and isolated for so long. They lived enternally, immortal as they continued to gather and do as the spirits did, existing in their own world on their own accord. All was as it should have been.

  Following events transpiring it was not long until the rift between the real world and the spirit world had been breached. A human, the FIRST human somehow managed to bridge the gap between the two worlds and when it touched down into the spirit world...everything changed. This is the part where we insert a joke about the fire nation and realize what a predictable dick we are. After that was all done, the human took note of everything and everyone that it was soon encountering. Spirits and all things that one would not have expected. The Daemon's quickly watched but never revealed themselves to the human, not initially. For it took many years of the human wandering the spirit world before any Daemon appeared to him, learning that he was something called a "Human". Given the recounting of the human they began to realize that this human was form a world entirely unlike their own, a place that was so much different, it was a world that fascinated them because it was so different from their own.

  After a short time the human confessed that he had lost his way as he had ventured to this spirit world, he confessed that now he wished that he could return home and he begged the assistance of the Daemon's in order to do so. In order for helping him, the Human promised that he too would find a way to bring them to his world, so that they may experience it. With the human's know-how and the Daemon's assistance the way was open and the human arrived with a smile. The way was closed soon, the Daemon's disheartened that they could not go through with him, as they had no power in this strange new world. The Daemon's held on to the promise that one day they could expeience a whole other world. A promise that one day would be fufilled.

  The next they saw of the human world was experiencing it, in the flesh. It was true, the man kept to his word. He found a way to bring the Daemon's to his world...and so he did. The Human was revealed to be "Baron Samedi", a man who claimed to be "The first human to die" and whom apparently lost his way to the spirit world. As a gentleman, Baron Samedi upheld his end of the bargain and he taught an elect group of Magi to summon forth the powerful Daemon's. What Baron Samedi did not tell the Magi, was that the means he gave the Magi were a means to bind the Daemon's into their bodies as a form of possession. The Daemon's were none the wiser, they were just elated to be able to experience this world. It was unfortunate that these Daemon would soon find themselves victim to circumstance, a circumstance that would only be known to the Daemon people as "The Schism."

   Daemon's that possessed humans soon began to feel as their hosts did, they experienced love, emotions and all the things that they as Daemon's embodied. Unfortunately where as Daemon's were pure and untarnished, humans were corrupt and blackened with sin. Such corruption began to twist the purity of the Daemon's and by time they returned to the spirit world they were hardly recognizable. Daemon's of Valor had been twisted by man's twisted desire for war and power and thus they had become Daemon's of Battle and war. Daemon's of Justice had lost their impartial nature and in the corruption of human selfishness and emotion they began to care only for personal justice...and so wereborn the Daemon's of Vengence. Daemon's of Serenity cared not for their duties any longer and they collapsed to the whim of human laziness...and so was birthed the Daemon's of sloth. The Daemon's of Hope were influenced by the destitude and hoplessness of the vessels they embodied and so begott the Daemon's of Despair. The Daemon's of Purpose were dedicated to restoring not only the human race, but their own bertheren. However the Daemo's of Purpose were not infallable, as their own desire melded with the humans and twisted them into Daemon's of Obsession. Daemon's of Love were tainted by the depravity of humanity and their perverse conceptions...and thus began the age of the Daemon's of Desire. The last to be introduced are the Daemon's of Wisdom. For their wisdom was what made them like Gods amongst even the other Daemon's. The Daemon's of Wisdom were able to defeat any twisted Daemon and drive back hordes of the corrupt.

   The Schism began when the twisted Daemons were labled "Demon" as they were still there, but they were missing parts of them, their innocence and purity was gone, and so the Daemon's of Wisdom refused to acknowledge them as they acknowledge the other spirits so pure. The Schism was a spiritual argument within the spirit world, it was an arms race of sorts. The Daemon's refused to acknowledge the Demons as "Daemons" where as the Demons declaired that the new aspects they emobieded had always been amongst them. Led by a Daemon of Wisdom, the Daemon's fought against the Demons, this time they called themselves "Spirits" wishing to not even be remotely closed to their tainted bretheren.

  The Schism lasted a long time, and in truth the "battle" still rages within the spirit world...but it is only in the places one would know where to seek it out. The "Schism" was considered ended when the most powerful of the Wisdom Spirit defeated the most powerful of every demon and cast them into the human world. Then, as planned Baron Samedi summoned The Spirit of Wisdom (whom believed himself above corruption and too powrrful to be tained) where he then destoryed the beasts once and for all. It was so wrong however. The Spirit of Wisdom was corrupted, as Baron Samedi remorsefully told him. The Spirit of Wisdom was summoned by Baron Samedi and to battle is not within the nature to a spirit of wisdom. Unfortuantely in the moment the Spirit of Wisdom began to was corrupted. The evidance was when the Spirit of Wisdom failed to consider the possibility of corruption...for it was already corrupted...and it's pride had gotten the better of it. It was not instant...but eventually The most powerful spirit of Wisdom became the most deadly Demon of Pride.

    Ever since it has been a race. Spirits oppose the fallen bretheren. Humans conjure them and force them to act out of nature which causes a transformation into becoming like the fallen bretheren. Some spirits...some spirits are different however. Some "Demons" are different too. For example after all this time Daemon descendants (Demons and Spirits) both are unable to exist in the mortal world in their truest form...except one. The one known without title...the one simply called "Spirit"


The Powers

Powers of the Spirit: This is a small "power set" of sorts. Rather they are powers that are only accesssible when Spirit is in the Spirit world.

  • Omni-Awareness: The ability to see all things, both detectible and not detectable within a vast radius. This is explained as Spirit being able to spread out it's concsciousness to envelop an entire area. While it may not be able to see something, it will know that it is there. While it may not know the motives, the plans the intentions or the motives behind a creature it still is aware of the pressence of all things in this radius. (I.e:    The Seraph and Sarah are in the Spirit World and in the general area of "Spirit". Spirit is able to sense (be they invisible,intangable or otherwise cloaked) that two individuals have entered the area. It is able to tell when Seraph draws his sword or Sarah charges energy etc, etc. It CANNOT read minds or "see" someone who is invisible.)
  • Cognitive convergance: The ability to "manifest" in any location within it's area of omni-awarenss.
  • Communative telepathy: The ability to converse from a distance, or "speak" and hear into the minds of others ONLY for conversation sake. (PC Permission)
  • Dreamscape:

The ability to "warp" the apperance and consistancy of the area covered by it's Omni-awareness to fit a comfortable setting for itself or the areas inhabitants. (I.e: Sarah wanders into "Spirit's" area and the area now suddenly appears to be a place Sarah is comfortable and familiar with.) (PC permission)

Kindred Spirits: "Spirit" has the ability to detect, recognize and discern other spirits.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: "Spirit" is unlike any other kind of it's brethern, unlike any other spirit it's visual appeal always subject to the person looking at it. "Spirit" always looks to be a picture-perfect poster boy for whatever a person would percieve a "spirit" to look like. This can be "subjective" to each person participating in the role-play. Spirit is fully aware of how others percieve him as if it also percieved itself that way, though it has no access to the other person's mind. It is explained as a form of "spirit reflection" that when it looks to someone it instinctly knows how it appears to them and immediately begins to feel hat way about itself. Likewise when it looks to another person it begins to reflect and act as if it percieves itself to that person. (I.e: Sarah and Vanguard are in a stand off against one and other for God knows what reason. Vanguard stole the last cheesy puff. "spirit" comes to assit Sarah and as it acts in justice it begins to appear like the very "image" of justice itself to Sarah. When "Spirit" turns to Vangard, Vanguard may see this "Spirit" as a spirit of Vengence rather than a spirit of justive, and as such it could look like a horribly battered and deformed creature with six legs and a featus growing out of it's back. Both Vanguard AND Sarah are right. It is exactly as they see.) Simplified: Shape-shifting that is subject to the other roleplayer.

The power of belief: "Spirit" gains powers and weaknesses depending upon what it is people percieve him as. He can only be perceived as either a "Spirit" or a "Demon". The difference is explained in the history and while people can percieve them however they want the powers will always fall in line with one of the listed Spirits/Demons.
*Other forms will be seen and introduced through advancements.

A Daemon's fate: "Spirit" has the ability to remove itself from the mortal world and sit in "limbo" between the spirit world and the mortal world, making it imperceptible to people and technology, even going so far as to remove itself from being detected by normal soul-sense and completely removed from memories of all others that percieved it. Once it has entered an inperceptible state to escape combat it cannot reveal itself before the same being in that topic. (escape mechanism when used in combat) When not hidden by its imperceptibility, its "visage" being recorded will record it in its human form.

Empathic manipulation: (Permission based) The ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of others.

Psychometry: (Permission based) The ability to see the "echos" of the past through people and objects near him. This allows him minor insight to past events and to see things that might have happened.

Traces of myself: "Spirit" has one inherent power that seems to be prominant in all forms it takes. This power is the minor ability to maniplate memories (with PC permission when needed).

The Weaknesses

Weakness of the Spirit: Acquires weaknesses depending upon which spirit it is percieved as.

Awareness is NOT Omniscience: While Omni-Awareness give a perfect understanding of what is in a general area and what it happening it does NOT mean that they know everything. (i.e: Seraph draws his sword and Sarah turns invisible somehow before running a good distance before drawing a knife of her own. Spirit knows that Sarah is in the general area and is knows she is armed, but it DOES NOT know exactly where she is, what she is thinking or what her intentions are.

Easily influenced: Because of the very nature of who and what "Spirit" is, it is easily influenced and affected by the actions of those around it as certain actions can prompt it to transform into certain types of spirits/demons regardless of "spirits" own desires or willpower.

Spirits wards: Spirit is unable to pass into a protected area or a sanctified area without being invited in.

Emathy is death Exposure to intense emotions forces the transformation into a Spirit or a Demon. Depending upon the emotion. (i.e: Mad = Vengence or Rage. Sad = Sloth or Despair. Peace or Happiness = Serenity)

Psychometic Realism: Entering his state of Psychometry causes him to freeze, hold in place and experience the event as if he himself were in the past, living the event. He can feel, smell and taste everything, he can hear and see everything as well. This could be bad living through a memory getting shot or a memory of dying.

Psychometric Switch: After emrging from a Psychometric vision it is very possible that he will actually confuse his vision for actual events that transpired in his past. It can be confusing to have two people belive they are Inigo Montoya.

Forget me Not: Spirit is not easily recalled, however it is possible to circumvent forgetting Spirit if one has the intellectual know-how to "cheat" such a power. Items like the "Forget me Not(e) and a means to replay the past from ones mind will allow others to witness Spirit and remember him. (Psychometry is not one such means)

Defying primal nature: Spirit is trying to defy its primal nature to feed upon the emotions and prey upon mortals. In doing so there are always temptations, but it's primary fear is hurting humans, especially should it transform into a demon on accident.

Gullible: Spirit is gullible to the degre you could convince it that the earth used to be flat and it somehow turned into a sphere...which is why some maps are flat.

Physical Diversity: Spirit is strong in some forms. It's weak in other forms. It often times forgets what form of spirit it is at the moment, and will cause itself pain or frustration by trying an overly phsycially tasking attack or action.

Immortality and Rebirth: When "Spirit" dies it's simply reborn in the spirit world. He may not look the same, he may not have the same personality. But he is reborn. He has no memories of former allies and enemies, nor any information it's gathered.

Power Negation: Spirit's powers are able to be entirely negated (in all forms) by other highly powerful spirits that have the element of surprise on him.

Spirit summoning: Any two-bit occultist can summon and trap a spirit.

Beacon: When his imperceptibility power is not active, any and all spirits willbe able to look upon and recognize "Spirit" as a powerful Daemon, even when i is unaware of what it is.

What am I?: Spirit has an idea of what it is, though it has no idea what kind of spirit it is, and ultimately leaves it's personality and it's powers subject to interpritation.

RP Mechanics

Immortality: Daemon's are not truly living, therefore they cannot truly die. Therefore it is truly immortal.

Spirit: "Spirit" is unlike the others of it's race, it's name written out is even different than what it's name truly is, and everyone will see a different name.

Defined by apprance: When "Spirit" is identiied as a spirit is when it's powers of shifting and it's appreance changes. When it is in a "guise" it appears to be human.

Rallying point: Spirit has access to the hidden areas where his powerful Daemon race hides within the spirit world. He also has the ability to call spirits or demons forth with enough effort. He could be used as a resource if numbers and allies were ever needed... for any alignment.

Physical Priority

1 : Reaction : 1
2 : Endurance : 2
3 : Strength : 3
4 : Agility : 4

140 XP from Zell/Samhain
156 XP form Tsxero
4 XP from Silus
The Daemon
The Daemon

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 33
Registration date : 2015-03-16

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The Spirit Empty Re: The Spirit

Post by Samael Christensen March 16th 2015, 6:23 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

The immortal with not enough patience for this- Adam Johnson (Vampire boi)
The Ravens Son- Samael Christensen
The Half angel/Half brother - Nathaniel Christensen
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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