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Panic Cord
The SuperHero RPG :: The Superhero RPG Universe aka Roleplay Section :: North America :: United States of America :: Tampa Bay, Florida
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Panic Cord
P a n i c . . . c o r D
Soft footsteps resonated against bright white tiles that stretched to meet white washed walls. A woman was walking alone, wearing nothing but shame. Everything that was out of her reach was swallowed by inky blackness. That same blackness was eating her from the inside. Her skin was a ghostly pale that resembled porcelain. Silvery hair came to her knees, and flowed behind of her like the elegant train of a virgin bride's wedding gown. Silken strands were left behind as she continued forward into the darkness. The gorgeous train of hair became shorter on her journey. Light bruises began to form over supple, innocent flesh. They soon became dark purple hand prints that formed around of her arms, her shoulders, her collar bone. Her cheeks. Her lower lip split and blood dribbled down her chin. Still, she continued forward, wearing nothing but her shame...- :
- :
"Maybe things don't happen for a reason... Maybe things only happen when you want them to happen... At least, that's what I've tried to convince myself. Karma is hard to ignore. What goes around... heh... heh... Definitely comes right back around," spoke the woman whose voice was like an Angelic being.
Her teeth were now awash with the blackness that consumed her insides. The blackness, however, was only blood. The taste of copper clung to her tongue, and she felt weak at the knees as a cut formed along her left cheek bone.
"Blood..." croaking the single syllable word sapped her of the energy she had left.
Crumpling to her knees, she looked up into the blackness and it started to swallow her. It came in from her left side, completely leaving that field of vision blind. Depending solely on her right eye, she blinked away the tears she had been absentmindedly crying, and sobbed a final time.
A window sat open, soft morning light pouring in. A stained glass ornament, home made, cast the light in an array of colors. Blue, red, pink, orange, and green. A heavenly aroma of honey dew and fresh cut grass wafted into the room, sheer white curtains billowing in the gentle breeze. Whispering wind crawled over a sleeping woman whose chest rose and fell softly, blankets curled around of her. Despite this beautiful morning, nightmares were hard to keep away.
Stirring from sleep nowadays was an average thing for Skyler Snowden. With both eyes snapping open, she could only see from her right one. The silver irises no longer matched. Her left eye was now a milky white, a gaping scar crawling up into her brow, and to the peak of her cheek. Tears leaked from both eyes, her breath quicker than normal. Taking a moment to analyze her situation, she realized she was having a mild panic attack. She sat up abruptly and noticed Lilia wasn't in the room.
This only made Skyler panic more.
The blankets that clung to cold sweat speckled skin were thrown off. The sheets fluttered to the ground in a heap, and Skyler fumbled to dash out of the room and look for Lilia. Skidding across the hallway rug, it bunched up against the wall. She frantically made her way down the stairs. Skyler ran straight into the banister at the end, knocking the wind out of herself. Groaning, she stood for a moment to collect herself. Aching from head to toe, she sighed and recovered when she heard soft hums from the kitchen.
"Lilia... Aiva..." she finally said while padding over.
Her shoulders slumped, and a sigh of relief rushed through her. With bed head, Skyler sat down at the table and leaned her forehead onto the cold wooden surface.
"Morning mommy!" Aiva chirped, and then slowly lost her delightful mood.
Last edited by Chellizard on December 17th 2014, 7:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."
Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
Warnings :
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15
Re: Panic Cord
The forecast for the day was supposedly mild with a cool easterly breeze coming through, the last remnants of a recent storm kissing the air with the faint scent of rain and mildew. People were finally getting ready for the oncoming winter, relocating to the warmer regions for a more summery Christmas, or so they said. The little town nestled under the shadow of the Blood Mountain range was slowly getting into the holiday spirit, fairy lights clung to trees and the traditional reds and greens began to sprout up in many public spaces, littering the area with a not-so-subtle wink and the festivities to come. The stresses of the year were slowly uncoiling, the vast socio-political landscape forever changed after the events that took place several months ago. No matter how hard the people attempted to smother the shameful government ploys with holiday cheer, Dominus' poison still remained.
Although the news headlines had shrunk back down to celebrities and their dresses there was no denying the seemingly omnipresent ghost of the Cold War that raged behind the scenes. Who was Dominus? Was Adam Paxton wrong all this time? Such queries were now left to the intellectuals and the conspiracy seekers, people who may never understand the depravity and mutilated beliefs of the agency that was 'For the People'. The public knew little of how it ended, cover stories did enough to hide the real drama but many did wander what happened to the infamous agents and the man who led them. What had happened to that poor Russian metahuman who was displayed across the Televisions of America.
Many thought her dead...and for a time they were right. Agent Etoile was no more, only Lilia remained.
Even after the torture and pain that rose to a gargantuan crescendo in Dominus's last hours the girl still survived, as if she were testing Fate itself. The losses along the way still burnt the girl's heart and the nightmares were ever present, tangible horrors that assaulted her mind. She could hear their screams, feel the heat and terror that plagued those endless hours and yet, it was all just a distant chapter now. It shouldn't of mattered anymore, but it did. Guilt freely roamed the ballerina's heart and even in this cocoon of newfound safety the reminders of her failings were too great to ignore. The scars and mutilations still hurt but it was the pain of her loved ones that brought the most excruciating pain.
Skyler suffered for her and the porcelain skinned changeling could never forgive herself for it.
It was on this morning, with the flitting breeze and the faintest traces of snow had the ballerina woken up early to prepare herself for the day. Sleeping had become a challenge, even when she was wrapped in her gaurdian's protective grip. Illya, Franklin, Persephone, Adam, the names haunted the recesses of her mind and demanded she stay awake. Lilia would not dare fall asleep if her livelihood was threatened, let alone Skyler's safety. So before the sun even rose the porcelain skinned teenager was already up.
Lilia cleaned, washed, dried, showered, stretched, cleaned some more and took to the ever challenging task of cooking, something which her holographic 'sibling' found highly amusing.
"Lilia, remember what happened last time?" Aiva would tutt, shaking her shimmering head whilst prancing atop the stove. The 10 inch Lilia lookalike wasn't known for her subtlety and the mere thought of the Russian attempting to cook breakfast without any accident sent humoured signals buzzing through her AI.
"It's just toast!" Lilia frowned, whispering loud enough to convey her early morning irritation yet soft enough not to wake the young woman upstairs.
Before Aiva could even rebut the muffled noises of frantic footsteps echoed on the floor above. The squeaking of sprinting soles against lacquered timber rung out loud and the resounding stampede down the stairs sent a worried seed of confusion deep in Lilia's core. Skyler wasn't one to panic...well, before the accident anyway.
The silver haired warrior swiftly appeared, from around the dry wall, the loud thump signalling her arrival. She was dressed in her usual sleeping gear, bra and panties, a rather revealing outfit compared to the ballerina's more modest jumper and knee length socks combination. But it wasn't the woman's body that caught Lilia's attention, it was her look of distress, the cold sweat that clung to her skin.
Without thinking Lilia was by the woman's side, a glass of water in her hand and tentative look in her eyes. With fingers as light as a feather Lilia ran her hand through Skyler's damp hair, attempting to comfort whatever there was to comfort.
"Is...is everything okay?" Lilia whispered, dropping to her knees so that her eyes peaked up at Skyler's face, half afraid and half confused.
Although the news headlines had shrunk back down to celebrities and their dresses there was no denying the seemingly omnipresent ghost of the Cold War that raged behind the scenes. Who was Dominus? Was Adam Paxton wrong all this time? Such queries were now left to the intellectuals and the conspiracy seekers, people who may never understand the depravity and mutilated beliefs of the agency that was 'For the People'. The public knew little of how it ended, cover stories did enough to hide the real drama but many did wander what happened to the infamous agents and the man who led them. What had happened to that poor Russian metahuman who was displayed across the Televisions of America.
Many thought her dead...and for a time they were right. Agent Etoile was no more, only Lilia remained.
Even after the torture and pain that rose to a gargantuan crescendo in Dominus's last hours the girl still survived, as if she were testing Fate itself. The losses along the way still burnt the girl's heart and the nightmares were ever present, tangible horrors that assaulted her mind. She could hear their screams, feel the heat and terror that plagued those endless hours and yet, it was all just a distant chapter now. It shouldn't of mattered anymore, but it did. Guilt freely roamed the ballerina's heart and even in this cocoon of newfound safety the reminders of her failings were too great to ignore. The scars and mutilations still hurt but it was the pain of her loved ones that brought the most excruciating pain.
Skyler suffered for her and the porcelain skinned changeling could never forgive herself for it.
It was on this morning, with the flitting breeze and the faintest traces of snow had the ballerina woken up early to prepare herself for the day. Sleeping had become a challenge, even when she was wrapped in her gaurdian's protective grip. Illya, Franklin, Persephone, Adam, the names haunted the recesses of her mind and demanded she stay awake. Lilia would not dare fall asleep if her livelihood was threatened, let alone Skyler's safety. So before the sun even rose the porcelain skinned teenager was already up.
Lilia cleaned, washed, dried, showered, stretched, cleaned some more and took to the ever challenging task of cooking, something which her holographic 'sibling' found highly amusing.
"Lilia, remember what happened last time?" Aiva would tutt, shaking her shimmering head whilst prancing atop the stove. The 10 inch Lilia lookalike wasn't known for her subtlety and the mere thought of the Russian attempting to cook breakfast without any accident sent humoured signals buzzing through her AI.
"It's just toast!" Lilia frowned, whispering loud enough to convey her early morning irritation yet soft enough not to wake the young woman upstairs.
Before Aiva could even rebut the muffled noises of frantic footsteps echoed on the floor above. The squeaking of sprinting soles against lacquered timber rung out loud and the resounding stampede down the stairs sent a worried seed of confusion deep in Lilia's core. Skyler wasn't one to panic...well, before the accident anyway.
The silver haired warrior swiftly appeared, from around the dry wall, the loud thump signalling her arrival. She was dressed in her usual sleeping gear, bra and panties, a rather revealing outfit compared to the ballerina's more modest jumper and knee length socks combination. But it wasn't the woman's body that caught Lilia's attention, it was her look of distress, the cold sweat that clung to her skin.
Without thinking Lilia was by the woman's side, a glass of water in her hand and tentative look in her eyes. With fingers as light as a feather Lilia ran her hand through Skyler's damp hair, attempting to comfort whatever there was to comfort.
"Is...is everything okay?" Lilia whispered, dropping to her knees so that her eyes peaked up at Skyler's face, half afraid and half confused.
Twinkletoes- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk
Warnings :
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 31
Registration date : 2012-05-24
Re: Panic Cord
Today was just another day of Dominus no longer existing. But, Skyler was mentally scarred. She had almost lost Lilia. She had killed her own flesh and blood. And now she was left to wallow in self pity and depression. The soft petting from Lilia, and Aiva tip-toeing across the kitchen table put Skyler's worried mind at ease. Her lips stayed shut, her mind processing the situations and repeating a positive mantra: Christmas with Lilia. With Lilia. After a few long moments of breathing softly, and watching her breath fog up the shiny kitchen table surface, she slowly sat up and offered a half smile to Lilia.
"Everything is going to only get better..." her tone of voice was a bit flat, her right eye being the only one to swivel in her socket.
A grotesque scar traced along the left side of her face. Her forehead, temple, nose, and cheek were marked. Flesh was forever mangled, no longer flawless due to her natural regeneration gifts. It had taken weeks for her flesh to properly heal, and actual operations to patch up the damage. Mirrors were now avoided more than ever by Skyler, and there was no people looking at her once she turned to show her left side in public. That is, if she left the house regularly enough to even say she had been in public.
Her smile became more real when she smelled burning toast.
"Burning toast? Or just the crumbs in the bottom?" a cheeky smile stole Skyler's expression now.
Aiva was holding back giggles.
Grabbing for the water Lilia had gotten her, Skyler tipped the glass back and took a much needed drink. A sigh of satisfaction rolled through her, and her shoulders relaxed. She even let out a few soft laughs along with Aiva at Lilia's breakfast habits; she was not the best cook, but she wasn't the worst.
"So... it's snowing," she said, looking passed Lilia toward the kitchen window. It was the front yard with the large oak and tire swing. Snow was littering the already leaf littered ground. The yard was overgrown and Skyler had been much too busy to keep it handled. There were even a few Halloween decorations still clinging to the window and door.
Soft snowflakes would hit the ground and melt a few moments later. It was still too warm for it to properly stick, but in a few more days, the ground would be ice and cold would chill this neighborhood to the bone.
"What do you think about going to the beach before the holidays really get here?" she asked, her right eye transfixed on Lilia.
Hopefully the plan would not be rejected. Skyler knew a place where they could enjoy themselves for the weekend.
"Everything is going to only get better..." her tone of voice was a bit flat, her right eye being the only one to swivel in her socket.
A grotesque scar traced along the left side of her face. Her forehead, temple, nose, and cheek were marked. Flesh was forever mangled, no longer flawless due to her natural regeneration gifts. It had taken weeks for her flesh to properly heal, and actual operations to patch up the damage. Mirrors were now avoided more than ever by Skyler, and there was no people looking at her once she turned to show her left side in public. That is, if she left the house regularly enough to even say she had been in public.
Her smile became more real when she smelled burning toast.
"Burning toast? Or just the crumbs in the bottom?" a cheeky smile stole Skyler's expression now.
Aiva was holding back giggles.
Grabbing for the water Lilia had gotten her, Skyler tipped the glass back and took a much needed drink. A sigh of satisfaction rolled through her, and her shoulders relaxed. She even let out a few soft laughs along with Aiva at Lilia's breakfast habits; she was not the best cook, but she wasn't the worst.
"So... it's snowing," she said, looking passed Lilia toward the kitchen window. It was the front yard with the large oak and tire swing. Snow was littering the already leaf littered ground. The yard was overgrown and Skyler had been much too busy to keep it handled. There were even a few Halloween decorations still clinging to the window and door.
Soft snowflakes would hit the ground and melt a few moments later. It was still too warm for it to properly stick, but in a few more days, the ground would be ice and cold would chill this neighborhood to the bone.
"What do you think about going to the beach before the holidays really get here?" she asked, her right eye transfixed on Lilia.
Hopefully the plan would not be rejected. Skyler knew a place where they could enjoy themselves for the weekend.
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."
Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
Warnings :
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15
Re: Panic Cord
Relief washed over the ballerina's features once Skyler managed to utter a reply, but she knew deep down that something was troubling the silver haired guardian of hers. Ever since that day things have never been the same. Whilst the girl no longer lived with the immediate fear that men would barge into the house and use her body like a toy the scars still lingered. Paranoia clung to her soul like a parasite and every so often her mind would recede back into the painful darkness of her personal hell. Communication with Skyler had reached a snag, ever since losing her eye the fierce agent had shrunken back into herself, scarcely leaving the house and rarely initiating the lighthearted playtime that provided much needed escape during their time under Dominus. Although Lilia scrambled with all of her brittle might to make life as comfortable as it once was, sometimes it was simply too challenging to even consider returning to their 'normal' lives.
Lilia had nothing left but Skyler and it pained her knowing that the one person she loved the most was under so much torment.
The ghastly scar that trickled down Skyler's left side horrified Lilia so it took the shamefaced teenager to avoid looking at it whenever possible. She knew what it was like to have your body mutilated in such a way, almost every inch of her porcelain skin was torn into by cuts, scars and bite marks that no person should hope to suffer. With a weak smile and a faltering gaze Lilia kept her eyes firmly on the young woman's hands, studying the smooth contours of the ivory fingers in the hopes of distracting herself.
But that was when she smelt the burning toast and before she knew it a defeated sigh ran off her tongue and followed her desperate steps at saving the charred breakfast.
"What did I tell you huh?"Aiva smirked, her satisfaction clearly evident on the shimmering cyan features. Lilia simply pouted at the little figure, tossing the toast into the bin and skulking back over to Skyler.
"I'm sorry...I can make you another one." Lilia fumbled, biting her lip and giving the toaster a very dirty glare. She could manage an endless pirouette but not even make toast properly, teh comparison irked the girl greatly and she sunk to her knees and rested her frustrated head on Skyler's lap. It was warm and comforting and the girl naturally found herself wrapping her skinny arms around the woman's legs just so she was that little bit closer. She may be horrible at cooking but her hugs were great, or so Shayla told her anyway.
"Yeah...looks like Russia" The memory pained her but there was no point returning to that ravaged chapter of her life. The snow was gradually building up outside like a chilled plague, embracing the rolling green hills and large pines with layers of snow. The ballerina had thought to make a snowman but the ice was still too soggy and it would probably get blown over by the raging winter winds. The blistering cold had gradually snuck up on them like a thief in the night and Lilia found herself even more intimately snuggled with Skyler when she slept, burying her face into the woman's chest and ensuring her skinny legs were coiled around the young woman's more toned ones. It was just them two against nature...against Illya's curse.
Lilia shuddered at the thought.
"oh...okay!"Lilia nervously chirped, genuinely surprised at the offer of leaving the house for somewhere warmer and much more public. The thought of even wearing a bikini forced the young Russian to shuffle uncomfortably, exposing that much skin for the world to see was far from something the girl wanted to do. But, for Skyler, Lilia was going to try her best and make the most of this impromptu holiday. "Where is it?", She whispered quietly to Skyler's knees, still blushing at the prospect of visiting a beach.
Lilia had nothing left but Skyler and it pained her knowing that the one person she loved the most was under so much torment.
The ghastly scar that trickled down Skyler's left side horrified Lilia so it took the shamefaced teenager to avoid looking at it whenever possible. She knew what it was like to have your body mutilated in such a way, almost every inch of her porcelain skin was torn into by cuts, scars and bite marks that no person should hope to suffer. With a weak smile and a faltering gaze Lilia kept her eyes firmly on the young woman's hands, studying the smooth contours of the ivory fingers in the hopes of distracting herself.
But that was when she smelt the burning toast and before she knew it a defeated sigh ran off her tongue and followed her desperate steps at saving the charred breakfast.
"What did I tell you huh?"Aiva smirked, her satisfaction clearly evident on the shimmering cyan features. Lilia simply pouted at the little figure, tossing the toast into the bin and skulking back over to Skyler.
"I'm sorry...I can make you another one." Lilia fumbled, biting her lip and giving the toaster a very dirty glare. She could manage an endless pirouette but not even make toast properly, teh comparison irked the girl greatly and she sunk to her knees and rested her frustrated head on Skyler's lap. It was warm and comforting and the girl naturally found herself wrapping her skinny arms around the woman's legs just so she was that little bit closer. She may be horrible at cooking but her hugs were great, or so Shayla told her anyway.
"Yeah...looks like Russia" The memory pained her but there was no point returning to that ravaged chapter of her life. The snow was gradually building up outside like a chilled plague, embracing the rolling green hills and large pines with layers of snow. The ballerina had thought to make a snowman but the ice was still too soggy and it would probably get blown over by the raging winter winds. The blistering cold had gradually snuck up on them like a thief in the night and Lilia found herself even more intimately snuggled with Skyler when she slept, burying her face into the woman's chest and ensuring her skinny legs were coiled around the young woman's more toned ones. It was just them two against nature...against Illya's curse.
Lilia shuddered at the thought.
"oh...okay!"Lilia nervously chirped, genuinely surprised at the offer of leaving the house for somewhere warmer and much more public. The thought of even wearing a bikini forced the young Russian to shuffle uncomfortably, exposing that much skin for the world to see was far from something the girl wanted to do. But, for Skyler, Lilia was going to try her best and make the most of this impromptu holiday. "Where is it?", She whispered quietly to Skyler's knees, still blushing at the prospect of visiting a beach.
Twinkletoes- Post Adept
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk
Warnings :
Number of posts : 309
Location : Australia
Age : 31
Registration date : 2012-05-24
Re: Panic Cord
"You're fine, hon. I don't need breakfast anyway. It's the thought that counts." Skyler moved her hands to Lilia's shoulders when the petite ballerina sank her head onto her lap. Skyler's, now shorter, hair shifted and fell over her shoulder. The strands were still wonderfully silver, though. They were just cropped to her shoulder blades. She no longer had the long, gorgeous hair that fell to her knees.
Skyler traced the tips of her fingers over Lilia's shoulders, etching along the scars that were there. Bite marks, and very pale marks. Jagged and crooked scars. A soft sigh whispered passed Skyler's pouting lips and she bent over, hugging Lilia tight.
"Yes; the beach. It's in San Francisco. The water is nice on the Pacific this year, or it should be. The waste that those company's use to dump have finally stopped their nonsense." she said this while leaning back up in the chair and offering a hand for Lilia to stand and then sit on her lap.
"They better have! I'll have to shut their systems down if they don't!"
Skyler just laughed and rolled her right eye around. "Calm down there, skipper. So eager to beat up the company without even knowing about them, huh?"
Aiva just blushed [yes, that function had finally been added to her coding] and dissipated to only reappear on top of Lilia's head.
The little hologram snickered and slid down Lilia's hair to land on her shoulder.
'So, is Lilly going to wear a bikiniiii? And do I get one, too, mom?" Aiva gave puppy dog eyes to Skyler and another humble laugh passed through the thirty-six year old woman.
"That's up the Lilia. But, we do need to pack our bags first!" as Skyler said that, Aiva vanished and reappeared with a tiny holographic suitcase. The arm of, what looked like, a sweater hung out of the edge of the case.
All Skyler could do was laugh. She patted Lilia's back, intending for the ballerina to stand, and Skyler stood as well.
"We'll head to the airport in about an hour, so let's get to packing. I already have tickets booked, and they're open ended. Maybe we'll make our residence permanent out in San Fran... The woman I'm renting the beach house from seems eager to sell."
Skyler traced the tips of her fingers over Lilia's shoulders, etching along the scars that were there. Bite marks, and very pale marks. Jagged and crooked scars. A soft sigh whispered passed Skyler's pouting lips and she bent over, hugging Lilia tight.
"Yes; the beach. It's in San Francisco. The water is nice on the Pacific this year, or it should be. The waste that those company's use to dump have finally stopped their nonsense." she said this while leaning back up in the chair and offering a hand for Lilia to stand and then sit on her lap.
"They better have! I'll have to shut their systems down if they don't!"
Skyler just laughed and rolled her right eye around. "Calm down there, skipper. So eager to beat up the company without even knowing about them, huh?"
Aiva just blushed [yes, that function had finally been added to her coding] and dissipated to only reappear on top of Lilia's head.
The little hologram snickered and slid down Lilia's hair to land on her shoulder.
'So, is Lilly going to wear a bikiniiii? And do I get one, too, mom?" Aiva gave puppy dog eyes to Skyler and another humble laugh passed through the thirty-six year old woman.
"That's up the Lilia. But, we do need to pack our bags first!" as Skyler said that, Aiva vanished and reappeared with a tiny holographic suitcase. The arm of, what looked like, a sweater hung out of the edge of the case.
All Skyler could do was laugh. She patted Lilia's back, intending for the ballerina to stand, and Skyler stood as well.
"We'll head to the airport in about an hour, so let's get to packing. I already have tickets booked, and they're open ended. Maybe we'll make our residence permanent out in San Fran... The woman I'm renting the beach house from seems eager to sell."
Chellizard- Retired Moderator
- Status :
Online Offline
Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."
Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
Warnings :
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 32
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15
Re: Panic Cord
San Fransisco, the place of sunshine and endless summer...or so Hollywood made it out to be. Lilia had never visited the famed city and from what she knew it was filled with bronzed bodies, an endless night life and everything that attractive beach going teenagers loved. The entire prospect of going to such a place was daunting enough as is, but the fact that there would be people her own age there seemed even more frightening. Compared to the average girl her age, Lilia was a scrawny little thing covered in scars and with the body of a thirteen year old. She was still a crybaby, someone who couldn't sleep by themself for fear of nightmares and wasn't overly fond of flaunting her skin for the world to gawk at and see. She was a pale wisp compared to the bronzed beauties bound to be present during their visit.
Taking in a deep breath, the timid ballerina hopped onto Skyler's lap, resting her head against the woman's shoulder and thinking about the good and the bad of going on such a vacation. It had been so long since she went anywhere with her guardian, the furthest they had gone was the local shopping center and even that seemed like a challenge for the broken duo. The house had become their haven and their prison, the comforting silence of the walls shielding them from the memories of the events that transpired.
Lilia could only a small grin at her technological sibling's jab, feeling the warmth of Skyler's laugh breathe into her skin. The agent had been trained to murder people, to ignore all emotion and become a living weapon. It was truly horrifying, and it may have seemed petty but the thought of wearing a bikini made her cringe.
The ballerina thought her body hideous, no one would want to see that.
"I've never worn a bikini before..." She mumbled, blushing at the thought of her barely clothed on a public beach. If only she could channel her beloved Shayla's confidence, the now absent albino's comfort with her own skin was something the ballerina envied during their time together. Shayla was completely at ease with her body and it was not uncommon for her to shed all of her clothing in front of Lilia, something which embarrassed the Russian and secretly sparked a strange feeling within her own body.
Once news of their departure reached Lilia's ears she perked up for a moment, half surprised and half giddy at the reveal. One hour till they left? How long had Skyler been planning this? Lilia fumbled with the edge of her shirt, unsure of what she needed to pack in such a short amount of time. AIVA seemed to have read her mind.
"Lilia you need to pack your clothes, underwear, tampons, toothbrush, medicine and your pointe shoes." She chimed, hopping off her sister's shoulder before nudging her head in the direction of the bedroom. "Well hurry up slowpoke, you don't want to miss your flight!"
The packing was all a blur, Lilia shoved what she could grab into her suitcase and ensured that all of the essentials were present. Owning little to no summer wear was frustrating enough but getting clothes suitable for the beach was another thing entirely. All she owned was winter clothing! But alas, the porcelain skinned Russian managed to find some of Shayla's old belongings, hoping they would fit her somehow...although the thought of wearing such revealing items of clothing only heightened her panic.
"Sky...I think I'm ready." Lilia called out, having changed into a plain white tee, denim shorts, black stockings and her signature flats.
Taking in a deep breath, the timid ballerina hopped onto Skyler's lap, resting her head against the woman's shoulder and thinking about the good and the bad of going on such a vacation. It had been so long since she went anywhere with her guardian, the furthest they had gone was the local shopping center and even that seemed like a challenge for the broken duo. The house had become their haven and their prison, the comforting silence of the walls shielding them from the memories of the events that transpired.
Lilia could only a small grin at her technological sibling's jab, feeling the warmth of Skyler's laugh breathe into her skin. The agent had been trained to murder people, to ignore all emotion and become a living weapon. It was truly horrifying, and it may have seemed petty but the thought of wearing a bikini made her cringe.
The ballerina thought her body hideous, no one would want to see that.
"I've never worn a bikini before..." She mumbled, blushing at the thought of her barely clothed on a public beach. If only she could channel her beloved Shayla's confidence, the now absent albino's comfort with her own skin was something the ballerina envied during their time together. Shayla was completely at ease with her body and it was not uncommon for her to shed all of her clothing in front of Lilia, something which embarrassed the Russian and secretly sparked a strange feeling within her own body.
Once news of their departure reached Lilia's ears she perked up for a moment, half surprised and half giddy at the reveal. One hour till they left? How long had Skyler been planning this? Lilia fumbled with the edge of her shirt, unsure of what she needed to pack in such a short amount of time. AIVA seemed to have read her mind.
"Lilia you need to pack your clothes, underwear, tampons, toothbrush, medicine and your pointe shoes." She chimed, hopping off her sister's shoulder before nudging her head in the direction of the bedroom. "Well hurry up slowpoke, you don't want to miss your flight!"
The packing was all a blur, Lilia shoved what she could grab into her suitcase and ensured that all of the essentials were present. Owning little to no summer wear was frustrating enough but getting clothes suitable for the beach was another thing entirely. All she owned was winter clothing! But alas, the porcelain skinned Russian managed to find some of Shayla's old belongings, hoping they would fit her somehow...although the thought of wearing such revealing items of clothing only heightened her panic.
"Sky...I think I'm ready." Lilia called out, having changed into a plain white tee, denim shorts, black stockings and her signature flats.
Twinkletoes- Post Adept
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Re: Panic Cord
"I haven't worn a bikini in a long time... And we don't necessarily have to. I'll show you when we get to the beach house."
Skyler pecked a short, sweet kiss into Lilia's temple before letting the slender girl go. The soft patter of Lilia's feet on the stairs settled a sort of wondrous comfort over the middle aged woman. The smell of burnt toast still lingered in the kitchen, but that was no bother. Skyler rose from the high backed chair and wandered toward the stove. Bending down, she grabbed a small pot from the lower cabinet and filled it with water. Reaching overhead in the spice cabinet, she grabbed for a stick of cinnamon. She turned the dial on the stove, and a flame flickered beneath the pot. Skyler dipped the cinnamon into the water and stirred for a few moments. Once the water was boiling, she let the stick fall into the water and the smell of burnt toast was swallowed by warm cinnamon.
A slight smile curved over the ex-agents lips, her left side straining against the jagged scar. She looked up to her face in the reflection of a hanging silver spoon. Pained to see herself like this, she turned the spoon around so her image was flipped upside down and stretched like the mirrors of a fun house.
The thoughts of a fun house brought back the memories of the amusement park. Lilia had been so excited to visit one. Perhaps they would be able to visit something in San Francisco while they stayed there. The silver haired woman turned away from the kitchen after turning the eye of the stove off. The flame hissed and died, just as Skyler had the day she killed Eric and Salt. She still wonders how she managed to make it back from the light on that day.
Taking the stairs two at a time brought the woman up to her room quickly. Skyler took less time to pack than Lilia had, but Skyler's habits had changed after the tragic events. She was more organized than normal, labeled things, and made sure everything was hung up properly. If anything was out of line, she had to do it all over again. The house was never dirty. Skyler kept it in tip-top shape. But, she needed to force herself out of this new set of habits. She needed out of this prison, and she knew Lilia felt just as trapped.
"All right girls, let's get goin." she called, zipping up her suitcase and sliding into a pair of flats. Lilia had gotten them for her, or at least picked them out. The thought was sweet, and Skyler found the shoes not as bad as she thought they would be. Her typical combat boots or steel toed selections just would not do for the beach. A simple tee, pants, and the flats composed her outfit. She looked like an average woman now, but the silvery hair caught attention, and the scar would always grab even more.
The car ride to the airport was a short two hours. Singing, a bit of laughter, and Skyler's road rage got the three girls to Atlanta's airport without too much trouble. First class tickets had been purchased for this trip, and Skyler had even paid a travel trailer to drop her car off at the beach house. The money from Dominus was being well spent, and she was not hesitant to get rid of the money. Maybe she could renew her medical license if they made their home permanent in San Francisco...
Skyler sank into her chair in first class and sighed, looking over to Lilia.
"How would you feel about moving to San Francisco?" she asked as a stewardess attempted to give her peanuts and a bottle of water. She accepted, but only in a polite fashion.
Skyler pecked a short, sweet kiss into Lilia's temple before letting the slender girl go. The soft patter of Lilia's feet on the stairs settled a sort of wondrous comfort over the middle aged woman. The smell of burnt toast still lingered in the kitchen, but that was no bother. Skyler rose from the high backed chair and wandered toward the stove. Bending down, she grabbed a small pot from the lower cabinet and filled it with water. Reaching overhead in the spice cabinet, she grabbed for a stick of cinnamon. She turned the dial on the stove, and a flame flickered beneath the pot. Skyler dipped the cinnamon into the water and stirred for a few moments. Once the water was boiling, she let the stick fall into the water and the smell of burnt toast was swallowed by warm cinnamon.
A slight smile curved over the ex-agents lips, her left side straining against the jagged scar. She looked up to her face in the reflection of a hanging silver spoon. Pained to see herself like this, she turned the spoon around so her image was flipped upside down and stretched like the mirrors of a fun house.
The thoughts of a fun house brought back the memories of the amusement park. Lilia had been so excited to visit one. Perhaps they would be able to visit something in San Francisco while they stayed there. The silver haired woman turned away from the kitchen after turning the eye of the stove off. The flame hissed and died, just as Skyler had the day she killed Eric and Salt. She still wonders how she managed to make it back from the light on that day.
Taking the stairs two at a time brought the woman up to her room quickly. Skyler took less time to pack than Lilia had, but Skyler's habits had changed after the tragic events. She was more organized than normal, labeled things, and made sure everything was hung up properly. If anything was out of line, she had to do it all over again. The house was never dirty. Skyler kept it in tip-top shape. But, she needed to force herself out of this new set of habits. She needed out of this prison, and she knew Lilia felt just as trapped.
"All right girls, let's get goin." she called, zipping up her suitcase and sliding into a pair of flats. Lilia had gotten them for her, or at least picked them out. The thought was sweet, and Skyler found the shoes not as bad as she thought they would be. Her typical combat boots or steel toed selections just would not do for the beach. A simple tee, pants, and the flats composed her outfit. She looked like an average woman now, but the silvery hair caught attention, and the scar would always grab even more.
The car ride to the airport was a short two hours. Singing, a bit of laughter, and Skyler's road rage got the three girls to Atlanta's airport without too much trouble. First class tickets had been purchased for this trip, and Skyler had even paid a travel trailer to drop her car off at the beach house. The money from Dominus was being well spent, and she was not hesitant to get rid of the money. Maybe she could renew her medical license if they made their home permanent in San Francisco...
Skyler sank into her chair in first class and sighed, looking over to Lilia.
"How would you feel about moving to San Francisco?" she asked as a stewardess attempted to give her peanuts and a bottle of water. She accepted, but only in a polite fashion.
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers
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