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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 7th 2013, 8:11 pm

Teleportation, man. That shit is weird. Technically your atoms are broken down on the spot, copied and 'printed' back out on the other side. Think about it. You DIE. Right there on the spot. You're not being sent over to the other side. Those aren't your original life legos coming back out. Just a print out of different stuff made to look like your original stuff. Creepy. Anyway! Science and dying aside, Bethany Klein who was better known as Wrecking Ball in those silly social networking circles went ahead merrily into said teleportor. Beep boop, here's some science. LOGIC! And a skip and a stone's throw later, she appeared above the ocean in an enormous floating stadium. The sight was exhilarating; gulls flew overhead in the moon light and the sea breeze against her skin was lovely. The arena was lit well enough for the robot camera fliers above to send a steady feed to the excited audience. Her sponsors were probably happy their labels on Bethany's uniform could be seen. Nothing says breakfast cereal like super people beating the snot out of each other.

By ironic twist of fate, Bethany's first opponent in this cockamamie tournament was a vampire. Ironic because! Being an actress, she made her fame through a once low budget but now multimillion dollar sci fi show about a teenage blonde girl with supernatural powers fighting the forces of evil. Including vampires. In fact more than one season focused on vampires before the writing sort of took a sharp turn towards weird end of the world scenarios and then her character went to college and then her vampire boyfriend dumped her and--right so, it was better in the earlier seasons die hard fans would say. Anyway, yeah so she's fighting a vampire.

Checking the time, Bethany would discover it to be in her own words "Butt fuck early". It was three in the morning. Who's up at three in the morning? What terrible person would want to do anything but sleep and possibly pet the cat at three in the morning? Surely this is the result of the vampire's evil. With a few stretches, the ol'Wrecker took stock of her surroundings. It wasn't too complicated as far as terrain goes. Slightly hilly area. Wide open space. Possibly the area of two football fields, giving her plenty of room to stretch her legs. One or two trees. Some rock formations. And of course the crisp open sky above. Not bad...not the most interesting of battle fields, but not bad.

"I was hoping for a candy factory. Or a...sunlight...factory."

Did the cameras get that one liner? YES! That's the sound of money.

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 7th 2013, 8:46 pm

Cain cracked his neck as he got up, spiking up his hair and throwing on his slick leather jacket. He was the first fight of the morning, the first fight the day after the tournament started. He was ready for action and the blonde haired actress was not going to stop him. Oh certainly not, she may have been a beauty in that old vampire show but he wasn’t going to go easy on her because he was a fan. Snapping his fingers he walked out of the abandoned theater and into the cool morning night, it felt amazing to be underneath the moonlight once more. A nice little sigh escaped his lips as he took it all in before shadow traveling to the Coloseeum. Yes, that’s right bitches, once he had found out the location of the Coloseeum through its own shadow he was able to use the Shadow Monsters to shadow travel him there. No more stupid teleporter for him.

Rising from the shadows of the arena Cain flashed a grin out at the busty blonde across from him. “When they told me I’d be fighting against the Bethany Klein well I just didn’t want to believe them but here you are…In the flesh. Well not exactly there’s still that spandex in between us, but you get the picture sweetheart. Cain called out to her with a sadistic grin, blood red eyes illuminated from the moonlight shining down on them. The grass felt good underneath his slick black Nike shoes and the arena was perfect. Could they have picked a better arena to give the Lord of Shadows besides New York City or even London its self? He himself didn’t think so; this would be a piece of cake. Rolling his neck as Beth examined the field he stretched out his muscles, getting hit wouldn’t feel too good coming from her he assumed. He hated bruisers.

The joke she cast was a good one, not the best he had ever heard before but it was pretty good and certainly earned a chuckle from the bloody bandit. ”That was good, not too shabby but I’m sure you could do better beautiful.” He called out to her as he awaited the call from the announcer signaling the start of the fight. He did the whole in this corner yada yada shiz nit and then there was the countdown. Cain positioned himself into a more fitting fighting pose , exposing the Kilij of Shadows by his side and readied himself. As soon as the number came down to one and the buzzer went off he flung his hand forward sending out his first frontal assault. Five shadow whips were sent flying out at the lady bruiser attempting to slice her up good and fast, that’s what he had learned when it came to fighting her types. You got the fight over quickly before they could dish out the damage to you.

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 7th 2013, 9:03 pm

"Yeah? Well--wait. You watch the show? Weird."

Idea! Bethany gave the announcer robot in the skies a tiny time out signal with her hands before very casually trotting over to the dangerous Lord of Shadows. She held her hands up as she came near the man. He'd see her pull a card from her back pocket as she settled near him, pointing out the information written down. Bethany spoke in a lower, normal tone as to not be picked up by the cameras flying above. Though acting was a second profession to her, she's been doing this long enough to see opportunity for entertainment and a nice payday for the both of them. Plus television.

"So uh, hey really quick before we start this. Check it out. We're casting for our new season and it's going back towards the vampire direction we used to have. You know, if you've seen the show it's kinda gone downhill writing's all over the place, ya know? I think people are kinda getting tired of demons. Anyway. So I figured with all the promotion this tournament is getting, we might want to strike on it and get you on camera as the main big bad for this coming season. Wouldn't that be awesome? You being a real vampire and all. We'd pay you union rate of course and can even taft you into SAG if you want. Anyway no pressure. Just call this number after the tournament and we'll set something up. Kay? Bethany Klein by the way, officially."


Anyway, now that the networking is done, Bethany skitters back to her corner of the arena and gave the announcer a nod. A loud buzzer began counting off.




"You're going down, fang face!"

Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 7th 2013, 9:20 pm

Everything happened so fast, first he was sending the shadows out at her then he was stopping them as a time out was called. He blinked standing back up straight to his full height of six foot two, watching as she waltzed on over to him. Her voice getting lower he shook his head trying to make sense of what she was saying, was she seriously offering him The London/ New York Vampire a job as a vampire, in a television show about vampires? Taking the card he let it drop into the shadows transporting it back to his theater before shaking her hand and scratching his head with the other one. He was dumbfounded, what was he to truly say, hell it isn’t like someone comes up to you asking that kind of question every day.

Watching her walk back to her spot the buzzer counted back down to zero and the announcer man yelled out ‘GO!...Again!’ So, of course that is exactly what Cain did. He sent out five shadow whips hurtling towards the Wrecking Ball, one on each side. While of course making a giant wall of shadows behind her to block any path backwards, the only way around the shadow whips was to somehow jump over them or dive underneath them in time. Which to do that she would need like superhuman reflexes and out of all the tanks he had fought against although one or two had speed none of them had bullet dodging reflexes, they instead tended to just let things crash into them and keep marching on. With him, that tactic wasn’t going to work. “Well then, let’s get this show on the road…again.”

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 7th 2013, 9:32 pm

An explosion.

Or at least what Cain might be able to tell was an explosion. The menacing shadow whips would come upon the spot Bethany once stood. In her place seemed to be a huge crater; one littered with debris and stone. Before any conclusion could be made, Cain would hear another explosive KROOM as portions of the very arena seemed to be exploding for no reason. Like a bullet train, something UNDER the earth was plowing through the dirt and ricocheting towards the vampire-ish-man. It was like Tremors up in here, man. Like old school Tremors where you had to hide on top of buildings, only this time the monster was as fast as a runaway train.

The name "Wrecking Ball" made so much more sense now.

The speeding Bethany below the earth launches a massive boulder from its seat in the dirt towards Cain and, immediately afterwards, zig zags towards him from seemingly random angles. As the boulder nears its target, Bethany's powerful legs erupt from the earth in an impressive, and potentially building-leveling somersault kick right under Cain's feet!
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 7th 2013, 10:35 pm

He didn’t see it but he heard it, meaning he was already seconds behind whatever she was planning. The ground beneath him was shaking, as if the earth…no she was moving through the earth. She was underground and coming right at him faster than he could move, she was good. Having nearly no time to react at all Cain did the only thing he could truly think of he slammed his foot down as hard as he possibly could. In doing so not only did it create a shockwave underneath the ground but massive spikes of shadows in a radius of about twenty feet all around sprouted up out of the ground and one of those shadow’s picked Cain up and propelled him into the air out of the range of the kick that surely would have placed him on his back.

He flung back into the air, a shadow catching him and pulling him back onto the ground out of the range of the circle of spikes and away from here. Distance, that was the key in this fight, he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to keep his distance when it came to dealing with her speed but he would figure it out. That and hopefully when she jumped into the air she landed back down upon at least one of the shadow spikes. Even if she did he raised them all up into the air and compressed them into one big shadow wall slamming it down on the ground in the same twenty foot radius. He didn’t care how fast she was she wasn’t getting past that, not without being caught underneath somehow. Not if he could do anything about it.

“Neat little trick you got there blondie, let’s see how you handle mine.” He called out to her, watching, waiting, and listening for any sign that showed she got out of there without at least a couple broken bones. She was good, she was smart, and fought different than most bruisers would, which Cain respected, but she was not going to defeat him so easily. No, he was here to win the tournament and that was what he planned on doing, it didn’t matter who got in his way they were going down in one way shape or form. Plus, apparently no one could die in this tournament; they had some big healer who could even bring back the recently dead. Just in case she did make it out he made a platform of shadow’s underneath his feet, if she was going to try the ground trick again she’d end up hitting something she couldn’t break and not him.

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 8th 2013, 12:02 am

Bethany's body would twist in a flash while in the air, doing her best to avoid the spikes erupting from the earth. Common sense told the super heroine that these were no ordinary evil black inky shadow spike things. Ordinary evil black inky shadow spike things wouldn't be able to cut into her skin so easily, as evident by the stray edges that dug into her flesh as she landed. Scratches, but injuries they were. It took a tremendous amount to draw blood on the girl and these did it with no problem. So! Getting full frontal hit by Cain's shadow powers were the last thing on her to-do list today. The shadows were converging above her. Even with her speed, she didn't think she'd make it out in time. There was only one way out. Down. Burrowing with inhuman speed, she'd put at least six feet of earth between her and the shadow sandwich. Unburrowing herself several yards away, she'd take a moment to take stock of the situation. But only just a moment. She'd speed off again in an instant.

Cain's shadows were fast. However it was his reaction time that would summon his power. So as fast as those shadows were, if she kept ahead of his reaction time, she could keep ahead of the shadow. More importantly...this was going to look amazing on camera! The boulder that had missed its mark would be put to better use; a trick she picked up from Rex in their charity bout earlier in the week, she slides her hand into the boulder as easily as one would dip their hands into water. With a flowing motion with her other hand, she would strike the boulder just so as to send a hail of bullet sized rocks shooting towards Cain with deadly force. Not only that, she'd use the hail as a sort of shield, following behind and and keeping vigilant for the shadows aimed to take her down.

The goal right now is just to get close...
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 8th 2013, 12:37 am

She had at least gotten hit by the spikes, they may not have harmed her too badly but even the smallest of cuts if in an annoying place could hinder someone. Scanning the field he saw her pop up on the other side of the shadow mat and he had it dissolve back into the ground, leaving it there would serve no true purpose for now; not yet at least. She was fast, much faster than his eyes could keep up with but what Cain truly wondered was how fast were her reflexes. How much could she really take and how much could she dish out? Cracking his neck he stood there waiting as she picked up a rock and started pelting it as she walked forward. Her plan was ingenious, and although she was obviously strong it lacked much thought.

The rocks came hurtling at very fast speeds but they were just rocks and by the time they reached Cain they were no bigger than pebbles. Simply bouncing off his diamond hard skin as if nothing was happening. "My oh my Beth, you're joking right? I mean come on short stuff, rocks?" He said raising an eyebrow before winking an eye at her, no hand movements were needed got this time. The time for showmanship was over, and it was time to get serious. As he winked her own shadow shot out from behind her back into a spear like fashion, aimed to go through her back and out the front of her chest. The best thing about shadows was there was no running from them, no escaping your own shadow. So, it was the perfect weapon. No one expected their own shadow to turn into a spear and spear them behind their back.

While this was going on Cain himself had slid down into the shadows, physically becoming one with them. He could not move or anything of the sort but he could hide there. Hide and watch as she looked for him. Only to rise up behind her and attack if the shadow spear did not do the job as it was supposed to. He did not need to finish the fight just yet, she was the one with the cuts and dripping blood not him.

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 8th 2013, 1:13 am

Bethany was just about to speed up again as the spear formed. In fact it caught her mid step into fast town in her side; had she been standing still or walking, it would have run her through. As it is, it was a flesh wound. A deep one for sure. The cry of pain was masked by the extreme torrent of air that exploded on the spot she stood. Pain and adrenaline...and now anger...drove her forward at her maximum speed. The pain in her side was being put aside by the runner's high; a nice side effect of going to fast all the time. Though it hurt like a bitch, it didn't affect her super human stamina. At least not yet. Within a span of a few seconds, a tree in the distance was snapped in half. A booming WHOOSH that cracked the earth. And...what was this? One of the robot cameramen floating about the arena was...taken out? The pride fighter in her had over taken the actress fighting for charities. She was in it to win it.

Later on when people would look at the footage in slow motion, they'd see Bethany rip into the steel body of the robot while sprinting and, in quick order, covered herself in the oily fluids that ran through the machine's robotic innards. What was that she had on her? Two branches. What was she going to do with--


Somewhere in the bull-pit of the announcer tables in the coliseum, one of the color commentators would literally flip his shit as he screamed, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, SHE'S IMMOLATED HERSELF!! OH MY GOD!! BETHANY KLEIN HAS SET HERSELF ON FIRE!! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I'VE NEVER SEEN A MANEUVER QUITE LIKE THIS!! HOW CAN SHE EVEN SEE WITH HER FACE ON FIRE!? HOW CAN SHE SEE!?"

What Cain would now see on the field is a goddamn meteor burning across the plains. A streaking fireball that was almost impossible to keep track of. It crisscrossed the entire field over and over again, setting ablaze anything she touched. After a few moments it became clear she wasn't targeting Cain. She had no idea where he was hiding. She was setting the entire arena on fire. Using her Momentum Sense to "see" everything around her, Bethany sprinted at full speed with her eyes closed. Her body never had to stop...and she had no plans on doing so. From now on Cain was fighting a randomly ricocheting fireball that he couldn't keep track of with his eyes. The fire obviously didn't hurt the insanely durable meta-human, but as Cain would see, the fireball itself would slowly become harder and harder to see as the entire landscape was FIRE.

It was the damnedest thing to witness.

And the second Cain emerged from his hiding place, Bethany would know.
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 8th 2013, 12:34 pm


The moment she took off and busted through the robot camera man Cain knew something was up, she couldn’t have been in that much pain from the flesh wound he had seen. Sure, it looked pretty deep but it was nothing fatal; except maybe the blood loss slowing her down eventually. So, there he ‘sat’ wondering just what her plan truly was until he heard the spark. All it took was one little spark and she set herself a flame, literally becoming a wrecking ball of fire. She streaked across the plains this way and that way setting everything in her path on fire, as if she didn’t care anymore. If all it truly took was one wound to mess with the woman’s ego this bad he wondered what another more serious wound could do. And people called Cain the insane one.

Shaking his head he rose up from the shadows but not as Cain Vulsore, no when he rose up he was covered in shadows making a sort of armor around him. The shadows enveloped his entire body except for two slots which left room for his blood red eyes making it look all the more menacing in this fire torn battle field. As he rose up from the shadows it would seem as if a demon had been raised from the pits of hell to finish off this insignificant little speck called Wrecking Ball. Admittedly that is what Cain Vulsore had planned on doing now. The time for play, as mentioned before, was over and he was ready for her. He may not be able to tell where she is but feeling the shadows he could sense their movement and one shadow in particular was moving fast….very fast, and right for him.

Turning to face it slammed his foot down as hard as he could sending a shockwave out in every direction, putting out some of the fires, but at the same time every shadow in the battle field rose up in a spiked formation. It did not matter if Cain knew where she was or not, he didn’t need to know where she was as long as she got hit. He would let her come to him this time; drawing the Kilij of Shadows he armed himself ready to end this fight. “Come out, come out where ever you are Beth! I got something that is dying to meet you…it just wants a slice of you!” He called out waiting for her to rush at him, to make it through the maze of shadow spikes and to the center where he’d be waiting. There he’d be waiting with the Kilij, a blade built for mutilation and murder, drawn to slice into her midsection.

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 8th 2013, 5:08 pm

There was indeed one shadow moving at impossible speeds hurtling through the fiery night straight at the new demon-y looking Cain. He'd sense through his shadows that several of the sharpened shadow spikes would hook into the speeding object, slowing it down as it came to a stop in front of him and fell haphazardly in a heap at his feet. Before the shadow lord was the remnants of a large rock fitted neatly inside the burning uniform of the Wrecking Ball. You can tell because that cereal logo was prominently displayed and...well, melty. Now sure how the sponsors are going to feel about that one. Embedded in the rock was this face: 'Razz'

Things can get a little unpredictable when you can't see your opponent. However as mentioned, Bethany knew the moment Cain began to arise from his hiding place. Since he took so much dramatic time to rise and be spooky, she had ample time to devise her stunt double trick. And with that the world's most powerful Diglett went to work, burrowing at breakneck speeds as soon as her stunt double went flying towards Cain as the shadow spikes were forming. A few seconds after the rock landed at Cain's feet, he'd feel the entire floating arena begin to shake. Not like before where there were defined, pin pointed eruptions in the earth. This was something completely different. There was a literal earthquake climbing the scales of intensity in the entire area and the terrain was feeling it. Burning debris would crack and split; the very ground was coming apart. Bethany was no longer attacking Cain. She was attacking the arena. Using her Momentum Sense, Bethany expertly maneuvered her way in the pitch black earth and began to destroy the entire foundation of what they were standing on.

Cain would see cracks and faults begin to form beneath him as whatever was keeping them afloat over the ocean began to break down and fall away. Pieces of rock and earth simply sloughed off the sides and fell below into the dark waters. The entire portion Cain was standing on became unbelievably unstable as giant pieces of earth dropped next to him. He could peer over and look out over the ocean at this point. And half a second later, there wasn't even that. The arena was done for.




With monstrous strength, Bethany began uppercutting entire portions of the crumbling, floating island into the air. As the very ground she was hiding in began to peel and fall away, she'd ricochet expertly from falling rock to falling rock, kicking up large portions of debris towards the sky to use as leverage to stay in the air. She was literally juggling through various island leftovers to keep herself in the air, knocking them upwards when she needed to. She had taken away the method in which Cain could lay passive traps for the speeding bullet. With less space to work with, he'd have to try and attack her directly while still not being able to keep up with his eyes. Even worse if he was caught in a free fall.

And that's when she would finally attack.

Bouncing off rocks faster than Cains' reaction time can track, a huge velocity fueled hay-maker would come at the back of his head. Bethany's body would fly by in an instant, ricocheting off again into the maze of falling rocks.
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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Registration date : 2013-03-02

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 10th 2013, 11:40 pm

When the arena started to get destroyed from her constant digging and beating of the Earth, Cain knew something wasn’t right. That and that the people who built the arena were certainly not going to be happy with what had just happened, hell if he spent as much money as he was sure went into this he wouldn’t be happy that it had just gotten torn to shreds. But, back on track, Cain shot out shadows from his hands grabbing two rocks that were further away from him and pulling them underneath his feet. He wasn’t too sure how this was going to help but he figured it would look cool if he rode the rocks down to the ocean then jumped off at the last second or something insane like that.
Which of course was when he saw her, well more like caught a glimpse of her, hurtling towards him at a pace much faster than anything he had ever seen before. His eyes barely able to keep up with the girl jumping from chunk of earth to chunk of earth in his direction. At the last moment he lost sight of her and then felt something ram into his head. The force of the blow did more damage than the actual blow its self as he was sent flying forwards from her speed and mass, because he was not expecting the hit. Armor made of shadows still intact he flew a couple feet forward before gravity once again took effect.

Here he groaned looking down and landed onto a slab of earth pushing himself upwards with the shadows. The blow had dented the back of his ‘headpiece’ but thankfully he himself did not feel much of the blow. Continuing on this path his used the shadows he was creating to push himself forward from rock to rock up after her. Not too long he caught her in his sights and slashed downwards with his Kilij sending a type of shadow like arc blade slinging out at her midsection. Once the attack was done he pushed up once more before catching sight of her again, unsure if the attack hit or not, and shot his hand forward. Extending from it was a giant shadow like hand, which shot up from underneath where she was and attempted to grab her. Holding her in place where she was. If this was successful, Cain would then have the hand throw her down into him where he would be waiting and instead of the Kilij a giant shadow bat would swing into her. "Batter up..."

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 11th 2013, 1:24 am

With her Momentum Sense churning, Bethany was made vividly aware of Cain lifting and swinging with his blade. The attack was fast and accurate; her body would curl immediately into a cannon ball shape, distorting the angle in which the bladed strike would hit her. Instead of striking at her midsection, it slashed along her thigh instead. A visible gash was left across her skin...that one was going to scar. Fortunately it wasn't a fatal blow and it didn't hit any major arteries. That one could have been a lot worse. Cain's assault was far from over, however. Though she sensed the solid hand grabbing for her, there wasn't enough time to avoid it. Not completely. Bethany would grit her teeth and ready her body for the attack. The best she could do in the time she had was flip in the air so that the hands would grab her by the feet and legs instead of her torso.

She knew if she were thrown by the hand, she couldn't accelerate under her own power. She'd just be a falling projectile that Cain could hit as he pleases. The only way Bethany could come out on top in all of this is if she was thrown under her own conditions.

The shadow hand wound up and began to throw her in one powerful swing. Here. This moment. Bethany's legs tightened and readied as the hand began to let go. It was like in slow motion. The fingers uncurled from her flesh and her legs exploded against the solid darkness. Bethany launched herself off the throw. As fast as she could move, she now also had the momentum of being thrown full force by Cain's powerful shadow ability. Bethany was moving blindingly fast. Cain may have been ready to swing his bat, but he still had to do that. Swing. He'd have less than a blink of an eye to realize what happened after the hand let go. His mind would need that second to process what was going on. By then, Bethany would be on him.

Her arm rippling with momentum fueled power, Bethany let out a roar of defiance as the thundering, deafening punch was thrown straight against Cain's face even as he swung the powerful shadow bat. If it connected, what cameras were around would probably shatter from the shock wave of the blow.

This fight was going to make a hell of a replay.
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-03-02

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by CainVulsore March 11th 2013, 12:19 pm

‘And here’s the pitch.’ That one line could define everything that was going through Cain’s mind as he had the shadow like hand hold her in place. Feeling the hand release her he counted one second and then swung the bat at where the hand had thrown her. He may not be the brightest man in the world but Cain knew that as soon he had her thrown she would be try to accelerate herself somehow and by the feel of the ‘kick’ from the shadow hand he knew his assumption was correct. The Bat swung, and the fist connected both missing their original intended targets. Cain’s bat connected not with her stomach as he intended and her fist didn’t connect with his face as she intended. No, the bat connected with fist.

Her speed and strength were great, and Cain’s bat was stronger but Cain himself was not. He knew his strength did not match hers and even though his durability surpassed her strength he could still feel the sensation of the connection between bat and wrecking ball soaring through his arms. He wasn’t sure what happened to her but he himself ‘dropped’ the shadow bat his ‘armor’ fading away as he went to hold his arms. They were not broken but they were still numb and ringing from the pure force of the blow. He could only hope her hand and or body was in worse shape than he himself was. Then of course he remembered they were still falling only seconds before the rock he and possibly she were standing on plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean.

It happened so fast that he nearly forgot to hold his breath as he had to push himself back to the top and out to breathe, arms quickly getting over the numbness because of the shock of the cold water. Strange how physics works like that, numbness forgotten once the body experiences a shock such as cold water. This was to him was also a strange sensation, actually feeling the cold water when usually it would have to be the extreme of cold or hot for him to feel anything at all. Head breaking through the waves he gasped for a breath looking around for Wrecking Ball as well. If she survived well then he’d just have to finish the fight, if she didn’t all the better to him, he thought to himself as some of the robot cameramen flew over to where they were.

Cain Vulsore
The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Pbucket

Creatures of the night
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Posting Master

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Quote : "Bitch, I am the Lord of Shadows."

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

Post by Wrecking Ball March 12th 2013, 1:10 am

The force of the blow shattered bits of pieces of falling rock about them as well as the odd robotic cameraman who didn't get out of the way in time.

It all happened in a moment and then both contestants plummeted into the black waters below. Floating in space for a moment, Bethany scarcely knew where she was. It was cold and dark. She couldn't breath. Her arm, coming down from being numbed out by the blow, had fractured. She could feel it. A boxer's fracture meant she couldn't throw punches for quite a bit. At some point it would numb up and she could throw it twice as hard as long as she didn't care about further injury, but for now it was far from combat ready. Her shoulder hurt something fierce as well, but she didn't know the extent of that injury. Bethany took a few precious moments to get her bearings.

It was pitch black, which actually worked in her favor here. With her Momentum Sense, she could see about her as long as she was moving. There was no way to move as fast under water as on land, but she could still propel herself extremely quickly through the waves like a high speed torpedo. A "sprint" up towards the top to get a large gulp of breath with only her lips parting the water, she'd submerge beneath the ocean once more. She's come so far now. The underdog bet still had a chance if she could work this right. Everywhere around them pieces of debris clustered about, half of it sinking, half of it floating around. There's only one way to play this now. Not with force, but with tactics.

Cain, while still recovering from hitting the ice cold darkness, may feel a sudden powerful pull on his ankle straight downward into the ocean. This would cause his entire body to be "thrown" down into the abyss. As he would try and resurface, he'd begin to encounter a multitude of obstacles. There was no seeing down there. He'd have to blindly reach out with his shadows and Bethany could see those with her Momentum Sense. Obstacles wise, large remnants of the floating island were being launched underwater right at his body, keeping him underwater without letting him have the chance to get up for air. Large pieces of debris would be pushed against his body downward in a disorienting spiral, not knowing which way was up or down without sight.

Bethany sped to the surface when she needed it to take quick gulps of air and she'd be back to work. Shoving, piling, crushing and launching the remains of the island to send Cain down further and further into the ocean...
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball

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Registration date : 2013-03-02

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The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1! Empty Re: The Gorilla Fate is Yearning! Action! Wrecking Ball vs. Cain. Round 1!

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