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The State Fair (open)

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The State Fair (open) Empty The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 12th 2012, 10:54 pm

Jack Dunker rolled over and looked at his cell phone 8:45 good thing call was at 10, he still had time to shit shower and shave. He rolled out of bed and grabbed his show shirt and a pair of black dickie Shorts, he slipped on his shower shoes and grabbed his shower utensils and walked out of his Bunkroom. As he made his way to the back of the bunkhouse. He passed His supervisor's room, The door was open, Jack poked his head in and yelled in a high ptch voice,"HEY BOBO!!! WAKE UP CALL IS IN AN HOUR!!!!" Bob sat up and bumped his head on the bunk above his. Bob grabbed his head , "Son of a bitch, You ever do that again I'll cut off your ball bag and feed them to Roach." Roach was Bob's dog, a pitbull the bastard was mean. The only one he ever listened to was Bob, however the only one on the crew Roach liked was Jack."you wouldnt eat those sweaty ol things would ya Roach?" Jack leaned in and gave Roach a scratch behind the ear and took off toward the shower. As he turned the corner to head into the shower a burly man rushed past nearly knocking Jack over. Jack gave the man a dirty look and walked into the shower. He did he morning routine as he got ready he realized that this was a nice place, but it reminded him of detroit. A nice place but a nasty place to live, for 2 weeks Jack would do the best he could to earn as much money as he could, he was tired of living in a damn bunkhouse. He wanted his own truck and a fifth wheel. His own games, his own dynasty. He was creating his own dynasty, but no one knew that. He liked to keep it that way. Jack headed towards his game, the long range the damn kids and the African american community loved the game but the knew the hoops were oval. That was ok, he loved hustling, it was exhilirating. He was ready to *TA the Joint. Bobo was gonna see how silver tongued this young man was. Jack checked his phone it was 9:30. He tucked is shirt in and removed the tarp away from the front of the joint. People started to flood the midway. Technically he wasnt supposed to take money before 11 but jack was a jointee and hehad a thirst..A thirst for that green.That thirst drove him to stick his hand into peoples wallets and take it all, but Jack had rules, well He wrote these rules for himself. Jack never took a kids last dollar, he wouldnt ever take a families last dollar, wouldnt take a hard workers man last dollar, and he never robbed a man of god. But dope boys, mouthy punks and rednecks were all fair game. The only flaw in Jack's game was he always caught 3 or 4 beefs a night. Bobo always reamed Jack's ass for that. But he wasnt gonna let that keep him down. Jack looked at his phone, another half hour and it was game on, the dope boys wouldnt be around till later, families and kids skipping school, and maybe a betting man or 2. Jack loved the gamblers, especially when he hoped in the tubs to give someone a break. He would try to double his money real quick. Give it to Bobo for a turn in. But Bobo never gave any thought to Jack's talent or brilliance when it came to taking peoples money. But What the hell Jack was having the time of his life. As Jack made his first turn in at 1:30 he was relieved by Chicken or lil kenny whichever one you called him depended on which member of the opposite sex you belonged to.Jack walked past the cook shack and seen his best friend on the midway, Drunk John, you can figure why they called him that. He used to work for Kenny Roach and Bobo. Kenny stayed at home in Texas, while Bobo ran the unit. drunk John was the high striker guy, a great High Striker guy. But Drunk John needed a rest but couldnt stay off the road, so he started cooking for the show owner Charles Perry, What a mean son of a bitch he was. Hopefully he yelled at ya on a regular day. But be careful if it was college game day and the Tennessee Volounteers were losing, all hell was breaking loose on your candy ass. But overall he was a good guy. Jack walked up the hill to his bunk room. He wanted a quick beer before primetime. then it was on, he didnt leave the joint till close. Even if it got slow at 11 they didnt close till midnight and there he would stay. He opened his door and he felt something was wrong. Like something bad was going to happen. Jack shrugged and climbed into his room and closed the door.

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 14th 2012, 10:17 am

Samantha was walking through a field of flowers in Tampa, enjoying the scenery, when she saw where she was heading. The state fair. She had heard a while ago that employees here were badly treated, so she decided to investigate. Walking into the fair she went over to the water-gun game. It is so easy cheating at this if you have water powers. she thought to herself. Her first shot went of course by a bit, though she quickly corrected that with a flick of her wrist. Having won a teddybear, she stored him in her back-pack and walked off towards the bunkhouses. She heard a few shouts, they seemed to be a boss angry at some of his carny's, the screaming resounded incredibly far. Shush up, I'm trying to sleep! resounded the voice of the Beaver God Kayuk. Just shut up, I'm going to need some peace and quiet for this to go smoothly. retorted Samantha in her head. Her goal was to get inside the building, snap some photos, and get out of there. She opened a water bottle, swirled the liquid around her shoes, using her hydrokinetic powers, so as to muffle her footsteps, and readied a water whip, incase there was a fight, and her camera was out and ready. She sneaked in, past a few sleeping boys, who looked very dirty. "Snap, Snap" she took a few pictures. She walked into one of the rooms, and she was greeted by the sight of a carny drinking beer. She walked out right in front of him. Shit... she muttered...
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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 14th 2012, 10:30 am

Jack Looked at the woman that stood before him. Town Marks never were allowed at the bunkhouses during show hours."May I help you?" He wondered to himself if she was lost, or just snuck out of the ride jocks room.Either way it didnt really matter to Jack. Jack finished his beer and stood up. he grabbed his apron and locked his door. Jack seen the Bear hanging out of her bag, he pointed "which joint you get that from The water Race?" One of the easiest games on the midway, all you had to do was out race your opponents the ore opponents the bigger the prize. Bet she couldnt beat Jack. he checked his cell it was only 2:30 he still had an hour before he needed to be back in the joint so he decided to have anice conversation with this strange woman. "so what brings you to my neck of the woods darlin?" trying to be polite and get answers at the same time. Jack extended his hand. "my name is Jack Dunker. whats yours?" Jack nlocked his door and grabbed another beer. he looked at the woman "Ya want one?"

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Registration date : 2012-05-12

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 15th 2012, 9:03 am

Thanks, I need one of these Samantha said, taking the beer and plopping herself down on one of the chairs. This boy seemed off for some reason, not sinister, but strange. Samantha was going to explain to this boy about her task to show that this fair's carnies were being awfully mistreated and brutally handled by the bosses. Well Jack my name is Samantha Amadhy, and I'm here to show the awful treatment of the carnies at this fair, I was hearing rumors everywhere. The thing was, while this boy was street smart and looked tough, he also seemed somewhat "innocent". Samantha was going to ask him for help....

After drinking a few beers with the guy, Samantha said to him, I want some help exposing this place for what it is can you do that? After your performance of course. Suddenly hearing footsteps Samantha turned around and saw a guy, seemingly Jack's friend as he had walked in saying "Yo, Jack" and then stopped mid-sentence as he saw Samantha sitting there.
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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 15th 2012, 9:22 am

Jack rolled his eyes as he realized it was a ride jock coming to bum a beer or a cig. "What do you want Ricky?" The man looked at Jack"You know we aint supposed to be havin town marks back by the bunks" Jack gave Ricky a dirty stare. "You calling my sister a town Mark Ricky?" The man shook his head"NO jack thats not it at all, just didnt be knowin you had a sister" Ricky turned around and made his way back to wherever he came from. Jack looked at Samantha and said "What preformance, any time I can help bring down Chuck Perry nothing, Im in whole heartadly." He smiled at her, knowing Bobo was gonna kill him for this. But any chance he could to make this a better and safer work enviroment for his friends he was gonna take it. He was sick of seeing people fall off the ferris wheel cause Charles is to cheap to buy harnesses.Jack finished his beer and tossed the can in the trash. "so where do we start??" Jack must look like a little kid in her eyes, eager as a puppy dog he was. It didnt matter, he wanted Chuck Perry to start paying up.


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Registration date : 2012-05-12

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 15th 2012, 9:38 am

Well, I thought we could start by taking some evidence that the equipment is faulty and broken.replied Samantha to his question. She got up, took out her camera, grabbed a bottle of water, and put her messenger bag back on. I also thought that we should see all the younger carnies, see how they are "liking" the conditions here. Samantha thought that it was a bit suspicious that this carny was so eagerly helping her, maybe he was just a good person. Walking out to the fair, she saw a huge ferris wheel. Using her camera to zoom in on the wiring and gears, she saw that they were slowly creaking off center. Ot of the corner of her eye, Samantha saw a few people, wearing what she assumed were gang colors, busting up the ferris wheel. Holy crap! she yelled. Seeing the thugs busting up the wheel, she went into overdrive, running up to ferris wheel and then opening her two water bottles, using the water inside as a projectile weapon, she knocked out the thugs, but not before the ferris wheel started to fall down. SHIT! Samantha exclaimed. Alright then Sam, I'll pour in some power to your water, stop that ferris wheel! said Kayuk to her. She swirled all the water from the fair into a large barrier and used it to hold up the ferris wheel, though her grasp soon started to slip...
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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

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Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
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Registration date : 2012-05-05

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 15th 2012, 9:46 am

Jack seen the ferris Wheel starting to slip and still in awe about this barrier of water Jack runs to the other side and grabs the Ferris wheel and pulls it up to its right position. He looked at Sam and smiled"Well I guess I should tell ya, um...I am really really strong." Jack Chuckled he could see that Samantha wasnt a normal human either, but now that the whole midway now knew his secret. Bobo was gonna ride him like a whore. "so is this enough to close the show?" Jack trying to lighten the mood a little bit. actually hoped the fair would catch fire, while they were closed of course. But he was beginning to hate this place, no appreciation for the things he did, or the extra help on his days off. So what the hell what did he care if it shut down.

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Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2012-05-12

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 16th 2012, 4:58 pm

Samantha pushed the ferris wheel back into place, yelling Take care of this Jack! over to the other guy, the one holding up the ferris wheel. Yeah, she had not expected him to be a super, it was weird. She ran over to the punks who were breaking the ferris wheel. Hey! You little freaks! she yelled at them while she threw blades of water at them, cutting them, but not killing them. Having taken them out she looked at their jackets and saw "Tres Diabolicos" written on them, she assumed this was a gang name so she decided to keep that piece of info locked away for a bit. She ran back to the other guy, Jack her feet sploshing on the wetness of the grass caused by her watery attacks. Having slitghly exhausted herself, she took out some food and took a few bites before asking Jack Wanna find out who those assholes were?
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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

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Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
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Registration date : 2012-05-05

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 16th 2012, 5:28 pm

Jack held the wheel in place till the ride jocks got it put back together again. He looked at Samantha and smiled."of course what kind of carny would I be if I didnt enjoy causing trouble?" His mind wandered to his gadgets and his Mallets in his room, if shit got out of hand he was gonna need them, but he waved it off, he could brawl with the best of them. Jack walked over to the gang members lay and he lay a heavy booted foot on his hand. "You seen that I could hold up a 3 ton Ferris wheel. I could fuck your world up little man,Now why are you here and you the fuck sent you" Even though he hated the midway it was still his home and he was ready to protect it and everybody within it. The gang member spit and replied "I aint telling you anything freak!" Jack picked the man up by the collar and lifted him up,"Now I aint asking nicely anymore, WHO SENT YOU?" The anger rose in his voice The man looked at Jack and yelled back "Hey man F YOU POONTA!!!!" Jack swung the man behind his head and slammed him into the ground breaking nearly every bone in his body. Jack turned and grabbed another man and said in his sweetest voice "Who sent you?" The man obviously scared answered quick "Dufrane, Shawn Dufrane the leader of the Tres Diabolico's nephew he wanted to make a statement." Jack dropped the man and looked at Sam, smiled and said "see make an example of one the others lips loosen"

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Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2012-05-12

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 16th 2012, 5:58 pm

Well, then good show Jack! Can't have the other ones ratting us out can we? Samantha said as she quickly dispatched the rest of the group with sharp water blades. Samantha was very happy to see someone who was not afraid to kill, damn all the heroes think that killing is SO bad and killers are all villains, GOD it was a relief for her to be able to let loose on this scum. She decided to google this Dufrane guy on her Iphone. Apparently he has had multiple arrests on assault, robbery, and rape charges. He sounded like one of the baddest assholes here, even looking around the fair with all the scum, he sounded worse than these people. Samantha has had experience dealing with gangs before and she enjoyed mowing down the large gang operations. She decided to go into the Tres Diabolico's territory and find this guy with Jack's help. Yo, Jack, wanna help me smoke out this Shawn Dufrane fucker? she inquired.
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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 16th 2012, 6:22 pm

Jack nodded and replied "Of course im all warmed up now" He cracked his knuckles "Where is this peckerwood anyway?" Jack was ready, he lit a cig and inhaled deeply he exhaled the smoke..He was ready to breakout into the superhero community..He chuckled at that, a community of powers? Wow what a vacation that would be..he laughed it off. If they were leaving the lot he was gonna need to grab his gear, Jumpsuit, Mallets and utility Belt, with all his nifty gadgets on it. Jack headed back towards the Bunkhouse as he motioned for Sam to follow him.He enjoyed having company, know all the pain wouldnt be on his shoulders for once, the pain would be dispersed equally, Jack rushed into his room and changed into his jumpsuit, and grabbed the mallets and the utility belt and dashed back outside, He looked at Sam and smiled, "So where we headed?" The utility belt over his shoulder and a Mallet in each hand he stood there looking like a hot mess.

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Registration date : 2012-05-12

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 16th 2012, 6:59 pm

My, my this boy has some gadgets does he? said Samantha, slightly impressed by Jack's resourcefulness. She checked the address on her Iphone really quick, and then responded Well, I guess we're heading down to Gromero St. that seems to be the center of the Tres Diabolico's territory. She responded. She sincerely hoped she could roof hop there, as it was her favorite method of travel besides whiteriver rafting. Sam decided to ask the guy to roof hop there with her. So you wanna take the roofs Jack? she inquired.
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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 16th 2012, 7:57 pm

Jack snorted. "how am I supposed to get up there? I cant jump that high" Jack was not the kindof guy that jumped from roof to roof..he had never battled Crime off the midway before. "Ill walk" He said as he put his utility belt on. He sheathed his Mallets and began heading towards the exit..He knew wher Gromero was, it was off 4th street and that meant The tres had their turf set up in the middle of the Tampa's marketplace or the flea market...whatever they called it these days,"Lets get this show on the road shall we?"

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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by keblinky May 18th 2012, 6:36 pm

Samantha was having fun. She was about to slaughter a gang of scum, she met a new friend, and she had some exercise. Feeling the sploosh of wet grass underneath her feet, Sam sucked all the water back into a few bottles by compressing it into a much smaller space. She secured her messenger bag, put her goggles on her head, dried herself off, and stretched out muttering Good to be in action. Sam walked across the fair towards Gromero St. The boy seems nice uttered Kayuk in her head, this causing her to jump, as she had forgotten about Kayuk being there for a second. Damn it Kayuk! Sam shouted as she jumped up in the air about a foot. Her face grew red in embarrassment as she saw Jack standing over there. Okay, yeah this looks weird I will admit, maybe I will explain about it later...Anywho, I am going over to Gromero street so follow when your ready, I could use the extra manpower Sam said as she walked off in the direction of the inner city, with a bit off an embarrassed look on her face.
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The State Fair (open) Empty Re: The State Fair (open)

Post by Karny420 May 19th 2012, 8:24 am

Jack didnt know what she was talking to, but in a world full of freaks and superhero's talking to yourself almost seemed normal these days. Jack began following Samantha towards Gromero. "so what brought you to this fine city of Tampa Bay?" Jack was just trying to make conversation. As they walked Jack started tossing the exlpoding tub ball in the air and catching it..."So you think this Dufrane guy is really gonna talk? or at least let us know what his plans are?" Jack was ready to bust some skulls, he loved the adrenaline rush from taking on villains. When he found out he had powers he went looking for the Bad guys, but no one told him the Bad guy s fought back, well, Jack won but he had bruises to prove that it wasnt easy. "and who the hell were you talking to back there?"

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