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Indian Outlaw

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Indian Outlaw Empty Indian Outlaw

Post by Rex March 18th 2011, 1:16 am

Real Name: Ajit (No last name)
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Outlaw
Title: Indian outlaw
Race:Human (Indian)
Hair:Black and long

Costume Description/Image: If description please be very detailed.

Personality Ajit is a very easy going laid back individual with a few things on his mind, Hot women, Strong booze, a Carefree world, and Blowing shit up. Easy to get along with as long as you don't insult his Indian roots then it gets serious and when Ajit is serious things get bad for others. A walk through life don't bother me I won't bother you kinda attitude is Ajit's way having been taught early in life that he shouldn't go looking for trouble when the world was so happy to give you plenty. Stay on his good side for his bad side equals a lot of Explosions.

History: Ajit was born into a Indian tribe of Blackfoot's who were great hunters and trackers and like the other children he was trained in tacking and hunting by a master huntsman of the tribe. The children would start off slow moving from short bows to the Long bow and then to Knives and then to Tomahawks. Ajit trained hard with these weapons wanting to please his father who was a cripple thanks to a bear attack where he saved the lives of two tribesmen but himself was mauled and lost his right leg in the fight.

Ajit grew up strong, proud, and defiant of the Tribe laws and looked mostly to the outside world where to the Tribes was a place of Disgrace and temptation. Believed to be the Heart of evil work the tribe stayed away from cities and towns and there people. Ajit however was curious and would slip off at night to visit the small towns but even he would not go into the larger cities. Ajit continued his training and at seventeen without telling anyone he slipped off to a small town and there he met Chris Colt a Marine Captain and seeing the boy's height, strength, and determination he followed the young boy to a club in town wondering just who he was since Colt knew everyone in town and this young man he had never seen before.

Ajit slipped through the back and into the club and sat down in the shadows unnoticed, he was curious how others lived there lives and what kinds of places these were. he saw Booze drunk, Smoke past, Women dancing and men joining in. Without a sound Colt sat next to the teen and looked at him with soft eyes. "Never seen anything like it huh?" He asked. Ajit shook his head not sure if he was intrigued or disgusted by this behavior. Colt smiled and nodded his head and together they went over to the bar and Colt being a daring man bought Ajit his first bottle of Jack. Ajit sipped it and found he liked the fiery taste almost as much as he liked the fire whiskey his people brewed.

Colt stared at the boy he had his own little power it wasn't much but he could sense what others people power was and how strong they were and this boy had a very strong gift. Colt spoke of innocent things until it was almost dawn then he brought up what was on his mind. "Ajit" He said laying a hand on the teens shoulder. "You are a very special young man I can see it in you, I want you to join the Marines and I will personally see to it you get in and are placed under my command. Your a strong brave warrior and I need that."

Sadly to say his father was not thrilled with the idea in fact he called a council meeting of the Village elders and Tribal chief to discuss punishment, However it was the Chiefs wife who brought up that some are young and restless and need to see the world for they couldn't all be as secluded and the young were born with fire in there veins. So with parental consent Ajit joined the US Marines and was placed under Captain Colt's command after a year of training and advanced weaponry but in the field Ajit shunned the firearms and instead kept his bow and tomahawk.

Colt and his men were more than everyday marines, they were the craziest sons of bitches in the game mainly because they each had a small gift but none as powerful as Ajit who still didn't even know what his was. Colt introduced him to the team. Jackson, Nick, Carl, And Felicia. Ajit took a instant liking to the only female in the group but her heart was set on Jackson so Ajit let it be. There first mission was a real test drive for Ajit and he understood why they were the craziest sons of bitches. Normally people would swim onto islands not Sky dive down towards a Island with Anti air turrets going full blaze armed with nothing but a pistol and a Knife or in Ajit's case a bow, three arrows, and his tomahawk. Jackson however had the power to create shields and protected there decent.

Ajit was first to land and without thinking drew a arrow and fired his hunting instincts coming to the front and a man hiding in the bushes with a machine gun dropped with a arrow in his throat. Ajit cursed and moved over carefully working out the arrow and was relieved to see it was ok. Colt praised the young soldier on his kill and then there mission began. A simple snatch and grab job. Some rich kid had gotten kidnapped and his daddy was just rich enough to get the US Marines involved and of course that meant Colt's team. Each member was battle hardened and ruthless especially Felicia who was not only a dynamite knock out but it seemed she was born without any natural mercy. He watched her scale a wall that should have been impossible and heard a snap as a man dropped from the wall and hit the ground his neck broken before he even landed. Colt explained that Felicia could go anywhere they weren't suppose to and for that Colt had a lot of info on people he shouldn't.

The other members were equally efficient. Nick could create illusions of the people he has ever saw and use them to distract guards, As long as they weren't touched they looked as real as a person and spoke with there real voice, this allowed them to move guards of lesser ranks away and than Carl showed his power, Complete camouflage so adapt that he could lean against even a steel wall and blend in perfectly and he was used to kill anyone they couldn't move.

Ajit followed them into the bunker where the boy was kept and after killing the guards (Ajit's work) they released him only for Colt to knock him out and place a bag over his head, Ajit asked why and Colt chuckled saying it be easier to get him out if he was knocked out instead of becoming hysterical when a guard walked by too close. Ajit agreed and they were off. They made it to the other side of the Island without incedent and escaped. That was Ajit's first mission with the team known as the Lions Gaze. Ajit's next two years with the company was the best in his life, Colt set up training exercises for his men and woman to make sure they were perfectly capable and Ajit soared above the others in combat training and survival. His Indian training had him become not only the scout but the silent killer and this got bad feelings from Carl who believed himself the assassin of the group. It came to a head one day when Carl was expecting to have the honor of killing a Japanese General using his stealth but Colt chose Ajit. The young Indian moved silently through the woods having been sent for just this assignment. The General was out terrorizing the locals. Ajit drew one of his three small tomahawks and pulling his arm back he threw it sending the axe spinning and slamming into the generals head splitting it in tow. Gunfire erupted into the bushes but Ajit was already gone having climbed a tree instead of staying low.

Ajit dropped down and declaring the General dead Carl attacked Ajit who swiftly flipped him and leaned down holding a arrow tip to the other mans neck. Colt stood by quietly as did the others and Ajit realizing what was to be done he stepped back and took off his gear and stripped down to his skin except for his boxers, Carl ran forward quietly for they were trained to fight without any noise, Ajit blocked the blow and struck out once, twice, three times with his open palms into the other mans bare chest and then back flipped kicking him in the chin and dropping him while Ajit landed with perfect balance. Colt declared Ajit the winner and was made Promoted to Corporal which had been Carl's rank and Carl took Ajit's rank as Private. There wasn't much to do out in the wilderness so Colt taught Ajit poker and Black jack to pass the time and made it a Habit for his team to always carry a pack of cards which Ajit got into quick.

Ajit soon became engrossed in the team and even him and Carl made up and soon were close friends, however it came to a head with another elite task force known as Vipers Bite and it came to a massive head in a small town down in Mexico. The team was there for a spy mission and Vipers Bite had been hired to stop anyone from getting information. The two teams were equally matched for vipers bite was also a team with powers. Ajit had never used his powers and this made the others cautious around him wondering just what he did. The truth was Colt and Ajit had discovered his power and soon the Soldier had mastered his gift but he knew the power it contained and didn't like to use it and Colt never asked. The battle between the two teams raged for weeks, No reinforcements were called both teams wanted to do it alone. Jackson was lost but he took four members of Vipers bite with Him. This enraged Ajit on the third day when he saw him being buried having been shot up.

Ajit took his tomahawks and having Carl discover the base he went off alone to end the stand off. The five remaining members laughed when they saw him and raised there guns to fire. Ajit drew one arrow and lined it up with the one directly in the middle and pulled it back to where his arrow reached his ear. The tip glowed then pulsed as red light lit up the arrow and he fired then dropped as bullets rained over head, Ajit rolled out of the way and behind a building where he slid up to his feet as a explosion rent the air and blood pooled on the ground. Ajit looked around the building and saw the last five dead. Ajit returned to the team and nodding to Colt and the others he left. The entire team parted after that for this was the last mission of Lions Gaze. Ajit found a Indian Motorcycle abandoned three towns over and after a month of fixing it up he used what cash he had and bought gas to fill the tank up five times and some road food and went on his way.

Ajit disappeared and reappeared over the months here and there doing odd missions as a mercenary but in the end he went back to his tribe. Weeks of his life there proved he couldn't stay, he was stained by blood and the Tribe knew it. So hopping on his bike with a cowboy hat and three eagle feathers in it as a gift he revved the gas and was gone. Ajit travels around doing odd jobs and calls himself the Indian Outlaw. Ajit works mostly with his Bow, Arrows and tomahawk but he does carry a pack of cards around with him. Charging them is pretty easy after all so when he couldn't bring in his preferred weapons he brought these little babies in instead.

Powers: Kinetic Boom: Andrew Can charge any inorganic thing he touches to explode. he must be touching the object but it usually takes less than a second to charge and throw. Things like buildings or stuff bigger may take longer.

Power Grid: (You have 22 points to spend on your Power Grid unless you can fly, in which case you have 20. Each stat can start at 6, not 7. 7 must be earned.)

Character Image/Description: Indian Outlaw Indian10

Roleplay Sample: (If new or new character)

Last edited by Lance on March 18th 2011, 4:43 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Indian Outlaw Empty Re: Indian Outlaw

Post by Guest March 18th 2011, 1:26 am

And I was hoping for an India Indian. Razz

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Indian Outlaw Empty Re: Indian Outlaw

Post by Pain March 19th 2011, 9:11 pm

I do not think he weighs enough for some one who is 6'1". Especially for some one who was in the marines.

In the picture, your hair is not black.

Power is simple enough, just don't go overboard man, I'm trusting ya' on that. Like any EP user, you have a limited amount of energy, remember that.

I do like that you spent time on the history, but it was a little hard to follow at times and most of it was about a mission; not about your actual character. It doesn't make too much sense that the marines allowed you to use your bow and arrow as a weapon instead of real firearms; that's the whole point of the Marines. But I'm not gonna nitpick at that too much, not too big a deal I guess. However it makes no sense that you were seventeen when you were recruited, you should clearly state that you were eighteen when Captain Colt recruited you into the Marines. It's your story, but I don't think your tribe would ever approve of you leaving them, so maybe you should have just ran away instead of getting parental consent; your choice though.

What's an Indian motorcycle? XD And it's kinda lame that you defeated the entire Viper's Bite group by yourself with one attack, but it is your story. It just makes your team look bad, and the enemy team look really bad. I mean, they had super powers didn't they?

"The battle between the two teams raged for weeks" - Battles don't last for weeks.

You never explained how you got your powers in your history, at least not that I saw. Were you born with them? If that's the case, why doesn't everyone in your tribe have powers like that?

I'm going to say no to the pack of cards, that would be doing the exact same thing Gambit does. Do something else, use your arrows, anything but cards. Don't be like Gambit.

Just make the edits I told you to, maybe change up a few things I suggested and you'll be getting approved soon.
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Indian Outlaw Empty Re: Indian Outlaw

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