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Cassidy Rose Clement

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Cassidy Rose Clement Empty Cassidy Rose Clement

Post by Dr Cosmos March 19th 2011, 3:14 am

Real Name: Cassidy Rose Clement The Tumour
Super Villain Name: Miss Cosmos
Title: The Key.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 76 years old (Appears 20) Impossible to determine.
Gender: Female
Race: White, American Formless Extra-Dimensional Creature
Hair: A Raven Black, with tones of purples and blues.
Eyes: Purple
Height: 5’7
Weight: 85 lbs


The Tumour, an alien force of indescribable origin, now inhabits the empty mind of Cassidy Rose. The creature, while being foreign to most human understanding, seems to now mimic and mock the very species that it plots the end of. Generally, this gives her an air of cold, cruel humour, like she is permanently deconstructing the very nature of humans. This cruel sense of humour extends to her “father” who she manipulates and treats as nothing more than a toy with every chance she gets. She enjoys pushing buttons, pulling apart stitches, but she also has a few major character flaws. She knows absolutely nothing about the world and can be easily tricked into believing the lies that people often tell. She also has a very mean temper, when aggravated or deceived she will do the very best to destroy the person that has crossed her, often with brutal unnecessary torture. If Cosmos was called the mind, she would be called the brawn.

Cassidy Rose’s History:

In 1947, Ignatius Clement married Julia Jones after almost two years of engagement. He retired from the scientific field, much to the duress of the US government and a number of organizations, but explained in the press conference that he had earned the right to a family after serving for two world wars and in numerous other conflicts and fields. He moved from his New York penthouse and into a rather large comfortable manor in Florida. A year later, Julia Clement (née Jones) officially told press that she was pregnant. There was a brief media frenzy over the fact that this seemed to be the first child between a human and an alien source but then generally settled after the involvement of a number of governmental agencies.

On the 13th of January, 1948, Julia was rushed to hospital after her water broke. She delivered two fraternal twins, about ten minutes apart. The first, Adam Clement, was a healthy 7 lbs, slightly bigger than his sister, who was a smaller 6 lbs. Genetic technology, while existing, was very limited. But they could not identify any form of genetic discrepancies in the children. Their early years were slightly difficult, most of the time involved in some form of minor experiment. However, Julia put an end to that when her daughter’s first word was to a scientist who simply nodded and walked away.

The home they grew up with often full with one activity or another. Julia loved music, a hobby of Clements, which Cassidy Rose adopted eagerly. Adam preferred Academics, which irritated his sister to no end. From an early age Rose was very theatrical, preferring to dress up and put on little shows for the family. She enjoyed school when they were both old enough to go, however the sibling rivalry between them seemed to grow into much more heated bickering. It was during a fight with her brother, in the October of 1957, that the first signs of a terrible disease began to manifest. Cassidy Rose was struck with a horrible fit while pinned to the ground.

She was rushed to hospital, while Adam stayed at home. They attempted to locate what was wrong with her but found no obvious source of the symptoms. While awaiting a number of tests following her admittance, Adam seemed to be struck down by the same mysterious fit. They’re diseases progressed slowly but surely, surpassing any and all medical treatments. It began as a burning, itching sensation under the skin that persisted for days. The fits occurred when the spinal cord seemed to swell inside the vertebrae. It became hard for them to eat, their stomach often expelling any food they received. As the disease progressed organs seem to shut down, cells no longer acted in the correct manner. Soon, the two children, so full of life, were emancipated skeletons.

In 1958, with no other options, Ignatius Clement began work on two cryogenic chambers. The first was completed roughly a day before the second, which put Clement in a tight spot. He had to choose one of his already perilous children to freeze. When Adam claimed that he was much better than his sister, Cassidy Rose was put into stasis. She was left there for 66 years. Adam Clement died during the freezing process. Later the year, her father left this universe and entered another, where the second part of her story begins. Her body, however, was taken into the care of the Jones family. She was passed down from Julia Jones custody to a nieces care, Andrea Jones. The body was moved from the Clement Industry facility it was stored in and installed in a Nevada Military Base.

The Tumour’s History

Doctor Ignatius Clement returned, 66 years after he left, to a starkly different world. He was no longer regarded as a mind of a generation. When attempting to gain access to his daughter, he was denied at every step and turn not only by the US Government but also by Clement Industries itself, which was being run by unscrupulous business men now. Even Andrea Jones refused to help him, blaming Clement for the decline in her aunties mental health after he left. Frustrated, he did something that seemed completely out of character. He accessed secure databases and found the location of the Nevada military base. He then proceeded to break into the base and steal the frozen body of the daughter. It’s believed that afterward, he went off the grid, disappearing into Europe’s eastern bloc of countries. Clement has been spotted roughly sixteen times. Fourteen were intentional robberies of Museums, Private Collections and various scientific laboratories.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, in the many years outside of this universe, Clement suffered horrendous torture in the clutches of an evil force of nature. These creatures, which Clement simply refers to as his “Masters” implanted an incomplete version of themselves inside of Clements brain. Ignatius refers to it as The Tumour, believing it to be some kind of horrible thing invading his body. The Tumour seemed to have control over Clements every emotion, easily able to manipulate his thoughts and beliefs with the lowest amount of effort.

The Tumour used its powers and Clements intelligence for one purpose: It wanted complete control over Cosmos. While in his mind it saw that Clement still hoped, a thing that was dangerous for any plans laid by their masters in the future. It was The Tumour’s idea to use Occult items and technology to change Cassidy Rose into an empty receptacle for itself. Clement was forced to do as it asked, first stealing many occult items and finding out how, exactly, magic could be quantified. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle was a Genetic Manipulator being built by Clement Industries. The Tumour forced Cosmos into stealing it and changing his daughter beyond recognition... Sadly, he was successful.


A number of significant changes have occurred to Cassidy Roses body. Her major organs have been replaced with Occult magic, which reinforces limbs where bones have been replaced by Carbon Fibre. Her brain is now a glass and brass instrument in which The Tumour can exist comfortably. Her muscles have been altered to a plastic material, which radiates heat like a normal human being. These muscles, and a magical engine throbbing in her chest, grants her enormous strength and speed beyond many superhumans. Her skin is slightly thicker than normal, which give her a waxy appearance, but they heal much more quickly than a normal human being. She also seems to have an unnatural link to Dr Cosmos, able to talk telepathically.

Power Grid:
STR: 5
SPD: 5
END: 4
INT: 2
EP: 2
FS: 4


Cassidy Rose Clement Xf9fet
Dr Cosmos
Dr Cosmos
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 230
Location : England
Age : 31
Humor : Dark
Registration date : 2011-02-05

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Cassidy Rose Clement Empty Re: Cassidy Rose Clement

Post by Pain March 19th 2011, 7:54 pm

NPC Approved.
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Mega Poster!

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Number of posts : 3116
Registration date : 2008-07-23

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