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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter January 11th 2021, 8:48 pm

Rai blinked for a second, realizing that feigning ignorance actually worked. “Oh… well you should come with us next time.” Rai shrugs seeming to have no idea ‘history’ didn’t always mean pleasant pastimes. Tone had been lost in translation, rather she had assumed this had meant they were friends. “I um… don’t remember half the night. My head still kind of hurts. I don’t think I will be drinking ‘tee-kill-a’ again for awhile. But I would like to go again eventually.” Rai moans, trying desperately to remember all the things her and her new friends had gotten into. She was honestly scared to remember, what if she did something incredibly bad?

Her attention got pulled put the window at the rolling groans of thunder. Rain in dis was bad news, with it came darkness followed by hoards of monsters. Last thing she wanted was to get caught out in that. But Cebra seemed totally content. So should she also be content?

“So… where are we going?” She asks, suddenly realizing she has no idea where Cebra was taking her in this strange horseless wagon. She couldn’t help the curiosity of where they were going and why? She probably should have asked that before she got in the car but too late now.

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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 1st 2021, 1:44 pm

Cebra thought about the events that would transpire if he and Aria went out drinking together. Though he was physically in control of his micro expressions and body language to perfection, inside he shivered and that idea. "Tequila? Hmhm, yes that's one drink that will punish you the next morning." Cebra pulled up into a small parking lot with only two or three other vehicles there before parking. "Well one thing I hope you have in your world as well is the idea of breakfast." Cebra despite his usual deeper neutral voice kind of put on a lighter tone, as to try and ease Rai into things.

"Eating early in the morning so you have energy for the day, or at least for most humans. I dont require food every day either somewhat like you, but when I do eat I like to make sure it's something worthwhile. Having said all that I'd like to introduce you to Overdale's, best place to eat in town in my opinion." Cebra parked and turned the engine off before turning to Rai. "Might also help with your hangover, good hardy country food heh." He flashed a smirk. Cebra unbuckled and left the car just as drops of chill rain tapped his face gently, it's true that the weather had called for a rather nasty storm stretching on deep into the night. Cebra walked over to Rai's side and opened the door, an act that came like instinct to him.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter February 2nd 2021, 10:43 pm

Rai thinks for a moment. She knew humans had to eat quite often. Close to four times a day if she knew right. Most didn’t though. Food shortages were a major problem in Dis, even if not caused by the constant struggle of demons killing laborers, but by the high tax on grain the clergy took. A 40% tithe went to the church of every plot of crops grown. Refusal to give it up would result in defenses being pulled from the town. Trying to feed a population with only 60% of your crops often resulted in humans eating once a day.

However the Clergy was fine. Church members had many meals a day and breakfast tended to be their favorite. “Can’t say I’ve ever had it myself. Food isn’t as abundant there as it is here. So they’re not going to waste any on those who do not need it.” Rai gave a light shrug, deciding to leave that point in the air. “Sounds like Overdale’s is going to be one of only a few meals I’ve ever had.” The reaver cracks an uncharacteristic smile. Something that was so out of character for any reaver, she almost shut the expression down before it started.

The car stops and she perks as Cebra gets out. She sits for a moment, staring at the door, trying to figure out how it worked. Was she just supposed to push on it? Luckily she didn’t have to dwell on that theory for long as Cebra swung her door open for her. “Thankyou.” She hums as she slides down to her feet with her normal ghostly composure.

Rai glances to the sky as cool water splashes onto her even colder skin. Seems the rain here wasn’t dangerous. No big flood of monsters coming in with the clouds like she expected. “It seems to always rain when I’m here.” She mentions, remembering the last time she wandered onto Cebra’s farm.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 5th 2021, 12:33 am

Cebra remembered that night not too long ago, cleaning up that mess took more than a days work which was uncommon for him. "Rain means a bunch of folks here don't have to water their crops, you could be a good luck charm." He walks with Rai up to the entrance, a quaint but rather ugly moose head hangs just past the entrance. The place wasn't lit too harshly and the brown and green colors lent a very cozy country cabin feel.

The walls were partially log and the rest was red brick. A tall spindly woman with golden hair, an apron and hairnet waved to Cebra as he came in "Cebra hello there, be with you in a second love." A slight hint of an Irish accent in her words. Cebra shows Rai to a seat by the window in a corner, the cushioned seats were dated like much of the stuff on the walls. He shows her to her seat and has a seat across from her. "Your realm... And I dont mean any disrespect. Sounds rather... Uh..." Now searching through his diplomatic dictionary. "Difficult to survive in. Very medieval in some ways. Did you enjoy your life there?"

It's not long until the woman comes over with pen and paper ready, she cocked an eye seeing Rai sitting there. "Well now I haven't seen you around here lately sunshine, new in town? The name is Marigold" She says extending her boney yet still strong arm. Her eyes were a radiant hazel encompassed by a freckle cheeked face. She had a pair of thin lips that spread into a smirking smile.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter February 8th 2021, 1:34 am

Rai couldn't help but be impressed with the sheer size of the place. She did hesitate to initially enter, however, the act of coming into a building was becoming more and more comfortable to her. Her stalling at the doorway threshold only lasted a second.

Cebra was treating her nicely. How nobles treated ladies even. It was entirely foreign to her but she didn't exactly know what to say about him showing her to a seat as kindly as he was. And the waitress seemed happy. True happiness was something she's only really seen in children and in this world. To which Cebra wasted no time gently probing on.

"None taken. Dis is a harsh place for humans, and if I may speak out of turn, harsher for a Reaver. I think of my thoughts on the place as how an ox feel when hooked to a plow. He knows no other life than what he is bred for. And for me that's fighting demons." Rai's hand finds itself rubbing her thumb over the softness of a paper napkin. Thinking was not something she was supposed to be doing at all. "I... Think I might have been made wrong." She finally admits, her voice dipping into a lightly frightened whisper.

"Reavers are supposed to be barely sentient. Unable to think, or feel. But. I think I do. I don't know if I was made defective or if this is new, but I like your world better. I like being able to go in places and to be talked to as if I am human." Her eyes lift from the napkin to hold eye contact with Cebra for a little over three seconds before she falls back into line.

She seemed as if she were about to say more however she stiffens as the waitress comes back. Marigold was an interesting experience for a Reaver. So bright. "I kind of wondered here. I'm Rai." She timidly shakes Marigold's hand, a human gesture she was still getting used to.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 8th 2021, 10:39 am

Cebra knew all to well the feeling of not thinking, being an automaton and being aware that you are one was a horrid memory. He was fascinated they had that in common, though perhaps now wasn't the time to share his more unsavory secrets. For all that she'd been through Cebra found her remarkably engaging, not even shy about wandering back onto his property.

Marigold was always pleasant in her own right if not a bit too gung ho about things. "Oh well Cebra, you just pickin up drifters again now hm? Eck eck eck!" She snickered while raising her hand to her mouth as if she made a clever yuck yuck. Cebra winced and flashed a smirk and eyebrow that clearly read "Please take our order you awkward woman." He looked at Rai and just muttered "That was a joke don't worry." Marigold held her pad and pen up to write "Well it's good to have you here keepin this man some company, can't say the last time I've seen Cebra here bring a guest. So what will it be sweety?"

Cebra inhaled deeply, he was instinctually familiar with the smell of the herbs, spices and seared beef of Marigold's stew which was the reason this place was doing so well. "Stew please Mari, have a root beer with it as well." Cebra would normally let Rai order for herself but something told him she wasn't used to this sort of thing, perhaps explaining first might be better. It may look odd to Marigold for Cebra to be explaining how restaurants work but she's seen stranger things.

"Ok Rai um... So I take it that you've seen people order drinks and food before? Maybe not. But essentially you can look on this piece of paper." He holds up the menu "And ask for anything you want on it to eat in some places. I know you're not too familiar with the food here but I can assure you it all tastes good." Marigold flashes a proud smile and hum of approval.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter February 8th 2021, 12:33 pm

Rai just continues her pattern of smiling and pretending she understood social norms in any way shape or form. She didn't really know much about her new friend if she really thought about it, other than the fact that he was actually talking to her like a person.

"I intent on hanging around, if I can." She admits. Rai liked the area, even if she didn't at all know where she was for sure. Even though she was sure hunting would take her elsewhere several times. Rai still felt the need to roam for demons to kill, as if that part of her just wouldn't subside. She felt like a shark in that aspect, keep moving or else she may die.

She perks back up as Cebra orders for himself and pushes a kind of stiff booklet at her. Rai looks at it for a minute, before realizing there was supposedly writing on it. Rai's inability to see color, once again, bites her in the butt. "I um.. I'll have whatever your having." She diverts, not really wanting to admit she couldn't read, however it was rather obvious she didn't actually read anything on the menu... as it was upside down.

"So what does your world use as currency? Dis uses silver pieces and on rare occasion gold. As well as some bartering. However I haven't seen anyone exchanging chickens for cattle here." This was a genuine thought she'd had for a bit. Back during her wild night out, she didn't really remember where he drinks came from, she just had one.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 11th 2021, 4:14 pm

Mari nodded her head and jotted down two orders "S'long as you behave yourself around here Rai you'll be quite welcome. I'll be right back with your food." Mari heads back into the kitchen with her quick shimmy of a walk. Cebra had taken silent note of the fact that Rai couldn't actually read what was on the sheet. He put together it was on account of her unique vision, could it be a natural defensive evolutionary measure? Something that happened in order to combat these so called "demons"?

At any rate he surmised that her inability to read wasn't from not knowing the language or being schooled, no reason to be shy then, though he chose not to poke the subject further at the moment. He thought about her question and the concept of currency, also the irony that he was in one of the rare few places where chickens and cattle are occasionally traded in place of currency. "Well here in farm country we do trade livestock from time to time, but really only for things like other animals or farm tools. Mostly currency comes in the form of small paper, it's some manner of specially made paper that has many codes and seals on it to verify it's authenticity and prevent counterfeits. Currency is actually quite a complex thing when I think about it. All you really need to know is that it is called the dollar here." He thought about the concept of credit, credit cards and debit cards as well. That might be a lot to introduce her to at once though, then would come explaining computer electronics and probably the whole industrial revolution.

It wasn't too long before Mari returned carrying a tray with two ornate bowls full of hot and fragrant beef stew. The aroma of it was powerful and spiced perfectly. It came with a biscuit and their soda. "Here you go, one for you and our new visitor. Go on and enjoy that, looks like it's gonna be a rough day." Mari says glancing out at the thick cloud over the mountains. "Thank you kindly Mari." Cebra said before Mari took her leave back to the kitchen.

Cebra was a little curious what someone from another world might think of this worlds choice in food, from the sound of it she may not be used to well prepared meals, might be a fun reaction. "So this is a dish called beef stew, pretty hardy and relatively nutritious as the owner of this place makes it. It's made with..." Cebra pauses a brief second to consider the murdered cows from their first meeting. "Cows meat of course, tell me what you think."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter February 11th 2021, 10:45 pm

Rai was focusing on trying to understand. Paper? What happened in event of fire? Did one just lose all their currency? And what made this paper more valuable than any other paper? She supposed it was no diffrent than the coinage Dis used if she really thought about it, it just seemed incredibly inconvenient. "Huh. I knew parchment was valuable, but I never thought of using it for currency. Either way, Reavers don't really get to buy or sell anything either. People don't really do business with us. I did, however, find this on the road before I came here."

Rai produces a small gold piece from her left boot and slides it across the table. It was roughly round and very obviously a hammered piece. One side held the headshot of what looked like a cross between a king and a pope, on the other it was quartered with fleurettes in each quadrant with some writing in Latin that read 'Dominus vobiscum'. The recesses on the coin had a dark tint to it, part dirt, part blood. "Don't tell anyone. I get caught with a whole gold piece, I'm in trouble. Most you find quartered already. If you are trying to buy something that's one silver and you only have a gold piece you can divide that into quarters and not have to make change."

The gold was rather pure, therefore the coin was brittle. And the quarters acted like perforation. Fold it over and it'd break easily. "Was going to perhaps find someone who needed it but... I found myself here."

Her attention perked as Mari came back with a bowl of something that had to be the best smelling thing Rai had ever smelt. She'd smelt cooking before, but none as hearty as this. "Thankyou." She smiles, getting very much used to being able to say that. She tries a spoon full and is immediately trying to figure out the flavors going through her mouth. She didn't know how to describe it other than amazing.

"I've never smelt, nor tasted anything better. Makes me understand why cattle are so valuable to have if they taste this good." She dips in for another bite. "I want to learn to make this." Rai smiles, deciding she may as well take a crack at being human for a bit.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 12th 2021, 3:55 pm

Cebra ponders about the complexities of having breakable currency, why not simply use metals of a lower value? Perhaps lesser metals were not available? Cebra keeps his expression very steady as Rai shows him the gold coin, as if there wasn't enough oddities to this woman she goes and pulls out a pure gold coin looking like a Spanish doubloon or something. His eyes quickly darted towards the kitchen and then to the window as he scanned outside. Cebra quickly folded Rai's hand around the coin hiding from sight. "It's a good idea not to bring that out in public, an item like this is bound to draw unwanted attention."

After Rai started to eat so did Cebra. "Food you get around here will always have a great flavour to it. The ingredients are all from local farmers and ranchers. As for learning how to make this well..." Cebra takes a drink from his soda "You would have to ask Mari, it's her special family recipe." The rain starts to pour down in moderation at first, slowly ramping up in intensity as the first lightning bolt streaks across the sky. The wind whips and thrashes the town as some light debris blows about. Some people outside brave the winds and rain on their way to wherever while some seek shelter done with their day early.

"So do you enjoy er demon hunting? Since you're here and you have your own rights and freedom, you dont have to keep hunting these things. I'm sure our government is somewhat aware that these things are in our world, or some organization is aware. Why keep going it alone?"

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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter February 13th 2021, 1:56 pm

Rai perks as Cebra seems to also want to hide the gold piece. She supposed it made sense, she really wasn't supposed to have a whole gold piece. If she were caught with it, it'd be assumed it was stolen. "Fair enough."

The reaver couldn't help but feel a bit strange about the incoming storm. Storms always brought trouble, so she was a bit on edge. "Am I allowed to ask? Family things tend to be secrets, right?" She asks, taking another happiness-filled bite. "So people like the rain here then? It doesn't bring trouble?" She asks watching as the windows begin to cloud in her vision with the normal static rain cursed her with.

"I don't really know how to answer your question." Rai honestly replies, thinking for a minute to try and get her thoughts together in English. "I don't even know how to describe what the feeling is when I encounter a demon either. I feel like I just have to fight. There is no want involved, its a thing I must do." It was all Rai could think of how to describe it. The emotion she felt when she smelt the stink of a demon could only really be described as rage, but it was different than simply being angry. It was a pull. A natural inclination to want to destroy it. It was a feeling that could not be ignored until the demon was dead. "I must admit, now that I am free to do so, it feels kind of nice to have nothing to do and freedom to fill the time with whatever I like."
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek February 24th 2021, 10:52 pm

As strange an experience as it was Cebra did in a way enjoy answering Rai's varying questions. Cebra was a patient eater, but not to the point his meal got cold, important to savor the simple things. "Oh she wont just give it up to you, I've tried to bribe her plenty of ways heh. Though I do believe she'd teach it to anyone willing to take a job here."

Cebra thought about her words for a few seconds, the drive to do things outside of your control. Even now in the corner of his mind there was the though of the broken vent was supposed to repair in Overdale's. It gnawed at him slightly but not enough to force his mind on it. Cebra had an overwhelming desire to repair broken things down to a compulsion, perhaps even some things with civilization. "Have you given any thought to where you would prefer to stay? The city is..." Just then a young man burst through the front entrance. His beet red face cringing in pain and exhaustion as his chest heaved, his long red hair obfuscates his face as he stumbles onto the floor.

Cebra darts up from his seat in an instant, a clear expression change from his relaxed demeanor. "Chris?!" He sprints over and helps the young man to stand up right. "The fuck happened to you dude?" He pants, struggling to huff out words "I... Dad... He's in the vall... Valley UCK!...The landslide!" Cebra could already tell what was wrong, there wasn't much time to explain. He looked at Rai expectantly as if he already knew she'd go with him. "I need your help, Rai."
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Quote : Ho ho ho to the bottle I go! To heal my heart and drown my woes

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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter March 1st 2021, 10:32 pm

Too bad she couldn’t get a job here. Wait… if this world didn’t have any kind of discrimination against reavers, could she work here? “Where would I stay?” She asks, wondering what he meant by that. Was she supposed to have a house like humans do? Rai was about to speak up, but the sight of a soul bright with distress caught her attention before he ever burst in.

Rai stands, listening to the distressed man stammer about a landslide. How does land slide? Was it like a flood? “On it.” The reaver nods, tossing out the glass figurine into the pavement of the parking lot. A small simmering ring of sulfuric smoke churns as the screams of an angry stallion wails through the air.

Grimmorah burst through the fabric of this universe into existence, his glass-like teeth grinding against the metal bit in his mouth. He turns to Rai as she hauls herself onto his back and extends a hand to Cebra to get on. “Where are we going?” She asks, pulling the reins to stop Grimmorah’s ancy side-stepping.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek March 2nd 2021, 7:57 pm

Chris upon the sight and sounds of the ghoulish looking steed appearing goes a little pale, nearly passing out as Cebra lays him on a seat. "Mari! See to Chris! I'm heading towards the valley!" Marigold was already approaching with a drink in one hand and warm towel in the other. Cebra takes Rai's hand not even questioning the appearance of the horse right now but taking note of it. Certainly felt odd to him in an inexplicable way, some sort of nanite entity with psionic capabilities? How else could it manifest out of nowhere? "We're going South west of here down the hills into the valley. Follow that street and just keep going down, we'll hit a dirt road but keep going."

Deep in the Engle valley atop a ridge that carries a dirt road clearly not made for any large vehicles, a middle aged leathery skinned man sits on his pick up truck. His pepper coloured hair getting drenched by the rainfall now, but he dare not go back inside his vehicle. Being caught inside if he should be attacked would be a bad position. In his weathered ranchers hands he bears a twin barrel shotgun. Along the road in front of him huddle a herd of cattle pressed into a very slight widening along the wall side of the ridge. The man looks out over the herd vigilantly, his calm demeanor and rain piercing gaze showing this isn't the first time this has happened. But even that steel is broken when from the curtain of dark and rain comes an unearthly howl. The mans eyes dart wide open and his breathing sharpens, something terrible is close by.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Demonhunter March 2nd 2021, 9:08 pm

Rai gave Cebra a light tug to help him into the back of the saddle behind the seat. Rai’s saddle was built rather heavily, more solid than just leather, almost as if there was a bit of steel beneath it’s hide covering. Grimorah side steps again, throwing his head up and slicking his ear back in annoyance as soon as Cebra’s weight was upon him. He lets out a deep, rumbling growl as his dead eyes glare green fire back at him before Rai harshly pulls the heavy chains that serve as reins back to force him onward.

“Sometimes I think you were bred of an ass rather than a stallion.” She grumbles as Grimorrah finally settles into line and settles first into a low lope, then transitioning into a full gallop.

For such a broad and heavy beast, upon his back was actually pretty smooth. The massive hoof beats didn’t make the ride too harsh as most horses of his size would be. The pavement beneath him gave a bit, leaving a few horse-shoe shaped cracks singed into the asphalt until she turned into the dirt road.

Rai couldn’t feel anything demonic right off the bat. However there was still a threat to humans, thus she still felt she needed to do something about it.

Grimorrah rips through the road easily enough, ridge much faster than a speeding car would have. She smelt cattle first, then sighted the man on his truck. She was about to ask what help they needed, but the echoing roar had her reaching for her estoc, pulling it from her scabbard and turning Grimorah to face the direction from which the noise came.

The deathly warhorse’s ears perk as he snorts a noxious green smoke from the bones in his face. He then stamps proudly, shifting beneath Rai as if itching to fight. Grimorah echoes back a whiny sounding like the screams of hell, matching the volume and shrillness. “I’m going to get out ahead of the cattle to make sure none are taken. Can you handle him?” Rai asks over her shoulder as Grimorah continues to grow ancy with the allure of blood.
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Boredom - Page 2 Empty Re: Boredom

Post by Cerek March 6th 2021, 12:48 pm

What few people on the roads or sidewalks that saw the steed dash by looked on with curiosity, especially seeing Cebra doubled on top of the creature.

Cebra nodded to Rai, she certainly had the right instincts about her so he trusted her to know what to do. He walks over to the man who is visibly relieved to see the two of the arriving. "Darcy you alright?" As though this was a common occurrence Cebra reaches for the old mans arm to help him down. "Yeah, yeah no I'm not hurt but the howls are get'n closer Cebra." Cebra looks at Darcy knowingly, having faced these fiends before whatever they could be. "Alright then get yourself against the wall there with your herd, gotta use your truck for this one, no choice." There was a bit of a pained look on the old mans face for a moment when he understood what Cebra meant, never the less he complied and moved himself and the herd into the small groove in the wall.

Cebra placed his hands on the pick up truck as a surge of Saxon energy in the likeness of blue electrical energy flowed into it. The vehicle shimmered before it's form shifted looking now like it was made out of liquid. Cebra reached into the vehicle and it began to cling to his skin and engulf his body completely, all of this happening in rapid succession. The liquid metal solidified around him as a cybernetic armor chassis. A stream of different coloured bright silver liquid seemed to be making some electronics and wiring directly onto the suit as well as a variety of weapons. It was all of three seconds before Cebra dawned the Dragoon-22 combat armor, equipped with an ion bolt combat rifle and a nano perfect spear sharp down to a single molecule along with kite shield. The vehicle was all but used up for material, the rest of the metal Cebra could only make into a flimsy barrier for Darcy and his herd. Strategically they were now in a more easily defended position which was good.

The baying of the creatures was at the very edges of the forest below the ridge where they stood guard, the sound of climbing claws could be heard over the side. The first creature came into the line of sight and snarled hungrily... As it's floppy bunny ears twitched. Behind it crawled up a bushy tailed fox, a deer, a pig, a rooster and indeed a whole mix of animals that should not be together. Despite the seemingly non threatening display Cebra seemed tense has he looked around counting them all coming over the side. Cebra's already drawn rifle starts to fire off high energy blue bolts that whistle violently and splatter the head of one creature. It's then that the true menace comes to light. A squirrel stands on its hind legs and quivers as it's gut bulges and rips oven in a screech. It's muscular intestines form tentacle like legs and more bio mass begins to grow. All the animals start to writhe and squirm and quiver gainfully. Bursting open at various point and seems in their body to reveal their mutated innards, and it was not as it looked.

When the mutation finished the origin of the mutation was clearer, the final part was the sickly green and slightly canine looking Venus flytrap head that commanded the host. Even the organ tentacles bore a greenish red look and thorn like boney protrusions. They leaked a clear but pungent liquid from their mouths with oddly enough human teeth. And it wasn't long before those teeth were smiling at the feast before them and sprinting at the group with ravenous drooling hunger.
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