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Marshall Iovi

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Marshall Iovi Empty Marshall Iovi

Post by RoyalAurelius March 18th 2019, 6:13 am

Marshall Iovi

"Me..... a hero? Awesome!!"

The Bio

Real Name: Marshall Iovi
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Undetermined
Blood type: O negative

The Looks
One of the most noticable aspects of Marshall, is his youthful facade. Despite being nearly 3 decades old, he appears as a 17 year old high school student.

The Personality
Marshall is a good humoured individual, always trying to look at the positive side of things and keep the people around him happy and content. He is generally a helpful person, and always tries to do the right thing. Being as upbeat and caring as he is, Marshall can come off as naive and simple minded sometimes which causes him to be easily tricked or manipulated by someone much more intelligent and cunning than himself. Some say he is a child at heart, holding onto that sense of wonder like a newborn child and may require some partial guidance to keep himself from hurting people unintentionally due to his powers.

The Story
Marshall was born on earth like any other normal human, raised in the tropical coast of Eastern Australia. His mother died shortly after he was born, and due to mental instability with his father, was turned over to his Aunt and Uncle's care. Raised on a ranch just outside of a small town, Marshall was not exposed to too much media or electronic entertainment. Being as such he didn't gain knowledge of the world beyond his tiny town. Marshall was 'normal' early on in his childhood, no extraordinary phenomenon to report. It was when he turned 14 that things changed.

School was rough for Marshall, given that he was open and friendly with just about everyone he could get close to. Other kids saw this as a weakness, or just plain strange, as he would approach someone with hand held up ready to greet and talk. He was lucky enough not to be bullied, however he was unable to make any lasting friends and so he turned his attention to comic books and heroes. His hazel eyes would light up as he read through those panels of justice serving do-gooders, punishing the wicked and protecting the innocent. His naive young mind ate it up, and, perhaps to an extreme level, entranced him.

Marshall had become so obsessed with heroes, that he believed himself to be a hero in secret. He tried many things, going for a few years, playing with bugs.... searching for radioactive space rocks, anything to give him that jolt he needed. He never found anything. When Marshall turned 14, he had hit a point in his mind where adulthood was seeping in and taking over his once childlike wonder and thoughts. His interests in comics faded, his search for the super hero secret abandoned, his general up beat attitude had turned to sadness. He felt that he was doomed to live this mundane life as a normal human being, which to most other kids would have been enough.

Halfway through the year Marshall walked around in a bit of a sulk, brooding over the depressing state of his home life and his abandonment of his super hero obsession. What Marshall had not noticed throughout the year was the fact that he was changing, however. It was nothing noticeable to the naked human eye, average growth and muscle tone, acne and body hair.... normal puberty milestones. No, what Marshall didn't notice was the shift in his own body mass, something he had gained in exponential volumes. With the increase in body mass, not including the slight muscle tone, was the increase of his own personal strength. Although Marshall had increased in both mass and strength, it was unnoticeable to him but would gain the attention of others quickly.

One morning, a week before Marshall's 15th birthday, he had woken up late for school and began to frantically rush himself out of bed. In such a frantic hurry, Marshall was not being careful as he pulled his closet door open and simply ripped it off the hinges with a loud crack, splintered wood and loose screws now dangling from the edge of the door. This of course caught him off guard but he simply brushed it off as a faulty door. Later in the day Marshall would do the same thing with his locker, not ripping it off entirely but twisting the metal door as if it were a piece of foil. This struck Marshall as odd, and of course he got all kinds of weird looks from the other students. These incidents went on for weeks at his school; splintered wooden doors, mangled doorknobs, even cracked concrete due to a temper he threw about school work. Marshall was sure he was being tricked..... but maybe he wasn't.

Nearing another school break, Marshall decided to really test himself to see what was going on. He started small, simply crushing things in his hand to see what his physical capabilities were thus far. The young man tried everything he could think of from simple stones to solid crow bars. Nothing he wasn't able to bend, twist, crack, crush, or mangle with little to no effort. Satisfied, and pretty ecstatic about his new found abilities, he decided to move onto some lifting. Again he started off small, lifting chairs and tables before moving onto bigger things. As the items grew heavier, he had to exert more effort to lift them.... however he still found it much easier than someone without his strength would be able to. He could not determine his strength limit, although he is aware that he can lift a tanker ((full)) with only slight effort put forward. Marshall decided to try and keep these things to himself, at least for the time being, so he decided to control himself and try not to break everything he touched.

Throughout the years Marshall remained secret, keeping himself closed off from the other kids and focusing on his school work. The fire he once had when he was younger was burning bright now, and he found it difficult to contain himself. Marshall powered through his aggressive urge to 'do right' with his powers and instead invested himself in a school program that allowed for travel with internships of all powerful companies from all over the world. Marshall was not dumb, by any means, however he was not as intelligent as some of the other students. This worried him greatly, given that he was passionate about the program and wanted to see the world. Marshall was sure he was not even considered, but to his surprise he was accepted by way of the CEO directly. Marshall didn't know it at the time, but the man who had fast tracked his internship in the company, knew exactly who Marshall was, and what he was capable of....

The Priority

1. Strength
2. Endurance
3. Reaction
4. Agility

The Powers

1) Super human strength: The ability to exert an exponential amount of strength, including lifting, throwing, and everything in between. Limits still unknown.
2) Super human mass: Possessing an extraordinary amount of mass in his physiology, allowing him to exert his nearly limitless strength with ease. Due to his super human mass he possesses nigh immobility, making it nearly impossible to move him with any external force.
3) Super human resilience: Possessing exponential amounts of muscle and bone density that provides more resilience to physical damage, including extreme temperatures, force, electricity, and pressure. This also plays into his longevity, allowing him to live longer than the average human.
4) Mobile invulnerablility: Possesses such strength and mass that once he starts moving he can not be stopped by any physical force.

The Weaknesses

1) Vulnerable immune system: Vulnerable to both common and uncommon ailments such as the common cold, tear gas, headaches, sore throat, sedatives, poison, alcohol, etc, etc.
2) Vulnerable mentality: Vulnerable to mental or psychological attacks like hypnosis, mind control, even simple coercion if clever enough.
3) Vulnerable to magic: More susceptible to magic based attacks, including magically imbued items.
4) Fatigue: Although Marshall can exert his strength with ease, he does not possess super human endurance, therefore he can fatigue himself if he pushes too far and in turn requires rest.

The RP Sample
It was late in the evening and Marshall was heading home after a long and grueling day at work. His muscles were sore, his eyes heavy and his mind somewhat jumbled from the day's goings on. Marshall stood a tall 6' 2" with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, nothing out of the ordinary for a man in a big city. One would even mistake him for a normal person if they didn't know of his abilities. As the tired Australian made his way down the street, he heard a cry for help coming from down an alleyway to his left. A woman's voice echoed through the dark and dank alley walls and reverberated all the way to his sensitive ears. Despite his clear lack of energy, he sprung into action..... or more appropriately slugged into action. The gentleman made his way down the alley to find two muggers holding a woman at knife point, as they made some not so polite demands of her. Marshall approached the situation casually, almost as if it weren't a deadly situation and spoke up so they would hear him.

"Excuse me sirs.... I'm going to have to ask you to leave that poor woman alone, please."

Even though he was talking to criminals in the underbelly of the city, he was still being polite... part of his nature as a good person. This confused the woman, as well as the muggers. They immediately put their attention on the sluggish man, feeling over confident that they had the jump on him. This confidence showed in their walk as they approached Marshall, knife in hand while the first mugger simply gave a chuckle. The chuckle was an obvious indicator that he planned on gutting him with the knife, giving Marshall the opportunity to predetermine his strike. Knife in hand, the mugger lunged forward with lethal intent, and Marshall swayed to the side to avoid getting the blade in his sternum while simultaneously pushing an open hand towards the mugger's now extended arm. Marshall minded his strength, holding back quite a lot as he nudged his elbow. Despite holding back significantly, Marshall still wound up busting the poor mugger's arm which led to a blood curdling scream and a loud clanging of the metal knife he was no longer able to clutch as it hit the puddled ground of the alleyway.

"Oh.... god I'm sorry... I was trying to hold back...."

The comment was comedic to the woman, but terrifying to the second mugger. He just looked at his friend as he fell to his knees, clutching onto his elbow that was now bent the wrong way and his forearm swaying in a sickening fashion. His eyes quickly met with Marshall's, and instinct kicked in..... survival instinct. He simply dropped his knife and made a frantic dash in the opposite direction as he yelled out down the acoustic alleyway.

Mugger- "Fuck that shit!!!"

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by RoyalAurelius on July 5th 2019, 7:49 pm; edited 14 times in total (Reason for editing : Update to 'The Looks' section, adding a face claim to the character.)

Status :

Quote : "Being human means feeling different things; love, hate, regret, solace, joy, pain, pleasure..... the world is full of jerks. Don't be another one."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 98
Age : 33
Registration date : 2019-03-18

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Marshall Iovi Empty Re: Marshall Iovi

Post by Chellizard March 18th 2019, 6:08 pm

Approved and moved.

-My DeviantArt-
Marshall Iovi JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Marshall Iovi Empty Re: Marshall Iovi

Post by Chellizard March 21st 2019, 6:53 pm

Moved for edits.

-My DeviantArt-
Marshall Iovi JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Marshall Iovi Empty Re: Marshall Iovi

Post by Arcana July 7th 2019, 4:20 am


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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