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Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Count Solar July 19th 2013, 5:50 pm

Xero hung up the phone. He had just received disturbing news. It appears that what had seemed to be a cold virus going around in Liverpool was actually a deadly disease. It is apparently spread through the air, and as of yet there is no cure. Normally Xero wouldn't concern himself with something as trivial as this, however part of his perfection of humanity was eliminating any and all diseases. Scientists are extremely confused by this disease, as it isn't caused by a single bacterium. The disease appears to be a mutation of MRSA, anthrax and the bubonic plague. Death is certain, but the disease can go undetected for up to seventy-two hours before symptoms appear, and by then everyone the host has come in contact with is infected. Luckily, for some reason the disease has yet to leave the confines of Liverpool.

And that isn’t the worst of it. A super villain by the name of Pandemic had escaped from the Dominus detention facility. All of the guards on duty were found dead with a new strain of Ebola . Xero knew that the escape of this disease oriented villain and the sudden outbreak of a disease incurable by humans wasn’t a coincidence. He sighed as he picked up the phone to inform Abraxis Corp, and paged his secretary to have the jet fueled up with the hour. He was going to the UK.

Last edited by Solaronic on July 19th 2013, 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

Count Solar
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Samify July 19th 2013, 7:01 pm

Sam was relaxing on his bed, it was not very comfortable, but it was better than laying on the floor. His phone started to vibrate across the room on his table, he walked over and picked it up, he had it set so whenever there was a major news story based in the UK, it would be immediately sent to him. He flicked through it and got the basic jist, a plague had spread throughout Liverpool, not Sam's favourite place, but he had no choice but to go and help. He threw on his Smoke outfit and looked in the mirror, he began to wonder about what could have caused such a plague, did they just not wash for so long that they created a plague?

He left his house and jumped onto his roof, the quickest way to get there was with the train, but he could hardly enter a train in the outfit he was in, the only way he could get on it is if he physically... got on it. He ran the rooftops until he reached his nearest train station, he stood on a large metal beam that passed over the train tracks, he had lived in London long enough to know which trains headed where, and his train was coming towards him. He waited for the train to be moving underneath him, he did not have much time, so he quickly dropped down and landed on the roof, he had a hard time gaining his balance whilst standing on it, but he soon understood the amount of resistance was facing him and he adjusted accordingly, next stop, Liverpool.
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Zell July 19th 2013, 7:45 pm

  A new and deadly strain of bacteria and viral infections were not exactly uncommon. The uncommon part was when the governments called Zell. There were dozens of theories, and all of them irrelevantin Zell's eyes. He didn't care where the new ailment had come from, all he cared about was getting it off the face of the earth before it could be recorded and weaponized. Zell was already started by time the news could have reached any normal man who had no such connections. Zell immediately got out of bed, not even bothering to throw a shirt on when he phoned downstairs to his managerial staff, alerting them to double-time the disease and infectious control unit. Within twenty minutes, the well oiled Machine of Gene-tech had over tripled the focus of their current research and progress to devising a cure, or a temporary solution to the new plague that had suddenly reared it's ugly head.
         Zell was down stairs and walking out of the elevator, still not bothering to get out of his pajamas. The second he hit the floor he wanted to be on he was flooded by the heads of each department, asking his opinions and his thoughts on their theories. Zell took minella folders form everyone as he continued walking to his destination, one of the most prized areas in the entire Gene-Tech building. The worlds most advanced conference room. The doors opened and a red laser scanned everyone up and down. This door was controled directly by Zell's A.V.A.T.A.R and scanned everyone down to their cellular transcription coneds and biosignatures before admitting access. This way Zell could know everyone who was in the room with him, and if there wwere any 'uninvited guests' he needed to root out. Once in he ordered every department head to theirt seats while he went to his own. The holographic, interative A.I operatedprojection activated in the middle of the room, showing the microscopic depiction of this new plague. This was indeed a troublesome little thing.
      " It has properties of the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, and the acute disease known as Anthrax. Because of the properties of Anthrax we can immediately assume we need to worry about the respitory system and Gastrointestional tract. Keep in mind that there WILL be open sores, vomiting, and diarreah and that will increase the infection rate exponentially. Also keep in mind that whatever cure we come up with MUST be effective on the first run through, the MRSA bacerium properties make this thing highly subjective to mutation and adaptation. We can't be making half-assed cures or we'll just make this thing an unstopable bacteria. Now I'm also seeing some rod-shaped formation that is no more than five micrometers, this is obviously a characteristic of the Enterobacteriaceae family, and the you can see here." Zell began walking up, grabbing the hologrsphic image and pulling it apart. There was a massive zoom in, allowing so see even farther components such as organelles and the like.  Zell forze and his hair stood on end.
      "'s Class is a Gammaproteobacteria and that's typical for Typhoid fever... From the looks of what we have here it's some sort of Yersinia, the intracellular parasites....But that doesnt explain the- He said before turning around and looking to the ceiling. NIALL, This doesn't make any sense, there's nothing in our Gene-tech logs that meantion anything about this kind of Yersinia."
    "shed Oi run a new scan?" the Irish accented artificial intelligence asked. Zel nodded and the the room went quiet. no longer than ten seconds later the A.I responded."Nuthin Oi'm afraid."

     "So it must be a new strain." Zell thought to himself. He suddenly stopped.

    "Don't worry Mr. Atterrus, we'll have this figured out by tomorrow afternoon and we'll celebrate at the annual masquerade." The head of Infectious control said reassuringly. Zell froze dead, and he turned around, glaring at the subject on the hologram.
  "Masquerade...Vemilliuon....hiding...dead....DEAD!" Zell called out turning around and walking to the hologram. It's not in out files because it's been dead for a long, LONG time. Niall, bring up a parallel hologram of Yersinia Pestis." Zell ordered. The A.I quickly and efficiently complied to the command.
    "Yersinea Pestis?" Many of the murmered as if he were crazy.
   "What better way to secure yourself than in a strong resistant, and highly adaptive mutation...and what better way to hide yourself than masquerade yourself as dead....Yersinea Pestis...The Bubonic Plague..." Zell said. he took in a deep breth, trying to digest all the information. The bubonic Plague was believed to be dead..gone...finished. He had to do soemthing...or the world would lose everything. "Niall, prep a course for the Unite Kingdom, I'm leaving in ten minutes." He said as he left the room, en route to his suite to grab a shirt and some supplies.

Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Dragonruby July 19th 2013, 8:30 pm

Kyle was rather disgruntled. He had flown all the way from Los Angeles to Liverpool in hopes of finding and recruiting another ex-member of Project Goliath, a man by the name of Alexander Perry, who had specialized in weapons development. However, he instead found a city wracked by illness; ambulance sirens filled the city with their shrill cries, and city officials struggling to figure out the cause. Kyle sighed as he stood outside the supposed apartment door of Mr. Perry, glancing down at the slip of paper in his hand that had Perry’s address on it, before knocking on the door once more. He waited. Nothing. Kyle looked down the hallway, making sure no one was around before propping his luggage case against the wall, and backing up a few steps, and tackling the door, which slammed open with a loud thud. He glanced back out into the hallway to make sure no one had noticed. Again, nothing. Kyle picked up his luggage case and walked in the doorway to be greeted with an empty apartment. The place had been cleaned out, and there was no sign of an occupant. Alexander had moved out already, either from the illness spreading across the city, or for some other reason.

His mind wandered back to the disease. From what he had heard of it, it seemed rather fatal. Many of his organs had been augmented or replaced when he had undergone the surgery to be placed into Project Goliath, and would probably keep him safe from the plague, though Kyle didn’t exactly want to risk it. Luckily he had brought his Assault Armor as a way of proving to Mr. Perry that he really was who he said he was, and that suit of armor did have its own oxygen supply, which would keep him safe from the illness. He couldn’t exactly wear it in public though, not without drawing a few looks. Kyle sighed. The best thing to do was probably to leave, and quickly, before a quarantine of some kind was called. He didn’t want to be caught inside the city when it was.

Walking out of the empty apartment, he did his best to close the door he had smashed open, but it seemed rather stubborn in its attempts to stay ajar. Exiting the building, and out onto the streets, Kyle hurriedly walked towards his rented car and pulled out his cellphone, dialing the number of the phone they had back in the underground bunker in LA. The others would want to know that the trip was a bust, and that he might have a few delays. Kyle really hoped he didn’t end up having a few delays.

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Count Solar July 19th 2013, 10:15 pm

Xero walked  through the streets of Liverpool. He had been in British airspace for the past two hours, yet he had only landed some fifteen minutes ago, and he was thoroughly pissed off about it. He was held up by British air control, and they would not give him permission to land, as they had a national crisis on their hands. So he was forced to spend the next hour and forty-five minutes convincing them that he was there to help, and was no threat to national security whatsoever. They still suspected him of being some form of super terrorist, and to further aggravate him he was forced to wear one of their pathetic hazmat suits. As if it would protect him from anything. The only diseases strong enough to affect him would have no problem seeping through this thin material. Nonetheless, he had to wear it for appearances. It might put a damper on his already strenuous relationship with the British government if he were to point out that as an extraterrestrial being with a highly durable immune system, he could not catch the plague present in Liverpool.

Xero chuckled to himself at the thought of how that conversation would go. He quickly sobered as his thoughts turned to the matter at hand. It took a while, but eventually he found a dead body that had not yet been collected. He found that trying to obtain a sample of it’s blood was useless; the blood had apparently congealed after death. He made a mental note to add that to the list of symptoms. This was going to take longer than he thought, as he would have to find a live specimen. A thought came to him suddenly. He berated himself for not thinking of it sooner. Maybe he wouldn’t have to fight this war alone. Obviously, there were Earth health organizations working on a cure, but he had little faith in the human’s ability in medicine. After all, they still hadn’t cured such simple things as the common cold or flu. No, he was thinking of bigger people. There was the mysterious Abraxis Corp. which he had heard a little about. They seemed to have a far more advanced knowledge of medical science than the Earthlings. Then, there was the far more famous Gene-Tech. He decided that it was time to suck up his pride and ask for help.

He contacted Gene-Tech first, as he was more familiar with the company. He was told that Mr. Zell was busy now, and could not be reached, however he could leave a message. He left a brief one explaining who and where he was (without the details of being a super powered alien, of course) and he asked that the message be sent to Zell right away. He then contacted Abraxis, and told them the same things, with the address of the CDC office containing the samples

Xero smiled. He may win this war yet.

Count Solar
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Samify July 19th 2013, 10:44 pm

The train journey was coming to a end, Smoke could see the station the distance as he approached it. To avoid any trouble of being seen, he jumped off of the train as it was slowing down and he climbed up to the roof of the train station. He made his way across the roof as someone spoke out on a megaphone "Ladies and Gentleman, the quarantine is now in effect, no one will be allowed to enter or exit until we get this disease under control. I repeat, no one is allowed in or out" Smoke looked around as he saw army men placing mesh gates around the exits of Liverpool, this disease seemed a lot more serious than he first thought as he crept into the city across rooftops.

Sam did not know what to expect, he had watched some films where diseases spread, but it always ended up badly and the disease usually caused people to become zombies, one of Smoke's worst fears. Sam did not know where to start, he suddenly wondered why he came here in the first place, he could not do anything to help and he couldn't find a cure on his own, he had no expertise with medicine. He walked to the edge of a building carefully and watched as men in hazmat suits calmly walked the streets as if everything was ok, of course they could be calm, they won't be getting infected.... it suddenly dawned on him, the army men were wearing hazmat suits and stopping the disease spread to them, probably through the air... Smoke was not covering his face at all and could well have picked up the disease already, it appears he came unprepared.

Where did he start? He was in a completely new city with no one to help him, the only person he really knew was Salone and she had already left the country. Smoke paced backwards and forward to think, he noticed another guard in a hazmat suit studying a dead body closely, checking everything wrong with them, he then pulled out a phone and began calling people, Smoke assumed that this man knew what he was doing and decided to follow him, listening to what made of all of this.
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Zell July 19th 2013, 11:31 pm

Ancestor Dragon descended to the ground in front of dozens of military soldiers all looking at him. He landed on a knee, then stood up slowly so they new he wasn't here to cause any problems. Once he stood up he approached, the mechanical whiring of the exo suit filling his ears with every movement he made. the captain , or whatever his rank was, stepped forward with a megaphone and spoke through his military grade hazmat suit and a military grade assault rifle in the other hand.
   "This area is quarentined sir, there is no entry to this area. Please leave the premesis." The guard called through the megaphone. Ancestory Dragon kept walking up, and finally stopped when he was a fair deal closer, so the man could at least hear him.
   "Negative chief. I'm here with the S.T.A.R.K emergancy pandemic response team. We have clearance form parliment and this pamndemic is a global crisis. Genetech has a right to be here and will not be deturred." Zell ssaid, the voice modifier altering his voice to keep his identyity a secret. A second later a loug roar was heard, and the large Mecha Dragon that was known to the people as S.T.A.R.K dropped off two large metal canisters with the Gene-Tech company logo. Zell knew they were both full of nothing more than previsions to supply the current citizens, and enough prevetional antibiotics that could wipe out a global epidemic. It also had other useful materials, like antibaterial masks that were specific for airborn infectoions. Zell also heard the lous sound of planes and ships in the back ground. They hovered over head and suddenly several S.T.A.R.K soldiers hopped down from the advanced tech planes, cutting the cords that secured them and drawing their own advanced equipment. Archangel himself would be joining in this campeign, as he had his sister's in-laws out this way and didn't want to miss out on the chance to help. Zell looked back to the officer and chuckled. " wouldnt want to ry and send ALL of us home, now would you?" He said, walking past the military soldier, Arch angel and the other common Strak soldiers following him.
     While Zell, Archangel, and the S.T.A.R.K soldiers were relativly safe, thewre was still a heavy use of prevention antibitics, and they soon went door to door, offering from thge clean food, water, and the hazard gear Gene-Tech was supplying. Just outside the quarentine zone, there was a field-lab thrown together, and scientists would be able to more quickly record data and observe the developments of this new disease. Zell looked around at all the bodies. He would have his A.V.A.T.A.R record and match every face before blowing the body up in the intense heat of his protonic blaster. He recoreded over twenty names of the bodies he'd been rid of before snapping.
     "What's it take for a brotha to get a damn debriefing form you guys!?" Zell said, his irish accently slipping through a little from being in the 'region'. He cleared his throat as Archangel walked up next to him in his own suit.
    "Sir, We're on our own. The loals have been able to tell us more then these U.K twerp soldiers were even willing to." He said with a sigh. Zell was bound to fix that. He walked up to the head in command and grabbed him by the collar. Bullets rank out, and bounced off the exo suit as if they were the cheap dollar store suction cup bullets from those little plastic guns. The S.T.A.R.K soldiers all hurried to the scene.
    "Give me a debriefing...NOW." Zell demanded.

Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

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Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Dragonruby July 20th 2013, 12:39 am

Kyle had ditched the car at around his second attempt at trying to leave, since, by then, the streets had filled with people trying to get out of the city themselves. He had also put on his Assault Armor around then as well, reasoning that he was going to be stuck in the city for a little while longer, and the less time he was exposed to whatever was causing the disease, the better. Sure, stomping around in his armor drew a few looks, but no one did anything. The civilians are all too busy trying to keep themselves alive, and the officials too busy trying to keep order, and if anyone did stop him, Kyle would either just push them aside, or activate his invisibility and walk off. He was about to attempt to leave a third time as he approached a city exit, reasoning that even if the military denied him, he could simply walk on out while he was cloaked, when he noticed something rather out of the ordinary.

There were two large armored figures, one in what looked like a miniature mech, and the other was in some obviously dragon themed armor, who was also holding someone of importance, possibly a Sergeant, or a Major, or even a Lieutenant, though it was hard to see from Kyle’s angle. There also seemed to be a bit of a standoff between the British soldiers, and a group of what Kyle assumed to be from a private military contractor, who stood in support of the Dragon and Mini-Mech. Kyle tapped first the combat knife he had strapped to his chest, then to the handgun in a holster on his thigh, making sure they were still there. He wasn’t able to sneak much into the UK, especially when their gun laws were much more stringent than the ones in the US, but they would have to do.

Kyle's heart pounded and adrenaline rushed through his system as he walked towards the commotion, the soldiers too busy with the already tense situation to pay too much attention to him. He drew his pistol, but made sure I was pointed at the ground, letting people know he was armed, but not outright threatening anybody. Kyle was pretty damn sure the bullets wouldn’t do anything to the large armored figures, seeing as how they had shrugged off assault rifle rounds with ease, but its weight felt comfortable in his hands, and gave Kyle a sense of ease. “Let’s not do anything too hasty here,” Kyle said, keeping his eyes trained on the two, rather imposing, figures. “Why don’t you drop the man, and we all discuss this like normal, civilized people.”

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Count Solar July 20th 2013, 2:40 pm

Xero watched the confrontation with amusement. It seemed that some big shot had landed in the courtyard without informing the army and/or Local LEO’s, it really didn't matter who they were. It escalated quickly after a man looking to be in his mid to early twenties approached with a small pistol. Deciding he did not have time for their petty arguments, he slipped into an alleyway where he discovered a small dog cowering in front of a door. Xero realized that up until that point he had not seen any other animals. Slowly approaching the dog, when he was within arm’s length of it he quickly grabbed the canine up. With the swiftness and precision that comes from years of practice, he quickly obtained a sample of the dog’s blood with a syringe. Slipping the syringe into his briefcase, he walked towards the local clinic, which would most likely be deserted by now. As he turned, he saw something dart inside of an open door. He stepped forward to investigate it, then decided it wasn’t worthy of his attention. He figured it was most likely another dog or small animal.

He hurried off towards the clinic, figuring they must have some record of the early stages of the disease. So far he knew who had made it, the symptoms, and the length of the disease. Now all he needed was to find Pandemic and figure out where the point of origin of the disease was. Pandemic could have infected the water supply; but if that was the case the quarantine was useless as it would already have spread out of the city. No, it must have been something local. He would need to enlist someone who knew the area. He turned back towards the the kid with the pistol, who appeared to be greatly outnumbered if this turned into a fight. He figured the kid could use some help, and he looked like he might be a local. “Screw the clinic,” he thought “It’s not like they would have more information than what I do now”.

When he got closer to the group, it seemed as if the tension was running high. One of the men who wore the insignia of a British Field Marshall was being held by the collar by the man who landed in the plane. The kid was holding the pistol at the aforementioned man, and it appeared he was trying to negotiate with them. Xero smiled as he walked towards them with his hands up, palms facing them. “Hello there gentlemen, it seems we have quite a predicament don’t we? To insure that we control this situation quickly and effectively, I’ll make you a deal. Find a cure for the plague within the next, oh, let's say twenty-four hours, or I’ll blow Liverpool off of the map. Ok?”

Last edited by Solaronic on July 21st 2013, 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Count Solar
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Samify July 20th 2013, 3:03 pm

Smoke followed this man for several minutes, watching him take several blood samples of both humans and animals, it was clear that he knew a lot more of this disease that Smoke did, all the more reason to stay close to him. The man soon returned to a road, there was quite a commotion coming from there, Smoke stood upon a rooftop and looked over what was happening, there were 3 strangely suited men along with several British Soldiers, these three men did not look like ordinary people, perhaps they had been sent here by the government or other companies.

One man was holding a high ranking member of the army by the scruff of his neck, another man was watching this with his hand carefully placed over his holstered pistol, and the man he had been following joined them all. Did these three men know each other? Perhaps they were some kind of strike team sent here to fix this whole problem, they seemed like the first people who could come up with a cure for this disease, and if Smoke had already caught it, he would need that cure to rid himself of it.

Smoke did not want to get involved with these people, they seemed to be very on edge and rough on anyone they wanted information from, perhaps it was best if he just stayed on the roof and observed before introducing himself.
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Zell July 21st 2013, 12:17 am

"Anomoly detected. Non-human biosignature detected. Processing." The Irish A.I hummed as he began sifting through the living things in the region. It wouldn't take long to narrow it down. In the mean time Zell needed to address the multiple people glaring at him.
    "I have clearence form parliment, check your damn records. I am allowed access to any information regarding the damn plague. I'm here to wipe it out before it can be weaponized or mutated. Any and all things done by the S.T.A.R.K response team is subject to being monitored, as was agreed upon by Mr.Atterrius and the heads of the committees." Zell said through the modifier, before gently letting the officer down. He then looked to the new man, the one who had his hand on his gun. Zell had the ability to shred this man alive, and if he had been at the point of ethereal intoxication, he might have, but this was the sane Zell, and so a peaceful resolution may be possible. The Bioscan was done, and Zell identified the strange biosignature as an alien life form in a hazmat suit. This alien may very well have brought the new disease with him, or perhaps even was trying to test it to see how humans would respond.
    "We can talk llike gentlemen. But you need to come with me, there are two non-human signatures, and as far as we know they could well have seen soemthing or had a part in this." Zell said, his voice still maked. He then walked over, the A.V.A.T.A.R locked onto the 'man' in the hazmat suit. Zell approached him, running at this point was futile. Once Zell had someone in sight, he always got them one way or another. His A.V.A.T.A.R also locked onto the other different signature and focused in on him. This second man was seeming to spy form a distance.
    The second the man threatened to blow liverpool off the map, Six S.T.A.R.K soldier had trained snipers on him, Archangel Was flying overhead, and upon hearing this even the U.K military was strarting to rally alongside the S.T.A.R.K forces. Zell help yup a hand.
    "Let's not be to hastey...we don't knwo the aliens customs yet." Zell reminded them, before stepping closer. Zell had half a mind to blow this man to peices, even without Ethereal toxicity being high in his blood. "Listen up, I don't know what hole you cralwed from, or what planet you crashed from. But if you don't if you don't explain yourself right now I'll blow you right off the map, and then I'll deal with any paperwork after i'm done pissing on the ashes. You won't be giving us a time limit, but we WILL have a cure. Now you can help us and we can forget that little misunderstanding, and clear you of any suspicion for creating this little accident....or I can blow you up and then find the cure. Either way works for me." Zell said. With a Roar, the massive Dragon, S.T.A.R.K, as commanded by Zell's A.I, had it's anti-aircraft plasma cannon trained on the Xenostructure. This think just managed to piss off EVERYONE, and with Archangel in the air, S.T.A.R.K nearby, and the several soldiers around, it was unlikely this thing could do anything about it. "I have to admit, you did manage to bring us togethert quite nicely....nothing unites people quite like a common enemy." Zell said, chuckling with amusement. Zell stuck out his hand."So are you friend?" Zell asked. He then opened his other hand, and the protonic blaster was charged at a full force blast, ready to fire. "Or foe?"

Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
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Registration date : 2013-05-07

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Dragonruby July 21st 2013, 10:01 pm

Kyle clicked his tongue under his helmet. He had been, rather simply, brushed off. It was an annoying feeling. This man seemed arrogant, the way he held himself, and how he talked. He held no qualms about threatening people. Kyle would wait to see if the man’s arrogance was deserved or not. Kyle then turned his attention towards the new man, the one wearing a hazmat suit. He also seemed arrogant. Soldiers didn’t tend to like hearing people threatening to blow up cities, even as a joke. Kyle noted dimly in the back of his head that no one had introduced themselves to each other yet. Not exactly conducive to diplomacy, when all someone could call you was, “Hey, you”.

Kyle decided to watch and wait. The Dragon had claimed that there were aliens around, claiming the Hazmat Man was one, and while he didn’t exactly put much stock in his words, Kyle still decided to look around. The area around him seemed rather normal, or as normal as things could be in a situation like this. It was something on the rooftops that had caught Kyle’s attention, a silhouette of a. A quick switch to infrared vision with Kyle’s cybernetic eyes highlighted him rather nicely. Kyle cursed himself mentally for not seeing him sooner. If the man had been a sniper, or an assassin, he probably could have taken off his head by now, though to be fair to himself, he hadn’t exactly expected a plague when he first came to Liverpool. Kyle pointed at the man up on the rooftops, then down the floor next to him, a rather simple gesture of “get over here.”

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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Count Solar July 22nd 2013, 1:41 am

The man who came in the plane had attempted to threaten him, and then had offered his hand. Xero grinned; he was liking this man already. There was something different about him though. He couldn't quite place it. It could be the odd looking suit he was wearing; but Xero had never cared about someone's attire, even one as high-tech as this. No, it was something about the way he held himself, the stiffness of his body that was almost inhuman. That, and the way some of the men acted around him. It was obvious they weren't part of the British Army. He could tell by the way they were standing, they either revered this man, or feared him.

“I know not what you mean by what planet I fell from. Actually, that is a lie; I know what you are inferring, however I can assure you, the only planet that I have set foot on is Earth.” Xero told the man.

He looked to the British soldiers, and addressed them. “Now, before we do anything hasty, be aware that most of the equipment you are currently carrying was manufactured by me, and upon my death will self-destruct, leaving nothing more of Liverpool than a couple of burn marks on the ground” Their eyes widened greatly with this, and a few of the men dropped their weapons in fear.

Turning to the apparent leader of the troops, Xero explained the dire need for the cooperation between everyone present here. “If we can’t work together, I guess that’s fine. You are at liberty to leave whenever you want.” The First Marshall’s eye’s tightened at that, and his jaw jutted out a little.

Xero realized that he had still not talked to the assumed local, who was the reason for coming over to this group in the first place. He told him “I need you to help me with information on how the disease came about in Liverpool,” The man seemed taken back by this.

Looking back to the one who had threatened him, Xero felt as if he should answer him, at least partially. “I know exactly who is the cause of this disease. His whereabouts are unknown, but if the British are half as competent as they seem, they will find him quickly,” Xero didn’t meant that of course, but he figured some damage control wouldn’t hurt. “As to your earlier question, I am of no threat to you right now. However, without knowing of your goals and intentions, I cannot honestly tell you I won’t be a foe in the future.”

He looked at the four individuals he had addressed. “I need all of you to follow me, so we can speak. in private” Xero said, glancing at the small army gathered.

He turned on his heels to walk away, and looked up at a building directly across from him. “Oh, and you too,” he said, referring to the being that had been following him.

Last edited by Solaronic on July 22nd 2013, 11:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Count Solar
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Samify July 22nd 2013, 2:03 am

Smoke stood up straight after two of the men had seen him, not too bad, it take them a short while to realize he was there. None of them seemed worried that he had no protective gear on though, perhaps they already knew a cure for the disease and they were going to give it to him first, maybe they did not even know he had it yet, but it would just be safe to assume it until he was tested.

One man pointed at him, then pointed to the ground near him, how disrespectful! Expecting Smoke to follow his orders of pointing like a common house dog was not right, and Smoke would have been more than happy to disobey his orders if it wasn't for the other man who had noticed him and possibly knew that he was following him the entire time. Going down there to the group was probably the best idea, they seemed to know what they were talking about. He stepped off of the edge of the building and vanished mid fall, appearing next to them within a few seconds. He looked around to the army men who were taken a few steps back, clearly skeptical if they should trust him or not due to the chances of him having the disease, or maybe it was that they watched him teleport... either way, Smoke turned to them and said "What? You waiting for an autograph or something? Let's go" He turned back around and caught up to the group, he stood at the back seems that he was the only one out of the loop, he looked at the three other well suited men, and started to feel slightly under-dressed for the occasion...
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Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Empty Re: Night of the (barely) Living Dead Open to any who could be in the UK

Post by Zell July 22nd 2013, 12:39 pm

Zell laughed. He liked this guy, well as much as one can like an unknown entity. The 'man' didn't make promises, which spoke volumes about what kind of personality he had. The man was also apparently well prepared. Unfortunately for him, Zell was prepared for everything. Zell punched in a command to the alien tech attached to his arm, and in seconds, Nanites so small the eye could not see were exiting him and flooding into every gun, disarming their self-destruct.

    "Hey, a note on the side...don't mention somethign like that face up. Drag it on as long as you can. You just told me that and I was able to neutralize them. It would have worked on anyone else though. You get respect and credit for trying though." Zell said, a bit pleased with this person's attempt. Zell was a Hero, but he didn't mind making threats to get people to shut up and listen. It just seems like this particular time Zell ended up on top.

   The nanites returned with the information that no such technology was present in the british weaponry, only technology that could be detonated. This was not the same thing, and Zell knew that this alien knew it too. Zell tapped the Alien on the shoulder and tried to grab his attention again.

   "Detonation is not the same as biolink detonation...Nice bluff, VERY nice." Zell added. He kept walking with the figure. "Ancestor Dragon, you have a name?" He inquired. He really didnt wish to be kept in the dark as how to address this man. Zell waited for an answer and looked to the others. "Ancestor Dragon, Meta-human I don't hunt for sport. It's strictly a legal title, it just means I'm human who can dance with meta humans. I'm not after anyone here. What do I call you all?" Zell then asked the remainder of the group.

Night of the (barely) Living  Dead Open to any who could be in the UK Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
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