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The Guardian Angel

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The Guardian Angel Empty The Guardian Angel

Post by Stargirl May 23rd 2017, 4:16 pm

The Guardian Angel

"Prince of Eden, Savior of Mankind"

The Bio

Real Name: Alexander Price
Hero Name: The Guardian Angel
Title: Prince Azriel of Eden, District Attorney Alexander Price
Alignment:Lawful Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Alien(Edonian)
Hair: Golden Blond
Eyes: Bright Yellow
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 185lbs

The Looks

(Will draw his suit when I have time.)

Alexander Price could be described as a very handsome man, enough to be in hollywood and do okay at least.  His hair is golden blond, and combed in a professional fashion to look his part as an attorney.  His body is very athletic and strong, but a bit lean to show a sort of elegance.  His eyes are bright yellow, some people would say they even glowed from time to time, but who would spend their time staring into his eyes anyway?  Of course on his back, usually held down with a harness under his shirt, would be two magnificent angel wings that have a span as large as his body.

As for his Costume, he wears a white and gold bodysuit that depicts a winged cross on his chest, the symbol of his culture.  He wears a sort of feathered cowl that could be compared to Hawkman’s.  While wearing his costume, his eyes are always glowing brilliantly.

The Personality

Alexander is a model citizen, and what people would call a “White Knight.”  At every point of every day, Alexander is commited to protecting the innocent and condemning the guilty.  Whether it is in the skies as The Guardian Angel, or as Alexander Price, District Attorney.  The man himself is very easy to get along with, he rarely shows ill feelings.  Some would say he is charming, as his admirer’s often do.  If all else, Alexander is a person who would sacrifice himself a thousand times to save a single person.  His valiant and righteous mind is the reason why he is so loved, whether it’s wings-out or in a nice suit.
The Story

Deep in outter space, far away from the Earth, is the paradise, Eden.  Humans know this word well, as they have been telling stories of it for thousands of years, and still do today.  But this Eden is not a garden on Earth as many faithful would believe; Eden is a distant planet and home to a race of pure-hearted beings called Edonians.  These people are, as early humans once called them, Angels.  Beings of holy light, soaring through the skies with great wings.  But these Angels are not the divine spirits of the bible, they are a peaceful alien race.

This story focuses on one Angel in particular, a Prince of Eden who is a mere child.  The first to be born in a century, due to the Edonian birth-rate being very small.  This Prince, Azriel, was to live the life of royalty and to be prepared for his inevitable destiny as King.  But unlike many generations of royalty before him, Azriel would not live this regal life.  His destiny was elsewhere.

Before young Azriel could mutter his first word, the paradise planet was invaded.  Doomlord Varrock and his legions of conquerors descended on the peaceful world and waged a war that even the Angels, with all their power, could not win.  The only option, unfortunately, was to evacuate the sacred world in order to protect the bloodlines of its people.  Azriel was the first to be sent into the far reaches of space, his father had to stay behind until the last refugees could be saved.  The child Prince was thrown into the unknown, his destination; Earth.

The people of Eden, thousands of years ago, had visited the human world and shared part of their culture with them.  It was because of this that they knew Earth would be the perfect world to send their Prince.  The Humans looked up to their people as the pinnacle of goodness and morality, so the King knew his son would be safe there.

Soon the craft landed discreetly on the blue world, and was happened upon a young married couple that had been vacationing in the area.  Their names were Howard and Alison Price.  When they discovered the child in the object, they were astonished, even more so when they saw the tiny wings sprouting from the babe’s back.  Being religious, the couple did what had been predicted.  They saw young Azriel as a gift from God and took him in as their own son.

Now growing up as Alexander Price, the boy was told to hide his wings and gifts, as his adoptive father believed mankind was not ready for such a revelation.  Alexander grew up as a normal boy in the city of San Francisco, his powers concealed for most of his life.  That was until after he grew up and became the city’s favorite DA.  One day, while court was in reccess, Alexander spotted a buss full of school children flying down the steep streets at dangerous speeds.  The vehicle’s brakes clearly didn’t work.  The need to react overwhelmed the attorney and he quickly found a place hidden from view before letting his wings out in public for the first time.  Using his gifts to hide his face through a bright light; Alexander quickly reached the bus and lifted it off the ground before it could drive off that famous bridge.  He of course fled the scene after making sure the children were safe, but people saw who came to their aid that day.  They called them their Guardian Angel.

The Priority

1. Agility 4
2. Endurance 1
3. Reaction 3
4. Strength 2

The Powers

Super Strength.
Super Flight Speed.
Super Endurance.

Holy Gifts;

Healing Light: Guardian Angel has the ability to heal the sick and wounded with his light.

Light Barrier: His light can also form a shield around him for personal, or group protection.

Holy Wrath: When in combat, Guardian Angel’s light can also be used in a form of righteous bolts of light that can deal damage.

The Weaknesses

Compassion for Innocent Lives: Alexander will do anything to protect the people who are in danger.  This fact is easily exploitable because even if he knew there was a trap, he’d still risk it to save a life.

Not Invulnerable: People with strength equal or greater than him can still inflict physical harm on him.

Power of Opposites: The Guardian Angel is a warrior of the holy light, that being said, he is vulnerable to anything demonic as the two ends of that spectrum would cancel each other out.

Brimstone:  Since this mineral is commonly attributed to a demonic pressence, Brimstone acts as a kryptonite to Guardian Angel.  The size of the rock matters, small doses will make him sick, larger doses could kill him.

Dependence on Wings:  Unlike Superman, Guardian Angel uses his wings for flight.  Take those out and he cannot fly.

Morality Clause: The Guardian Angel’s holy power is fueled by Will, Righteousness, and Justice.  If at all he strays from these mindsets, his gifts will leave him.  He must also remain morally good.

Opponent's Morality: The same concept as above, except this refers to the fact that his holy powers can only heal the morally just, and harm the wicked.  His holy powers cannot hurt good characters, nor can they heal evil ones.

The Fluff

Alexander Price is San Francisco’s current District Attorney.
The Guardian Angel is absolutely revered by the people of that city.
He’s also rather wealthy due to his job, and he’s a renowned philanthropist.
His adoptive parents are, infact, still alive and well.

The RP Sample

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : "Uhm... do I have to talk into this thing?" *Taps the mic* "Helloooooo?"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 30
Location : Here, there, anywhere.
Job : Everyone's favorite dumb blonde!
Humor : ...Huh?
Registration date : 2015-03-22

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