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Project Exodus: The Story Thus Far

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INV ONLY Project Exodus: The Story Thus Far

Post by Elena Vexus January 6th 2017, 7:11 pm

(Present Day)

The camera appears to be on the ground. It is fumbled with and eventually set up. As the picture comes into focus, there are two people sitting in chairs. Two women. Both middle aged and blonde.
"This just might be the interview of your career" one woman said before they had been introduced. The other replied with a nervous laugh.

"Good morning, afternoon, or evening. I am Diane Sawyer with an important news bulletin. This is currently being broadcast simultaneously around the world. Myself and my crew has been summoned here and patched through internationally to bring you... there was a pause. Diane looked over to the woman.
"To bring you this live interview with... Ms. Elena Vexus."
The camera pans over and zooms in slightly in on Ms. Vexus.

"Thank you, so much for having me Diane, may I call you Diane?" Ms. Sawyer only glared back.

"What message do you have for the people, Ms. Vexus. The citizens of the world have witnessed your actions previously, what are we to expect of your this time."

"A monumentally fantastic discovery, Diane. My parter and I have found the future of the entire human race."

"The future? Could you go into more detail?"

"A super earth has been discovered. By no doubt the grace of a higher power. This discovery has been kept secret from the scientific establishments of the world as I have been working to organize a plan to relocate humanity."

"...Relocate all of humanity? And you speak of a higher power? As a high class MetaHuman, what other power do you look up to?"

"Yes. Everyone. Every last man, woman, and child. As for the higher power, that comes with the location of this new Super Earth... There is a wormhole that I discovered, located behind Saturn. This wormhole takes us directly to the inhabitable planet. There is no MetaHuman of this world that has the capabilities of bending time and space to such a degree as to connect these points in our galaxy. Someone or something that is evolved far past our means must have established this. Wormholes are not a natural phenomenon."
There was a long pause. Diane looked to her staff, they all shrugged. There was no teleprompter, no cards. All around the world there was silence. Children sat staring at the television and phone screens wondering what this strange woman was speaking about. Searching the internet for information about super earths and wormholes. The science communities were in outrage. Governments were in scramble. The United Nations were panicked. This was life altering. By no authority did Ms. Vexus have any rights to withhold such crucial data, especially since it was regarded the survival of an entire species. This was the perfect example of allowing information to fall into the wrong hands.

"Now, how do you plan on--" she was cut off

"I am SO glad you decided to ask!" Vexus said energetically. She stood from her chair and by some form of sorcery turned the wall behind them into a window looking straight out into the sky. It was still day light, but there was not much cloud cover allowing the moon to be seen quite clearly from where they sat. The cameras took some time to adjust to the new lighting in the room.
"My partner and I have created a space station that will aid in the transportation of any and all willing passengers to New Earth. Construction for adequate colonization has already begun on the surface. By the time anyone arrives, there will be accommodations for up to 500,000,000 people. And by the next wave, 1.5 Billion will be able to live. And so on."

"This space station, where is it? "
Elena only gave a smirk as she turned and looked up into the sky. From behind the moon a diamond shaped object began to appear. The object was the same size as the moon as it slowly switched its orbit. Diane's mouth dropped as she stood form her chair. The staff was flabbergasted. People in the streets were stopping and staring. Pictures were showing up all over the internet, some where thinking that they were being invaded by an alien force. This is really when governments of the world were thrown into an uproar.
"...H-How did you construct something to this caliber. Something this absolutely massive with not a single individual of any government noticing!?"

"Humans have not been to the moon in decades. The dark side of the moon has not been explored. Where else to hide such a project so grand in scale? In the last place anyone would ever look. It had taken quite some time to get all the supplied into space, but once the system had been put in place it was smooth sailing."
Diane looked over to Elena and went back to calmly have a seat. Vexus soon followed.
"Here is the complicated part, and there is no easy way to put this so I will just come out and say it. This planet will be terraformed and the remainder of its resourced will be utilized for sustaining the needs of the residents of New Earth."

"T-Terraformed? I'm not sure I follow."

"After the evacuation of this planet has commenced, our station will fire upon the surface of the planet reconfiguring it into ideal farming land. It will take some time and there will be an unprecedented amount of destruction. But from the ashes a new flower blooms. The Utopia of New Earth."

"Destruction? With destruction comes death. Who do you expect to follow you in this foolish plan? How do you even feel as if you will get away with any of this at all...?"

"My dear, and people of the world, we have already 'gotten away with it'. The destruction is unavoidable, yes, but there does not have to be death. We will only terraform areas that have been 100% evacuated. Of course, there will be those who wish not to flee this comfortable planet, and you are more than welcome to stay. However there will be nothing but farm lands and prisons left on this land."


"Yes, of course. There will be no prisons on the utopian New Earth. Anyone who commits crime will simply be send back to this earth."

"You won't succeed. There are heroes in the world that are far powerful than you and whoever your partner is. Governments of the world have measures to counter act even great acts of terrorism such as this.

"As I have said, we have already succeeded. I did not announce, but on the screens of everyone watching this there is a registration link. There you will find all the information about your transportation to New Earth. Pickup locations, times, number of travelers. All of that. It is quite simple. There are even locations where you may go register in person. We already have our first few dozen flights to the station booked. We will be reaching the tens of thousands soon..."
The interviewer remind quite for a moment. Her and the rest of the crew then left, she was clearly on her phone putting typing in information. Vexus gave only a smirk. She repositioned the chairs so that there was only hers and it was facing center. With a wave of her finger the cameras centered on her. She sat professionally with her legs crossed and her hands folded on her lap.

"Governments of the world. Please do no attempt to interfere. We do not wish to threaten the people of this decaying world. However if you continue to push against us, we will fire on a populated area. We are looking for your surrender and cooperation. This will go as smoothly as you allow it. Thank you."


(The hours following)

"An excellent delivery, Ms Vexus"

"Thank you General, however I do not seem to have gotten my point across too convincingly to the governments"

"Yes, that does seem to be the case. Multiple silos around the globe are opening up to fire upon the base. Were are receiving a multitude of cease and desist orders from head government figures around the world and there are countless task forces, missile strikes, and assassination orders being issued for this exact location." said her bodyguard with a large tablet in hand scrolling through everything that was coming in.

"I suppose this is to be expected. Issue one last final warning. If they do not pull back then find the area with the least amount of registrations thus far and fire there."
"Very good m'lady."

The final warning had been issued, but the governments of the world did not retreat. Quite the opposite. They hastened their attack and foolishly called Elena Vexus' bluff. There was nothing that could be done, her now super weapon was far our of reach of any missile that the planet had. Or so she had thought. It seemed a there were a few secrets kept from Vexus as a fleet of missiles were fired at the station traveling at an alarming rate.
"They have fired at the station. Impact in T-Minuts one hour."

"An hour!? I had no idea that they managed to create such fast moving missiles. Where have we located the least amount of registrations now?"

"Madagascar, it seems."

"Excellent." Vexus took out a cell phone esque communication device.
"Yes, Marie? Target Madagascar. Yes... Of course, you may fire when ready."

The massive geometrical shape in the sky began to relocate itself. The unsuspecting residents of Madagascar soon began to see the station come into pale view on their skyline. Some began to flee. Others simply cowered in their houses, holding their loved ones. They were unsure on what was to come, but they knew it was their end. Without warning and without mercy the station charged and fired the beam that brought the immediate end of 22 million lives. Completely wiping the entire country off of the map in a matter of seconds. The resulting shockwave would cause devastating tsunamis to strikes the shores of neighboring countries undoubtedly raising the death toll.
Elena let out a sigh. "I do look forward to the day I will be able to witness its power in person."
"Madame, the missiles have been neutralized and the government surrenders are being received.
"Wonderful! Have an UN meeting called immediately and prepare my additional list of demands. We are victorious..."


(10 Years Later)

Elena Vexus stands on a podium facing a crowded of thousands on New Earth now dubbed Elysium. Her bodyguard and Elena Marie standing on either side of her.
"Hello my beautiful residents of Elysium! Our victories has never been brighter! I am more than proud to announce that our population transfer has successfully moved one BILLION people to Elysium!"
She pauses for the roars of applause from the crowd.
"The process continues as there are still nearly 5 billion remaining on Old Earth. However even when adding those we will be more than accommodating. With the technology we have here our projected life expectancy is 110 years of age and we may even manage to surpass that! This is only the beginning of the Human Empire. We will see the rest of the universe. We will continue to expand. I, Elena Vexus, and my counterpart Elena Marie will continue to look over our people with a powerful sense of justice. There will be no hunger. There will be no poverty. There will be no illness. You are safe here, we have created the first utopian society. Welcome to Elysium!"
The crowd roars, they exit the stage...


(Old Earth)

"The construction of the Empire's Old Earth base of operations is going smoothly, your highness. In addition, the maximum security prison located in Antartica is under going final inspections.

"All good news, thank you very much. What is the status on the remainder of Project Exodus?"

"We are still running on schedule. 85% completion of The United States, 76% completion of Canada, Mexico is at 45%. We have 52% of Australia, 62% of England. Inida and China are still only at 20%.

"Perfect. A  group of shuttles is leaving The Vamana currently, feel free to send up the next wave. We will be targeting the west coast of the U.S.A. for our strikes next. Make sure all crew members are swiftly exited."

"Very good it will be done, your highness..."


(50 Years Later, 60 total years in the future)

It has been over half of a century since Elena Vexus and Elena Marie successfully overthrew all the world's governments simultaneously and established the galaxy's first Human Empire. The bulk of the human race now resides on a planet dubbed Elysium by Ms. Vexus. It is located on the other side of the galaxy, connected to the Solar System by a wormhole. This trans-galactic portal has been studied and is still in use today to transport supplies and other items to and from Old Earth. Studies and experiments have allowed Marie and Vexus to temporarily recreate the wormhole closer to Old Earth. This has been done by utilizing the power source of their space station, The Vamana. Despite their great triumphs in space travel, they have prematurely depleted the power source of their station. This has become a pressing issue for the Empire, as the terraforming beam is necessary to keep Old Earth in a perpetual farming state. Typically, the weapon is fired every 3, 6, or 12 months. With the current population of Old Earth fluctuating just above and below 1 Billion it is very common for the inhabitants not to notice when the surface is struck. However, rumors are spreading that it has been at least a year and a half since the last terraforming.

This has sparked the birth of rebellions. Those wishing to over throw the Elenas and reclaim the Earth. Put an end to the segregation caused by Elysium. Such thoughts were managed to be kept at bay by the destructive power of The Vamana, simply being able to erase an entire country would easily remove any threat of revolt. The higher ups of the Human Empire have not acknowledged any radical residents as a threat, at least not yet. Their main targets would be the Empire's Old Earth Base of Operations in Versailles, or the maximum security prison in Antartica. There are farming, mining, production facilities, and smaller prisons spread out across the planet. All of which are under the close watch of the Empire.

Meanwhile the Elenas and their research and development teams are hard at work looking to create another source of power for their station, unaware of the rising threats. Ms. Vexus typically resides on Old Earth in the luxurious accommodations of the Versailles location. Marie can be found in her headquarters above Elysium, monitoring the Wormhole. They have armies that police the surface of Old Earth from time to time with Vexus' bodyguard, The General. Marie's Homonculous army patrols the streets of Elysium, keeping everything safe and orderly. This is the way of the Human Empire, and how it will be sustained for centuries to come.
Or so they think.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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