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Red Raccoon's Gadgets

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Red Raccoon's Gadgets Empty Red Raccoon's Gadgets

Post by shamanman November 9th 2014, 1:03 pm

Name: Raccoons claws
Abilities: grappling through virtually any surface, wielding like a tonfa, launching knife.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Was made on the eve he almost died. He modified two tonfa to have a vlade that splits into three claws  on the end of each. Not only do they grapple up to 245 meters out they can slash with the claws and de attach the knives . The line is made of a very tensil like titanium capable of lifting 1 ton. The line is activated by a button on the end of the tonfa handle. The entire thing is metal to channel/is launched by The red raccoons electricity. 
INT Allocation: 5

Name: Blade of raccoons claws
Abilities: Can cut through most metal.
Can be launched and splits to act as a large grappling hook. To get a better grip.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) He made it to kill more effectively. A couple of years after his Mentor started training him.
INT Allocation: 5

He has 15 average throwing knives made of wood and metal.

Name: raccoon mask
Abilities: Sticks on his face easy.
Can act as thermal goggles if a specific word is used.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) a raccoon mask with red over the eyes. Has been enchanted to work better.
INT. Allocation: 4

Name: The suit.
Abilities: form fitted.
Water resistant and flame retardant durable.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.)enchanted a form fitting outfit.
INT Allocation: 4

Name: The cape
Abilities:bullet proof
Flame retardant
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.)a silk cape enchanted to be super sturdy.
Int. Allocation:4

Abilities:gloves of the same material of his suit.
Gloves that can climb up brick,wood,concrete and most metals.  Using moisture to create a vacuum seal. The gloves connect to the rest of his suit to give full support.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) created before the grappler to scale simple walls at a slow pace. Works much like a gecko
INT Allocation: 4

Name: The Sneakers
Springy enough to make the user able to jump over 20 feet. 
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.)shoes made to help him fight crime.
Int allocation: 4

Name: Basket hilt bastard sword.
abilities: Made out of a super light alloy that retains and incredible edge sharpened to a single atom while retaining a durability of 6. The sword can cut through most materials below its intelligence level.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) A basket hilt bastard sword that was created to fence against higher powers.
Int allocation:6

Name: Healing Nano-Machines
Abilities:These machines heal those with them in their blood at an ability level of 6. ((Once per thread))
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Joshua made these after he lost his powers when he realized just how mortal he was. While not making him invulnerable they certainly help him while fighting crime.
Int allocation: 6

Name: Hemokinesis Nano-Machines
Abilities: These machines allows him to control his blood hardening them to extremely deadly points they can come out of a wound to strike, but is limited by the users reaction time and is a point slower than the users speed when moving.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Another affect of the Nano-Machines the hardened blood is easy to break as it is much like an icicle in nature. The blood is the users own do it must be used carefully. Blood seems tendril like as it comes out.
Int allocation: 6

Name: Brainchip
Abilities: allows him to not only control electronics such as atms or cars up to 200 feet away it also lets him regulate power usage to controlled objects sending power to them through magnetic fields.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Used to duplicate his lost power, the chip is powered through magnetic waves without these waves it can last 10 hours before needing to be charged up again. The chip is in his brain so he has to physically go to anywhere where the waves are abundant to charge it.
Int allocation:  6

Name: Element rings
Abilities:A set of two rings one can create electricity that he can control Electricity and one creates powerful blasts of wind that He can control usually in the form of a small tornado. ((Each one has a cooldown of 3 post.))
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.)Rings were created by him to fight crime.
OCC. allocation: 4

Name: Mystic Gun
Abilities:A silver revolver that  creates its own bullets capable of harming most non ethereal forms.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Josh had noticed that guns didn't pack as much of a punch against mystical beings, he created this to change that.
OCC. allocation: 4

Name: Magic Deck
Abilities:A large deck of pliable plastic tarot cards that not only tell the future, but can be thrown to have an impact of a 4 strength dudes punch.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) A deck of tarot cards he enchanted to be hidden weapons.
OCC.  allocation: 4

Name: Pre-programmed magic wand
Abilities: This wand has the ability to turn into two other forms, and has a telekinesis spell capable of applying 250lbs of pressure already in it. The wand can be used by anyone with the knowledge.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Had help from a local mage to put the telekinesis spell in the wand.
OCC. allocation:  4

Name: Staff
Abilities: This staff can absorb most of the shock, and some of the actual momentum of the attack and store it within itself. If all the kinetic energy is expended it can level a house. (One time per thread if the staff hasn't expended any energy yet.) Usually it can only be used once per five posts to the effect of a sledgehammer.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) Elongated transformation of the wand.
OCC. allocation: 4

Name: Longbow
Abilities: Creates its own arrows via ethereal string pulled down from one end to another.
Description: (This would include how you made the item, or acquired the item. Perhaps a shorter history, etc.) This item was a challenge to make as it involved bending his precious staff. Luckily The Red Raccoon discovered that he could run a seam along the side of the staff and gently caress it to bend the wood.
OCC. allocation: 4

Last edited by shamanman on November 12th 2014, 11:12 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Number of posts : 90
Registration date : 2014-09-15

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Red Raccoon's Gadgets Empty Re: Red Raccoon's Gadgets

Post by Danny The Sphinx November 12th 2014, 4:22 pm

The last two need more description to them.

Healing can't heal you with a power of 6 that many times within 5 posts.

A lot of the last few items replicate ability so they can only be used a few times per thread.
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Red Raccoon's Gadgets Empty Re: Red Raccoon's Gadgets

Post by Danny The Sphinx November 12th 2014, 11:14 pm


Red Raccoon's Gadgets Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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