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Takashi Madurame

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Takashi Madurame Empty Takashi Madurame

Post by Olympus December 13th 2020, 3:27 am


"That’s all in the past. Now if you don’t stop struggling, I’m going to have to get violent."

The Bio

Real Name: Takashi Madarame
Nickname: Tokyo Terror
Title: Head Doctor of Vanguard
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese/Fae
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’11
Blood type:

The Looks

Takashi is an incredibly attractive man. A result of his Fae heritage, or perhaps just good genes, he has always attracted the ladies, something he used for his work … and, um, his ‘work’. He is not shy about his appearance, though his age and experience has made him a bit more humble than in his youth. Brown hair and eyes are typically dull and lifeless, but in his talented hands, they are model-like, his eyes like two pools of melted chocolate. His fingers are long and slim, undamaged by any of the trauma’s that cover the rest of his body. He keeps himself well in shape, though definitely not the most well-formed musculature of Olympus. On his right-shoulder is a tattoo of a pentagram.

The Personality

There are two sides to Takashi, two sides that could not be more different. On the surface, the mask he wears everyday, is one of the doctor, the nurturer, the caretaker. It is the part of him that was fostered by his sister and adoptive parents. This mask he wears is one of pure virtues, caring and kind and eternally patient. He cares for everyone and everything, and couldn’t harm a fly if he wanted to. This is the mask he shows to his patients, his  family, the mask designed to hide the monster underneath. Rarely does it slip, but when it does, his true self is revealed.

Takashi, the real Takashi, is a monster in human form. Merciless, cruel, and with a penchant for blood and violence, this Takashi is the result of a crockpot of genetic soup, early childhood trauma, and drug abuse. Everything nice and good about him is twisted and corrupted here, his genius put to work to hack, slash, and kill his way through a small army. He is not opposed to the most extreme of crimes; murder and rape are simply the tip of the iceburg for Takashi.

And perhaps the most cruel aspect of Takashi is his charisma and genius twisted so much. Oh, he is a sweet talker; its not everyone who can convince the court to overlook his numerous crimes. And yet despite this potential, despite his excessive intelligence and abilities, he has put it to a life of crime and violence. The army only focused this into a killing intent that can only be matched by the supernatural. Why does he focus his energies on such evil and dark tasks when he could do so much good? The best experts have agreed it is the Fae inside of him rebelling against his very nature.

The Story

**Trigger Warning!**


The Powers

Fae Physiology: Unbeknownst to him, though obvious to anyone with any skill in identifying magical creatures, Takashi - and his family - are descended from the mysterious Fae. This leaves him stronger, faster, and more durable than most humans, slightly above peak human for the most part. It additionally grants him an affinity to magic, though he doesn’t actively recognize it. More a tingle in the back of his mind than anything, activating around any great magical power.

Medical Magic: Takashi has spent many years mastering and practicing a brand of magic all his own. Called “Medical Magic”, it focuses on healing, diagnosing, and various other jobs magic makes much easier. The base form of this magic is a green aura he is capable of emitting from his hands, promoting healing, stitching together small wounds, and supplementing a mental feeling of ease and happiness. In addition, it unlocks access to more complicated and powerful spells.

Rapid Response: An ability manifested from his Fae heritage, Rapid Response is as useful for a medic as it is for a serial killer. Within a mile radius - though this can be extended up to ten miles with concentration - Takashi can sense the location of any injured person within range. Once located, Takashi can then teleport immediately to their location, for whichever goal he has in mind. This ability, due to it being innate, can be used multiple times.

The Spells

Diagnose: A spell used to, as the name says, diagnose any patient. With a touch, he can instantly know any illnesses, diseases, viruses, or other that a person may have. Extended contact grants greater knowledge, down to the intimate details, such as the health of hair, heart rate, and amount of cholesterol.
Weakness: Diagnose requires skin-to-skin contact, and for it to be particularly useful, requires at least three seconds of contact. If the patient breaks contact during this time, the spell must be cast again. Diagnose cannot detect particular illnesses, such as certain prion diseases or certain genetic illnesses.

Penetrate: A spell used to visually diagnose patients. By touching thin objects such as cloth or thin armor, Takashi can render it transparent and intangible. This allows him to cast spells that require skin-to-skin contact. [s]He can also use it to make people naked, but keep that quiet.[/s] Penetrate can also be used on skin and muscle.
Weakness: Penetrate can only work on materials less than an inch thick, and then only on softer, pliable materials. To do so, he must touch the material he wishes to cast this spell on.

Report: A more-advanced form of Diagnosis, Report creates a physical collection of symptoms and illnesses on a sheaf of paper. Though it takes longer than Diagnosis, it is more thorough, while also creating itself in a physical copy for other’s usage.
Weakness: Just like Diagnosis, Report requires skin-to-skin contact. Report must maintain contact for seven seconds, during which the paper and the writing on said paper will create itself.

Test: Some illnesses, such as particularly invasive parasites, magical diseases and curses, and certain genetic diseases can hide themselves from Diagnosis. Test is used to determine these indeterminable illnesses. A pulse of medical magic is sent through the target; acting much like radar, it bounces back, containing the information that was hidden from Diagnosis. This can detect everything from curses to otherwise undetectable or hard to detect diseases or illnesses, such as prions.
Weakness: Test requires skin-to-skin contact. This contact must be maintained for fifteen seconds to be effective.

Bind: A spell used to treat broken bones that cannot be healed fully. Invisible, cloth-like bonds wrap around the injured bone, keeping the broken in place. The magic releases pain relief effects as well, dulling the pain. Bind will automatically fade once the bone is healed. While the bone is Bound, it heals at ten times the rate, while still allowing the individual to maintain full mobility.
Weakness: Bind must be used directly on the bone, the magic only capable of being formed within the fingertips of Takashi. This requires the use of Penetrate or Scalpel most times. Depending on the size of the injury, Bind can take several seconds to fully work.

Cleanse: An all-encompassing spell that purges toxins and poisons from the physical body. Through concerted effort, it can also purge unhealthy energies from the body as well, such as curses or any other type of energy that would cause the body harm or is unnatural.
Weaknesses: Cleanse requires extended contact with the body. While it can be used to purge curses and the like, it must first be diagnosed. Purge can be used to cleanse alcohol from the system, leaving them with none of the systems typically associated with drinking too much, but doing so requires upwards of thirty seconds of contact.

Stitch: A spell that magically sews shut wounds both internal and external. These stitches are nearly invisible and completely sterile, the see-through material emitting a soft green light. Any wounds held together by this spell heal at ten times the rate. The magic of Stitch emits a pain relief that prevents the affected injuries from causing the patient pain.
Weakness: Stitch requires Diagnosis or Report to be used. Depending on the size of the injury, Stitch can require several seconds to a full minute to use each minute.

Treat: The follow-up to Test, Treat is used to create cures to illnesses that otherwise have none. From Prions, to genetic diseases, Treat can create functional treatments and, with enough time, cures for these diseases.
Weaknesses: Requires use of Test. Treat is unlike most medical magic in that it must be used on external resources, using a sample of diseases diagnosed by Test. Depending on the complexity of the disease, Treat will create treatments within hours to weeks, and pure cures in days to months.

Scalpel: Though an advanced spell, Scalpel is one of the most basic applications of magic. Using focused magic, Scalpel is capable of cutting flesh, muscle, and bone with little to no issues. The true strength of this is the capability to bypass the skin and only cut what is needed, such as the muscles underneath the skin; in other words, especially with Penetrate, he  can perform surgery without so much as spilling a drop of blood.
Weakness: Scalpel can only be used on flesh, whether living or dead. It cannot penetrate through any sort of clothing or armor. Like a typical Scalpel, it only cuts and must be stitched back together or healed another way. It only has a range an inch from the tip of his fingers.

Syringe: Through magical manipulation, Takashi can absorb or inject liquids directly into the bloodstream without puncturing the skin. They can also be used to stop the flow of blood from open wounds, or cause excessive bleeding from open wounds.
Weakness: Requires skin-to-skin contact.

Sigil: Alleviate Trauma: A magical sigil drawn on patients. While under the effect of this Sigil, all pain, physical and emotional, is halted, converted into a joyful tingling sensation. This Sigil lasts until cast again. This Sigil takes the form of a green cross.
Weakness: Sigil: Alleviate Trauma must be drawn directly on the skin of the patient. If the Sigil is disturbed, the effects are lost. Sigil: Alleviate Trauma causes drowsiness, excessive giggling, and happiness. Do not operate heavy machinery while under the effect of Sigil: Alleviate Trauma.

Sigil: Anti-Violence Pact: A magical sigil drawn on patients. While under the effects of this Sigil, it is impossible to purposefully cause harm to any living being. Up to three of these Sigils can be created at once. This Sigil takes the form of a pair of wings.
Weakness: Sigil: Anti-Violence Pact must be drawn directly on the skin of the patient. If the Sigil is disturbed, the effects are lost. Sigil: Anti-Violence Pact may cause thoughts of butterflies, peace, and the urge to smoke weed. Vanguard is not responsible for any drug habits developed after exposure to Sigil: Anti-Violence Pact

Sigil: Mass Report: A magical sigil drawn on patients. While under the effects of this Sigil, each individual has a constantly updated report, similar to the use of the Report spell. Up to six individuals can be under the effect of Sigil: Mass Report at once, each with an individual sheaf of papers detailing their status. This Sigil takes the form of an unfurled scroll.
Weakness: Sigil: Mass Report must be drawn directly on the skin of the patient. If the Sigil is disturbed, the effects are lost.

Sigil: Respite: A magical sigil drawn on patients. While under the effects of this Sigil, the patient feels a sense of relaxation and “floatiness” similar in concept to the effects achieved by a narcotic high. This has the dual benefit of numbing pain, calming tremors, and  otherwise returning the body to a completely neutral state. Patients suffering from convulsions, hallucinations, or other abnormal happenings will find their mental state returning to normal, as well.
Weakness: Sigil: Respite must be drawn directly on the skin of the patient. If the sigil is disturbed, the effects are lost. Sigil: Respite may cause feelings of euphoria or elation. Do not operate heavy machinery while under the effects of Sigil: Respite. Do not make life-changing decisions while under the effects of Sigil: Respite.

Sigil: Purify: A magical sigil drawn on impure food or liquids. While the catalyst used to draw this sigil is used, the food or liquid is purged of all toxins and poisons, be it illness or poison.
Weakness: Must be drawn directly on the consumable item of choice. NOTE: Does not work on alcoholic beverages.

Sigil: Nurses Tent: A magical sigil used to designate an area a place of healing. By placing four sigils - one on three walls and the fourth by the entrance - Sigil: Nurses Tent will designate a small or medium area as a healing area. Anybody in the area of effect will have their healing speed tripled, pain suppressed, and enjoy a general attitude of joy and kinship with others in the area.
Weakness: Sigil: Nurses Tent requires all four sigils to be placed. At most, it can be in an area no larger than a medium-sized hospital room.

Greater Sigil: Healing Tide: A powerful Sigil, formed from magic and implanted on the ground. This Greater Sigil is formed within a fifteen foot area, focusing on Takashi in the center. The three sections of this Sigil light up one at a time, with a one-second delay. As the outer ring lights up, a massive burst of healing energy floods the area of the Sigil, instantly healing all but the most major wounds and restoring stamina to those within.
Weakness: Requires at least thirty seconds of charge time. Only heals those within the area of the Sigil. Greater Sigil: Healing Tide can only be used once per combat thread.

Greater Sigil: All But Death: A powerful Sigil, formed from magic and inscribed upon the ground. Despite being a ‘Greater’ Sigil, All But Death only affects a single individual. Once inscribed, this Sigil heals any wound from a single individual, up to lost limbs, disembowelment, or other deadly diseases. Only death cannot be cured by this spell.
Weakness: Requires at least thirty seconds to cast. Does not restore stamina or heal any mental injuries. Once cast, cannot be cast again for 24 hours.

Greater Sigil: True Respite: A powerful Sigil, formed from magic and inscribed upon the ground. True Respite creates a field ten-feet in radius, with Takashi in the center. The three sections of the sigil light up, each with a two second stagger. Once the outer ring lights up, the Sigil activates. Everyone with the boundaries of the Sigil instantly feels the effects of Sigil: Respite, and continues to do so for the duration of True Respite.
Weakness: Requires thirty seconds to charge. Can only be used once per combat thread.

Greater Sigil: Medical Pavilion: A powerful Sigil, formed from magic and inscribed upon the ground. Medical Pavilion can cover the area of a large hospital. Anybody within the bounds of this Sigils effects heal at three times the rate, have calmer reactions, and their pain nullified. They are also far less likely to suffer complications or undue stress as part of treatment.
Weakness: None. Can only be used for plot purposes.

Black Magic

Minor Fireball: A weak, ranged fire spell. By forming fire energy in the hand and shaping it into a ball, Takashi can throw it, creating an exploding fireball. The flames are hot enough to cause 2nd degree burns and the force can rupture eardrums. The fireball explodes in a sphere five feet in diameter.
Weakness: Can only be used up to three times a thread. Has a range of twenty feet before petering off.
Lesser Fireball: A mid-powered, ranged fire spell. By forming a moderate amount of fire energy in the hand and shaping it into a ball, Takashi can throw it, creating a moderate explosion. The flames are hot enough to cause third degree burns and the force can rupture stone. This fireball explodes in a sphere ten feet in diameter.
Weakness: Can only be used twice a thread. Has a range of thirty feet before petering out.
Greater Fireball: A powerful, ranged fire spell. By forming large amounts of fire energy in the hand and compressing it into a ball, Takashi can throw it, creating a powerful explosion. The flames are hot enough to melt steel and the force is powerful enough to send cars  flying. This fireball explodes in a sphere twenty feet in diameter.
Weakness: Can only be used once per thread. Has a range of fourty feet before petering out.

Minor Lightning Strike: A weak, long-ranged lightning spell. By forming electrical energy in the fingertip or palm of the hand, Takashi can create a piercing bolt of lightning. This bolt has a range of thirty-five feet and can pierce through thin metal. Any flesh hit in the way is numbed around the impact site.
Weakness: Can only be used three times per thread. Cannot pierce through rock or stone, and loses half its range in water.
Lesser Lightning Strike: A moderate, long-ranged lightning spell. By forming a moderate amount of electrical energy in the fingertip or palm of the hand, Takashi can create a piercing bolt of lightning. This bolt has a range of fifty feet and can pierce through even thick metal. Any flesh hit in the way is numbed around the impact site and approximately a foot radius around it as well.
Weakness: Can only be used twice per thread. Cannot pierce through rock or stone, and loses half its range in water.
Greater Lightning Strike: A powerful, long-ranged lightning spell. By forming a large amount of electrical energy and compressing it into the fingertip or palm of the hand, Takashi can create an arcing blast of piercing energy. This spell has a range of fifty feet and can pierce through thick metal; however, any targets around the initial target will find the spell replicated, a similarly powerful bolt of lightning erupting from the exit wound to strike up to three additional targets. Any flesh hit is numbed around the impact site and approximately a foot around further as well.
Weakness: Can only be used once per thread. Cannot pierce through rock or stone, and loses half its range in water. To arc, additional targets must be within five feet of the original.

Minor Acid Bath: A weak, close-range acid spell. By forming corrosive energy in the air in front of him, Takashi can create a wall of liquid capable of dissolving stone. Approximately one gallon is created, raining from a spot within five feet of the user.
Weakness: Can only be used three times in a thread. Can be countered by an equally corrosive material. Acid Bath is highly noticeable, a green mist tainting the air before the spell is cast.
Lesser Acid Bath A moderate, close-range acid spell. By forming a moderate amount of  corrosive energy in the air in front of him, Takashi can create a wall of liquid capable of dissolving steel. Approximately four gallons are created, raining from a spot within five feet of the user.
Weakness: Can only be used two times in a thread. Can be countered by an equally corrosive material. Acid Bath is highly noticeable, a green mist tainting the air before the spell is cast.

The Weaknesses

Listed above or lacking

The Items

Animus Watch: A watch, created by his brother, Murumasa Madarame. It looks like a typical smartwatch, but when a button on the side is touched, a holographic display is conjured, allowing all of its internal systems to activate. This limited version acts as a powerful computer and time piece, while also containing all of the Animus Watches digital storage capacity.

The Fluff

Takashi graduated high school at the age of ten, just before the fately events that led to his disappearance.
Takashi is highly trained in all forms of mundane healing techniques, from combat medic to surgical professional.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : Ancient Values with Modern Technology

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 8
Age : 76
Registration date : 2019-07-10

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Takashi Madurame Empty Re: Takashi Madurame

Post by Zonkes December 13th 2020, 3:45 am

Approved and moved
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Takashi Madurame Empty Re: Takashi Madurame

Post by Zonkes February 6th 2022, 5:06 pm

Converted into a player character.
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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