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Countess Everleigh

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Countess Everleigh Empty Countess Everleigh

Post by SkepticalStoic March 14th 2018, 8:46 pm

Gwendolyn Everleigh

"Bloody Mary"

The Bio

Real Name: Gwendolyn "Marilyn"  Everleigh
Villain Name:Countess Everleigh
Title:The Countess
Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Age:163 (physically 21)
Weight:160 lbs
Blood type:AB-
The Looks

Gwendolyn has average height for her time period, and she is attractive in a gothic sort of way. Her body is delicate and curved, and her facial features are sharp and narrow. She wears dark eye shadow around her dim red eyes. The rest of her face is pale except for the ruby red lipstick she wears. Her jet black hair is tied to fall over her right shoulder. She wears sheer tights over her arms (shoulder to mid upper arm, elbow to wrist) and legs. She wears a sleeveless red dress that reaches down to her mid thighs. Over her outfit, she wears black lace embroidered with gothic designs; the lace has an increased dark gradient as it reaches her calves. Lace of the same material is around her elbow to the wrist in a wide length similar to a butterfly sleeve. She wears a black vest tightened at the waist that reaches around her breasts, and it reaches up to her shoulders to form a white collar around her neck. From the mid calves and below, the lace no longer obscures her skin save for the sheer tights. She wears heels casually and chelsea boots to combat.  
The Personality

Gwendolyn Everleigh present herself as a sweet, charming young lady as a ruse. Her true personality is sadistic, manipulative, and selfish. This true personality comes out most easily when either she is challenged or she doesn't get what she wants. In her eyes, the mass killings she does in order to sustain herself are justified because of her natural superiority to her targets. Her motivation is to obtain unrivaled power so that she does not have to live in the shadows any longer.
The Story

Gwendolyn Everleigh was born to an aristocratic family in the nineteenth century. Both of her parents were vampires, so naturally she was born with her powers. At the ripe age of five, she began training with swords, and she used the family rapier from time to time. She soon realized her own strengths and came to consider herself more important than anyone else. Despite her parents' preference for a low profile, Gwendolyn often ventured into town under the alias of Mary to challenge strong opponents to battle. She always won and discreetly sucked the blood of her opponents. Whispers of a "Bloody Mary" who murdered people for their blood soon got out, and Gwendolyn's parents were killed by the unified town. Gwendolyn escaped the attack and vowed to put vampires such as herself in power by any means. As she grew older and faced more powerful opponents, she realized she could temporarily copy metahuman powers and create illusions. She prefers to use the alias of Bloody Mary while looking for her next meal, or she goes under the name of Countess Everleigh when heroes, villains, or plans for world domination are involved.
The Priority

1. Agility
2. Reaction
3. Strength
4. Endurance
The Powers

Power #!: Everleigh has peak human strength gained from her vampire heritage.

Power #2: Everleigh has peak human speed gained from her vampire heritage.

Power #3: Everleigh can levitate six inches or less above the closest surface.

Power #4: Everleigh can transform into a bat if she ever needs to make flighty getaway in plain sight.

Power #5: Everleigh is most formidable because of her power mimicry. If she tastes a metahuman's blood (usually licked up after cutting someone with a blade), she can copy one of their powers. If given enough time to learn the power, she can become proficient with it.

Power #6: Everleigh can create vivid illusions based on a person's fears, or she can attempt to trick them with fake people, creatures, or weapons. She must be within thirty feet of the target(s), but she can create the illusion that she isn't there.

Power #7: Countess Everleigh's most reliable talent is her sword mastery. She can wield any type of sword proficiently, but she prefers her Everleigh family rapier that cannot be broken.

The Weaknesses

Weakness #1: Countess Everleigh can only mimic three powers at a time. Mimicry wears off after a month's time. Her mimicry isn't as powerful as when the source of the power uses it, but she can learn to use it almost as well.

Weakness #2: Direct sunlight temporarily negates Countess Everleigh's vampire powers of levitation and transformation, and it removes mimicked powers from her arsenal. She cannot mimic new powers when exposed to sunlight.

Weakness #3: When Countess Everleigh mimics a power, she is open to any weaknesses attached to that power.

Weakness #4: Feeding on quintessence is vital unless Everleigh is willing to let her age catch up to her.

Weakness #5: As is the nature of tricks, most people are only fooled once or twice. Countess Everleigh has to be strategic with her illusions so they aren't obviously fake to her target(s). She also must learn the details of personal fear illusions before she can make them. Heroes are brave, so she has to know exactly what makes them tick. Users of enhanced sense can see through the illusions.

Weakness #6: The vampire bat form is that of a normal bat. It is incapable of fighting, much less taking a hit.

Weakness #7: Vampire levitation can only last for thirty seconds at a time. She needs another thirty seconds to recharge.

Weakness #8: The Everleigh Rapier's unbreaking magic comes at a price: the blade quickly heats up. After using the blade for too long, it temporarily becomes too hot to use.
The Items

Noble Rapier of Everleigh: A rapier passed down through Gwendolyn Everleigh's family that cannot break.
The Minions

The Fluff

-She only makes appearances during the night because of obvious reasons.
-She once tried the scrape and lick method for consuming blood, but she decided she prefers sucking.
-Her aging is decelerated.
The RP Sample

"Follow me outside," an attractive woman innocently whispered to a man as she trailed a finger down his chest, "the eyes in here are much too prying... " Without waiting for his response, the woman swayed outside of the club to the familiar atmosphere of the night followed shortly by the same man. He seemed eager to have her company, but she knew that he didn't know what he was getting himself into. She took his hand and began walking down the streets. "What was your name again, handsome?"

"Micheal," the man replied, the fact that he was flustered by the dominant woman conveyed in his voice.

"That's a fine name..." She said as she dragged him into an alleyway. "I'll have to remember it... You can call me Bloody Mary." The man quickly connected the dots between the location of a dark ally where nobody would help him and the rumored Bloody Mary who feeds on unassuming targets. He tried to run, but she wasn't going to let him go. His efforts to tug at his forearm and shake her hand off were futile as she drew her rapier and stabbed the man through the chest. He collapsed on the ground.

The last thing he was was the woman's fangs.

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.

Last edited by SkepticalStoic on March 15th 2018, 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed weakness imbalance)

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : USA
Age : 24
Humor : Dry/Dark
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Countess Everleigh Empty Re: Countess Everleigh

Post by Zonkes March 15th 2018, 12:24 am

Alright, so I just wanna start off saying that I love this character sheet and I can't wait to get you started.

That said, there are some problems I believe need to be addressed.

Let's start with the powers.

Is the strength, and speed above peak human? If so, those need their own separate weaknesses.

And for that matter, bat shifting and levitation are also both powers on their own and require separate weaknesses.

Decelerated aging is a fluff item.

As for the rapier, it requires a weakness.

Fix these and I'll look over your app again!

Retired Moderator
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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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Countess Everleigh Empty Re: Countess Everleigh

Post by SkepticalStoic March 15th 2018, 12:45 am

Okay, I'll fix it up in a minute!

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : USA
Age : 24
Humor : Dry/Dark
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Countess Everleigh Empty Re: Countess Everleigh

Post by SkepticalStoic March 15th 2018, 1:58 am


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 11
Location : USA
Age : 24
Humor : Dry/Dark
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Countess Everleigh Empty Re: Countess Everleigh

Post by Zonkes March 15th 2018, 2:17 am

Approved until stated otherwise!

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

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Quote : I sure love to manipulate people.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 649
Location : Somewhere between hell and a hand basket
Age : 28
Job : Professional Manipulator
Humor : This site is great <3
Registration date : 2017-01-10

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