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A Friend and a Thirty Pack

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel August 21st 2013, 8:32 am

The Black Angel walked the metallic hallways of the O.C.E.A.N HQ, which often times made her feel as if she was an actress in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. The only thing that was missing she felt was HAL. The Black Angel was a low tech girl, surrounded in a high tech world, and she was even learning a thing or two about high technology being at O.C.E.A.N HQ. She passed several people, most of whom she didn't recognize, possibly new recruits, or new staff. Seemingly gone were many of the familiar faces, people she'd dare even call friends, or as close as she could come to having some. That was how it was in the mercenary field, people tended to come and go at will. Even though O.C.E.A.N wasn't a PMC, it had many similarities to one, and the Black Angel figured the transient nature of some of the operatives was another similarity. It wasn't a bad thing, so long as the PMC, or in this case O.C.E.A.N could replace those operatives.....

That was what brought the Black Angel out of her room, thirty pack of Coors Light in her right hand, a container home cooked Chinese stir fry, and the Sci Fi flick "Prometheus" tucked in her belt line. She figured what better way to go and chat to her friend Saileyra then some food, some beer, and a movie. The Black Angel needed to talk to her friend, who just happened to be O.C.E.A.N's leader. The Black Angel was troubled, more and more each day. Not just her personal issues, the angry, violent outburst.... But also the state of O.C.E.A.N, an organization she'd now taken a leadership role in, serving as Leader of Consultation Fighter Squadron. This meant the Black Angel had put down her roots, she was staying with O.C.E.A.N, as opposed to the probably twenty PMC's she'd been employed by in her life.

To the Black Angel O.C.E.A.N was about something more then money and cool toys.... It was about honor, it was about protecting innocents from evil, it was about saving this world, and it was about atonement from her past sins... More and more it was about loyalty between Black Angel and Sai. Sai had gone out on a limb to include Angel in O.C.E.A.N, and she wasn't about to let her down. For what it was worth, this felt more like a home then any place had to the Black Angel in most of her years. Normally home was a tent in some far off country, home only until the mission was completed. Then it was moving on to the next job, the next country, and the next company.

That's what made the conversation the Black Angel was about to have with Saileyra so important. The Black Angel had heard about that.... "Monster" for lack of a better word that attacked Kansas City, not to mention the recent attack on New York City, as well as a host of other massive attacks by those who'd find themselves opposed to O.C.E.A.N. Yet, looking around there were less familiar faces then ever at H.Q. Gone were most of the people the Black Angel had fought and bled with during her stay at O.C.E.A.N. It wasn't that she didn't trust the new recruits.... It was just that they were.... Well new. And the Black Angel never trusted anyone until she'd been in battle with them, as that was when peoples true colors came out.

As the Black Angel reached Saileyra's door, she began to think that perhaps the most unnerving thing of all, was the fact that O.C.E.A.N lacked serious muscle. The organization didn't have anyone who could go toe to toe with that thing in Kansas City, or something similar. Sure if Angel and Sai had to they'd adapt to the situation, and Angel had little doubt they'd eventually defeat it..... But they were seriously lacking in the "Tank" department. Not to mention a few other departments could use much needed boosts... So as the Black Angel banged the thirty pack on the door, she figured recruiting would be the topic of the night. She only hoped her food didn't kill Sai... It had been awhile since she'd cooked..

The Black Angel

A Friend and a Thirty Pack OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra August 21st 2013, 3:38 pm

Saileyra was in her own quarters, it looked like every other OCEAN room. Hers just had a little more space for a computer that crossed the wall. It was basically so she could do research, view things, it was nothing too fancy. Otherwise, there were those same extravagant and rather expensive furnishings all the apartments had. It was dark in her room, Saileyra in her own mind brooding, she was trying to be an excellent leader, trying to do things as people had seen fit. With a knuckled fist to her full pretty lips, her magenta eyes glowed in the darkness of a pulsating blue room. Star dust dancing across the ceiling in sparkles and other glittering colors moved across the ceiling. Cosmic energy weaving and moving creating a delicate blanket over the ceiling for dull lighting, she could always adjust it from the computer she sat at but she didn't fucking bother.

Slamming her fist down, it dented the computer some her fingers clenching, "Fucking shit!" She said angrily, her exodus programming overiding driving her emotions into a fucking fit. As she stood up, her emotions, having no ..astrality, no powers, there was no balance eternally. She was inside a psycho fit to destroy the world her genius growing her learning of this worlds materials making her all the more deadly. "Fucking FUCK!" She said shouting, her form kicking the chair she was sitting on as it slammed into the world. "Why can't shit go the right damned way. We need more faces..faces that will stay." She said growling, even if she hated to say it. It wasn't OCEAN that was dying it was those who abandoned it hurting her will. Hybrid Squadron Leader Gone, Sabrina and Yam left with no leader. She'd have to take the part for them, Tactician Squadron was thriving and she was getting to know Venatorus some. Everything was building up only to maybe fall apart and her stubborn nature? She was not going to let that happen she still had her people..those who remained would see to it that they would have what they deserved. Licking her lips, she turned as she glanced to the door of her room. Maybe she should go work out some..punch the bag, clenching her sword, she began to make a bee-line towards the door.

Stopping short, she stared at the door for a few seconds; she was becoming out of control wasn't she? Her emotions were slowly becoming unstable like she feared with no powers or psionics into to pour her emotions into an outlet. There was nothing, now she had a problem, would she get out of control? Would someone have to stop her? She almost lost Xeonix, would she lose her comrades too? So many eternal worries, but out side she would remain strong...she would prevail. She had to keep her emotions in check..she just had to, but the question remained, how? Maybe a sparring partner? Shi helped..when he sparred her...Now? ..Well that was a whole different scenario. Hearing a metallic bang on the door, her eyes lifted from her sword her eyes staring at it. Approaching she placed her hand on the door and it opened, showing a familiar face with a 30 pack..and food.

It had been weeks since she had last eaten, in a few seconds, an audible growl came from her stomach. Sai couldn't help but smirk, "Well, looks like you came at the right time." Saileyra waned her thoughts away, her inner panics, she was sure Angel knew her well enough she would rage in the confines of her rom. Flip tables, such things were replaceable..and with her promotion over the Fighter Squadron there was a lot to be done. Hopefully, Thor would come back sometime soon..hopefully this didn't mean she would need to get an another second in command. It was the last thing she wanted, "Come in. I could really use a beer." She said, waving Angel in her form approaching the large swept leather chairs a large table, many knife stabs other random scarrings on the table. The leather seating remained unscathed, the tv was broken, a series of throwing knives thrown into it. Welcome to Sai's Mad House. Her Room! Will you be staying long?!

A Friend and a Thirty Pack SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel August 21st 2013, 5:11 pm

The Black Angel smiled when Sai answered the door, saying "Well, looks like you came at the right time.". The sound of Sai's stomach growling making it all to obvious that she'd been hungry for quite some time, probably locked in her room working on some new gadget. The Black Angel was the same way, though lately she'd been drinking enough to get her carbs that way. Not to mention she didn't mind sneaking off to the mess hall at night, when it was very, very.... Quite. Sai and Black Angel were kindred spirits, as both didn't like to be disturbed in moments of genius, or moments of serious contemplation. However, both needed some contemplation.... And they needed to do it together, the fate of O.C.E.A.N perhaps resting on the two beautiful females conversation.... Or at least so Black Angel thought.

Sai then let Angel in, saying in an almost relieved voice "Come in. I could really use a beer.". Black Angel smiled, saying "That makes two!". Once inside Saileyra's room, the Black Angel's eye brow perked, as he eyes scanned the destruction inside the room. The Black Angel silently made her way towards one of the beat up leather chairs on the far side of Saileyra's room, which was not unlike Black Angel's. Sai's room mirrored Black Angels own room, torn apart from violent outbursts, outbursts from a troubled mind.... And a troubled soul. The stabbed table, the cut up chairs, the knives sticking into the wall.... All were the same as the Black Angels room. Though Black Angel was happy Saileyra seemed to be experiencing some of what she was, she certainly wasn't happy her friend was going through the similar angry feelings she was.

"Well I suppose everyone is pretty pissed off.... What with Shi and.... the Black Angel's mind drifted to a dark place for a moment, and she nearly choked up. She'd grown as close to Shi as she had to anyone besides Sai in O.C.E.A.N, and his injuries and subsequent paralysis had not been easy on Angel. Especially since it quite literally happened so close to home.... For whatever reason Black Angel had been blaming herself for not being able to do more to help her Samurai friend. The Black Angel figured everyone at O.C.E.A.N felt that way, with Shi having been defeated by Zell within sight of O.C.E.A.N HQ. Angel knew deep down she shouldn't beat herself up about what happened, but when she thought about it the anger inside her simply multiplied... Ultimately she knew what she'd do if she was given five minutes alone with Zell... However as a leader the Black Angel knew she had to put that anger aside, though never forget it. As cold as it sounded.. She had to view Shi as just another lost operative. No different then any of the other fallen operatives, or those who'd quit.

The Black Angel placed the thirty pack next to the leather chair she figured she'd sit in, then looked around the room, nodding her head, saying "Well if I didn't know any better.... I'd say you and I could give any rockstar a run for their money on who could be destroy a room!" with a laugh. The Black Angel then bent over, opening the thirty pack, and throwing Sai a "Silver Bullet", saying "Well I hope you need more then just one beer.... Otherwise I'm in for a moderately long night!". She then looked at the smashed TV, saying "Well I guess a movie is out... But that wasn't why I cam here...". The Black Angel sat down in her chair, cracking a beer for herself. The loud cracking sound echoed reverberated throughout the room, it was a sound the Black Angel loved, as she lived for drinking, and conversation with good friends.

The Black Angel looked pretty tonight, though she wasn't trying to. She was wearing a simple, tight fitting black t shirt, with "O.C.E.A.N" inscribed across the chest in white letters. Her long black hair flowed down her back, and she was dressed in casual gray sweatpants. She still managed to pack some heat however, with an ankle piece holding a small six shooter. Though she didn't expect to have to do any shooting of the physical kind tonight. Though she figured her conversation with Sai was no less important than any mission she'd ever been on with O.C.E.A.N. In fact it was perhaps even more important... Tonight the Black Angel stepped up to be the leader that O.C.E.A.N needed her to be.

Black Angel then looked at Sai, saying "Grab some plates and you can eat all you want! It's nothing special... Just umm... My moms recipe for Chinese stir fry... Use to eat this all the time as a kid. I'm not much of a cook, but I think I got it nearly as good as she did.". The Black Angel opened the box, the aroma of the stir fried beef, veggies, and rice filling the room with a pleasant aroma. The Black Angel began to think about the thoughts she'd been having about her past.... Was her mother her mother? Did she ever even exist? If she didn't then Dragon Head didn't kill her? And if that didn't happen that meant she was crated in a Triad lab... Ultimately meaning that Dragon Head was responsible for her.... No she knew she couldn't go there... Not right now.

As Sai went to grab some plates, the Black Angel started to speak, saying "Sai..... I think as a leader in O.C.E.A.N it's my duty to come to you with... Ummm... Concerns I might have... I'm not a grunt anymore, so I can't simply to an indifferent eye to things, that much is clear... So... I'm here to talk about something that's been bothering me....". After a long pause the Black Angel continued by saying "I heard from a friend stateside about that thing, that monster that attacked Kansas City.... Thing was fucking huge... Then I got to thinking about the attack on NYC, even that mission we went on in NOLA... And then I began looking around headquarters.... And there isn't many familiar faces... And those new recruits we have are support staff Sai... They're the brains of the operation... We're seriously lacking in brawn...".

The Black Angel brought the cold Coors Light to her lips, taking a long sip, then said "With what happened to Shi... Then with the other losses we've had, we're looking very thin. I'm not afraid to die Sai.... But I'd like to prolong my life at least a little while longer... And I'm afraid if we ran into what attacked Kansas City, or were faced with the type of invasion that hit New York.... Well it would basically be you and I, and a bunch of brainiac's trying to stop it. Don't get me wrong..... I respect our colleagues, but...... But when we're in a life and death situation I'm not putting my money on them.". The Black Angel sat back in the chair, waiting for her friend to respond. She didn't want to seem like she was dumping of Saileyra, but she knew O.C.E.A.N was in trouble... At least strategically speaking when it came to fighters and tanks....

The Black Angel

A Friend and a Thirty Pack OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Le Pig

Lord Marcus Dark
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra August 22nd 2013, 10:57 pm

There was so much shit going on, so little time, there was just.. a lot swarming through her mind. Urking her soul, making her feel..distant, OCEAN it was her pride and joy and one could tell the woman was conflicted inside from the view of her walls. Luxurious tv busted with knives, gun bullets, mercury wasn't a place where someone who didn't feel her would feel welcome for sure. It showed emotional struggle, stress, and indefinitely something beastly to occur inside Sai to make her do such things. But with Angel here, her tango with her inner beast settled and the smell of that cooking really sure did make her hungry....

"Two? Hell we're going to drink more than two beers." She said with a snicker, her voice was soft, friendly. Less professional than it had been on the so many missions they had been together on so many. Nyx and so much more, it made her wonder what the fuck was going on with crap anyway with this woman. Angel kept to herself, she wasn't the type to get in anyones way nor was she the type to neglect either. It was odd how social she was in her own way on a one on one basis. Then again, Sai herself was the same way when out of missions she let her operatives do as they had pleased. She provided them with everything they needed to make even their wildest of dreams to come true. Licking her lips, she wondered, did she make some peoples reality a false hope? Was that why they were leaving so quickly? Dropping like flies?

It seemed like both these pretty women were on the same god damn frequency because she was thinking about Shi herself. Plural, extensive fucking operation and it was just a long groggy process. She felt her programming rile, her emotions conflicting with her programming as she growled, her form rising as she took almost a beastial pace. The thoughts, the fuckers, fucking Zell; she met him before he wanted to shake her hand. That fucker..he rendered a man she considered a sword-brother and a fucking best friend. She would make sure he couldn't walk either, she would grow stronger and make sure he could not breathe and he would live with with his own flaws. Vindictive, her nature churning, but it was personal this was nothing that had to do with OCEAN. It was her own vendetta, Zell Arterrius will meet her blade at it's full power and she would make sure the man would live to regret fucking with her damn family.

"I would give a rockstar a fucking run for their money." She said angrily, her voice sullen, her eyes of magenta churning in color to an almost soft reddish pink, her fingers curling. She slammed her fist into the wall, her entire form pivoting as her fist slammed up in an uppercut causing the wall to rattle but the strong material only left a dent as she growled. "Fucking..FUCK." She screamed, her fist slamming again. The woman raging, something within, was not controlling her but she was surely fighting it. Her need to fight was copious, almost too much as she took a deep breathe. She hated hiding things but she did not feel it was time yet to expose to anyone what she had seen, "I'm still upset about Shi, Angel." She said, her voice sullen, monotone Saileyra's eyes back to a striking magenta eyes staring at her, as she approached. Slowly her hips turned, predator-like her walk was as each opposite shoulder dipped her eyes narrowed staring at the beer. Sweet, sweet alcohol if only you were dragonsale.

Sitting down, she popped a beer taking a sip, her shoulders leaned over with her elbows on her knees. "I love movies but I have to buy a new tv." She said, sipping, her lips contacting the can as she slammed it back her eyes staring at the devoid thing as she had killed off the can without a few gulps. Beer did nothing..most shit around here did nothing, it needed super natural properties to even do anything. Damn Biological shit. Taking another, she'd sip on it once more, slowing down, binge drinking never solved anything either... "Why did you come here then?" She said curiously, her voice motioning over the words as she stood up herself. Sai in more casual gear, jeans, tank, and a hoodie that also had O.C.E.A.N on the back. Some people had asked for a logo..and she gave..she did all she could for her operatives..more than she did for her family it seemed.

Saileya shortly returned with plates, utensils from the kitchen, it was a simple plastic plate deal. Who would have known a rich chick like her preferred simple things, simple life style because all her money was used for the development of this grandeur of what they called home. After parting the chinese delicacy amongst them both evenly, Sai would take a chew so she could listen. She was quiet, indulging in the food with an occasion Mm leaning back truly enjoying the food. The woman was hungry and was far to busy to feed herself. "I want you guys to come to me." She said, after she had swallowed, "I want to know your concerns so I can do what I can." She said, before taking another mouth full as she chewed listening onwards.

Sean was gone..Shi was incapable, there was a lot of strength missing and she knew that. Thorgron? Fucking god knew where he was and she was going to rip him a new asshole for it after his recent promotion. Did Scott run out on her? She'd think these things through, her beast within screaming for release but her stomach commended her sanity. She missed Scott, he was another good friend, and for him to leave to? She wouldn't know what to do...Mikona was already out of the picture. Madame gone, a lot of the original members left for the new faces to arrive, it was like anything, there would be the few who stayed. "Plural I believe is probably one of the few who can actually keep up in battle." She said flatly, her fingers cusping the beer now as she leaned back plate cradled on to the edge table as shit got serious. Her voice grown professional, commander like, she was intent on this conversation.

"I've noticed. Recruitment has been slow recently. I look for certain individuals for this shit, Angel." She said, her voice flat, her eyes scanning her, "Not everyone is okay with killing a civilian if they have to. Not saying I would willy-nilly, but if one life saved a thousand I would do it." She said, killing the can, her right hand crushing it as she placed it on the table. "And those in OCEAN know what they have to do to save those millions if they time came to be." She said, her body leaning forward as she stared at the can. "I am doing the best I can to find faces we need. Many meta-humans aren't like you and me. They hide behind that super hero shit." She said, her lips being licked as she grabbed the plate eagerly.

She began to nom for a few seconds as she indulged in the food, her plate half way gone already, "I'm sure we should teach them some fighting routine maybe hopefully get them prepared." She said, her lips being licked as she glanced over to the green eyed Angel in front of her, "We can recruit together some..find some people..who fight. Maybe we can open a fight club of our own? See who goes into our ring?" She said with a smirk.

A Friend and a Thirty Pack SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel August 23rd 2013, 10:45 am

The Black Angel slowly nodded as Sai said "I'm still upset about Shi, Angel.". The Black Angel gathered her thoughts for a moment, then said "I am to Sai... He was the first person to welcome me to O.C.E.A.N besides you, the closest person I had to a friend here besides you.... He was... No... Is everything that's good about O.C.E.A.N.". The Angel took a minute, then said "I don't know... I think I feel so bad about everything not only because it was Shi, but because it happened in our front yard... I can't help but think if I wasn't there things would have been different. When I realized Shi was going to be okay in the medical bay, I went outside, searched everywhere for Zell.... He was gone... I knew I wouldn't find him. But there was always that chance you know? I don't think I'll feel better until I get revenge...".

The Black Angel then took a few gulps of her beer, then after realizing Sai was already done, took a few more, killing her can. The Black Angel bent over to the floor, where the silver and blue thirty pack was sitting, grabbing two more cans, and tossing Sai's to her. Unlike Sai alcohol effected the Black Angel, but she could drink most men under the table. Especially recently, as she'd found the comforts of the bottle to alluring to pass up. The Black Angel popped the tab to another Coors Light, saying "I love that sound...." as she sighed. Indeed... The release alcohol afforded the Black Angel and Saileyra was much needed, especially after Zell, not to mention the other... Less cataclysmic losses.

The Black Angel explained the reason she was here to visit her that night, which the Angel felt was important, as Sai gathered her things. Saileyra returned with a few plastic plates and silverware, which the Black Angel found a bit refreshing, as she was used to be surrounded by the best of the best at O.C.E.A.N HQ. Which the Black Angel liked, as she had a bit of material girl in her, but she also like being normal, drinking a beer, and eating greasy food as much as the next person. As Sai dug into her food, the Black Angel did the same, and she realized she did quite a good job on the stir fry. She turned to Saileyra, saying "What do you think? It's not five star dining.... But it's authentic Chinese. The secret is in the sauce and spices... I pretty much grew up on this shit.". The Black Angel then smiled, realizing this was probably the first time she'd had this sort of conversation with Saileyra, even though the two had known each other for awhile by now.

Once Sai gave her answer, the two got into the reason the Black Angel was here.... The state of O.C.E.A.N's operational readiness... Which the Black Angel felt was as low as it'd ever been, which was disturbing seeing as villains, monsters, and even other hero's seemed to be getting stronger. Then of course the ever present feeling that the world was on some cataclysmic collision course with something in the near future. So ever present you could almost touch it, yet it was always around, and remained. Whatever that feeling was, it was something bad, something very bad, which could shape the earths fortunes.... Or possibly even destroy them...

The Black Angel held her tongue as Sai said "Plural I believe is probably one of the few who can actually keep up in battle.". Her beef with Plural was pretty well known, the two simply did not get along... But Sai did have a point... He was probably the only other person who would be useful in a fight. The Black Angel nodded her head, saying "He's seventeen though.... He could probably help us if this headquarters was attacked. But if we were facing something like that thing that attacked KC... We'd be screwed... We might even be screwed if we still had Shi! Maybe even the others... But now.... Well you and I would be hard pressed...".

The Black Angel listened as Sai talked of the troubles of recruiting due to certain hero's moral stances, then said "I'm sure we should teach them some fighting routine maybe hopefully get them prepared.". When she was finished, the Black Angel said "Ah yes.... Ahh yes... The masked freaks out to get famous... The goodie, goodie's that don't have what it takes to do what is necessary to fight evil the only way possible.... You're right, there is no place for those sorts in O.C.E.A.N... Never will be.". After gathering her thoughts, the Black Angel said "I'm certainly up for helping with recruiting.... You know that.... In fact.... I have one or two people in mind already.".

Taking a long sip of her beer, the Black Angel sat back in her chair, saying "You're right.... You and I should hold some training for the others in martial arts, weapons, and tactics. Might not make the next Shi out of them, but we'll at least be in better shape defensively, and a little more capable offensively.". As Sai said "We can recruit together some..find some people..who fight. Maybe we can open a fight club of our own? See who goes into our ring?" the Black Angel broadly smiled, touched her friends shoulder, then said "Oh girl..... I am so in...". The Black Angel then killed her beer, grabbed two more, and flipped one to Sai.

The Black Angel

A Friend and a Thirty Pack OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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Lord Marcus Dark
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra August 23rd 2013, 4:29 pm

Tense, her fingers were twitching about the topic with Shi as she stood there staring at Angel right back into her green eyes. Both of the women violent but beautiful creatures and without a doubt it had to be a mans wet dream with both women in the same room at once. Listening to Angel, she mentioned Zell, how did she know who he was? Did she see what he did to Shi? Her heart clenched inside her chest knowing she could have done nothing to stop it. Nothing at all and the horrible truth fanned the flames of her rage as she scanned Angel's eyes for some kind of truth and she spoke her own same feelings. "I do want to make sure Zell cannot walk again." Her voice was dark, beastly, it was not the Saileyra anyone knew it was the warrior, the cold blooded killer, the one that did not care for life, "But, I want to know answers and once Shi wakes up. I will get those answers before anyone in this building chases after Zell." She said, her voice solid and commanding on that statement knowing there was two sides to one story.

Once seated, eating away, Saileyra noticed Angel crushing cans, her strength decimating each can one by one poor things. Not really, there was no reason to stop the cans from breaking of but she sure knew there was a reason as to why the cans brought elation. Their sound was vibrating, crushing, simular to breaking bones but nothing absolutely topped the sound of breaking bones. Despite their losses and lack of hands on the deck she knew they had some work to do together and it would take time.. Sai considered Angel a sister, someone she could trust, even if she did not know that she knew she gained much more than an operative she gained a friend and a potiential family member. That inner circle type thing? Yeah boy!

Angel was always solemn about herself, Angel knew about her on a basic level but she did know who she was..what her child hood was like but then again she didn't know that about her either. At least she had a shred of who Angel was in her food. She could tell she put a lot of care into the stir fry trying to emulate her mothers sweet fucking cooking skills because she knew she was going to dig in for seconds. After Angel asked for her opinion, Sai's eyes tore away from the food and her eager stomach, "Well. I love it. You are a wonderful cook. Out of all the things I can do, cooking isn't one of them, Angel." She said, admitting she wasn't good at cooking out of being a hell of a sharp shooter and warrior.

Even if Angel did not like Plural she and her both knew they were team mates. The man knew what he was doing even if he was 17 despite being under age the kid had some brains and some powers to meet it. His set would help in battle, professionally, Sai did not care who anyone was she wanted them to be at her disposal and to know how to work as a team. Everyone was an equal and there was no reason for the stupid qualms when in gear. Outside of it? People would duke it out for their own hash, now that she and Plural were equals there was even more reason for them to hash out their shit because both of them spoke for their Squadrons..what little left there was. "We got this Angel. I know it's not much, I know were low on numbers." She said, her fingers running through her hair, "But I do have faith in the people in OCEAN. Realistically, we could get crushed but I am by no means against retreating and kicking their ass later with more numbers. This is where I differ from most commanders. I am not scared to use tactical warfare, psychological warfare. My ego does not get in the way of what needs to be done and that is what makes us even further more on the scale danger against the force we pledged ourselves too."

Eating some, she listened to Angel, the woman had so many insights so many points, she considered them all and she knew there was no reason why she shouldn't have as she placed the plate aside she would scoop more for seconds, enjoying the taste the..culture. Being in Asia and eating Asian food! She couldn't help but feel somewhat giddy on the inside, surely this flamed the fan to her inner beast, "I am welcome to have you help me with recruiting. We can scout fuckers, learn about them, it's fun and sometimes it gets lonely for me." She said, licking her lips as she gobbled down some more of that delicious stir fry. Did this girl ever stop eating?

Hell, she couldn't get drunk but Sai did indulge, enjoy the taste of the liquid horse piss as some people like to call it. It all did the same thing fuel her body, the more she ate, the longer she didn't have to. Sai was biologically fit for survival, with all this food..she wouldn't have to eat for a good while..a very long while. Some considered it freaky but she was super charged to live off scraps, not that she wanted to. "We will have a meeting about it later on in the week. These guys will have to be put through some serious fucking boot camp." She said, her lips curling in a smirk thinking of it, "I'll even join them in it." She said, her fingers catching the can as she clasped her shoulder. Sai's magenta eyes darted over to Angel, "It wont take much funding. I have the resources in high places." She said cracking the can open with a strong, psst sound.

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel August 24th 2013, 11:26 am

The Black Angel slowly nodded as Sai said "I do want to make sure Zell cannot walk again.". She was glad her friend and O.C.E.A.N's leader shared similar sentiment as her as to what Zell's fate should be. The Black Angel sat back in her chair, her jade eyes focusing on Saileyra for a moment, then commenting "So... If Shi... When Shi wakes... Are we going to make Zell O.C.E.A.N's "Enemy #1?". Whatever the case, the Black Angel knew killing or maiming Zell would not only avenge Shi, but also boost O.C.E.A.N's morale, which after the attack was.... Slumping. However, the Black Angel wouldn't violate Sai's orders on what to do about Zell, even if she disagreed with Sai's decision. She was confident however that Zell would be "Enemy #1" soon enough. Then.... The Black Angel would go hunting.

The Black Angels pretty face smiled as her friend said "Well. I love it. You are a wonderful cook. Out of all the things I can do, cooking isn't one of them, Angel.", which was a compliment she never thought she'd hear in this lifetime. The Black Angel looked at the Coors Light in her head, then smiled remembering the fragrant smells of her childhood. The Black Angel then spoke slowly, clearly remembering events as she spoke "I'm glad you liked it... I remember making this with my mother... Well helping anyway... I'd collect the vegetables, she'd get the meat ready, and we'd have it ready before my father got home. That was before....." the Black Angels voice trailed off as she stared blankly ahead.

The Black Angel stayed looking blankly at the wall for several moments, before saying "Before he left... My mother was forced into prostitution not long after that... She was killed about a year later by the Triad... I don't remember that much about her, I think the experiments the Triad did on me clouded my memory.. But... I suppose what I remember the most is the food... Funny how that works..". The Black Angel could feel tears forming in her eyes, yet she held them back like an enemy to be fought. The Black Angel was still looking blankly ahead, then she said "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get like that.".

Returning her focus to Saileyra, the Black Angel shook her head. She never talked about her past, even with her friends over the years. Mostly she figured because she knew the past was a waterfall, one which she couldn't hold back the emotions of if she'd ever let them out. That was something she couldn't allow.... Emotions got you killed in this business. There was no place for them, just as there was no place the weak, or the unwilling. The Black Angel took a long pull from her beer, finishing it in one mighty gulp. Then crushing the can, the Black Angel shot it like a basketball into a trash can at the far corner of the room. When it clanked in she held up her hands in celebration, jokingly saying "Yes!!!!" as a smile returned to her face. In any event she trusted Sai... Even though she didn't know as much about Sai, as Sai didn't know about her. It was funny how combat brought out such trust in people who often times didn't know each other as say traditional best friends... No it was something more.... A fraternity.... No.... A brotherhood/sisterhood.

A cunning smile crushed the Black Angels face as Saileyra said "Tactical warfare, psychological warfare. My ego does not get in the way of what needs to be done and that is what makes us even further more on the scale danger against the force we pledged ourselves too.". The Black Angel cracked another beer, saying "Tactical warfare... Psychological warfare.... That's what I was made for baby..." the Black Angel chuckled a bit to herself as she wrapped her small, well manicured hand around the beer can. Truth be told tactics was what had been on the Black Angels mind of late... Especially seeing as Zell managed to get as close to H.Q as he did without anyone noticing before it was to late.

Speaking on this, the Black Angel said "I've been thinking about our tactics lately... More specifically what would be done if we were attacked directly here with an all our assault... I'm of the opinion that you and the others would gather what you could, what we most needed, then the lesser gate on the fastest horse. Meanwhile, I could stay behind... I'm a master of engaging more then one target at the same time... Almost seems I can multiply myself... Anyway... I'd buy everyone time, then escape into the jungle. If they tried to occupy H.Q I'd take up the actions of a gorilla fighter, picking them off. If they intended to leave after the attack, I'd hit them hard after they started their withdrawal.". The Black Angel took another long sip, saying "I suppose that's what I'm most worried about with our numbers being so low... A direct attack on base, followed by us responding to a situation we don't have the muscle for.".

The Black Angel was inwardly very happy when Saileyra said "I am welcome to have you help me with recruiting. We can scout fuckers, learn about them, it's fun and sometimes it gets lonely for me.". The Black Angel changed her aristocratic sounding, almost British accent, to that of a west coast material girl, as she sarcastically said "And think of all the shopping we can do!". Taking her usual serious tone back, the Black Angel said "It certainly will be fun... I enjoyed tagging along with you in Rome... And if their is anyone who can scout some muscle.... It's us two girls." the Black Angel laughed at her last line. She was never one to have "Girlfriends", then again she'd never met a girl who was so similar to her as Saileyra was.

The Black Angel nodded her head approvingly as Sai said "We will have a meeting about it later on in the week. These guys will have to be put through some serious fucking boot camp.". If there was one thing about her job that she loved, it certainly was training. The Black Angel flashed a menacing smile, saying "I can't wait to see some of these people out there!". The Black Angel laughed at the thought of some of the.... Less coordinated members of O.C.E.A.N learning how to fight. Well they needed to, as you never knew when you could be attacked. After the incident with Shi the Black Angel knew giving everyone some basic fighting skill was the right thing to do. She also knew no one was likely to complain, given the circumstances... Angel then took another sip of her beer, then said to Sai "Awesome Sai.... Well you know you can count me in... Whatever you need me to do... I'm your girl! Hopefully we can get some of our members in fighting shape, then find some new members to replace our losses.". The Black Angel then put a reassuring hand on Sai's knee, saying "We'll be fine Sai... Don't worry... Worst case scenario you've got me... To whatever end..".

The Black Angel

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra August 28th 2013, 12:00 am

Angel felt the same way she did about Shi; she knew Zell had some shit coming his way. He was not going to walk ever again depending on Shi, but she knew if Shi was going to protect this man and by his wishes if he wanted her not to hunt him down it would be her own rite to only ask why. She demanded to know why, hopefully, if Zell was Shi's familiar he would protect his friend who maimed him useless to his family and his friends, because the man was now bed-ridden for the rest of his life potentially. The person who had the cure to the energy? Zell Arterrius himself. It only made her wonder why..hopefully when he woke up she got those fucking answers... "He will not become OCEAN's Number One Enemy. OCEAN protects it's own yes, but it becomes personal, a vendetta, we will not go out of our way for the likes of him. And I will not tarnish our reputation to protect he millions when one man only threatened one life. Even if his life being Shi, means more than the world to me. OCEAN is not designed for revenge it is designed to save those who are threatened by a greater force of evil. If I am going to hunt down Zell Arterrius I am not doing it as the Leader of OCEAN, I am doing it as Saileyra." She said flatly, "Things like this are personal and not are of matters of new operatives." She said, her voice flat, and rather straight to the point. Even if she did not like it, she had her reasons and damn right her fucking motives..

Slowly, but surely, Angel was opening up about her mother and how her cooking reminded her of the smells. The memory began sultry sweet, like any girl and her mother cooking breakfast or dinner. Vegetables to be gathered to teach a young girl how to become a women with the ability to cook. In typical culture back in the time when woman would be the caretaker and men would be the bread winners. She'd smile softly as the memory, but Sai's lips slowly changed shape as the memory took a deeper darker turn. Saileyra as foreign as she was to this world she did know her historic happenings of this world. She managed to find many old journals and the likes from this time period and back...

The way she stared, so empty, so alone and then she went on. Saileyra got closer, why? Well, she wanted to listen better to the story at hand. Leaning forward she'd place her beer on the table her eyes glancing over to the other woman as she listened. Forced into selling herself and later on killed while she was experimented on? Cruel, sick even, it made her want to hunt down those bastards. Sai's hand reached up, it was instinct, the beast within wanting to destroy but her mind corrected the action into affection, dominance, something without assertion her programming for ever conflicting her actions. Moving her thumb under one of her eyes, she moved the liquid away even if it had not fallen. "Do not apologize. Every warrior has their skeletons, their shades, and their shadows. It does not make you any less of a fighter, emotions are something we are all born with, well most are." She said with a smirk on her face, "I never met my mother and my father is called Jehoel and I never met him either." SHe said, her fingers moving to her lap as she leaned back fingers grasping the can once more.

With the change of pace, she smirked back, "I know you were and that's why you are Leader of the Fighter Squadron. You were made for the warfare that that Squadron will go through." She said complimenting the other woman knowing she had made a wise choice in promoting her when there was no leader in the mix. Sai herself put herself in the Squadron but she was also commander so she didn't take orders when she fucking gave them for the most part. "We are going to lay low for now, let our numbers gather, and if someone attacks home base we will evacuate and rebuild if necessary." She said, giving her the plan on the last end of the spectrum. If it came down to it that would be done and to get it clear and across the panel...

Shopping? Her and Black Angel? It sounded like some interesting adventure. Sai herself was not that girly and she did not often venture to stores like Angel did. She only mused in the thought of it all, not like she has an expansive wardrobe either..God, maybe four outfits? That got washed on the regular? "I'm not much of the shopping type. But i am open to seeing what it is like..I've never done it." She said with a smirk on her face as she turned towards her companion.

Saileyra knew they were low on numbers, indefinitely, but she also knew that she was dedicated to this cause..and she was dedicated to the people who dedicated themselves to her. Once someone left, well, that was it..there was no returning unless they had true reason and intention. Saileyra knew without a doubt that they were vulnerable but she had knew that they would be secure. She was strong, "We will do our routine training for the month of September with this. Take all the newer members and make sure they are in condition. No halographic training but some good hard boot camp to make sure they are in top physical shape." She said in thought as she glanced over her shoulder as Angel who was now placing her hand on her knee. Telling her not to worry, placing her hand on the other womans she clenched her hand. A sisterly hold, "I am confident we will be fine, Angel. It will take time and we will pick our steps wisely." She said, her voice confident, proud, and now she had a her.

She had to admit, Angel was like a sister she never had..someone who was almost too alike..they were twins ..from different metaverses.

A Friend and a Thirty Pack SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel August 30th 2013, 1:17 pm

The Black Angel knew Sai was right about Zell.... Even though he'd maimed Shi, O.C.E.A.N couldn't simply stop its mission to hunt Zell down. That was especially true now, while O.C.E.A.N had a manpower shortage and the world was as dangerous a place as ever. Listening to Sai carefully, the Black Angel thought "A vendetta???? I can deal with that.". Once Saileyra finished talking, the Black Angel smiled, saying with a chuckle "You're right Sai.... Why are you always right?". After the two shared a laugh, the Black Angel said "You're right... We can't sacrifice our big picture operations for one man... Even if I don't like it and I'm burning with a need for revenge... You're right... ". Those words stung the Black Angel, whose desire to avenge her friend was great. However protecting the world at large was more important, bigger then the desire for avenging a friend. It was tough choices like these that were changing the Black Angel. No longer was she simply a mercenary... Fighting for cash, jewels, and some stories. No.... She was fighting to save the human race.

As the talk moved to the Black Angels past, Angel grew solemn, distant, haunted.... She was uplifted however as Saileyra said "Do not apologize. Every warrior has their skeletons, their shades, and their shadows. It does not make you any less of a fighter, emotions are something we are all born with, well most are.". The Black Angel chuckled, saying "You'd be surprised! No.... I've always tried to conceal my emotions... Well those emotions... I can be distant... But no matter how hard I try to hide them, they explode from time to time... That's why the whole thing with Adam started.. It's actually gotten worse... My anger, my desire for isolation, and then when something triggers me... The explosions...".

When Saileyra said "I never met my mother and my father is called Jehoel and I never met him either." the Black Angel was amazed! She never knew that her and Sai quite literally had nearly everything in common. The Black Angel then practically whispered "I'm sorry...". After a few moments of silence, the Black Angel said "I know a little about your world... But what's it like? I mean beyond the things that I already know.". The Black Angel was interested about Saileyra's world, there triumphs, tragedies, and tribulations. They were more advanced then humans, that much was clear... And perhaps the mistakes of these people could limit some of humanities? Only time would truly tell.

Talk then turned to the Black Angels leadership of the Fighter Squadron, something the Black Angel was taking quite seriously. The Black Angel thanked Saileyra for her compliment and promotion, which she intended to make Saileyra very proud by excelling in her new post. As talk shifted to tactics, the Black Angel said "I agree... I have a few leads on some meta's who might want to join us... Hopefully I can get at least half of them to join. If I can do that, we'll be in better shape. All we'll need to do then is train them up! Which we'll be doing in a week or two...". The Black Angel scratched her head, then said "On that note... I'm thinking we'll start the other operatives off with some sparring... That way we can see who needs the most work... We'll start with hand to hand... Then switch to target shooting... Maybe even get into some operational stuff with weapons? Group tactics... That sort of thing...".

Then their chat moved to something that certainly made the Black Angel happier... Clothes! And the Black Angel realized she had a new mission as Saileyra said "I'm not much of the shopping type. But i am open to seeing what it is like..I've never done it.". That mission? Introducing Saileyra into the world of fashion. Because with O.C.E.A.N's near limitless resources, what better way to dispose of a little discretionary income then thousands of dollars worth of high fashion? Laughing, the Black Angel said "By the time I'm through with you Saileyra... You'll be attending Fashion Week in Paris..". Yes, the Black Angel was very happy to have found a new friend. Not to mention the fact that she'd be spending their recruiting time together traveling the world, going to exotic locations, with the ever present threat of danger only adding to the sense of adventure. With any luck... They'd even rebuild O.C.E.A.N... Returning O.C.E.A.N to its former place.

As Saileyra gave the Black Angel a sisterly hold, she said "I am confident we will be fine, Angel. It will take time and we will pick our steps wisely." the Black Angel realized she had something she'd never truly had before..... A friend for life...

The Black Angel

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra September 1st 2013, 10:17 am

Angel got her reasoning, as much as both of them wanted to hunt down Zell Arterrius she knew there was no way in hell they would sacrifice OCEAN for it. She had a few members that would die for OCEAN. Angel, Thor, and Shi she knew were those few people who fell in love with OCEAN as much as she had. But it made her worried, where the fuck was Thor? Deciding, if he would not return she would remain as a single acting leader, no one would be on her level as one. It was not worth the hassle, Thor hopefully would come back soon because there would be no one else but him for the position; she will assign her Leader of Consultations and they will become the advising heads for their squadrons as originally designed. The only problem? The lack of hands to do so, OCEAN was designed to be large, to have many people; it was a task force to keep the world safe even if it deemed to not save one.. Realistically, all the people involved in this cause knew what they were fighting for.

Angel shortly after their serious talk, became emotional, was distant and Saileyra's fingers whipped a little bit more of the tears. Right hand moving to the other side of extra measures, both of the women had to be close.Closer than ever? It seemed just over one night, Saileyra didn't have many flaws but it was once she trusted someone she could be a little too trusting. It was a horrid fluke, but she knew it was something she worked with on a daily basis. "I understand.." She said simply, "I bottle up most of my emotions too to keep shit rolling. Sadly the life of a soldier isn't on for walking in fields of flowers. I usually spar to get out the tension and sparring someone I care with usually helps even more. In my home world, it's our way of 'venting' and 'bonding' so to speak. Hugs and affections are..rare and are among the most trusted of my kind."

She said, but the next question made Sai's eyes go faded, almost ..dead as she sighed her fingers rubbed the back of her head. "It's..a long story Angel." She said, her lips pursing into a slight frown, this world, this place as much as she hadn't had her powers..was quiet, peaceful, and the worry for war and attacking from other galactic species? Little to was now she took a breathe, shit like this; infinitely, different; grasping her plate the woman silently ate for a few seconds. After ready, she leaned over placing the plate down as she indulged in the taste of chinese stir fry. "It's a world..where ...we -just- got ..grass and crap back. I can switch between worlds now..I have a special machine I made to get back home so everything works out..I can be here and there..but; I rather be here." She said, her voice soft, "It's a world where everything is..almost destroyed. No humans. No..nothing. Really. The world consists of our made animals..and everything is ..too new..too fragiel. Before that? A wasteland..radiation, we are fit to survive anything..we are perfect humans. Xeno Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendants, we die and we grow stronger in my world. After our second death, we become..angelic, celestial? I guess you would get it that way."

She said, pausing her eyes glancing over to her wondering her reaction, "Battle, War, and endless suffering every day. Theres 26 of us created, 6 woman, 20 men, we all fight other races to survive..rape isn't uncommon among the denizens of the other countries, these..other races want to take us and then theres an intergalactic spread slowly killing our people off.. a disease from a God." She said, flatly, giving her some idea.. of how crappy conditions were despite the news of slightly becoming better. But the topic changed, and somehow..she was grateful for it. Her home world, rocked her to her core, all those emotions bubbled and made her weak? So to speak. No one should see their commander in the rocks, it meant a weak organization.

"I want us to have four instructors. Venatorus, Yourself, Yam, and Me." She said, her voice simple, and rather straight to the point. "The other two will assist us in the curriculum we'll make. Direct them, Venatorus has spec ops and military experience and Yam can help those with abilities adapt to using their bodies." She said, her voice moving over the words, her strength returned her as she placed her fingers into the thirty pack cracking a beer. Listening to the ideas she had her eyes glanced over to the woman, "I want sparring with no powers." She said, taking a large sip, what she wouldn't give to get actually drunk..still tasted good enough. "Sparring. Self-Defence. Awareness Training. Shooting. Group Tactics." She said, finalizing it, covering all bases of battle because her primary concern was making sure it didn't happen to Shi again.

As the seriousness in the conversation declined, Saileyra crossed her legs over one another, taking the half eaten plate before destroying it. She ..enjoyed her cooking, thoroughly, she lost count of how many plates she had over the course of their conversation of getting to know each other and also talking business. It was a nice mixture and a comfortable one considering this was one of the few encounters Sai had with Angel, and shopping? Hell, Sai barely worn a skirt! This..was going to be interesting, Penance always talked about taking her places..but how could she manage that one? Placing her lips to the can her magenta eyes glanced over to her as she sipped, "Angel, I highly doubt that. I barely even know what jeans are. I always wear combat armor..even to formal events." She said placing the beer crushed onto the table with their multitudes of beers stacking.

Feeling the other woman reach over, soft skin touching soft skin it seemed she hugged her. Saileyra didn't move but took the time to comprehend. Touching, hugs, bizarre to her kind but it wasn't something she was unfamiliar with. To her people it was a gesture of ultimate trust and it confused her. How could Angel truely trust her? Then again, both of them were ..twins and she returned the hug. "I know. We will conquer." She said in return; Sai's embrace firm, strong, almost like a hand shake.

A Friend and a Thirty Pack SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by The Black Angel September 5th 2013, 5:40 pm

The Black Angel listened closely to Saileyra's take on her world.... It was a place that seemed like it was nearly a total wasteland only a few short years ago, as things were only just now starting to be reborn. A place nearly devoid of organic life, with only made life seemingly inhabiting the planet. From what her friend said, this world seemed like some sort of post-apocalyptic Earth, where only a few planets and life forms went on. Ultimately, Saileyra's world, more importantly the destruction of it, was the very reason that O.C.E.A.N was founded. So the worlds, as well as some of the universes most talented hero's, anti-hero's, and all walks could come together, preventing similar destruction from happening on Earth. So far it seemed to be working.... Though the forces of darkness always seemed to get their punches in.This was why O.C.E.A.N had to be on its toes, ready to face anything at a moments notice. Now with O.C.E.A.N so short staffed.... Going after Zell was not possible without losing site of the purpose of O.C.E.A.N, which trumped whatever personnel vendetta's were flowing threw the operatives at the moment.

The Black Angel was very interested in Sai's species, thinking to herself Xeno Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendants, huh?. When Sai said "We die and we grow stronger in my world. After our second death, we become..angelic, celestial? I guess you would get it that way." the Black Angel knew what she'd meant, seeing as she'd been exposed to eastern philosophies when she was much younger. She studied them intensely when she was older, gaining a pretty firm understanding of reincarnation, which was a bedrock philosophy in many eastern warrior societies. Though this didn't seem to be reincarnation, the Black Angel was certainly well aware enough to have an idea what it was. In a lot of ways the Xeno Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendants seemed similar to the "Jades" of Program Jade. They certainly weren't human... They were something more.... Yet they shared many similarities with the lower form.

Once the Sai was finished speaking, the Black Angel said "I suppose you Xeno Evolutionary Terrestrial Ascendants aren't totally different then us Jades... We were taken as children... Identified by the Triad for our special.... Meta... abilities. The Triad took us as small children, crafted us, molded us.... Experimented on us...." as her voice trailed off slightly. Regaining her thoughts, the Black Angel said "We trained, and we trained, and we killed on another... All the while we were injected with... Actually I don't even know.. But what they did... It enhanced our abilities greatly. And once we emerged ready to become Jade's we were truly killing machines, bread for war, with whatever humanity we still had remaining in tatters...". The Black Angel thought about telling Saileyra more, telling her about how the Triad kept the memories of their past hidden, how they had the Jades take out any threats to their criminal empire, how she'd managed to escape.... Even how she was wondering if the memories that had returned to her were real.... Or simply some ingrained program from a Triad scientists mind... "No... Because why would the Triad implant a memory that would make me want to destroy their organization? All the while giving me the skills and know how to do it....". That fear that she was simply a test tube baby seemed irrational.... But everyone wanted to know where they came from the Black Angel supposed. And with all living links to her past now dead, the Black Angel was certainly left to wonder...

The Black Angel was happy when Saileyra changed the subject, moving on to the large training session O.C.E.A.N was about to hold. The Black Angel liked what she heard, she hadn't worked with Venatorus or Yam yet, but they came highly recommended. It seemed like Saileyra had a good plan laid out for the trainee's. The Black Angel nodded her head in agreement, saying "Ya... No powers... We want to improve our operatives fundamentals... Don't need powers to do that... The curriculum sounds good to.. ". The Black Angel smiled, saying "I think we're in for one hell of a week! Hopefully we can make some of our operatives better fighters... I suppose if we even save one life we've made sure that what happened to Shi wasn't in vain.".

As the Black Angel took another sip of the refreshing Coors Light, she said "For weapons... I recommend that we keep it standard... We don't want everyone using different weapons you know? We should keep the weapons as user friendly as possible as well in my opinion. I'm thinking for handguns we can use the Glock, assault rifles we can use the AK-74, and do you want to train with explosives? Also for hand to hand weapons I'd recommend eastern weapons.... I don't think we want anyone lugging around a broadsword. I'd actually recommend training with explosives, since they're useful for dynamic entry and that sort of thing. We should probably have a few Op's proficient enough to blow a door or two open you know?".

As the talk switched to shopping the Black Angel smiled, saying to Sai "Armor to formal events? Girl... That's what custom armor is for... I use to have a bullet proof vest that would slip under a ballgown.". The Black Angel appeared to think on that for a moment, remembering the operation where she used it, and saying "I to kill a mark who hired me as an escort... We were going to some ball in Monaco... A heavily defended casino, figured it wouldn't hurt to be to cautious... Had a tailor in Hong Kong make the thing for me. Perfect for a night out clubbing or a fire fight!" the Black Angel said with a laugh. As joking as the Black Angel was, she enjoyed the two worlds she existed in... A world of high fashion, fast cars, and exclusive bars... As well as a world of intrigue, awesome power, and the most dangerous missions on the planet. To the Black Angel there was little more a girl could ask for!

The Black Angel could tell that Sai wasn't use to her touch, better yet any touch at all. Emotion after all was seemingly quite a human thing, which meant that the Black Angel was at least partly human still... As Sai said "I know. We will conquer." as the two embraced, the Black Angel chuckled, saying "Well we're in this together Sai... Whatever happens...".

The Black Angel

A Friend and a Thirty Pack OCEANAngel_zps9445a764

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A Friend and a Thirty Pack Empty Re: A Friend and a Thirty Pack

Post by Saileyra September 10th 2013, 1:49 pm

Saileyra's world was a dead one at first, her brother Fai had a twin of himself made through his genetic strain. His name was the prophet, eventually, he fought one of the evil forces to save the planet. By doing so, he wiped away the taint on their home planet ..the spread that were killing off her species one by one. Changing them into beings of evil, beings that OCEAN vowed to fight, ones that can destroy planets. It was there the prophet wiped away that evil disease to make sure the rest left..the 18 left would not go extinct from their true nature. Because, those infected with the disease never ascend into their truest celestial form.. Of course, she did not tell anyone the details of her home planet in the future, it was way to vital..

Sai's species inspired by eastern culture, humans created her species and therefore she owed them one thing their capacity of creativity. They were far more non-linear in the space of creating, humans, would bring their own demise by what they create. Their strongest asset is their strongest flaw, hopefully, the meta-humans would remain if the earth were to end somehow. Many of her people that were created fled to their home planet to preserve the species that they were perfected, became a sort of ..human alien? Maybe, she was not sure how to mark herself as a meta-human, super human? Perfected human? It was odd to think of but then again part of her couldn't even be human anymore..she did have wings.

Yet, Angel revealed more about herself and Sai had to listen it was rare angel revealed anything about herself specially about her past. Triads..who were the triads? She did not know much about the smaller gangs in this world, she had heard of them and the Yakuza but it was to her. She did not know specifically what they had done all she knew is they had influenced people. She was enriched in history, very smart, but she wasn't super smart. Like to the point where she knew everything, her comprehension was quick and she adapted to the conversation on a whim. "Crafted..Science. Shitty Science." She said flatly, "I love it and I hate it sometimes." She said leaning back, her arms crossing underneath her breasts; the sound of thumping echoing in her ears from her heart quickening. Taking children and breeding them into killing machines? Sai's eyes turned towards the other female, she was put into a twisted world.. placed into the ring to kill another kid? She was surprised Angel still had her shreds of humanity.

Imagine it, fucking being choice, injected, her form came to sit up her eyes staring, "Must suck." She said flatly, "Because I can empathize. My world is complete to survive..we fight amongst each other to grow stronger..we kill each other to grow stronger. I became a form two because my brother put his fucking sword through the back of my head.." She said flatly, kind of hollowed as she shook her head to the memory. Hell, she didn't remember much of anything after that only that she could control the time space around her. In this world? Well, she couldn't do that..but it was okay she enjoyed not having her powers sometimes as much as she didn't either. Without her powers it had made her emotionally conflicted and even unstable..unable to control them in high intensity moments. Sometimes to bottle them up and snap on someone she cared about...

Of course, she was relieved the topic moved on to weapons..avenging Shi, fuck how she misseed him being in action. He helped her keep her emotions in check..who was going to do that now? She licked her lips as she looked to the door. Maybe she would go and check up on the dead man, the dragon, she loved Shi like a brother and few of the operatives would be called family even if they were together in this one building. Her trust was not easy to receive nor was her emotions granted to be seen. "Hell I'm going to make them cry like little bitches by the end of the week." She said with a smirk on her face, they had a whole 'nother thing coming. They weren't going to using those fancy ass powers to get out of an ass beating. "All of them will have what they need to survive. No one on my watch is going to end up like Shi ever again." She said flatly, authoritatively, her eyes flashing with some anger, the pupils of her eyes slitting weirdly but they changed and dilated back to humane like irises in seconds. Did she notice? Well that would be interesting to explain..

Conversation changed to clothes, something light, more personal it was going all over the place. Two impulsive women talking about many random things with some beers. It seemed like there was only two beers left. Fucking so many sprawled on the floor and table, it amused her, because she had a lot of alcohol in her fridge..hell thats all it was. "Hell, I wish. I can barely walk in heels. I went to recon Plural as a representive and he caught on because my ass can barely walk in those death contraptions." She said flatly, of course, Saileyra was far from fancy as she was rich. She was conventional, like a marine, the back bone and for the most part all her money she had was put towards the thing that was OCEAN. In this world, it was her everything and she worked in this time period for a very long time to keep it going. "I really..don't flaunt the money I have. Don't see the point to. I'm more invested in the people here.." She said shrugging, "Sounds sweet though.." She said smirking; as her arms crossed.

Whilst in the hug, she pulled away shortly a few minutes after the embrace, hearing the women's confidence was inspiring, even more so inspired than she had been, "We got this. Even if it ends up being two of us." She said smirking.

A Friend and a Thirty Pack SaiSig_zpsbe04a7d2
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