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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Chellizard October 7th 2012, 7:22 pm

"Yes Ma'am," she said, accenting the words a bit dramatically as sat across from Lilia. Skyler was sitting sideways on the couch, her form wearing relaxed clothes. Her hair was damp and wrapped up in a towel, long silvery tendrils whispering around of her face. The strands of hair accented her high cheek bones and soft features. She was reciting polite phrases, as well as No and Help, to teach Lilia few English words. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth wide, making sure to articulate each syllable. "Yes Ma'am," she repeated, and then spoke in Russian. "I don't expect you to learn the whole English language, but learning these words will help convince Salt that I," she trailed off lightly, shuddering at the thoughts flooding her mind. She continued, though, "That I actually do have control over you. It will help convince him of our relationship he's being led to believe. Understand? Now, repeat after me," she said, smiling. She then spoke in English, "Yes Ma'am." She clapped when Lilia allowed the words, in a muffled Russian accent, slip passed her lips in English. She was proud, and couldn't help but smile brightly.
"And that's how you do it," she said while she cracked an egg open with one hand and allowed the single cell to slide into the glass bowl. "Now you try," she said while placing an egg into Lilia's hand. The girl was so polite and when she tapped the egg on the counter top, it barely cracked. "Let me help," she said chuckling lightly. She took hold of Lilia's hand gently and then guided her hand to crack the egg a bit harder. She laughed when the egg was smashed and it made a mess all over the counter and dripped off into the floor. Skyler pulled her hand back and Lilia was stuck with an eggy hand. Skyler stifled laughter and took a pinch of flour and tossed it at Lilia. The two girls were then a giggling fit of sillyness with flour, cocoa powder, and other cooking elements being tossed around them. They finally managed to cook up a nice batch of chocolate chunk brownies, and Skyler cleaned the mess up. It was amazing how with each ticking second of the little hand on the clock, their bond grew harder and harder to break.
Skyler was swaying in the kitchen, chopping up a lovely mix of carrots, onions, and celery; mirepoix for a chunky chicken noodle soup. Lilia was assiting her, but was also dancing lightly on her feet. Skyler would join her every now and again, becoming a bit distracted from her cutting board. She slipped the knife, just right- but wrong, and cut the tip of her finger almost clear off. A bloody mess leaked upon the cutting board, and it likely sent Lilia into a gasping state of shock and worry. Skyler, gritting her teeth through the pain, coaxed Lilia to watch while her regeneration kicked it. Her finger started to grow muscle and skin tissue back, the tissues seemingly reaching for each other. The severed finger was then sealed back in place as if she hadn't even cut herself. The only repercussion was blood loss, but her regeneration also sped up blood cell growth. She chuckled lightly and after Lilia was calmed down, she cleaned up the mess and finished dinner.
Being a light sleeper had its perks, but also its flaws. Skyler felt Lilia shift and whimper while they slept, both women tucked in the master bedroom. Skyler slept with her arm over Lilia's middle like a protective mother lion and her cub, or two inseparable sisters. She creaked open her eyes and carefully sat up in the bed. The room was just barely lighting up, the sun creepily raising over her neighbor's house, but just barely. The sunlight inched into the bedroom, illuminating everything. Skyler's eyes were wide with amazement when she saw Lilia's glimmering skin. She gently touched her flesh, but it was hard as.. hard as diamond. "Oh wow.." she said a bit loud, stirring Lilia. The girl woke with a meek gasp passing her sleepy lips. Skyler watched as her skin became normal again, and she got an idea. An idea to help them mask their submissive and master roles. "I have an idea," she said, then continued to explain how Lilia could turn her flesh into diamond when Skyler was going to hit her grab her. It would be perfect. Skyler would just need to fix the collar to stop it from supressing Lilia's powers, because it obviously did.

Today was the day that Salt was coming to fetch Doctor Karma and Etoile for a mission. Skyler was sitting on the floor of the livingroom, Lilia perched behind of her. She was working on the collar that was Lilia's prison when she wore it, hindering her from muttering a word, and also supressing her powers. Skyler was angrily thinking of how she could gut Salt, while Lilia weaved Skyler's hair into a long elegant braid. Or whatever she was doing to the long silver hair. Skyler didn't care too much; she was preoccupied on the task at hand. She had on a pair of magnifying surgical glasses, her eyes studying each and every aspect of the collar with scrutinizing detail. She then clicked her tongue and whistled. "Think I've got it.." she said, turning to look at Lilia. Her glasses slid down the bridge of her nose and she rose a brow over the rim while she held up the collar.

"Think it'll work? There's only one way to find out.." she said, sighing. She gently handed it over the Lilia, regretting handing her the collar. Skyler had fixed the clasp to be easily put on and off, and so that Lilia could take it off on her own. It was a simple slide clasp, but it was hidden and Salt would not notice. Skyler was mentally preparing herself to become the psychopathic nymphomaniac she led Salt to believe she was to gain Lilia as her 'pet.' She grimaced slightly and stood, looking down to Lilia as she tried on the collar. All that needed to happen was her power to be able to activate. Skyler was crossing her fingers and bit her lower lip while Lilia held the collar and it was up to her to put it on and try to see if she could use her gift.

-My DeviantArt-
Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Twinkletoes October 8th 2012, 8:52 am

Yes..yes Ma'am", stumbled a melodic feminine voice. Bright blue eyes shone in a mixture of bewilderment and childish curiosity as she sat with full attention on Skyler who was repeating strange English words, repeating words that 'may save her life'. Whilst the meek teenager tried her best to imitate the language she would often slip over some and giggle away the embarrassment. Eventually the one syllable words were out of the way and soon enough Lilia was repeating them like a toddler who had just begun to speak. Although the reason behind the vocab training wasn't particularly comforting Lilia knew it was necessary to play the part, the role of Skyler's submissive pet. Being submissive wasn't that much of a challenge for a girl who has lived most of her teenage life servicing the sick fantasies and the most twisted depravity that mankind has to offer so following orders without question was simply another talent of hers. Eventually the two girls had properly worked out the dynamics of their fake relationship, although Lilia didn't exactly know what a 'bisexual dominatrix' was, going as far as practicing the various things Skyler would do to her in Salt's company. Whether it be a violent slap, a lustful kiss or a fierce command followed by a Yes ma'am. Lilia soon came to understand what was necessary to ensure her survival and freedom... giving the fierce Skyler a 'fear induced' peck on the lips was just another strange trade-off in the little routine they had been forced into.
"Point your toes like this!", she chirped, stretching her slender leg in front of her body, arching the scarred soles and pointing her toes into a perfectly straight ballet pointe with barely any effort. A big grin was glued onto her peachy lips as she crawled over to Skyler, pressing the woman's toes an inch lower so that it perfectly mirrored the teenager's. The girls were playing around in the sun room, a cool afternoon breeze drifted through the curtains, providing the ballerina and her 'practice buddy' with the perfect environment to dance, stretch and let all their worries slip away for that moment. "You've done this before!", Lilia playfully pouted, flicking her fringe behind her ear as she watched Skyler perform a fairly impressive pirouette. All their conversations were still in Russian, any other language would stunt the fluid conversations the two girls have and the lighthearted, carefree laughter that danced alongside their graceful bodies was but a perfect example of their blossoming friendship.
Tchaikovsky's 'Swan lake' quietly played in the background, the slow powerful rises and falls in the orchestral masterpiece was just one of the few comforts that Lilia held onto. The gifted composer was always a constant force in her young life. Sitting crossed legged on the floor of the room she shared with Skyler the swaying ballerina inhaled deeply, tasting the sounds of the classical score as she gently rocked her head back and forth. She had cleaned their room, twice over with an almost compulsive need to put everything in place, fold and hang all of the clothes and make sure there was no visible speck of dust on any surface. Her guardian had gone off somewhere to exercise so the ethereal beauty thought it proper that she clean up a bit before Skyler returned. This private mission was interrupted with a small find, a remnant of a time long gone...a trinket that only she could treasure.

Crinkled amongst the folds in the coat she wore when she arrived to the Snowden household was a small faded photo that contained two happy faces, the one shred of evidence of a joyous chapter in her hellish life. Embracing a giggling Lilia around the shoulders was an equally cheery looking woman, her bright smile illuminating the photo. This beautiful woman, whose slender arms wrapped the smaller girl was none other than Sheryll Paxton, the number one agent working for Dominus and now a ghost of Lilia's past...Sheryll had disappeared, she had faded into oblivion and never had a chance to say farewell. Brushing her finger alongside the edge of the photo, she let it linger enough so that the memories of her joy with the bubbly brunette returned..

"I'll find you one day.."


Long silvery hair trickled through slender porcelain fingers, the cool thin fibers brushing against the warm skin. A melodic voice hummed an old Russian lullaby as the beautiful girl fiddled with the messy silver locks of her guardian, who was currently immersed in a particularly curious experiment. Skyler was sitting on the floor, hunching over Lilia's collar as the ballerina was perched on the chair behind her, letting her hands work the hair into an elaborate braid. Her peachy lips were pouted in a childish amusement as she cocked her head around Skyler's shoulder, trying to be as interested in the collar as the young doctor. Skyler was continuing to hatch her elaborate plan of making it appear she was Lilia's insane master all the way gradually setting the meek teenager free. The collar that had restricted Lilia's screams and cries of pain had been strapped to her neck with no way of removin it prior to meeting the talented she was able to freely remove it once they weren't under Dominus' scrutinizing gaze. Giving the horrid device a wary look the girl swallowed, gingerly clasping the collar in her hand, gazing once more at Skyler for approval the girl slowly slipped the device around her neck.

"...", no words came out of her open mouth, the despicable invention was very much still operable but without the adverse affects of being permanently attached to her neck. Shaking her head Lilia quickly removed it, carefully handing it to Skyler as she took a deep breath..not only did it supress her voice but it was just another chain tossed onto her to nullify her true potential. "it makes me feel like a dog...", she mumbled, twisting a stray lock of Skyler's hair between her fingers. The device was necessary to meeting Salt's belief that she was very much still a mute and helpless prisoner and the very thought that he was coming that day caused her stomach to go into a knot. He was a monster, he haunted her dreams, scarring her mind as much as he scarred her body and knowing that he'll be knocking on the doorstep at any moment terrified her.

"I don't want him to touch me.." she whispered, fearing that if he spoke any louder she would burst into tears. Her skin shivered from the very thought of his hands on her body, no matter how many times she had experienced his abuse every time felt like he was defiling her the first time over again and again. These images in her head couldn't boil any further and she quickly resumed to finishing off the braid, which dangled alongside her guardian's spine. She laid her hands on Skyler's shoulders, her eyes glazing over the glossy hair as the silence penetrated the room..a silence that only exists before a storm. In this case the storm was a loud banging on the door.

Lilia flinched, a low whimper escaping her lips as her skin went pale. He was here, she didn know if he had brought anyone with him but she knew the man of her nightmares of right at their footstep. Swallowing her rising fear she frantically clasped Skyler's hand looking up at her with pleading eyes that threatened to overflow with moisture, "..I'm scared.." was all that passed her lips as she prepared for his entrance. She was not ready, at all.

Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Quote : Hard as diamonds, soft as silk

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by The Bolt October 8th 2012, 8:05 pm

His eyes looked back up at the demon, her eyes a red that seemed almost inhuman, filled with a bloodlust that was impossible for a human to possess. The boot was pressed against his throat and cutting off the precious airway, a pressure beyond his capabilities keeping him down. ”Can’t believe you gave the troops some trouble, you were pathetic.” Reaper spat in the man’s face aiming a single pistol at his face, muscles tensing as he prepared to attempt to disarm her with his strange power. Before he could summon the black fire he was known for, the energy bullet pierced his cranium. Blood was sent in a spray across the concrete that painted it a visceral dark red. Another hit made by Agent Reaper, third most powerful agent within Dominus,after she had heard about the Number 2’s unfortunate death.

This was of course only a preliminary job of hers, which only predated a more mundane task. The weapons made personally for her framed her pale body, barely veiled by clothing, something that she chose to do herself. Almost pink eyes looked down upon the now dead body under her foot, lips curling into a sneer. The spinal column easily snapped and crumbled under such immense pressure, head popping off like a grape as the remaining blood spurted across the concrete. The ichor stained her boots only making them even more dominated by a dark red color. ”A nother one bites the dust.” Reaper said blowing away imaginary smoke from the gun before holstering it within the leather holster at her side.

She whipped around at the sound of footsteps against the concrete, a certain Mister Salt approaching her with an apprehension in his eyes. Reaper smiled a predators smile. ”Well if it isn’t Salty in the flesh, come to see little ol me.” She said quickly lapsing into a southern accent for a small bit of the sentence before her own course tone. She knew that the man secretly feared her and had good reason to do so, considering she had once broken his arm at the tender age of six simply because she perceived his advances as a threat. ”So what does Dominus want me doing now?” She raised a snowy eyebrow as the man explained. They were going to do a check up? Sure it wasn’t said exactly like that but Reaper got the gist of it, the part where she was doing a damn check up on an agent.

”Sounds easy enough, let’s get this shit over with.” Reaper sighed eyes averting to what looked like a helicopter descending upon them, its metallic blades whirring. This would be the thing that would bring them to this place, to the apartment she had heard of. Stepping into the transport she let herself fall into a trance , it would be about an hour till they arrived. The time seeming to meld into emptiness that became but minutes. Before she knew it she was standing behind Salt as he knocked on the door, such an ineffective method.

Without much of a prompting she move past the man and reared back her fist before letting it fly forward. The door came off its hinges as word splintered effortlessly. Reaper stepped through the empty entrance flanked by the man.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Chellizard October 9th 2012, 8:57 am

Skyler was satisfied with her handy work, and was about to gingerly take back the collar when she heard the sounds of a helicopter overhead. The blades were soft and then loud as they passed over the house. It was the only helicopter Skyler had heard all day, so it had to be Salt. He had arrived. She had about a minute or two before they would knock, or barge in. She had a feeling it might be the latter, though.


He was sitting across from Agent Reaper, his lips twisted into a devilish smile. The smile was just barely showing his yellowing teeth, his unshaven, unkempt appearance greasy and alcohol stained. His breath was stale and, save for his wet mouth that faintly held the odor of cheap Scotch, smelled like rotting meat. He was a decently built man, but he was a pedophilic masochistic sexaholic. His smile was playing his lips not because he could stare at Reaper's breasts and she honestly wouldn't pay any mind to him as long as he kept his hands away from her, but because he would get to see the little Prima Ballerina. His loins ached in mocking withdrawal for her sweet, sweet innocence. He had made the trade fair and square, and he had gained a very nice sum of money in return. But.. did he miss her? No. He just wanted to slap her around a little. "Skyler, that little nymphomaniac.. Ooh oh ho ho.. she would let me slap her around.. Oh yes.." he thought to himself, a slight shiver running down his spine just as they passed over the Georgia residence and came down a few yards away in an open field. The helicopter's engines were shut down and he slumped out of the cock pit, eagerly taking each step toward the house. He was originally in front of Reaper, but she took the lead and kicked in Skyler's door. The little sex deviant was not going to be happy about that one, based on how protective she was over the house when Salt was just relaxing in the living room. "Hello hello hello my nymphomaniac friend," he said, Skyler presenting herself instantly. He peaked around of her to find Lilia. She was coiled on the floor in a heap of tears, her clothes rumpled. A few pieces of the furniture were turned over and the room was slightly messy. "Did we interrupt? Don't mind me, hell, don't mind the white haired bitch over here; keep fucking that bitch up," he said with a yellow smile.


Skyler looked to Lilia the moment the helicopter blades faded just over the house. "Start crying, darling. And loosen up your clothes and lay on the floor in a mess, get your hair messy, too," she said, cleaning up the work she had been doing on the collar, but left it on the table. She knocked over a few things, and broke a vase right next to Lilia. Skyler pricked her own finger and looked to Lilia, "For the show," she said, and smeared a bit of her own blood on Lilia's cheek, making the messy smudge thick so her tears could mix and stain her cheeks red. Skyler then smudged a bit of blood on her own lips and the corner of her mouth. She then licked the end of her finger and the cut was healed. She grabbed for her gun and holstered it, along with her knife. She was wearing a corset styled top, but instead of her skirt, a pair of pants. She had on her shoulder holster for her knife and gun. She was anticipating Salt's arrival, and can convince him that she got carried away with play time while they waited for him to come. She heard a few foot steps and then her front door was knocked in. She immediately drew her knife and gun, her gun resting just over her blade, her eyes narrowed upon the face that appeared in front of her. A girl, white hair, very scantily clothed figure. Skyler, raising a brow, licked her lips in a sexy fashion and glanced to Salt. "Took you long enough.. I was starting to get bored.." she made a glance toward Lilia, a smirk lacing her lips before she wiped the corner of her mouth and licked the blood off of her hand.

-My DeviantArt-
Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5015
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Twinkletoes October 10th 2012, 11:21 am

Lilia's heart pounded, threatening to beat through her ribcage as the throbbing sounds of the helicopter droned over the neighborhood. Salt was making his spectacular entrance as per usual and the very thought of the monster being so close had the teenager's stomach in knots. Her breathing was considerably quicker a worried look plastered on her flawless face as she flicked some books off the coffee table in rushed attempt of making the room look like it had gone through recent chaos. She attempted to not focus too much on the mess, which was unfortunately going to have to be cleaned after all of this was said and done. She yelped in surprise as a couch was flipped over and the coffee table was toppled...their preparations for the horrid man were nerve wracking and the instance Skyler mentioned looking a bit more disheveled the girl cringed...knowing full well why she had to appear like so. "Yes ma'am," she whimpered when Skyler asked her to cry, subconsciously taking on the role of the submissive pet even before her abuser arrived. Crying was no hard task to do, the mere memory of her parents was enough to send her tear ducts spilling over and what would have been a feigned appearance of grief was made all the more real with the realization that Salt was on his way.

Scrambling her slender hands through her sandy brown hair Lilia instantly followed this by yanking the collar of her shirt downwards, revealing her pale bony collarbone and shoulder blade. She sniffled away the years as Skyler smeared the blood on her cheek, making it appear that she had been wounded in their apparent 'S&M' relationship. Curling up into a ball on the floor the girl gave one last hopeful look up at Skyler, as long as the young doctor was here she knew she was going to be relatively safe from Salt and his perverted maneuvers. It was not long after she had sprawled her body next to a toppled sofa and a shattered vase did she hear the sounds of distinct knocking and what could only be described as a door being destroyed.

She heard his voice, the mere sound of it sent hovers down her spine and sick feeling to rise up in her throat. He was saying something in English, using his dirty slurred words on Skyler as she heard the footsteps of another...who was it? A member of his squad, another one of her twisted abusers? Turning her tear stained face Lilia was met with two things...both of which were exceptionally bad by many peoples standards. Staring down at her with his lustful, sickening gaze was Franklin Salters himself...a twisted smirk smeared on his greasy face as he rubbed his hands together. The other visitor was no stranger, no stranger at all. She was Agent reaper, or Shayla as Lilia calls her, and possibly the most frightening girls she has ever known. It would have been six months since the two last saw each other and even though their relationship was rocky the two did have a special matter how awfully different they were. The angry albino was still dressed in her revealing outfit, something that always made the ballerina blush from the mere sight of it, even glancing at her then spurned a rendered second hand embarssment for Shayla and humiliation for letting the fearsome albino see her like this.

"Well, well, certainly look like you're having fun," jeered the all to familiar voice of the man who haunted her nightmares, "Are you missing me yet...or are you enjoying wing a little bitch for the nice lady over here?", the patronizing and venomous tone in his voice was almost too much to bear and before Lilia could hide her face from the man he had strolled over to her and yanked her up by the hair, eliciting a pained cry from her trembling lips as she clenched her eyes shut, not daring to look the man in the eyes. Due to her petite lightweight figure dragging her by the hair was no problem at all for Salt and as he chuckled under his breath he tapped the holster of his blade...just in case the girl decided to scratch him or something equally 'disrespectful'

"I hope you've been giving the little whore all you've got", he sneered, smacking his cracked lips together as he tossed Lilia at Skylers feet. "I'll be honest..I never thought you would actually go through with making her your toy, I can now say I'm impressed!" he chuckled, gazing down at the whimpering girl trying her best not to panic. Her pain gave him pleasure and no sooner had he worked out some lewd ideas in his head did he drag the teenager up to her feet again, pushing her into Skyler's bosom. "Go on! Give her a kiss!", he gleamed, slapping the trembling teenager's behind as he watched in perverted glee. The man did not know that the girl's sadomasochistic relationship was all an act so simply commanding the Russian teenager to perform an act of service on her master was something that he considered the norm. Lilia on the other hand was slowly starting to panic, she fumbled with her hands, glancing around the room as she desperately looked into Skyler's eyes for guidance, she knew it had o be done or else their cover was probably blown.

Swallowing her fear she tentatively propped herself up on her toes, her legs buckling underneath her as she placed a single, peck on the doctor's lips. Like a feather brushing against the warm skin Lilia's 'act of servitute' was strangely beautiful even if the situation that caused it was far from it. She hated this, she hated doing such yucky things for Salt's entertainment, she hated that Reaper had to see all of this and she especially hated how she was completely afraid of matter how close he was to Skyler she could still feel his hot alcohol drenched breath down her neck.

"Oh that was hopeless! C'mon Skyler show her what you got!" Salt hollered waving his hand in the air, motioning for the 'dominant' one to return the favor. His lust had already gotten in the way of handing out their missions and if they did not act soon he may be breathing down their backs longer than it was necessary.

Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by The Bolt October 25th 2012, 3:11 pm

Reaper chose to stand back while the three did whatever they did,keeping a close eye on Franklin;nothing he did would be lost on the powerful albino killer. Her arms crossed over her chest as she simply waited, foot kicking at the floor withonly enough force to cause a light tapping noise. The place overall was pathetic,ruined as if something had happened in here,probably that so called “nympho”. She never really spent time looking into sexual terms but it was obvious that was indeed one since it came from that bastard Salters lips pertaining to a person. It was Etoile that looked worst for wear and that for some reason did not sit well with her,not in the least. If this strange woman was the cause of the diamond ballerinas sad state,she would meet with a most unfortunate fate indeed. There was to be no doubt about that.

Salters continued to say whatever it was that he was saying and then he made the mistake. He reached for the young Russian girl and grabbed her hair before throwing her to Skylers feet. Shyla let out a deep sigh before moving from her standing position. ”Well then.” She said breking her own silence as Salt seemed to be only pushing his own luck. She took a few steps forward until she was standing next to Salt,hands clenchign until they were even whiter than they already were. The silent anger was nearely undetectable but he would know it soon enough. ”Mr.Salt.” He body moved in a blur that was far too quick for the average human to detect or even hope to.

In a matter of secondfs she was moving in front fo the man as he attempted to react to the incredibly fast female,he foot already pressed against his stomach as the air came out of him in a whoosh. His eyes widened in pain and surprise as Reapers powerful attack sent him skittering across the floor but it was nowhere enough to do any real damage to him except for a shortness of breath. At the end of that lightning attack Reaper popped her neck before finishing a sentence that she had presumably started before the attack.

”This is a check up,not something to sate your perverted desires Mr.Salt. Next time I might have to break your arms,well break them again. We don't want that do we?” She said in a tone that was seeping with bloodlust. Looking to Illia she offered a single hand,one that if taken would jerk the girl up rather roughly but help her to her feet nonetheless.

Last edited by Agent Reaper on March 16th 2013, 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Chellizard October 29th 2012, 2:16 am

Skyler was not about to make herself kiss Lilia, not with another agent present. And she was glad she didn't bend down yet. She caught most of the Agent's movements, her bright white hair and pale as the moon skin barely clothed with her attire. Skyler took an uneasy step backward away from the woman, and was very impressed when she smacked Salt around. Skyler was smirking on the inside, but on the outside she was laughing. She had to hold her stomach for a second. "As much as I love giving Lilia a kiss, I'm ready for a real job. Let's stop dicking around, shall we?" she said, her southern accent bleeding through. She glanced to the woman with pale skin that helped Lilia to her feet. Skyler licked her lips lightly and cleared her throat.

Salt scooped himself up with a gruff hmpf and grumbled under his breath, "Fucking bitch.." he coughed and licked his cracked lips before steadying himself and smoothing his greasy mop of hair. "Yeah yeah; we have a real mission for you three. Agent Reaper will be assisting you," he was basically hissing these words passed his teeth, his jaw clenched tight. He was pissed off, but could do nothing about it. Reaper was one of Paxton's best, and she could snap Salt in half. "The Shimatori family. Five brothers; pretty deadly weapons traders and drug smugglers. They're also all metahumans.. fucking spoiled brats. They're all roughly sixteen to eighteen, and each of them have a special gift."

"Sounds simple enough. You won't be joining us, will you Salt?" Skyler asked, giving a 'disappointed' flare at the end. He shook his head. "Nope, ya' little nympho. The chopper is gonna escort us to New York, and then you're on your own. The fuckin' three of ya." He slid his tongue over his teeth and turned on his heels and made his way to the absent door. Skyler was still upset about that. "Let's get goin' then," she said, holstering her knife and looking to Lilia. She spoke in Russian. "Come on darling, we're heading to the helicopter to take out a family of weapon traders. Agent Reaper will be joining us." She pressed her hand to Lilia's back, guiding her toward the doorway. Skyler gave Reaper a nod, being courteous to the other Agent. Skyler had no idea her rank, but she was strong, and fast. A deadly combination.

-My DeviantArt-
Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) JiLqjv0
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Twinkletoes October 30th 2012, 7:48 pm

The ballerina let out an involuntary sigh of relief as she was helped up, not needing to commit an act on Skyler she would rather prefer not to. Fixing a crease in her skirt the teenager looked up at he guardian, eyes wide in genuine shock at the Salt's little punishment across the loungeroom floor. Yes, how could anyone forget such ferociousness; Reaper is and always will be one of the most violent and intimidating person that the meek Russian had come across. The girl winced when Salt barked at Skyler, even though she knew the woman was more than capable of defending Starks she still loathed the idea of Salt treating her like so and quickly glanced up at the woman, her big blue eyes searching for any anger. There was annoyance, mainly because the front door was now rendered useless and the walking ashtray known as Franklin Salters had lit up a fag on the front porch.

Scratching underneath her collar the girl blinked at Reaper motioning her pseudo friend to get out edited they did, it had a been a while since the last time they had seen each other but they both had clear communication methods even if they could not speak the same language. She curled her lips into a polite little smile, nodding as Skyler explained the course of action for what was to occur that day. Apparently she was hunting boys her age, something which distressed her greatly once it was finally revealed to her. The silent walk to the chopper was filled with apprehension and genuine concern for what was expected of them. Was Lilia really expected to hurt mere teenagers, sure they were in the wrong industry, selling illegal weapons and such but were they really deserving of a visit from Dominus, reaper in particular. Letting out a low whimper, she nudged Skyler's shoulder, a clear look of worry on her face as the matte black helicopter took off, sending a strong blast of air in the surrounding area.

Salt was strapped to the seat closest to the cockpit, fiddling with his lighter as the low drone of the chopper blade pierced the awkward atmosphere. Turning his head to the three females, he smirked, revealing those horrid yellow teeth of his."Let's get this straight, the boss has given you girls two day max to complete this. Sabotage their little underground base and if necessary chop up some little Asians for me...oh and if they happen to have any sisters save some for good ole Salt why doncha!", he cackled with glee, rubbin his hands together as dirty thoughts ran through his twisted mind..

Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by The Bolt November 3rd 2012, 8:23 pm

Shayla tried to stop herself from chuckling at the reaction illicited from Salt after his little punishment at her hands,lips turning up into a little smile as she crossed her powerful arms over her barely veiled chest. Finally they were getting to the important things,such as the mission that they were to be going on today,well minues that bastard Salt of course. Reaper did not enjoy his presence in the least and would have rather killed him sooner if Paxton did not have plans for him;these of course were unknown to her at the moment. He tended to avoid telling the dangerous agent anything if he could help himself. ”Well this seems easy enough.” She was sure that she and Etoile could finish this little assignment up in a matter of hours. Fingertips played over the arm that they touched.

”I assume we don't need them alive. The targets I mean.” Dominus was sure to order their deaths but Reaper liked to make sure of these things before she made such assumptions. Her eyes turned to Salt who only nodded,most likely not wanting to even talk to the agent if he could help it. She would get to kill all of the brats,maybe slowly if she could disarm these little powers of theirs. Everyone had a weakness and she was sure she would find out the weaknesses of these little metahumans. Reaper had killed tougher before,so these welps would be nothing to her.

Reaper chose to sit next to Etoile,one leg crossing over the other as her mind adjusted to the sound of the chopper blades whirring;that monotonous noise that lulled her into a sort of trance that if only minutely lowered the iron clad guard that she had over herself. She knew they would be to the destination soon enough and then the real mission would begin.
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Chellizard November 13th 2012, 3:56 pm

Skyler acknowledged Lilia's nudge with a shallow nod, her eyes glancing toward her faux daughter with a smile behind her gaze. It was a friendly notion, but a discreet one. "Easier than a slice of fresh apple pie," she hummed passed her lips, the thought of apple pie racing through her mind. She was hungry now, but food would have to wait. They had to complete this mission, and hopefully it would be over quickly so Skyler could get Lilia back home, and get her farther detached from Dominus' clutches. The woman had her hand on the hilt of her knife, the other fiddling with her dog tags. It was one shred of her past military life she would never get rid of, along with her USMC tattoos. She licked her lips lightly and turned her attention away from Salt's annoying lip smacking sounds.

When Agent Reaper spoke up again, Skyler's nose was buried back into the file Salt had presented on a slender laptop. Skyler scrolled and read over everything thoroughly. Her photographic memory was a very handy tool, especially in situations like this. A mission sprung on her and her team last minute. Skyler knew Dominus' goal was to kill off metahumans that did not willingly work for Dominus, but it was a bit noble of Agent Reaper to ask before assuming. Skyler respected that. She also respected legacy, and honor. And above all? Family. Despite Agent Reaper's job with Dominus, the way Lilia had greeted her.. it was evident Lilia had known her a long time, and that she viewed her as some kind of sibling or best friend. More than an acquaintance at least.

The helicopter landed gently, but the exchange of "see you later" and "good lucks" were basically a big Fuck You! when Salt ushered the three girls off of the chopper and onto a lone helicopter pad a good half mile or so from the destination. Skyler shook her head, and once the chopper was out of sight, sighed and let her guard come down, just enough. She spoke in Russian. "I'm sorry you had to ride in the helicopter with that vile man. Might I ask.. what is your relationship with Agent Reaper?" she rose a brow, her attention glancing to the stone cold woman with white hair and pale skin, barely clothed but toned and dangerous. Skyler's right hand slid to pull out her bun and let her messy hair fall around of her. The silver strands glimmered as a breeze rolled by. "I suppose we should start walking or catch a cab." she said, shaking chuckling lightly before offering her hand to Lilia.

-My DeviantArt-
Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) JiLqjv0
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Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Twinkletoes November 14th 2012, 8:40 am

Unlike various other trips she had taken on the familiar Dominus chopper this ride in particular was far less frightening with the addition of the two most fearsome females by her side. She was comfortably nestled in between Skyler and Shayla and knew that Franklin Salters had no chance of assaulting her with the two older agents guarding her like hawks protecting their youngest. The ballerina cooed to herself, letting the soft sound escape her peachy lips as the chopper soared over the great metal and concrete city; the last shafts of amber sunlight shone into the aircraft illuminating the interior with an ethereal golden glow that softened the tense atmosphere. Regardless of how evil and depraved Salt was he was just another minuscule human, a germ, wading his way through the endless beauty that nature freely gave and such a thought gave the young agent some peace of mind. She was loved and protected, the women seated either side of her were blessings equal to or greater than the very sun itself.

However, contemplation on the beauty of nature and the adoration of loved ones came to close when Salt gruffly interjected, his nasty drawl croaking through their headpieces, "Now keep in mind..if you girls fuck this mission up. If the collateral damage is so bad that Afghanistan hears then I will personally fuck all three of you, starting with the youngest of course." , his gaze drifted over to Lilia who instinctively shot her gaze downwards, opting to stare at her feet instead. " Uncle Sam wants success and you bitches will ensure that the good people of America are safe.." , the sarcasm at the en of his little monologue was eerily obvious and no sooner had he chuckled away at his own humor had te humming metal aircraft land on a platform. They were now situated on top of a warehouse, the outerskirts of the city and a safe enough place to scope out the surrounding environment and it's occupants. The constant him of traffic throbbed in the distance, the warm evening breeze caressing the three females with a welcome touch as their bodies quickly exited the helicopter.

Taking in a deep breath Lilia tightly held Skyler's upper arm as he exited the helicopter, not daring to look at Salt or even acknowledge the slurping sound he made with his mouth. She did not need his stomach wrenching attitude to ruin her day any further. Before sliding th door shut the greasy man looked up at agent Reaper, a sly grin on his face. "Don't dissapoint your father this time..." he chuckled, quickly sliding the door shut before she could retaliate.

No sooner had they exited the aircraft had it already taken off, now but a thumbprint sized spot in the deep orange sky. Lilia sighed, relieved that Salt was no longer an issue, leaning her head against Skyler's arm as a way to clear her mind of his sickening essence. Glancing over to Shayla the petite teenager softly grinned, happy that Skyler at least appreciated the albino woman's existence. "You could say she's my fearless guardian when things became rough..she's scary and sometimes a bit rude... but...but she's a good person on the inside..", she softly replied in her mother tongue, her whispery melodic voice trickling the edges of Skyler's ears as te words were quietly spoken into her ears.

Her pale, dainty fingers slowly interlaced with her guardian's and a soft nod of her head told the women present that she was ready to begin. It was only a matter of time before they found the criminal family...

Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Tumblr_m953irNOXB1rv240t
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by The Bolt November 26th 2012, 10:17 pm

”Prick.” Reaper muttered under her breath as they were dropped off what seemed like a good mile away from the target,Reaper equally annoyed by that as well as Salt pointing out her issues. He was sure to get his ass kicked whenever she could ge the chance to do that, which would be the next time that Shayla saw that scum sucking pile of shit. Etoile was speaking to her current protector in Russian, one of the many languages that Reaper could not speak and it annoyed her; not that she showed it. Her face was in the same scowl that it always was, pink lips curled into an unfriendly expression.

Whatever she was to Etoile, Reaper could have cared less about, she was just another of Dominus assets, a tool for them to use at their leisure. All of the agents were just tools for the ultimate gain, nothing more and nothing less. One hand moved over her body, checking that all her weapons were present and in working order, all of which were. Now it was time to decide how she would conduct this little hunt of hers, one that she took great joy in performing.

Maybe she would slice them apart with her beam katana or pierce them with a few energy arrows through their head or body, there were many ways to go about this really and all ended in death. Ideas moved through her mind with speed as she looked into the distance. It wouldn’t take her too long to bridge the distance but how long would it have taken her slower allies?

”If you two don’t mind I can carry you. I’m much quicker probably than both of you and it would speed this mission up a bit.”
The Bolt
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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Chellizard December 7th 2012, 8:48 am

"All right then," Skyler said in reply to Lilia as she glanced over the scantily clothed girl. She was pale, her hair even more pale. Her thoughts were racing, skipping over certain details, but wrapping around the main focus. There were five targets; all of them had a very different set of skills. They weren't frightening; it was then together that posed a threat. She had no doubt in Lilia's skills, but she had no idea about Agent Reaper's skill set. When the girl mentioned she could carry both of them, Skyler rose her brow and let out a soft laugh. "It's roughly a miles' walk from here; no big deal. If you'd like to scout ahead, that's fine. This walk will give us time to formulate a plan, and also make our entrance to the area a bit more stealthy." she spoke in a leadership style tone, but not in one that would make it seem like she was talking down to Reaper.

Skyler's tone reflected her military background, as well as a motherly aspect to it. She spoke to Lilia in Russian, explaining that Reaper wanted to carry them and that Skyler had denied the offer. To please Reaper, however, Skyler picked up her walking pace and gently coaxed Lilia to keep up. "This Shimatori family is no joke. They have a brainiac, a few energy based Metas, a strong one, and a fast one. They work in a team, too. So, it'll be five versus three. I doubt they'll stand a chance, to be honest." Skyler chuckled and, like a mother walking with her girls, stood a little taller and kept her hand laced with Lilia's. Skyler wondered if Reaper, despite her cold exterior, longed for a mother figure.

She shrugged those thoughts off and kept her pace up until they were near a fence that blocked their entrance to a warehouse facility. "Great.. Let's get through this quietly and efficiently.." she ordered, and repeated it in Russian before she pulled out her knife and made three quick slashes at the fence. The chain links gave way to the knife's blade and gave them a large enough gap to slip in. Now it was time to find their targets and take them down without getting hurt.

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) JiLqjv0
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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by Twinkletoes December 9th 2012, 12:23 am

A light feathery giggle escaped the ballerina's peachy lips as she heard word of Reaper's suggestion that they hitch a ride on her. Not that the petite Russian hadn't a;ready done that a few months back but it was clear that her 'Mama' thought it best that they walk. Keeping a firm grip on Skyler's hand Lilia walked at a quick, graceful pace. Light footsteps barely making a sound as she hopped over cracks in the sidewalk, allowing the tips of her toes to flutter alongside the scarred roadside. A soft coo escaped the young agent's lips, somehow she was an an anxious feeble wreck like she usually was before missions. Having two of the strongest females she had ever met stand by her side, protecting her like she was their kin. Facing this criminal family alongside Reaper and Skyler was a blessing in itself, hopefully they would end the task in a quick and painless need for excessive violence or bloodshed.

Intertwining her dainty fingers with Skyler's the meek ballerina looked up, brow furrowed in what could only be described as troubled curiosity. "How old are they?...I don't want to kill anyone..", she whispered, glancing down momentarily before staring up at her 'mother' with shimmering sapphire eyes. Innocence gushed off of her, threatening to even purify the scantily clad albino trudging alongside them. This work was not meant for Lilia, her body had been twisted and skewed into a weapon of war...and yet she naively overlooked it all, allowing her humble childishness to override the killer instinct her 'creators' so desperately wanted from her.

A distant storm rumbled several miles away, sending a cool chill down Lilia's spine as she peaked her head around the fence into the bleak concrete complex. She understood that these boys were ruthless crime lords but the very fact that Dominus would even bother to eliminate them irked her greatly. "Maybe i should check and see whether there's any other entrance..", she whispered, pursing her lips as she scanned the large facility with a scrutinising gaze. Clutching Skyler's hand tighter than before the girl lightly tapped her foot onto the earth, blinking twice before her mind jolted. An intricate black and white image quickly flashed into her conscious, detailing the area that spanned around the trio of females. Hazy figures dotted the mental map of the area, locating any human life that was within a 100 metre radius of her.

Opening her eyes she nudged Skyler gently before pointing towards a watchtower that was slightly obscured by a not so subtle billboard scrawled over with some ludicrous advertisement. "There's two people at the bottom of the tower...maybe a control room or something", she explained, biting her lip before taking one last scan of the environment.

It was going to be a pain entering this place unnoticed...

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Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3) Empty Re: Follow The White Rabbit (Inky and Pat <3)

Post by The Bolt March 16th 2013, 9:23 pm

The petite Russian girl made sure that their fingers were tightly intertwined, but the albino did not mind it that much. It was true that she was never really used to the touch of another human being, save when it was one clawing at her in an attempt to save their own life, it was something that she had grown used to from the young female. Skyler had suggested they walk and she knew that Lilia would not like if her protector took off from her side, so she had only one choice. She simply listened to the other two talk, having nothing else to add herself. Shayla was not know for her ability to hold a conversation, only her ability to kill.

It did surprise her when Lilia stated that she did not want to kill the targets, something that Reaper was always prepared to do when she went out on the many missions that Dominus thrusted upon her. Hearing such talk from an agent that ranked higher than her was somewhat unexpected, then again she knew that some of the agents were not blood knights like she was. Lilia then said something about a control room with two people occupying it, the sound of a distant storm silently reverberating through the sky. It was possibly one of the many strange powers afforded to the strange girl that allowed her to see such things, but then again Shayla was not sure of such things.

”So how do you suggest we take care of our little problem?” The albino asked aiming the question towards Skyler, raising a snowy eyebrow. Sure she could have took whoever were in their way unaware, but it was smart to ask the others what they think should happen, cover every base to avoid what could be a potential shaming by Paxton. He never physically harmed her but he knew how to use his words, use them in a way that hurt far more than a weapon ever could. Personally she wanted to kill all of them and put an end to another annoyance, one that she was sure would have been on the Dominus radar in the future. Metahumans families such as this were always causing trouble, and they usually sent her to clean up their damn messes.

Not that Reaper minded the part where she killed them all, but the time that the organization wasted before eradicating them was tiresome.
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