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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear Empty Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

Post by Rith-Heart May 2nd 2012, 7:59 pm

Umbral Crystal

Primary Functions
These crystals are used as a form of magical batteries for shadow based powers.

Other Functions
In combat he can employ them similarly to a smoke grenade by letting all of the shadow energy out at once. This could allow him to cause distraction to try gain field advantage or simply as a means to aid escape. His is quite begrudged to do so though.

They can also be used to infuse or supply shadow based energy into the construction of shadow equipment. His typically would only use smaller or inferior ones in such constructions. This is because the crystals or crystal shards would typically be crushed or processed, mitigating the relevance of the lower quality.

Limiting Factors
Generally the user needs to hold the crystals in one of their hands in order to draw the shadow energy from within them.

Manifest constructions of the crystals can only be used for a limited period of time in bright light light or sunny. This period is about equal to 5 posts. The constructs (apart from shadow knives) can be reabsorbed into the crystal though, so the duration need not be continuous. A shadow construct cannot be used in the same post that it is formed (apart from shadow knives, though not more than two per post).

When exhausted the appear once again as clear crystal spheres. These retain their attunement to shadow and are therefore still precious, as they can be "recharge" without the additional effort.

Made from smoothed of psycho-reactive crystals, which have been ritualistically attuned to darkness. These appear as transparent crystal spheres before the ritual begins to bind the shadows within them. They can only be filled underground in a chamber without any light. Shadows are gradually folded into the crystal structure, folded along the lattice of the crystal to keep them secure. Once complete they appear as black lustreless orbs, surrounded be a soft shadowy light.


Shadow-Shaped Gear
The following are weapons, shields and tools made from the Umbral Crystals and don't strictly represent items on their own.

Primary Functions
Shadow-Shaped Gear is primarily used as weapons or shields. Due to the nature of the shadow energy they allow the user to threaten creatures they could otherwise touch. Spirit creatures and those attuned to shadows are harmed by these weapons even if not completely manifest. It also has an edge that reaches beyond the mere molecular level, making it able to slice though even relatively tough material.
(In game statistical terms they can increase STR or DUR by 1 level while manifest).

Other Functions
As the power to sustain the weapon is draw their power from the Umbral Crystal they can be given to servants or allies to aid in battle. They don't require any concentration once formed. They can also be formed into the non-combat tool. These tools are useful for simple construction works.

Limiting Factors
Weapons of this type are actually quite brittle, despite their strength. They can be destroyed by a strong powerful strike against any surface not made for striking, such as the flat of a blade. They can also be shattered when used against a particularly tough substance. Either form of damage against the weapon will result in the crystal splitting and all of the shadow energy spilling out. The effect ruins the crystal and surrounds the wielder in a flash of darkness that lasts about as long as a camera flash. The effect is bewildering to anybody in the immediate area, though short lived.

Due to the interaction of the crystals only two charged crystals can be carried at any time. In addition only one may be used at a time or there is a chance of energy cross transfer, which causes them to lose some shadow charge and the manifestations to instantly dissipate.
(In game statistical terms they are bad vs STR 5+ and DUR 5+).

The user bleeds out some of the shadow essence until enough is free to form the required shape for the form in question. The split is then shorn up using the same shadow weaving that is used during the forming of the crystal.

Shadow Blade
These blades are formed by focusing the energy of a single umbral crystal into a razor-sharp, single edged sword. It has a flat top edge, a hand grip made of condensed shadow energy and the base of the structure (the crystal itself) forms the pommel of the weapon.


Shadow Asagai
(Short Spear)
Similarly the Asagai is formed into a dense shaft 60 cm long (about two feet) long with a serrated spear like tip formed from tempered shadow energy. Once again the crystal forms the pommel of the weapon.


Shadow Knobkerry
(Fighting Club)
The knobkerry has this configuration switched. The shaft is made in the same manner, but rather than forming a spear on one end the shadow energy is concentrated around the crystal itself, forming a strong hammer surface.


Shadow Knives
The blade of shadow knives are formed out of shadow energy, but not tied to the umbral crystal. They are shaped similarly to the way the shadow blade is, though smaller. These 20cm long weapons are not tied to the crystal they are only temporary manifestations and dissipate shortly after striking a surface.

A single umbral crystal can be used to form up to 8 shadow knives before it is exhausted. Making even 1 of these makes the crystal unsuitable for anything else until the crystal is reconstituted.

Maliku seldom manifests this type of weapon as they are not usable by his servants or allies. They do allow him to reach airborne adversaries and attack at range, so there are times when they are the preferred weapon for the job.


Shadow Shield
A shield is formed by letting the shadow energy pour out of the crystal in the shape of a convex hemisphere. Loops of shadow energy is drawn from the crystal, which is located as the balance point on back of the surface, to form a suitable hand grip.


Tool Based Equivalents
The blade can be adapted to make a saw by adding serration to the blade edge and adjusting the grip shape to accommodating the sawing motion. The asagai form may be adapted to form a spade by widening the edge of the spear head and adding curvature to the centre of the surface. The knobkerry may be turned into a more efficient hammer by widening and flattening the striking surface.

Last edited by Rith-Heart on May 6th 2012, 4:15 pm; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : Lowered the amount of Shadow Knives that can be made (8, was 20) to better follow the limited use of the other shadow items. Modified the limits of use. Dropped the gloves.)

The Darkness keeps me warm.
See how SHE smiles at you?

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : South Africa
Age : 38
Job : Eternal Student
Humor : Cold, like my heart and Black like the moon shine.
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear Empty Re: Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

Post by Rith-Heart May 3rd 2012, 6:17 pm

I plan on adding two or three more items before i consider this ready, mostly based on using the crystals.
I welcome any comments, especially those pertaining to corrections or rebalancing.

The Darkness keeps me warm.
See how SHE smiles at you?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : South Africa
Age : 38
Job : Eternal Student
Humor : Cold, like my heart and Black like the moon shine.
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear Empty Re: Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

Post by Rith-Heart May 4th 2012, 7:10 pm

Okay i think this is at the point where i would be interested in approval.

I have added more forms for the Umbral Crystal to take, as i was planning. Mostly culturally relevant weapon forms, but also a shield. I was hoping that, as the weapons are formed from a re-usable structure, the character's limited access to wealth could be reasonably reflected.

I hope indicating game based terms is not out of line. Especially when i have not even finished the character or started role playing. I don't intend to change the grid for the character, so if it affects the outcome:
STR: 2, SPD: 3, DUR: 3, INT: 5, EP: 6 (Shadow Manipulation - 3, Summoning - 3), FS: 3,
He will have basic wealth and no flight ability.

On a side note:
Optimised use of materials/tools, that are re-usable. I may have set my dude up to be a recycling bad guy. I may have to change the character's personality to reflect this...

Last edited by Rith-Heart on May 6th 2012, 10:59 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed the power grid as due to a misunderstanding of how summoning worked. Increased shadow manipulation to 3 (was 2) and lowered FS to 3 (was 4))

The Darkness keeps me warm.
See how SHE smiles at you?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : South Africa
Age : 38
Job : Eternal Student
Humor : Cold, like my heart and Black like the moon shine.
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear Empty Re: Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

Post by Rith-Heart May 5th 2012, 8:06 am

Modified umbral crystal limits and minor aesthetic details. Also added the shadow knives as weapon option.

The Darkness keeps me warm.
See how SHE smiles at you?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : South Africa
Age : 38
Job : Eternal Student
Humor : Cold, like my heart and Black like the moon shine.
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear Empty Re: Item Application - Umbral Crystal and Shadow-Shaped Gear

Post by Rith-Heart May 7th 2012, 2:45 pm

Can this be trashed?

It no longer fits into my vision for the character (dropped shadow manipulation to fix summoning and gain extra speed/strength).

The Darkness keeps me warm.
See how SHE smiles at you?

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : South Africa
Age : 38
Job : Eternal Student
Humor : Cold, like my heart and Black like the moon shine.
Registration date : 2012-04-30

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