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Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED*

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Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Empty Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED*

Post by Hana Saku November 29th 2011, 11:05 am

Real Name: Project Anti-Super

Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name:

Mutant Form: Chaos

Human Form: Rascalov


Chaos: The Big Bad


Chaos: Villain

Rascalov: Hero


Chaos: 50

Rascalov: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Mutant/Artificial Lifeform


Chaos: None

Rascalov: Spiky, long and snow white


Chaos: Colorless, ghoullish and white

Rascalov: The color of his eyes are a golden amberish color


Chaos: 5 foot 10 inches tall

Rascalov: 6 foot 4 inches


Chaos: 197 pounds

Rascalov: 280 pounds of muscle

Costume Description/Image: N/A


Chaos: Chaos's personality can be classified as 'Amusingly and Horrifyingly Psychotic'. He murders and eats everyone he sees with reckless abandon, cackling and laughing all the while. He has absolutely no regard for any life whatsoever, not even his own. He destroys, eats and kills whatever he wants without any fear of repercussions and without fear of any heroes, who he calls 'Superdorks' or 'icke superbutts' coming to deal with him, due to the fact that he is so completely and utterly nuts he is physically incapable of feeling fear. His greatest desire is to get rid of fear and he believes the only way to do so is by killing each and every living thing on the planet that is capable of feeling it. He is always making jokes, puns or comments that he finds amusing as he does whatever he does and is said to act in a very immature manner as he on his slaughtersprees. He also has a deep obsession with his enemy Pain, who is considered his rival, enemy, friend and brother all at the same time and from day one, he has staked a claim on Pain's life and he will always interfere in any fights Pain is in to help him out in order to make sure that he will be the only one who will kill Pain. Chaos has built up a reputation of not being very trustworthy as because he has switched from hero to villain many times to the point where he is considered both, though he commits more crimes then he stops them. Despite all of that, he has a twisted moral code about him. He will not, under any circumstances, go after any of his enemies friends, family or loved ones as because he feels greater satisfaction in killing them then attacking them emotionally. He also has a tendency to play with his opponents from time to time, outright mocking them and making childish taunts, comments and puns as he does so without any shame or regret. It is unknown exactly what is needed to do in order to get him angry as because it has never happened before. However, if you get in the way of his fun, he will gladly destroy you. However, aside from his usual self, he's also prone to snap at people and make comments about either him being old or other people being young or disrespectful.

Rascalov: Rascalov, Chaos's human form, bears the same intellect but unlike Chaos, acts and thinks completely differently from the wild and mad-dog like manner of the 'Big Bad'. He is calm and acts like a gentleman. He is patient and thinks things through before going through with any of his actions. Where as Chaos is a psychotic, murdering villain, Rascalov is a smooth and suave, yet humble hero. He is considered to be a bit of a more classy person then other people, acts more mature and could even be considered charming, some people would even call him a smooth-talker and a ladies man due to his rather humble and yet smooth manner of talking and general personality. He has more common sense and control of his impulses and is a lot more subtle then Chaos is. He refuses to kill or cause any lasting, permanent harm to villains due to it potentially drawing unnecessary attention to himself and refusing to be like his more psychotic half. He considers himself to be a man of virtue and an upholder of honor and loyalty.


Chaos is a mutant experiment funded by the government. He was supposed to be designed to get rid of vigilantes and villains. However, the experiment proved to be a failure when designing the mental persona of Chaos and instead of creating a loyal, brainwashed puppet, they created a deranged, borderline immature, mass-murdering, flesh-eating nutcase with an obsession for destroying things, killing people and the emotion of fear. Unfortunately, this was not known when they finally finished with their designing of him and when they awoke him, he went on a murder spree, slaughtering everything and everyone in his path and blowing up the facility in which he was born in. Since then, he has gone on multiple sprees of murder and wanton destruction non-stop until one day, he was confronted with an idea. He figured if he really wanted his plan of eliminating fear to succeed, he decided on the creation of an evil organization. This organization was known as S.C.A.R, or the Secret Criminal Association of Rejects, Chaos in command of the organization. For a while, Chaos and his band of super villains terrorized the world, with their enemy G.U.N, or the Guardian Unit of the Nations, stopping them at every turn. Chaos, at the time, was deemed the biggest threat to the world at the time. Chaos got into one big showdown with the Leader of G.U.N, Pain, or as Chaos liked to call him, Scarface and Pain managed to defeat Chaos. With Chaos's defeat, SCAR was without a leader and they were disbanded. For a few years, the world was allowed to relax and breathe easy, everyone believing Chaos was gone.

A few years later, S.C.A.R was revived by someone who was believed to be Chaos. After months of mystery, it turns out S.C.A.R was run by a pair of mutants similar to Chaos, called Fantom and Relic. Fantom and Relic attempted to recruit the rogue Chaos but he turned them down and instead chose to help Pain fight them and the new S.C.A.R. After getting into a few scuffles, Chaos disappeared into the shadows for the remainder of the fight between G.U.N and S.C.A.R.

Years after that was a breakout of creatures created to be like Chaos, an invasion of sorts. The mutants terrorized the world in an attempt to conquer it. Chaos was reported to have been an ally of the mutants at the time before he decided he turn his back on his fellow mutants and disappeared back into the shadows, never to be seen again for the remainder of the invasion, going into what he called Super Villain Retirement, not making a single appearance for a long while.

Chaos later came back and attacked Scarletta and nearly killed her, who was one of Pain's old girlfriends. Chaos had gotten into a confrontation with him and was later buried in a grave after Chaos's skull was crushed and was thought to have been killed by Pain, when his brain really just shut down a bit as Chaos's body repaired the damage. When the damage was healed, Chaos snapped awake and rose out of the grave, meeting a new lover on the way called Amelia, or Discord. He laid low and was tracked down by Project Perfection, giving him an offer to join their ranks in exchange for getting information on Pain that would help him kill his nemesis.

Rascalov: Rascalov, despite being an alternate form of Chaos, wasn't really used all that much by Chaos and very rarely made an appearance until recently. He appeared a few times when talking with Tenshi, a time with Alruna and Pain's daughter Paine. Pain and Paine are really the only ones still around that are aware of Rascalov and they don't actually tell anyone else about his alter ego. Due to this, no one besides them is aware of Chaos having a human form, thus making it that much harder for heroes and the like to track him down. The reason why he's used his human form much more often recently is because even thought he was completely daft in the head, he understood he needed to lay low, so when he transformed into his human state, he formed a plan into his much more stable mind to sort-of sabotage heroes efforts in stopping villains and their respective groups from accomplishing whatever they had planned.


Chaos: Superhuman Strength, Low-Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Endurance, High-Superhuman Reflexes, Gymnastics Expert, Has Incredible Flexibility, Expert User of Parkour, Master of Acrobatics and Mastery over Boxing, Kickboxing and Many Forms of Martial Arts despite being incredibly stupid, Alternate Stat-Changing Form.

Rascalov: High-Superhuman Strength, Low-Superhuman Speed, High-Superhuman Endurance, High-Superhuman Reflexes and a Master of Martial Arts, Kickboxing and Boxing, Alternate Stat-Changing Form


Power Grid: 23 points used

STR: 5
SPD: 4
END: 5
INT: 1
EP: 2
FS: 6

Power Grid Colors: Red and Black


Power Grid: 23 points used

STR: 6
SPD: 3
END: 5
INT: 1
EP: 2
FS: 6

Power Grid Colors: Gold and Black

Character Image/Description:

Chaos: Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Carnage1s

Rascalov: Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* 6af6a845468cbfc0fa910f219363d453

Last edited by Chaos on February 26th 2012, 1:03 pm; edited 5 times in total


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
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Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Empty Re: Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED*

Post by Da Boss November 29th 2011, 12:13 pm

You can't have less FS in one form than in another


Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Ivanz
Da Boss
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Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Empty Re: Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED*

Post by Hana Saku November 29th 2011, 1:22 pm

OK, edited.


Hana's App
Hana Saku
Hana Saku
Posting Apprentice
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Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Empty Re: Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED*

Post by Da Boss November 29th 2011, 2:40 pm

Your powergrids are dumb. But Approved.


Chaos, The Big Bad/Rascalov *REVAMPED* Ivanz
Da Boss
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