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Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol]

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Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol] Empty Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol]

Post by Nightshade March 17th 2015, 4:24 am

“Why you gotta be so rude~~~ Don’t you know I’m human tooooo~~~~” Alice spun around, pointing rather dramatically at a tree.

“Girl why you gotta be so rude~~~~” They pointed at another tree.

“I’m gonna marry you anyway!” This was sung with exuberance in time to the music emanating from their earbuds. While some fellow parkgoers nearby glanced over briefly, but it was quickly forgotten. There were much stranger things in the sunny city of LA than a teenager singing and dancing along to pop songs in the park.

They continued dancing and quietly singing along, soaking in the beautiful day that was unfurling before them. It was still relatively early, the sun wasn’t even completely up yet, yet there were plenty of joggers and couples walking around, getting their daily exercise before going on to their jobs and daily routine. Long, orange tinted shadows filled the park, and as Alice danced along, shifting from shadow to shadow, they never felt happier to be alive. It was summer break, the sun wasn’t too bright yet, the temperature was a nice moderate 72 degrees, and most of all, they were FREE. No more stupid cult, no more stupid rituals, no more kidnapping, no more being forced to do the bidding of some short sighted idiots who didn’t even know what they were really trying do, no more glimpses of this young realm only to destroy it until their bodies wore down to nothing. No. Fucking. More. They were free to wander to their leisure, with a soul they could truly call their own, not one that was forcefully bound and was then dragged into everlasting darkness.

They frowned slightly at that thought, feeling twinges of sadness, regret. It wasn’t their fault. It’s not like they had asked to be thrown into different vessels through the ages for the purpose of a group’s frankly misinformed values. Then again… They shook their heads slightly, pulling out their iPod and switching from album to album, distracting themselves by trying to figure out what song they were now in the mood for. Today was too good of a day to worry about things like that. Right as they started the next song however, a commotion started up near the playground. They looked up, shocked to see a bunch of armed men pushing an elderly woman over and grabbing a child.

“We got her, let’s get out of here!” They pointed guns at all the various bystanders, daring them to try and do something.

Alice froze. They had sworn off heroing. It was what had gotten them captured in the first place. They really didn’t need to start this again and as of now, they’d done a pretty good job. Ignore muggings, ignore robberies. Just ignore them. Still. This was a child. An innocent child that could be hurt or worse, killed. They swore, backing away until they were hidden behind a tree. Taking a deep breath, they activated their costume from its bracelet, deactivating their glamour as well, and with that, stepped out of hiding, raising a wall of shadow to isolate the kidnappers from the bystanders, preventing any harm upon the innocents. It also happened cut off the kidnapper’s exits.

“How about you drop the guns, hand the kid over, and leave. No one has to get hurt.” They could feel the unease growing among the ranks of the kidnappers as their power and slightly inhuman visage hit the men. Hopefully that would be enough to prevent any further actions on their part.

Coraline Li
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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-02-13

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Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol] Empty Re: Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol]

Post by Samael Christensen March 17th 2015, 10:02 pm

The last sensation he felt while falling through the unknowable void was weightlessness, as the darkness fell around him like a shroud. It caressed him, and for a moment seemed to snuff out the very light that radiated from him, leaving only the crushing darkness that had been pressing around. Seconds gave way to minutes, and minutes to hours as he felt himself float through the void, his mind running over so many thoughts, and coming upon the betrayal that had happened only days before this. Following this weightlessness, came him falling and falling until he collided with something that created a rather annoying rustling sound. A little tumbling would happen, followed by him connected rather painfully with the ground as pain flowed through his head.

The problem with that was the pain did not readily fade away, only ringing around his head like a gong. The male seemed to curse in an unknown language, the sound almost inhuman in how it flowed from his lips. From what he could tell, he had fallen into an unknown area, and it was day time. One of the inhabitants looked at him as if...well he had fallen out of the sky, though his golden armor did help none. Strange golden eyes would lock with the persons own, holding there for a moment as if trying to discern them, and seeming to understand to an extent what they were saying. ”So, your people speak the common tongue here.” He seemed to note to himself contemplatively, adjusting the strange white cape that flowed from behind his own armor.

Honestly, he could not bother to listen to the person, as he was busy trying to orient himself to this....strange feeling of powerlessness that was washing over him. In fact, once he looked around, everything looked so strange to him, not just this powerless feeling that was washing through him. Strange structures were within view, made of materials alien to him and the people dressed in garb that confused him equally as much. ”You, maiden, where might I find this worlds gods? I wish to speak with them.” He said in a tone that sounded almost authoritative as he looked around. Now that had gotten him a response, starting with a rather strange look.

“Are you on drugs or something?” She asked with the strangest manner of speaking.

”I....know not what you mean.” he responded with a raised brow. ”Nonetheless I will find out myself. May your day be filled with light.” he responded before walking off, leaving the flabbergasted female to go about her business, or call the police. It was one of the two, but once again his attention was drawn to what sounded like a commotion, though what the mortals were being all rowdy about he would have to find out. After all, a protector of the weak needed to be sure that said weak were safe. What he saw was what looked like a bunch of large men pushing over an elderly woman and grabbing a hold of a child, something that fueld his righteous fury. A heat built up within his chest as he approached the scene.

”Halt vile bandits! Unhand the youth now, or taste my blade!” He said trying to sound as intimidating as possible as what seemed like a blade would materialize within his hand, its blade appearing as if crafted from moonlight itself, point directed at the men with their guns. Golden flames sprung up around his form, mostly around his shoulders and the armor itself.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol] Empty Re: Why You Gotta Be So Rude [Idol]

Post by Nightshade June 18th 2015, 6:17 am

”Halt vile bandits! Unhand the youth now, or taste my blade!”

Alice whipped their head around, staring at the strange man that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Or at least hopefully that was the case because if not, then their observation skills were way worse than they thought since the guy was wearing the gaudiest gold armor they had ever seen as well as, dear lord almighty, a white flowing cape. Things just got weirder from there though, as a strange blade appeared out of nowhere as well as gold flames. They squinted their eyes, not too pleased at the sudden influx of light. The leader of the armed men took all of this as an opening, firing a bullet straight at Alice’s heart with a pleased laugh.

“This is just great, another hero. You’d think they’d see I have this perfectly under control.” They thought grumpily, glaring at the newcomer. As the bullet drew closer, entering in the cloud of almost unnoticeable miasma around them, the bullet was suddenly surrounded by a dense ball of darkness that dissipated soon after, letting the bullet hit the concrete with a little clatter. They turned their glare to the men, causing one of the thugs in the back to noticeably jolt in fear and the rest to look even more uneasy than they already were. Alice grinned with satisfaction as the leader visibly paled. The child, who had started sobbing at the sound of the gun, only cried harder. The elderly lady remained unconscious which probably wasn't a good thing considering her age.

“One more chance for you guys to do this the easy way. Let. Them. Go.” The shadows around Alice darkened visibly, starting to writhe slightly and stretch toward them. The miasma now looked like a dark aura violently shifting and pulsing, almost as if it was its own living entity. Hopefully, those idiots were really reconsidering their life choices now because that kid's crying was getting really annoying and they were pretty sure the old lady had a concussion and needed to go to the hospital STAT.

“And you.” They turned to Idol once again, squinting into the light emanating from the flames.

“Please go away before you get hurt or make this 1000x more complicated than it needs to be.” They said, lowering their voice so only he could hear.

“I’m sure you’re perfectly capable and powerful or whatever but I’ve got this.”


Coraline Li
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "I'm gonna fucking die."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 413
Location : Kill me
Age : 28
Job : Dying
Humor : Help
Registration date : 2011-02-13

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