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Vladimir Oakland [Done]

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Vladimir Oakland [Done] Empty Vladimir Oakland [Done]

Post by Vladimir Oakland January 7th 2014, 3:13 pm

Vladimir Oakland
What is good and what is evil?

Basic Biography

Real Name: Vladimir Oakland (Earth) Meltron Oozar (Real)
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: N/A
Title: The Alien Prince, The Extraterrestrial, The Visitor
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: zhorian (Za-Hor-Ian)
Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 5"8
Weight: 130
Blood type: Red Liquid (Alien)


The Looks  



The Legacy    

Personality: Vladimir Oakland is not a hard being to describe, despite being from another planet all together. Since he was brought up in a strict house hold, on earth, Vladimir has very good manners. Vladimir can be silent and too himself at times but this is usually not because he ha shy, he just like time to himself at moments. When he feels like talking he is easily distinguished as the most outspoken of his group of peers, not really caring what he says unless his words hurt someone emotionally. Something he was taught not to do since he was a child. He likes to focus on his school work more , compared to majority of his friends who live to party, so he can finish college and become a College professor or a high school math teacher. Vladimir cares for the lives of other people, because it's an inherit trait, and will protect them if he feels it is necessary but he does not really believe in the concept of being a hero for saving one or a villain by killing one.

He wishes at times he could have met his real parents and actually spent time with them but gets sad knowing he can't. Vladimir also likes meeting new people that he can actually bond with and know for a long time.


Vladimir or Meltron , was born on a planet called Zhorion deep into outer space light years away from earth. A long time ago, they zhorian leaders wanted to take over several other planets, but didn't have enough people in them zhorian race to do so. This prompted them to long time ago using their genetics and genetically create more of their race, making the natural born process of the zhorian race die out. Years and years after this had happened, the zhorian race was filled with nothing but genetic clones even the king and queen were genetic clones. unlike the rest of the race who actually created more families through cloning, the king and queen wanted a family the natural way and soon, Vladimir was conceived.

Vladimir Conception was basically the talk of the zhorian race because he would not be a clone, and soon this great first natural born of the zhorian race. Sadly meltron didn't stay long on his planet. Unknown to the people Zhorian , the planets people the core of zhorion had become unstable it could implode any minute. After finding this out, the king put his new born in a small space pod and set the coordinates for the planet called earth far away but not before putting a flat square shaped disk in the pod with Meltron . As the pod contained their child hit hyper speed they cried and the planet imploded , killing them all.

Soon the space ship containing baby Meltron reached the the earths gravitation field and he was plummeted toward the earth. He soon landed in a field in the middle of no where with a loud boom sound and the land shaking as a car containing a couple was driving by the area going home. Seeing this, the man driving the car stopped as he saw the space pod and felt the crash of it. The husband then got out of the car and ran toward the crash site, soon coming upon the pod which then opened revealing the baby boy. The man shocked seeing a baby in what seems to be a mini ufo and took baby meltron back to the car and headed home.

When the couple had reached home the mans wife , who was silent at first, started to argue about the baby. She didn't see why he had picked up that baby and how they where suppose to explain to people how they just out of no where found a baby. The man told his wife how they could say how they had got the kid, ultimately calming her down and helping her agree to keep the baby boy. At that moment they named him Vladimir Oakland , after the mans father, and put him in new sheets till they got clothes for him the next day. While unwrapping the baby, the father found a square flat disk in the babys cover and couldn't find what it possible be for so he just stashed it away.

Years passed by since the couple had found their beloved son Vladimir in the field. He was soon thirteen years old and in middle school. Over the years , Vladimir had been showing signs of having superhuman abilities , which his parents told him to hide so that he would be persecuted by the people they knew. One day while going to through his parents things, he found a flat square shaped disk, he asked his parents what it was and his died replied they found it in the space pod they found him in. They eventually told him the while story, which shocked vlad very much and made him start to wonder what he really is while he held the square disk in his hand. While still holding the disk in his hand, he accidentally pushed something and a hologram of a middle aged man with dark brown eyes and light brown hair appeared.

The hologram called him meltron and sometimes son, leading Vladimir to believe that the hologram was his father and his real name was meltron. The hologram man told him he was the so of the king and queen of an alien race, making him deduce he was an alien prince, and told him that the race he was born into was probably dead by now as the planets core had a melt down and was to explode. Adding that, since they did not want his newborn son dying , he sent him off to a far away planet where he could live. Before the hologram ended it told him he wishes he got to stay with him and watch him grow up. Crying , Vladimir put the disk down and went to tell his adoptive parents what he found out, them finally glad knowing the orgins of their son.

After that day more years passed and Vladimir was now 17, graduating highschool. After staying home for another two months Vlad went off to college, where he is still today. Working on powers and meeting new people.

The Powers  

Power 1: Dark Energy Manipulation: A ebony colored energy that can be used to blast things from long or short ranges from his hands and eyes. The energy can also be used to create of any construct , such as walls or fists of dark energy. This energy could also come in the form of a gas or mist to help blind opponents.

Power 2: SuperHuman Strength

Power 3: Flight

Power 4:

Intelligence: 4
Occult: 0
Strength: 7
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 6
Fighting Skills: 3
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Vladimir Oakland

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2013-12-15

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Vladimir Oakland [Done] Empty Re: Vladimir Oakland [Done]

Post by Forceaus January 7th 2014, 3:23 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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