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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton May 24th 2013, 10:20 pm

Perfect Pokerface

The word 'vacation' was such a foreign term. It was used by the snivelling masses as a title for the moments of 'freedom', where they are momentarily relinquished from their monotonous lives and thrust into apparent paradise. Such a cruel word, everyone knew vacations were things that could not last, they were fleeting moments of joy before the eventual descent back into a life of blandness and servitude. Such a term however had never crossed Daji's mind before, why would the notion of freedom and pleasure even remotely excite her since it was such a normal occurance? Elena Marie, that red headed bitch, had granted the snarling princess a moment of reprieve, some time to 'take a break' and clear her head. Daji's head was very clear in fact, so clear that the mere mention of having a little holiday away from the glorified villains seemed like a welcome release. She had packed little and set off almost immediately not caring to say goodbye to anyone other than her pandas (Fei Fei and Po) and Cain Vulsore, the snivelling creep who actually thought he had a shot at her. Maybe her lesbian tendancies had yet to penetrate his shallow understanding. A shame really, he was quite an amusing acquaintance if it weren't for the constant drooling and general need to impress her.

Accompanying the porcelain skinned princess was her assistant and maid, Marian. The fair skinned woman, created with Elena's twisted magic was Daji's confidante and occasional lover, one who initiated the pillow talk when the moody woman was in a sour mood. Marian had no other duty but to serve and pleasure the ancient acrobat, her will was completely bent to Daji's and although this almost robotic presence was occasionally disconcerting it did provide Daji with some entertainment during their moments alone.

Their trip had taken them across the countryside, Marian scouring the areas for pretty girls and lavish hotels for Daji to gorge herself with, ensuring that the sadistic royal was always satisfied. Their 'vacation' had taken them cross country and into Los Angeles, where they had finally halted their movements and chosen to stay for several weeks. The potent lust and greed that hung in the air was intoxicating, the casino where they stayed filled to the brim with the most pitiful selection of peasants the world could offer. Squabbling whores provided various levels of entertainment, depending on how receptive they were to the princess' twisted games, often leaving her hotel suite with a lot of cash and a new selection of fresh scars. The men on the other hand were mere dogs, chasing any hint of monetary gain and ensuring their horny grip could grasp any sliver of luck that would come their way. Men who were labeled millionaires or tycoons were but mere apes to Daji, glorified pieces of meat that did not deserve any ounce of respect whatsoever.

Why would she think such a thing? Well, a fateful poker game during one of the late night sessions simply confirmed the woman's dislike towards the 'dominating' sex, a night sure would surely never forget..

A heavy hand slapped the wooden framing sending multicoloured chips sprawling across the circular table, a loud Texan guffaw followed, ringing in the ears of anyone unlucky enough to be seated near such a loud distraction. A pig-faced American seated at one of the many poker tables within the bustling mega-casino had obviously tossed aside any subtle 'poker-face' and instead replaced it with an unsettling level of over-confidence, "That's right! No one messes with Big Willy" the boisterous man bellowed, proceeding to take another swing at his seventh glass of vodka.The occupants at the table were clearly unimpressed with the man's sheer lack of restraint, their exasperated expressions indicating that 'Big Willy's' display of grandeur was not helping his cause at all. Disgusted sneers and the occasional shaking of the head confirmed that the rather overweight fellow was making more foes than friends that night.

One participant in particular was not impressed with 'Big Willy' at all, a scowl cascading across her perfect complexion, golden eyes glaring at the hollering businessman. Daji had practically lost all affection towards the opposite sex and the cigar munching, Martini drinkng man next to her was a perfect example of why she felt such things; having been completely disenfranchised with men after her lover from over a millennia ago betrayed her and buried her underneath a temple...this rotund heaving mass of alcohol and flesh simply seemed to confirm her dislike.

Luminescent black hair was held tightly back in a braid, dark scorching eyes partially hidden by her sweeping fringe scrutinising the other players expressions as scarlet lips were upturned in an elegant snarl. Daji was dressed to perfection, an ornate crimson gown sweeping atop her supple porcelain skin like a silk waterfall, accenuating her curves and giving her form a more fiery appearance.

The bet on the table was currently at $10,000, courtesy of 'Big Willy', many of the seated players had folded and withdrawn, fearful that the cackling oil merchant actually had a good hand. However the agitated woman was never going to fold to a creature such as him..particularly when she was in the possession of an amazing hand; the only other player that called Willy's bet was an alluring looking female opposite her. Daji raised a well kept eyebrow at the woman, who happened to be decently attractive; probably a socialite of some sorts. However the Asian princess simply ignored the blonde wench for that moment in time, only briefing gazing at the obviously artificial breasts that were tightly pushed upwards and into the public limelight for all to ses. Flirtinf jer gaze away from the strange bosom Daji glanced at Big Willy, waiting for the heaving mass of tobacco and alcohol to reveal his hand, "A STRAIGHT FLUSH! THAT'S RIGHT SUGARTITS!" he bellowed revealing a '9' and '10' of diamonds, pointing his chunky fingers at the woman seated opposite Daji.

"Oh my...good hand indeed. Shame really...", she purred, revealing her pointed canines as an animalistic grin crept across her crimson lips.

Exhaling a sharp breath Daji winked at the other lady and slowly revealed an 'Ace' and 'King' of diamonds, "Royal flush...I win" she said flatly, tossing her cards at the dealer who tentatively handed her ten grand whilst trying to ignore 'Big Willy's' accusations of her cheating. The oil tycoon was surely making a scene, so loud in fact that the casino security had to step in several times to calm him down, maybe he was one of their best customers because instead of throwing him out they merely offered him more alcohol. This was certainly amusing, if not a bit pitiful to watch but it surely gave the blonde haired beauty some reason to laugh, a rather airy chortle if one was to describe it.

"Very impressive, how about you buy me a drink and teach me your skills?", she grinned, pink lips curled into a grin, revealing pearly white teeth. An eyebrow raising statement it was.

"Now, how about we play for $20,000 and then I might buy you your drink?", Daji grinned at the the blonde haired, botoxed bimbo. Surely this whore had some game left in her. She may have not been the most attractive woman for Daji to lay eyes on but she could possibly allow for some entertainment for the rest of the night. Or so Daji thought, little did she know that someone within that very casino would become an essential part of her life from that day onwards. If only she had the time to see it coming.

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky May 25th 2013, 11:36 am

Mi-Hyun really hated signings. A bunch of pitiful humans begging her to sign copies of her various CDs, photos, posters, hell, some of them even wanted her to sign their crappy fan art. Being famous had its advantages, namely the metric tons of money you had at your disposal, and a never dwindling supply of eager fans that would do whatever you wanted. Although these advantages quickly dissipated when faced with the soul crushingly boring torpor of marketing. Sure, White Fox was a cheery girl who was eager to please and had a beautiful voice, but Mi-Hyun on the other hand was a woman who wanted to get her way, kill a few people, and have a little fun. Life was much easier back in the old days, if a bit more bland.

"Miss Kim, where are you? The signing is opening in about ten minutes, we need you over here!" Mi-Hyun smirked at the hint of stress in her agent's voice, Dae-Wong was nice fellow, and submissive, but toying with him was just too much fun. Who didn't love wrecking a person's comfort zone, then stepping all over them? Mi-Hyun wondered if that line of thought was why some people labeled her a sociopath, then giggled, sociopathic behavior was a much more tame brand of insanity than hers. Well, if you could classify a hundred and twenty year old fox spirit in terms of human psychology that is. She doubted there were any Gumiho who would be considered "normal" by humans.

"Listen Dae-Wong, I'll be there when I'll be there, if you must know, I’m on my way right now." Mi-Hyun turned off her Bluetooth, and proceeded to rev her car's engine. The Italian sports car was sleek, new, solid white, and had cost her a fortune. As the car zoomed down the highway, Mi-Hyun thought about her own speed. She remembered being able to hit 100 mph, something that she hadn’t done in a long time. All this modern technology was great and all, but somehow removed the thrill of running through the countryside at breakneck speeds, or lifting boulders and chucking them meters away from where you stood. The constraints of this modern world were nearly nonexistent, all except for these humans and their laws. Mi-Hyun had to play along with it, and it was certainly getting boring.

As her car pulled into the casino parking lot, cameras began to flash, crowds of excited fans started squealing, and she could practically feel Dae-Wong giving a sigh of relief. When she stepped out of her car, everyone stared. The red haired pop star was wearing her trademark white fox fur scarf, a pair of black-heeled boots, a short skirt, and a white tank top, with red swirls all across it. She grinned as men swooned, heck, even some women where swooning. The fox spirit loved seeing people worship her like this, it was nice knowing you were better than the crowds of filth scattered around this world.

The sounds of overly enthusiastic fans faded as Mi-Hyun strode through the doors of the casino, all confidence, all beauty, all joy. This wasn't going to be a regular signing, she was here to show how personable she was, the musician would go around the casino, making friends, signing posters, doing whatever her fans wanted, it would be a splendid little masquerade.

"Modu annyeong!" [Hello there everybody] Exclaimed Mi-Hyun as a small crowd of fans and gamblers gathered around her. As people crowded around her, the fox sat down, answering questions, signing posters, giving out a few free CDs, all the while being watched by her security staff, who were quite unnecessary, but helped her image of normalcy. As the night wore on, Mi-Hyun ditched her small crowd of followers, and walked around the casino a little, martini in hand.

A curious little fact about this place was that there was a ghost roaming around. Mi-Hyun was the only person aware of such a thing, having her trusty second sight at hand. The floating spirit was dressed in sparkly 70s attire and had a huge cowboy hat balanced atop his head. "What might you be doing here spirit?" Asked Mi-Hyun as she tapped him on the shoulder. The spirit gasped with surprise, then turned around. "You can see me little lady?" "Well of course silly! Now then, why don't you go along and move on?" The spirit blanched, then said. "Well, yeah, I guess, yeah, sure, mhm, yeah, alright, I'll take my leave then." The ghost fizzled out of existence, probably moving onto the next plane, and Mi-Hyun continued on her way.

As she walked through the casino, she spotted a beautiful woman sitting at a poker table. This was a great opportunity to meet someone new. "Now, how about we play for $20,000 and then I might buy you your drink?" Mi-Hyun laughed, then sat herself down at the poker table. "Why such low stakes? How about $100,000? And also, I’m playing." The fox grinned seductively at the woman seated across from her, daring her to say something.
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Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

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Location : Albany
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Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton May 26th 2013, 11:00 am

Slender porcelain fingers twirled through the air and into the silky strands of midnight black hair, stroking the glossy braid til the recently manicured fingernails found the conditioned tips. Fiddling with the shadowy plait whilst cocking her head to the side Daji gave the blonde haired female next to her a scrutinising look, her crimson lips pursed as she tightened her gaze around the woman's features. The princess had definitely met and played with prettier women before, maybe it was the artificial appearance of this pimped out trophy wife that irked Daji. Pouted lips, forced into the uncomfortable shape with an almost unbearably obvious over-use of Botox smirked at the apparent attention, of course she was enjoying the princess' scrutinising gaze. The large bosom, pushed up with an almost unbelievable feat of gravity and cupping simply looked suffocating, as if the breasts themselves were about to burst. Although Daji was a woman endowed with the slim figure typical of someone of her race, she was relatively proud of her perky form, at least it wasn't anything like this plastic doll who oh-so obviously needed to find a new hobby.

"Sounds like a good idea sweetie, I've always wondered wh-..", the blonde woman's Texan drawl was halted, her head tilting to her side as another voice penetrated the amusing atmosphere.

Shooting her golden gaze at the sudden newcomer, who had apparently overheard Daji's offer at another round was a peculiar surprise, and that was by no means a bad thing. Like the porcelain skinned princess this woman was also of oriental descent, although significantly more dressed for the modern age than the scowling acrobat. There was no denying one thing however, this woman's utter beauty, something that seemed eerily supernatural. Something within Daji resonated with this strange orange haired lady, something deep within the scarred pit of her soul let out a low rumble, only heard by the woman who harboured it. The invisible sound of dominion. A shiver instantly traversed the princess' spine, sending a jolt through the hair on the back of her neck. Pursing her lips Daji gazed at the woman, neither speaking nor immediately answering her statement. She was merely antagonising every single visible detail on this stupidly attractive female, the simmering turmoil within the ruins of her heart sending a shrill pulse throughout her dead veins. This was strange. What was this feeling? Infatuation? No it couldn't be...but if it wasn't that then what was it?

It was no lie that this newcomer possibly topped Daji's list of the most alluring creatures that she had laid eyes upon, and one must know that such a list was very extensive. Slowly exhaling, the ageless royal shuffled in her spot, her hand naturally finding its way onto the stack of chips which it began to fiddle with. Of course she should let this beautiful wench play, would teach her a lesson in interrupting Daji's amusement with the admittedly dumb looking white woman.

"There is only low stakes because I haven't found anyone worthy enough to gamble that high", Daji stated with complete and utter clarity, her lips forming a thin line as the woman took her place opposite where the serial psychopath sat. The inner snarls began to waver as the woman took her seat, something was the matter and the princess was going to discover why. "If you are so daring to even propose playing with bigger numbers then how about we start off at $200,000? That should", a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised with the proposition, the porcelain skinned royal allowing a devious smirk to cross her crimson lips. Daji needed to know what this woman's game was. Maybe she was more than a pretty face and scrumptious body, maybe this angel in peasants clothing really did have some weight to her words.

Hopefully she would provide more entertainment than the artificial bag of oestrogen and martinis that sat between them, a rather unfortunate third wheel if one were to properly observe.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky May 26th 2013, 5:07 pm

"If you are so daring to even propose playing with bigger numbers then how about we start off at $200,000? That should" Mi-Hyun clapped her hands a little, overly excited. "Oh boy, now you’re speaking my language lady. Playing with low stakes is ever so dull, wouldn't you agree? What’s life without a bit of risk?" Mi-Hyun had a set of chips brought out before her, and was twirling one in her fingers, when she really looked at the woman seated across from her.

To describe it plainly, this woman was stupidly beautiful. To describe it in more detail, this woman had stunning porcelain skin, lustrous black hair, full red lips, and a well-proportioned body, all the right curves in all the right places. There was something else too, something more sinister about her. Mi-Hyun blinked, and she could feel something tugging at the edge of her second sight. It was deeply buried, but it was certainly present. For a millisecond, a wolf flashed across her field of vision. Then, the wolf replaced the woman. Alright then, this was certainly interesting. Who would have thought that another spirit would be here tonight… She shook off the eerie presence of the wolf, that would prove to be more than a little distracting.

"I don't think I have ever met someone like you, it intrigues me, that wolfish aura of yours, certainly something alluring in that. You can call me Mi-Hyun, or if you prefer, you can call me beautiful." She gave a grin, then looked over at the other woman sitting with them. "So, I see that you’re one of the casino bimbos I’ve heard so much about. Tell me, do you cost more than one of these poker games, or less? My guess is less, seeing all the botox that went into your face. Now then, how about you scamper off while two actual women have a conversation, hm?" Mi-Hyun gave a sickeningly sweet smile at the woman, waiting for her to respond.
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Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton May 26th 2013, 7:38 pm

Daji's brow rose with the woman's almost interesting choice of words, she was playing at something and the focus on the word 'wolfish' was more than enough for the princess' morbid curiosity to spike. Was this wench complimenting her or insulting her? Daji did not react however and she let the phrase slide, for now. The lady, or Mi-Hyun, was certainly an ebuillent woman, effortlessly stealing the twisted royal's attention with just a batting of her eyelashes and a cheeky tone in her dainty voice. The entertainment this woman would surely provide somewhat excited Daji, she possessed something unlike that of anyone else the princess had crossed paths with and it almost seemed like Fate itself had thrusted the two women together. It was only until the last phrase did Mi-Hyun elicit a reaction from Daji, a stifled smirk of amusement.

"Well then, I don't want to abuse the word 'beautiful' until I properly asses what it is that I'm naming, so please, flirt with me later once I'm $200,000 richer" , Daji smirked, leaning in slightly so that her lustrous gaze could adorn Mi-Hyun even further. Ivory teeth, pointed and perfectly lined, bit the corner of her lower lip, the simmering excitement welling up within her chest as she took another greedy look at the fiery haired lady.

How strange, a Korean with orange hair. Daji could instantly pinpoint this woman's nationality not only with the painfully obvious name but by the unique face structure and subtle accent that clung to her verbs. If this woman was more than what she appeared then there was the possible chance she was a witch of some sort, or maybe even a demon come to cause some mischief. No one this young looking bad ever possessed such a peculiar aura, as if she was operating from a higher plane of existence, a being come to have some fun. Whilst Daji's conspiracy theories continued within her mind she shot a sharp glance at the blonde Caucasian still awkwardly seated in between the two dainty females. Apparently, Mi-Hyun's sickly sweet insult was more than enough to catch the platic mannequin's attention.

"Wait, wait? E-excuse me?! You can't just rock up out of nowhere and insult people like me! I was having a nice conversation with..with, what was your name again sorry?", the blonde lady stammered, shooting a desperate glance at the rather amused Asian next to her.

"Sorry sweetie, we weren't having a nice conversation and I won't ever give you my name even if I was drunk fucking you in the cellar downstairs", Daji uttered in a flat voice, resting her head in her hands as she allowed a barely noticeable grin creep across her lips. If Mi-Hyun wanted privacy then Daji was going to allow it, there was more fun in toying with people in private. "Now go fuck Big Willy over there. I'm sure he'd enjoy a woman of your...tastes." Daji stated, pointing her dainty finger in the direction of the drunk tycoon who had scampered off to another game, who knows...maybe he was actually winning this time.

"", blondy stammered, her flustered face bouncing between the two beautiful females as she attempted to defend herself. She had no talent with debating and offering quick moments of half assed joy was her only talent. So without a noise and with an attempt of looking graceful the bountifully breasted blonde bimbo patted her platinum locks, turned up her chin and left. Taking her little martini glass with her. Whilst this rather theatrical exit would have had some minor affect it lost all weight when she immediately tripped over, her augmented chest anchoring her forward and sending her crashing to the ground with a loud thump.

Daji giggled.

Returning her attention to Mi-Hyun Daji deeply exhaled, her perky chest rising and talking with the controlled breath. Stretching her fingers and blinking away some sleep from her eyes, the princess carefully organised the chips in front of her, the golden eyes never leaving this mysterious Korean. Nodding at the dealer to begin impressive shuffling Daji allowed a moment of tense silence to pass before her calm, almost disturbing feline voice gave way.

"So I assume you've gotten bored of the strippers over there and attempted to make a name for yourself on the poker table?", Daji smirked as the playfully toxic tone in her words began to freeze the air around her, this was surely going to be entertaining. "Answer correctly and you will get my name." Yes, this was definitely going to be entertaining.

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky May 27th 2013, 11:40 am

"Well then, I don't want to abuse the word 'beautiful' until I properly assess what it is that I'm naming, so please, flirt with me later once I'm $200,000 richer." At this, Mi-Hyun laughed, this woman would certainly be $200,000 dollars richer by the end of the night; poker wasn't exactly Mi-Hyun's strong suit. "I see that you’re quite the cheeky wolf, I like that. Always loved it when someone challenged me, especially when it was a woman so fine as yourself."

The wolfish aura surrounding the woman pulsed again, threatening to come back to the forefront of Mi-Hyun's vision. The energy coming off the beautiful woman was giving her a slight headache. This was definitely something powerful; it positively reeked of demonic energy. "Wait, wait? E-excuse me?! You can't just rock up out of nowhere and insult people like me! I was having a nice conversation with…with, what was your name again sorry?" Mi-Hyun laughed at this, how indignant this woman seemed. And then went into a spastic fit of giggles as Daji said hers. Then the woman fell over.

Mi-Hyun doubled over laughing.

"So I assume you've gotten bored of the strippers over there and attempted to make a name for yourself on the poker table. Answer correctly and you will get my name." At this, Mi-Hyun settled down, thinking over many possible answers. Mi-Hyun gave a small pout, biting her lower lip, anything to make this woman see her as more attractive. "Well, in truth, I didn't exactly come over here for the poker. I came over here for something far more precious than a measly few hundred thousand dollars. Really, I could buy this casino if I wanted to. I came over here because I saw you. You, such a beautiful façade, such a pretty face, such an attractive body, but you're hiding something, aren’t you? Yes, yes you are. Something of great importance, something sinister, and I think you know what I mean láng yāo." The addition of Chinese, the woman's native tongue she guessed, would probably make it quite clear that she wasn't exactly clueless. After all, calling someone a wolf demon in their native tongue wasn't something you did off hand. Words had power.

Mi-Hyun looked at the dealer as he shuffled cards, the man wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying, good. "How about I just give you the $200,000 right now and we go somewhere a little more… private." Mi-Hyun batted her eyelashes innocently, whatever she meant by private, it couldn't possibly be anything naughty.
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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton May 27th 2013, 7:20 pm

Taking a sip of the sparkling mineral water, ridiculously overpriced and not so sparkly, Daji allowed the woman's words to sink in. Now there was no denying it, this pretty Korean possessed something much more than an attractive face and her over emphasis of the word 'wolfish'began to irk the twisted royal. This girl was a naive one, regardless of whether she could sense something within Daji she knew little who the princess was and what she was capable of doing. Even calling someone of royalty a 'wolf' was punishable by the most excruciating death and yet the porcelain skinned empress let that pass on as well. She wanted to garner a greater understanding for who and what she was dealing with. Whether Mi was a user of the arcane or something more deadly it did not phase the midnight haired royal, she was simply enjoying the entertainment the orange haired girl was providing her.

Crossing her slender leg over the other Daji kept on gazing at the Korean woman, her face showing little emotion other than a twitch of an eyebrow or a stifled smirk. This female was obviously thirsty for Daji, whom she had never met before or even had the pleasure of bowing to, but alas, such ignorance can only be forgotten with strict discipline. Simply listening to Mi's explanation for coming over almost had the princess in a fit of laughter. Daji did not care if the explanation was genuine or not, but the delivery was neither original nor particularly exciting compared to the half dunk monologues that the cheap whores of this city had spoken to her during their private sessions. Sure, Daji loved hearing about how beautiful she was...but she already knew that as fact so Mi simply reinforced the rather vain princess' personal belief. It was only until the Korean uttered something about Daji possessing a sinister power did the woman's mild amusment turn to curiosity. This curiosity eventually turned into minor annoyance when she was labelled a láng yāo. That was a title the superstitious peasants of her time called her, a bunch of idiotic farmers who deserved a painful fate for simply existing.

Exhaling sharply Daji forced herself not to snarl at the woman, her lips simply pursing into a thin line as she thought of what to say next. She was not going to be provoked by this pretty wench!

"...You've obviously practiced that line in the mirror before but sadly, the whores that fucked me last night could honestly do better, even without knowing of this 'sinister' energy of mine" , Daji snarled, brushing some dirt out from underneath her fingernails as she shot the woman another sharp glare. "It's obvious that I'm much too out of your league in the first place so no, for now my name is as unknown as your reason for being here. Please go along and find someone more suited for someone of your calibre..", Daji's venomous words burnt the atmosphere, depending on how the woman reacted would instantly allow the sadistic royal some insight into who she was as a person.

Tossing the dealer several chips to keep as his own Daji lithely got up from her seat, not caring for the not-so-sparkly sparkling water and headed off towards the grand crimson carpeted staircase. Shooting a glance back at Mi-Hyun, Daji raised a brow before taking her leave. If this woman wanted Daji then she was going to have to chase her and do a hell of a lot better than simply stating some vague obviousness about the princess' hidden power.

This should be interesting.

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky May 29th 2013, 9:14 pm

"...You've obviously practiced that line in the mirror before but sadly, the whores that fucked me last night could honestly do better, even without knowing of this 'sinister' energy of mine. It's obvious that I'm much too out of your league in the first place so no, for now my name is as unknown as your reason for being here. Please go along and find someone more suited for someone of your caliber..." Mi-Hyun had a curious look on her face as the woman left the table. It wasn't anger, she wasn't indignant, or jealous, it was just… strange. This woman, who had maybe three seconds ago been infatuated with her, had got up and left. Mi-Hyun wasn't going to just give up, no, of course not, but this gave her pause. With a shake of her head, the Gumiho rose from the table, slapping down a few thousand dollars. "Think of this as recompense, I'm ever so sorry for wasting your time." The dealer's face lit up as he grabbed the money, he was going to have a lot of shopping to do. With that, Mi-Hyun stood up, and began walking.

This woman was something of a turn-on, strong, independent, and able to resist Mi-Hyun's charms. Victory would be so much sweeter this time. The insult of her "caliber" being lower was quite humorous; Mi-Hyun had recently slept with seven different models and a multimillionaire, she was confident in her ability to get laid. The foxy charms she possessed helped her in this endeavor greatly; Gumiho did classically lure their prey in with sex after all. She had found that a few well-placed bats of her eyelashes were much more useful than physical violence, and she liked it that way.

"I doubt she even knows who I am…" Muttered Mi-Hyun as she climbed the steps three at a time, moving with an unnatural speed. Just before reaching the mysterious woman, Mi-Hyun halted and clicked her heels together. "You know, I almost fell for it. Almost. Playing hard to get are you? I pity myself, having taken such a severe leave of my senses as to fall for this. Although, to be honest, I think you planned this the whole way. Now then, gimme a little kiss." Mi-Hyun spun around on her heel, now in front of the wolf woman, and leaned into her, lips parted slightly.
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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton May 30th 2013, 12:28 pm

Even though her head was turned Daji could sense the pretty woman's quick recovery, knowing full well that the orange haired beauty was going to chase after her like a bitch on heat. The porcelain skinned princess allowed a light chuckle to dance off of her crimson lips, her eyes rolling once the light breeze of air swept past her when the woman scampered into view. She was definitely a persistent one, a trait the snarky royal actually found quite endearing. Although it was a bit of a shame that this Korean still had no proper understanding of how to behave in front of Daji, a woman who actually beloved she deserved her feet kissed by the worthless plebeians. Whilst this lady, whose body the princess now had a proper view of, seemed to be a bit more intelligent than the usual whore she still had not done much more than play cute and slightly desperate. It was only until she once more began rattling away did the animalistic acrobat stifle a grin, one where she had to bite down on her tongue for safe measure of not appearing too entertained.

The woman was begging for Daji's affection and although her lips did look very kissable and tempting Daji could not and would not submit so easily to such a childish request, even though she actually paused for a moment to admire the woman's bravery.

"Playing hard to get? No way, if I was I would have burnt this place to the ground with you in it. But regardless, stop embarrassing yourself in public", Daji smirked, momentarily covering her smile before placing her dainty hand on the woman's face and gently pushing her to the side, completely rejecting the kiss. If this woman wanted to play with Daji she had to play by her rules...and that possibly meant getting chained to a bed and toyed with in the most sadistic ways possible. But alas, Mi-Hyun was simply too amusing to conquer so quickly, she held a quirky enthusiasm like nothing the smirking princess had ever seen before...and that was ignoring whatever it was that lurked within the woman.

Taking another step forward, Daji momentarily glanced away from the woman. Thinking and considering all the possible outcomes of whatever it was that she chose to do next. Without warning and certainly without making it obvious for any perverted third party's gaze, the princess ever so lightly grabbed the woman by the hand, keeping her grip firm as she quietly led the way up the spiralling staircase and onto the second floor into a waiting elevator. She did nothing more but play it casual, any passerby's would have assumed them an adorable couple at the least but Daji thought nothing of it, merely raising her eyebrow at the pretty woman and giving her the 'come with me' look.

Once they were both safely in the elevator Daji relinquished her grip on the woman and placed her palm against the Korean's dainty shoulder, an almost gentle gesture at first but one which soon turned violent when she slammed Mi against the cold metal interior. Her burning lustful gaze never left Mi-Hyun's own, her teeth bared as she leaned in close to the woman, so close that she could feel the combined warmth of their bodies against her bare skin. Tracing a dainty manicured finger past the woman's jawline on to her collarbone Daji allowed this brief sampling to drag on, lightly scratching the woman's skin as she began to trace the pretty lady's chest.

"Such a shame really...I know you're a demon of some sort and it pains me to do this but if you struggle against my questions then I will kill you", Daji flatly stated, bringing her lips up against the woman's ears as she let the threat hang still in the air conditioned atmosphere. "If you tell me what you are, why you are here and why you actually think you have a chance with me then I might allow you into the upper floor with me. If not then I guess...well I guess this will be the last elevator ride of your life...", she purred, the pressure from her pointed fingernails against the woman's chest drawing a small speck of blood, of which she happily licked off with malicious glee. The princess had this woman trapped in a metal cage suspended several stories in the air with her...what could possibly go wrong?

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky June 1st 2013, 4:38 pm

"Such a shame really...I know you're a demon of some sort and it pains me to do this but if you struggle against my questions then I will kill you. If you tell me what you are, why you are here and why you actually think you have a chance with me then I might allow you into the upper floor with me. If not then I guess...well I guess this will be the last elevator ride of your life..." Mi-Hyun had almost no time to account for this woman's behavior, first rejecting her kiss, and then dragging her onto this elevator. The thing is, the first time she touched her, when the woman was rejecting her kiss, Mi-Hyun felt a shiver go down her back. Just this woman's touch was arousing; truly- Mi-Hyun had hit the jackpot.

Mi-Hyun squirmed a little as the woman dug her fingernail into the soft skin of her chest, she could feel blood pooling. It had been a long time since Mi-Hyun had really bled. She found that it was nice to be injured once in a while. Pain felt so refreshing, it made you feel alive. "You want to know what I am? Well, for one, I'm definitely not human, those things are trash, last years model, I happen to be a Gumiho. You would know me as a Huli Jing in your homeland, or as a Kitsune in Japan, but in my homeland, Korea, I am known as Gumiho. Mostly forgotten as folklore, a few of us still roam around. And as to why I'm here, business! I've integrated quite well into human society, I happen to be something of a pop craze. Might have heard of me, White Fox is what I go by on stage. And why do I think I have a shot with you? Well, for one, you're a demon, our kind stick together, nobody else will befriend us, so we need each other. And well, quite frankly, royalty must also stick together. You exude power, obviously above these peasant humans, and I suppose I'm a kind of princess, a princess of the music industry. Although by birth, well, I'm not a commoner, nor am I true noble, rather a purebred spirit, from a world where everyone is nobility. And honestly, these humans aren’t all to energetic, good sex is sooo hard to come by these days."

Mi-Hyun smiled at the woman, if worse came to worse, she could turn invisible, that should surely confuse her.
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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton June 1st 2013, 9:30 pm

Daji was unblinking, stoic and unrelenting as she stared the woman down, her pressure against the lady's shoulder still as hard as it was before. As the woman's playful tone dripped off her tongue Daji could not help but scrunch up her nose, rather taken aback with Mi-Hyun air of casualness as she explained what exactly she was. Oh, what a surprise that turned out to be. A Huli-Jing, troublemakers and infamous pyromaniacs who would always provide some nuisance to the beings that roamed the earth. Unlike the crazed princess the woman seemed exceedingly flippant about herself, well of course she was, she was a rascal of the spiritual realm. Daji bit her tongue, staring the woman's body up and down as she attempted to size the Korean woman up, knowing full well that her type were known for their dirty tactics and surprise attacks.

Brushing a strand of midnight black hair from out of her golden glare, the porcelain skinned princess pursed her crimson lips. Contemplating what to do next with this beautiful idiot, eat her? keep her? Dress her up? The possibilities were endless but it was best to be safe, especially when she was dealing with such a volatile being.

"I have only met a few of your kind. All massive pain in the asses and pitiful little wenches when they begged for their lives" , Daji stated with a deadpan expression, tenderly rubbing the back of her index finger against the fox's collarbone. "So you're also the scourge of the music world, maybe I should just keep you in a cage and make you my songbird. does that sound you little nympho?", she gleamed, revealing her pearly white canines as she allowed a low snarl to rip against the back of her throat.

"Good sex? My dear, I am not some whore you can come running after for some pleasuring. I don't care if we're the same, or that you're sex is the best sex. None can compare and you...", she paused, bringing her head forth as she tenderly kissed the woman's jawline, "...well you just seem like a desperate hormonal teenager. And since you bleed, you won't last long against me", Daji purred, digging her fingernail into the small open wound created from before. "You're probably just as fragile as the rest of those slutty meat sacks", she uttered, biting her lip before yanking Mi-Hyun's collar till there was but an inch between their lips.

"A fox would never last long against a wolf.."

Daji / Daji's weapons

Human Form
Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Number of posts : 85
Registration date : 2012-06-25

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky June 2nd 2013, 1:30 pm

"A fox would never last long against a wolf.." Mi-Hyun was really getting bored of this woman toying with her. Sure, the kissing was fun so far, but the constant insults were getting a tad bit grating. Did she really just get called a hormonal teenager? Mi-Hyun didn't even HAVE hormones! With a small sigh, the fox looked at the woman, who was now only an inch from her face.

"No, a fox wouldn't last long against a wolf, but the fox would be clever enough to hide from the wolf." With this, Mi-Hyun pushed against Daji a little, freeing herself quite easily. The woman may have been many things, a demon, probably a talented swordsman, but not superhumanly strong like Mi-Hyun was. Her arms now free, the fox leaned into the woman's face and whispered. "How about we play a game of hide and seek?" With that, the fox, well, disappeared.

Now invisible, Mi-Hyun grinned widely. Wolves would always be confused when faced with foxes. Now leaning on the opposite wall, Mi-Hyun reappeared. "Now then, a fox may confuse a wolf, but it's never too malicious. Now then, have I earned the right to a stay in your room, or do I still need to dance for your amusement?"
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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton June 3rd 2013, 12:21 pm

The feeling of the woman flippantly brushing Daji's grip off of her body momentarily startled the princess, her surprise at the fox only getting greater with the woman's ever growing confidence. It seemed the fox was hiding a lot more secrets than Daji would care to discover, and one must always be sure to never trust such a wily creature. Scrunching her brow, the porcelain skinned princess was about to rebut Mi-Hyun's statement when the sneaky little lady disappeared. Such a trick was not unlike Elena Marie's illusionary magic, but this fox's technique seemed a bit more potent...more raw. Daji could not help but allow a surprised gasp to escape her crimson lips, a frustrated snarl soon following after as she swiftly swivelled on her toes just in case the woman was planning on striking her.

It was only until Mi-Hyun's casual tone once more bounced around the elevator that Daji's ears pricked up, her sharpened nails ready to strike just in case. The fox was proving to be a bit more of a nuisance than the princess thought and for a moment she found this highly endearing, a good challenge was always fun...especially when it came to gorgeous women.

"Keep on playing games with me and you may hurt yourself my dear..", Daji uttered, not helping the little tug of a smirk at the corner of her lips. If this fox was really in the need of some royal bedroom antics then the princess had to grudgingly admit that she was doing it quite well. If she were a mere human girl Daji would have ravaged her body without thought or sympathy right then and there. Too bad this fox possessed a lot more zeal than the average whore, convincing her of Daji's authority was going to be a challenge.

"Hmph...fine, you are allowed entry. Although I can't promise you'll enjoy what occurs up there, I know I will", the devious acrobat gleamed, revealing her pointed canines. She slowly procured an ornate fan from within her multilayered silk sleeve, a lopsided grin on her thin lips. "But I guess since you like to play so much then it would only make sense that I turn this into a game, if you die then it's your own fault, and that would be such a waste of your body..", Daji uttered, winking at the fox before flicking the fan open. A torrent of blazing fire immediately engulfed the open weapon, sending a wave of dazzling heat through the slow moving metal contraption. Without warning, Daji flicked her wrist upwards, sending a searing wave of embers through the roof of the elevator, creating a large sizzling gash in the ceiling.

With a swift jump, the flame wielding princess hopped though the scorched appeture in the roof and sliced the metal chord connecting the metal shaft to the building. Giving the pretty woman one last lustful gaze, Daji gripped on to the metal chord as it was snapped straight back upwards, sending her all the way to the top floor...her penthouse. Wind lashed against her taut body, the crimson dress billowing beneath her sudden ascension into the architectural heaven. The sheer movement of her body actually forced one of her dainty slippers to fall off in the process, the little slipper hurtling into the cascading oblivion as the princess' toes wiggled with excitement. Without even looking beneath her, Daji hoped the woman at least attempted to escape the plummeting metal coffin, wondering if the woman really was capable of surviving such a cruel test of perseverance.


The elevator shaft had hurtled into the basement floor, the resounding cschockwaves rocking the empty chute where it should have been. Alarms and sirens rung as the casino was swept into panic. Was it a bomb? Had people died? Were they being attacked by Metahumans? Daji could not care what the snivelling masses thought, all she wanted to know was whether Mi-Hyun had survived.

Could the fox really escape that trap?

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by keblinky June 6th 2013, 8:30 pm

"Hmph...fine, you are allowed entry. Although I can't promise you'll enjoy what occurs up there, I know I will. But I guess since you like to play so much then it would only make sense that I turn this into a game, if you die then it's your own fault, and that would be such a waste of your body…" Score! Mi-Hyun was totally getting laid tonight! She would have such fun with this wolf----

Then the elevator exploded. "Well fuck all kinds of duck." Mi-Hyun really hated it when wolf demons played with fire. She would let them have the shadows, let them have the peasant folk, let them murder indiscriminately, but for Pete's sake- fire was HER thing! Daji had not only set the elevator on fire, but also cut the cord connecting the elevator to the rest of the building. Mi-Hyun's mind kicked into overdrive as she looked around. There was no way she was getting out through that burning hole in the ceiling, her skirt would get ripped, or even worse, burned! Mi-Hyun had another idea.

With a swift motion, Mi-Hyun pulled out one of her daggers. The ornate blade glimmered in the fire like the reflection of the moon on the water, although its purpose was much less serene. With a practiced movement, Mi-Hyun tapped the dagger, and its blade burst into flame. With a few quick cuts, the side of the elevator was loose. With a quick kink, the elevator ruptured, and a large chunk of it was sent flying downwards. With a heave, the metal box tilted to the side, exposing a huge gap. Mi-Hyun proceeded to jump through this gap.

With a tremendous effort, the little fox was know stuck firmly to the wall of the elevator shaft, a little bit charred, but not severely injured. Her dagger was stuck in the wall, keeping her from falling. With a grumble, Mi-Hyun removed the dagger and grabbed onto the ledge. She really hated what she had to do for sex.

About ten minutes later, after finding a small rope that she could scamper up on, Mi-Hyun was thoroughly exhausted. With a scowl now set on her face, the fox hopped out of the elevator shaft and onto the penthouse floor. With a snarl, Mi-Hyun looked over at a security guard who was yelling at her. "I just climbed up twelve floors with nothing more than a knife and my own hands. I am NOT in the mood." The small fox took his face in her hands, and then bashed it against the wall. He wasn't dead, but he was bleeding and wouldn't wake up for a good few hours.

The fox kicked down the door to Daji's penthouse, shattering the glass quite forcefully. "Now then, are we gonna fuck, or what?"
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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

Post by Mr Wonton June 9th 2013, 10:47 am

A slender porcelain hand lightly brushed against the crinkled folds of the silken sheets that were draped over a large red and beige furnished bed. The mahogany bed posts conveyed a warm lustre, the thick and solid base that supported the large mattress acting like a monolith within the beautifully decorated bedroom of the penthouse. Daji had safely escaped the spine of the building and waltzed into her lavish suite, maids obviously cleaning up last night's mess during the time the cunning princess was gambling. Gone were the skimpy panties and alcohol the whores had brought with themselves, a rather silly addition to the nightly orgy since Daji didn't drink at all. Whilst their presence extended the night's lust well into the early hours of the morning Daji was still let unsatisfied, her gnawing lust the reason why the cheeky vixen had tempted her so much. It was no lie that the malevolent royal preferred ravishing her prey even without their permission, what were the cries of a peasant to a goddess? She could have dominated the Korean if she wanted to, stripped the girl of her outfit and forced her into submission...but where was the fun of it if the orange haired wench didn't put up a fight?

That was one of the major reasons why Daji had so mercilessly sabotaged the elevator only minutes earlier. If the fox was that thirsty for some royal coitus then she was going to have to prove herself, no human would have survived that and if the fox did manage to escape then Daji was almost certain that she would start to take the woman seriously, regardless of how desperate she was for some activity in the sheets. The princess had already changed into a silk crimson gown, her supple cleavage poking out from underneath the drooping neckline like two porcelain moons kissing one another. Her feet were bare and an ornate sword lay on her lap, her dainty fingers stroking the bronze handle as she patiently waited.

Several minutes passing and the fox finally made her grand entrance, shattering the second glass door that connected the upper hallway into the inner sanctum of the penthouse. Mi-Hyun was clearly frustrated, a rather adorable look on her scrunched up brow as she barged into the once peaceful state of the suite. Daji did not bother to hide her grin, lolling her head backwards as she stared at the horny little fox lady. She was finding the Korean's exuberance and zealousness quite endearing, such passion would always translate well into good sex and foreplay.

"Aww what happened to you? Why so angry for?", Daji teased, her crimson lips curling into a confident little grin as she bent forward, her loose gown barely covering her perky breasts. "Before anything, that is...if we do anything I hope you know that you might not survive the night. Such a precious thing like you might break...", the princess purred, pouting ever so slightly as she motioned for Mi-Hyun to come closer with her manicured finger. The woman was beautiful, a finely toned body and an amusing personality to top it off, something that the twisted royal found highly attractive.

"If you want to fuck me then fuck me. If you last longer than an hour then well...we'll discuss that in the morning. Although I should probably tell you my name first..", the princess whispered, her teeth biting her lower lip as she ran her hand down the length of Mi-Hyun's slightly charred arm. "My name is Daji, and I hope you never forget that..", she grinned, brushing her fingers into the palm of the fox's hand, waiting and watching to see what this oh-so horny popstar was going to do.

Daji / Daji's weapons

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Mr Wonton
Mr Wonton

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Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun) Empty Re: Perfect Pokerface (Daji and Mi-Hyun)

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