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Devin the Magic player WIP

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Devin the Magic player WIP Empty Devin the Magic player WIP

Post by Bash February 18th 2012, 3:12 pm

Real Name: Devin Tant
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: The Gatherer
Title: MTG player
Alignment: All of them
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Long Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 160 lbs

Costume Description/Image:
Devin will take the form based on his decks,


He is your average nerdy MTG player, He enjoys video games and the random immature sexual innuendo joke. He is a procrastinator out the ass who would rather put his nose into making an awesome deck out of the millions of cards he owns. Occasionally he will spend his days on the interwebs... spending his time on RPG forums!

When he plays magic he turns into a completely different person. He speaks in Old English and a tad bit of latin. Oh elo, look at me. Perhaps I be breaking the fourth wall! He is very dark in his playing style pulling of combos that would rival the planeswalkers of MTG. He is relentless in his playing style he will not toy with his opponent. Even having constructed decks that have a 0 turn kill combo ready to use!

Oddly enough though his demeanor is reflected directly based off of the color of decks he plays with. After all he gets into character playing as a Planeswalker with his decks and he will reflect upon the colors

Red: He will often be rash and rude. Insults will be flying. Red magic comes from Mountains. Red planeswalkers can literally crush the ground beneath their feet, or call upon furious volcanic activity to destroy their foes. Th ey want results and action instead of deliberation and debate. Chaos, destruction, and war—these are red magic’s staples. His ally colors are greed and black. The colors of death and nature's wrath! Both of which are known to destroy and overwhelm!

Green: He often leaves trust in the individual to help the whole. Which is the point of the green deck. Invoking mother-nature to grow forth his army and create his army with a spam of small attacks. Forests are the root of green magic. From the power of nature, green magic provides growth and life to the Planeswalkers who wield it. Green planeswalkers live and die according to the law of the jungle: only the strong survive, and every living thing is either predator or prey. Green planeswalkers believe that growth is the foundation of everything. In the end, life will win out. Its allies are White and red. White is known for order and protection. one of which Nature needs to survive and thrive. Red for the nature of the wrath that comes with the many number boosting the one

White: He becomes reserved and withdrawn. A total defense mode if you will. This is the point of a white deck. Plains are the source of white magic, the color of light, protection, and above all, order. White magic is about making and enforcing the rules. White planeswalkers believe that without laws and the strength to uphold them, anarchy prevails. Those who follow the rules shall have honor and thrive while those who forsake them will ultimately suffer. Its allies are green and blue Greed simply for the massive amounts of shelter and defenders nature provides, and blue simply due to the fact that reality can be bent to their agenda. Hopefully taking order over.

Blue: He become cocky and assertive often teasing his opponent with intent to irritate and troll the other person into making a mistake. This is the point of a Blue deck, Manipulation and control. Blue magic flows from Islands. It focuses on manipulation and intellect. Blue tampers with the fundamental order of things and thrives on controlling the environment, bending the rules to suit its own needs. Blue planeswalkers believe that the most important commodity is knowledge. Blu's Allies are White and Black. White for protection, and Black for destruction. All the tools needed for a successive manipulation!

Black: He become dark and demeaning. As if he is ready to join an occult group. He will often go straight for the kill. No bullshitting about it. However the occasional screams or the leading a person to die is sometimes preferred. Swamps are the source of black magic—the magic of death, decay, and power. Black Planeswalkers embrace their ambition, and are willing to pay a price for greatness. Th ey believe that life is about gaining power at all costs. Everything and everyone is a possible resource. Blacks Allies are Blue and Red. Red for the raw damage it can inflict in one hit. and blue for the mastery of manipulation with death!

Artifact: He becomes emotionless. Akin to a machine. He plays his move with precision and skill. Artifact decks are the most versatile of the colors but share no actual theme to the abilities they can do. They can be all from equipment's to fancy gadgets.To constructs. Artifacts have no allies. But they have no enemies either.

Multicolor: Oftentimes he will run a multicolor deck. Sometimes dual colors, sometimes all five. There are no end to the combos he can make. His personalities will run together if he runs a multicolor deck. He is not limited to making decks based on alliances. He may even force enemies together if he chooses to.

He suffers from MPD dirrectly from the combinations he can make his deck as color wise! If I did my math right This is 720 DIFFERENT MPD's!

Devin is an average nerd growing up. His father was a comic book collector and a horder of anything of collectible of the sort. He always enjoyed the many video games he had. He eventually got into reading Manga and books of unknown authors. The years came by when he had to attend school. He was a prodigy in his classes. Despite the fact that he hardly ever studied and put off his homework. he walked out of almost every class with an AB honor roll in the entire 13 years of his grade and high school he only missed one day of school. And that was in second grade with a bad sickness. High school came around when he started making decisions for himself. He was starting to spend his breaks playing Mtg with his fellow friends. Not to mention that one teacher was cool enough to let him and his friends to sneak into his class and play console based Video games on his tv. Naturally all of his friends signed up for that class together. They passed 100% in that class playing games almost nonstop.

Then the day came when everyone went their own way during graduation. He went to the only college in the world in Louisiana that had the only major in Nanotechnology. He was on a whole another level here. there was just simply too much for him to handle. He looked for a tutor. Hoping for someone to help him. He went to the local library of the Kado's family! Inside he met a strange old man who was glad to help him. Devin picked up the books he needed and gotten tutoring from Tobais. He even became more than acquainted with the strange old man. The man taught him everything he needed to know about nanotech. He had already memorized the books that the college donated to him.

Eventually Devin started to peer more into the library. As he did he saw the alchemy lab that Tobais held. Tobais was in there and he noticed Devin. Devin immediately tried to hide but Tobais took him under his wing. The couple weeks that followed Devin started to learn Alchemy and the applications of such. Eventually he was prodigious at that too!

Devin's grades started to improve at LA Tech. His alchemy was becoming unorthadox as he found ways to enchant his cards to do magical tricks of flashy stuff. It was nothing major, it was like using air pressure to send cards flying when they were no longer in play or something tricky like that. He started developing personalities and started Playing In character of the game. At first it was for the laughs and to trick his friends into making mistakes through a irresistible joke. But then it became a part of him and the personalities became a reality.

Devin continued to Visits Tobais Tutorship. He visited one rainy day to find books scattered about. This worried Devin. He ran across the library finding the place a mess. He ran to the Alchemical Lab and saw Tobais standing there all bloodied up with a gun he held pointing to his own head. He was just about to kill himself. Devin flat out tackled him to try to save him. After a short heated confrontation both verbal and physical to fight over the gun. Tobais won. It ended with Devin on the ground and the gun pointed at Devin's face. He was sure he was ready to die. It was the end of it. Tobais ended up not shooting him. But instead running away after beating him up. Devin was infuriated. He was just bullied, threatened to kill him and thrown around by someone he trusted. He took offense to this and if he ever saw him again he would make him pay for what he did!


"In a nutshell":

"Power Scaling":

The cards have a wide array effects such as throwing a charged lightning bolt to blocking a melee attack. The actual ability depends on the mechanics of the card Itself. Each card has a mana cost Mana is the main resource in the game. It’s produced by lands, and you spend it to cast spells . The symbols in a card’s upper right corner tell you the cost to cast that spell. For example, If the mana cost reads 4 and two fire symbols , you pay four mana of any kinds plus two red mana (from a Mountain) to cast it.

The box in the lower half of the card is the Text Box. This is where a card’s abilities appear. You may also find flavor text printed in italics ( like this) that tells you something about the Magic world. Flavor text has no effect on game play. Some abilities have italic reminder text to help explain what they do.

He has any and all of the cards here

"There are 7 main types of cards:":

"How to play MTG":

Power Grid:
22 no flight (22 Trading the point I got from Katachi to Devin, and scrapping Katachi)
STR: 2
SPD: 2
END: 2
INT: 6
EP: 7
Constructing: 1
Red Magic: 3
Black Magic: 3
FS: 1

Power Grid:
Devin the Magic player WIP Devin12

Character Image/Description: Devin the Magic player WIP 187724_100000388947134_4988899_n

Roleplay Sample: (If new or new character)

The hate inside you breeds!
It's getting hard to breathe.
The walls around you fall.
Your legs are getting weak.
You drop down to your knees!
Your mind’s forsaken you!

Devin the Magic player WIP Bash15
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 938
Location : Somewhere in the middle of NOWHERE!!!
Age : 34
Job : workin at a local grocery store.
Humor : Shoving Food into a bag and eating your money!?!
Registration date : 2009-10-29

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