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Blayke Sundai

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Blayke Sundai Empty Blayke Sundai

Post by Haleychu August 28th 2011, 9:45 pm

Real Name: Blayke Sundai
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Whisper
Title: Hushed Whisper
Alignment: Hero
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Mutant
Hair: long straight Blonde-white
Eyes:wide doe-like Gray
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130

Costume Description/Image:

Personality: Blayke is a very poised young woman. She's elegant and graceful with the lowest self-esteem in the world. She can't remember that last time she laughed or even gave a real smile. She'll fake a smile to be polite but that's about it. She's incredably quiet. Not speaking unless spoken to. Very shy and reserved. The scientist screwed everything up for her when it came to having a social life. She only sees the good in people except when they have on white lab coats. She's scared to death of scientists. And has never really had any interaction with people who actually care for her.

History: When Blayke was a little girl, her wonderful, caring, loving parents... Gave her up to science for money. The scientist were a little bit nicer when it came to waiting, They waited until she was thirteen before they did any experimenting on her. Until that age, she was brought up to be respectable of others, graceful, elegant, much like a princess or a queen was thought to act. She was never beaten, but her punishments were severe without the actuallly firm hand of discipline. The scientist were verbally abusive when it came to her. She as told she was nothing. Dirt under everyone's shoe and that's why she should treat everyone with respect. Nobody loved her. And when she was thirteen, she was told that she was disposable. And because she was, she should risk her life for anything and anyone.

She was a lab rat from the ages of thriteen to eighteen.. They tested all kinds of things on her, including medicine, make up, and worst of all, evolutionary ideas. Much like the Germans in WWII, they wanted to see how humans would react to such testing, and whose the better experiment than Blayke Sundai. The girl with no last name.

So they preformed the tests on her. One after another, no breaks, no healing. After failures to make clones, and twins and such, they then decided to make a super-human. One that could stop evils from happening in the world. They injected her with strange liquids, most of them failing until they starting mixing the liquids. Suddenly when she was injected, she closed her eyes and slowly dissappeared into the background. Finally, a breakthrough for all human kind and science. With that encouraging power, they continued to experiment until she could take no more. At eighteen years old, she ran away. And when I say ran away, i mean she was four miles away in under 3.5 seconds. One of the injections she was given was as helpful as her invisability.

Powers: Invisability - Everything she touches turns invisiable as well, except the ground she walks on. She completely blends in to whatever background is around her, having an advantage on her attacker.

Speed - Her boots are made to withstand miles and miles of running. She can run faster than a jet can fly. To the point to where she can run on water.

Power Grid: (You have 22 points to spend on your Power Grid unless you can fly, in which case you have 20. Each stat can start at 6, not 7. 7 must be earned.)
STR: 1
SPD: 6
END: 4
INT: 2
EP: 6
FS: 2

Power Grid colours: White and Cerulean blue

Character Image/Description: Blayke has snowy white-blonde hair. It is usually kept down, her hair falling just above her lower back, and her bangs falling into her eyes. Her gray eyes are rounded and wide, much like a doe caught in head-lights. It can be very unnerving to stare into them. Her lips are full and slightly pouted. She was a strong and stubborn chin, and a small button nose.

A slender frame, with curves in all the right places. Long, lanky arms and legs.

Pale skin since she's been in a science lab all her life.

Roleplay Sample: This is a very different roleplay. it's in a pokemon world. Just so you know.

The trouble with schools is, they always try to teach the wrong lesson. Believe me; I’ve been kicked out of enough them to know. They want you to became less callow, less shallow, but I say, why invite stress in? - Feiyro “Wicked.”

Dancing through life was a song that Blayke usually focused on, when it came to how she wanted her life to be. She wanted her life to be as charming as Glenda the good witch’s was, of course, she wouldn’t lose the man to some good girl who was too smart and kind. Blayke wrinkled her nose at the thought, as she tied the strings of her bikini around her neck. She took a peek, a LONG peek, at the mirror and admired herself. Damn, she looked good. Her flat stomach was as tan as the rest of her, and the rest of her was tan from the days she had tanned topless and completely nude. She would be doing it now but she wasn’t about to ask the school board if that was allowed. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulders, and she carefully raised it off her neck, securing it in a messy bun. She then turned and dug into her suitcase that she had yet to unpack in her dorm room, and began to spray herself with tanning lotion. She rubbed it over her bare arms and stomach then bent down to get her legs.

In the mean time, Hope, Blayke’s Sandshrew, was curled up on the bed that Blayke actually had taken the time to make with her sheets of baby blues with white pillows. Quite boring for her taste, but she has too lazy to go out and buy anything new. She just took the spare bedroom’s bedding supplies and packed them. Hope watched Blayke, lazily eyeing her swimsuit, a confused look on her face. Blayke’s eyes met Hope’s in the mirror, and she gave a small smile to her Pokémon. HER Pokémon. That’s right. Blayke still couldn’t believe that she had been given the creature.
Blayke turned and placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head to the side. “Well, Hope. I wonder if you enjoy swimming. I mean, you’re a ground Pokémon, so I don’t think you will...” Her voice trailed off as Hope’s eyes grew a bit wide. Is that a no? Blayke thought to herself.

It took her a minute before she realized that Hope was staring out the window behind her near the mirror. She turned to look out to see a dozen pigdey’s outside. This made Blayke giggle. Her Pokémon was observant. She couldn’t have been more proud. Suddenly, Blayke remembered her auction earlier that day. She took out a second pokeball, looking at it, thinking. Phanpy was gonna be a hard one to train, considering he wouldn’t like her since she was new to him and him to her. She quickly released Phanpy from his pokeball and watched him look around. He turned his attention to Hope and started charging at the bed which she laid upon still. “Hey, hey.” Blayke said, leaning down to pick him up. But before she could he turned and began to charge out her. Blayke screeched and jumped over the Pokémon onto the bed. “Return!” She cried, watching Phanpy glow red and return to his pokeball. Blayke breathed a sigh of relief. Well. I guess I’ll have to train him separately from Hope.

As she leaned back in her chair, pulling her sunglasses from the top of her head to cover her eyes, she closed her eyes, enjoying the sun’s rays sinking into her skin. Hope lay in the chair next to her, curled up in a small ball. Blayke smiled thinking how much the two of them were alike. It was almost like it was meant to be. But then again, it could just be a girl thing. Or maybe Hope was lazy. She was gonna have to start training them soon. She quietly began to hum to herself, the song “Dancing through life.”
Today might just be a good day.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-08-21

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Blayke Sundai Empty Re: Blayke Sundai

Post by Bliss August 28th 2011, 9:53 pm

First off, super-cute outfit.

Second awesome power. About time we got an invisogirl.

The only problem is running on water; that will need to be taken out, but otherwise everything is good.

What color do you want the power grid?


Mitsy's Boutique


Blayke Sundai D3d4aa511c4d025601eecb3540adc5f1


Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Blayke Sundai Empty Re: Blayke Sundai

Post by Paine August 29th 2011, 4:24 am

I've done the honors of creating Haley's powergrid. She requested the colors to me. (:

Blayke Sundai HaleysPG

Blayke Sundai Vywjf8
Blayke Sundai Paine1
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 366
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-11-01

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Blayke Sundai Empty Re: Blayke Sundai

Post by Da Boss September 3rd 2011, 2:35 pm

Invisibility powers arent normally approved, but this is normally in regards to items and therefore INT which can give more than just invisibility (just clarifying for those people we haven't allowed complete invisibility to because it was based off an item) Since its an EP power and is your only power it can be approved


Blayke Sundai Ivanz
Da Boss
Da Boss
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 958
Location : Florida
Age : 31
Job : Bandit Drake
Humor :
Registration date : 2008-07-24

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