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Diablave Empty Diablave

Post by susej October 28th 2012, 10:30 am

Real Name: Francois Reynie
Super Villain Name: Diablave
Title: esclave du diable
Alignment: Villain
Age: 260
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: None
Eyes: Black
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies

Costume Description/Image: Diabolus doesn't necessarily wear a costume, it's more like his body is his costume. Composed completely out of an unknown dark substance which constantly shifts and moves over his body. It is not a symbiote as he is totally comprised of the substance and he has no organs beneath his skin. This allows his body to warp and twist away from incoming damage and also protects him from a certain amount of pain taken during battle. His face is most often a contorted grin and instead of eyes there are two sunken holes.

Personality: Diabolus feels no mercy however sometimes Francois may surface in his mind and cause Diabolus to falter in his killing spree. With little emotion at all other than sadistic glee and full blown crazy, Diabolus can be hard to deal with and rarely works with others. Although he has been known to team up on occasion his partner better watch his back as he may flip and slaughter anyone and everyone. Diablave is pretty mindless and only thinks of serving his master, because of this he is really dim and animalistic and has difficulty talking or expressing himself.

History:Born during the beginnings of the French Revolution in 1769 Francois was brought on a farm by a poor family. It was not a happy childhood as he was regularly beaten by his father, who was an alcoholic, and who also beat his wife. Francois tried to spend as little time at home as possible. While out in the town when he was only 8 Francois met Florence Bordeaux, an upper class aristocrat, whom she took at first as a play thing to keep her entertained but slowly it grew into a friendship. Francois and Florence rarely left each others company and spent many days simply running and chasing each other across the hills and gardens of her home. When Francois was 18 he went home after spending the day with Florence to find that his Father had beaten his mother to death in a fit of drunken rage. Seeing the broken bottle that had killed his mother he grabbed it and killed his father in a bloody and gruesome fashion.
Disorientated and covered in blood Francois wandered the streets until he arrived at Florence's house who hurried him in to wash of the blood. Francois moved into the servant quarter's of Florence's house, as he was a commoner and it would be a scandal if one were to find a commoner living in your house.
After 2 years of working in Florence's home, he and Florence made plans to elope out of the country and get away from the violence that was escalating in France at the time. A month before they were to leave Florence found that she was with child and this decided it, they had to elope now.
Hurriedly packing what they could carry they rushed to escape the house but as they were leaving peasants broke into the house and began killing the occupants. Francois was able to hold the peasants of until Florence could escape but Francois was beaten to within an inch of his life. Francois knew he would never make it and so in his final moments he whispered that he would give anything to make sure she and they're child was safe. At that moment a bright red light shone forth and a horned figure stepped out of the light. It was the devil. "Anything?" he asked. Francois was desperate as he knew that they would never make it out of town with the peasants following her. Finally he relented and gave his soul to the devil. Francois did not become a daemon but merely a servant of Satan, A hound of chaos.
As long as Francois obeyed Satan Florence would be safe, in another dimension that was totally inaccessible from anywhere on this plane of existence. Diablave as he was now know was doomed to spend eternity serving his dark master. Diablave can always see Florence, who is stuck in a timeless existence, through a mirror that the devil gave him.

Powers: The body morphing means that he has no single shape but a multitude of shapes such as changing parts of body allowing him to run longer without stops, morphing his legs to fins allowing him to swim better. His advanced regenerative powers allow him to fight longer and harder in battle and he feels little pain anyway.

Power Grid:
STR: 3
SPD: 2
END: 5
INT: 2
EP: 6
Body Morphing = 2
Regeneration = 4
FS: 4

Power Grid colours:

Roleplay Sample: Fear he could smell it in the air, the huddle mass in front of him backed away as he slowly advanced towards them. A woman screamed to his left, SHUT UP! he yelled but it came out as more of a roaring bellow which still had the desired affect. Down on all fours Diablave looked more animal like than like a human, he sniffed around on the floor for any sign of his quarry and finally found it.
He bounded of down the street standing on two legs to jump, grab and reach for a fire escape. He bounded up and around each rung of the stairs until he reached the top of the building. He looked up at the full moon that shone down across the city, howling savagely at it he ran onward across the rooftops. He hated the moon and loved it at the same time. It reminded him of Florence, everything did. The screaming woman reminded him of Florence, the pair of starlings which flapped overhead reminded him of Florence.
He skidded to a halt. Lowering his head it almost sounded like he was crying, almost. Raising his head he roared such a violent roar that it shook the windows and wake people several miles away. Soon my sweet angel, soon.

Last edited by susej on October 29th 2012, 5:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Location : Good old England
Age : 29
Job : Computer Whizz
Humor : Satire/Dark
Registration date : 2012-10-27

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by A.I. October 28th 2012, 10:26 pm

Okay so a few things. For one, you should probably write more in your history, explain how he got his powers, what he did from 1769 to now, etc. You should note his regeneration abilities in your power section too. And the way you say your morphing can make you run faster, you will still only have 2 SPD, it cannot increase that. Also, I know you have another character that will soon be approved, but since that app has your roleplay sample, I can't approve this one until that one is approved.

(Didn't realize this was a WIP until after I commented. I'll be happy to help you when you're done.

Diablave Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 29
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by susej October 29th 2012, 12:59 pm

I know it's still a work in progress, I just wanted to save a hard copy somewhere.

Stand back Everyone,
Nothin here to see
Just imminent danger
In the middle of it, me!

Yes Masquerade is here
Hair Blowing in the Breeze,
The day needs my saving expertise!

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
It seems destiny ends with me saving you
The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death
So I'll give you a sec to catch your breath.

Without suit: 2 STR, 3 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS
With suit: 2 STR, 5 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Location : Good old England
Age : 29
Job : Computer Whizz
Humor : Satire/Dark
Registration date : 2012-10-27

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by A.I. October 29th 2012, 5:03 pm

I know, I just didn't realize it was a work in progress until after I had posted. Also, I enjoy the Doctor Horrible lyrics in your signature. Smile

Diablave Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 29
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by susej October 29th 2012, 5:49 pm

Cheers man and I've updated it to a better standard, see what you think.

Stand back Everyone,
Nothin here to see
Just imminent danger
In the middle of it, me!

Yes Masquerade is here
Hair Blowing in the Breeze,
The day needs my saving expertise!

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
It seems destiny ends with me saving you
The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death
So I'll give you a sec to catch your breath.

Without suit: 2 STR, 3 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS
With suit: 2 STR, 5 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Location : Good old England
Age : 29
Job : Computer Whizz
Humor : Satire/Dark
Registration date : 2012-10-27

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by A.I. October 29th 2012, 8:31 pm

Alright, this all checks out! Approved! 🆒

Diablave Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 29
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by A.I. October 31st 2012, 3:48 pm

Alright, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to unapprove this, it's been brought to my attention that perfect shapeshifting is 3 ep, not two.

Diablave Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 29
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by susej November 2nd 2012, 5:13 pm

I will make the changes, cheers.

Stand back Everyone,
Nothin here to see
Just imminent danger
In the middle of it, me!

Yes Masquerade is here
Hair Blowing in the Breeze,
The day needs my saving expertise!

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
It seems destiny ends with me saving you
The only doom that's looming is you loving me to death
So I'll give you a sec to catch your breath.

Without suit: 2 STR, 3 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS
With suit: 2 STR, 5 SPD, 3 END, 6 INT, 0 EP, 6 FS

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 17
Location : Good old England
Age : 29
Job : Computer Whizz
Humor : Satire/Dark
Registration date : 2012-10-27

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by A.I. November 2nd 2012, 10:13 pm

Alright, let me know when you do!

Diablave Tek4f910


Status :

Quote : I heard a rumor that A.I. was ripped. That he was shredded.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 93
Location : The Future
Age : 29
Job : Resident Stoner of SHRPG
Humor : The Funny Kind
Registration date : 2012-01-31

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Diablave Empty Re: Diablave

Post by Sponsored content

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