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Turkey, Istanbul

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Turkey, Istanbul Empty Turkey, Istanbul

Post by Coffinhunter November 27th 2010, 6:36 pm


"Istanbul Noir, Blood in the Sand"

Turkey stands bordered by The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. It is a beautiful and diverse Muslim country. Although it claims to be a Democratic Republic with a ruling council, It is more often than not controlled by the strict Islamic fundamentals. For all it's beauty and prestige it is plagued by the same criminal element and other major sovereign nation. Terrorism is prevalent here, as both a home to the insurgents, and a proving ground for up and coming organizations.

Istanbul is a bustling metropolis that is framed by it's peaked domed city's skylines. It is both ancient and modern a dichotomy showcased by cell phones, computers, and heavy city traffic congestion; right along side of camel-bound merchants, old world religious devotion, and poverty that keeps it's lowest class in the dark ages.

As with many middle Eastern countries it carries a very strict policy on Superhuman activities. The predominant religion of Islam does not allow for public displays of powers, seeing them as blasphemy against the divine power of Alha. Although some countries do have superpowered populace they are almost inherently tools to the government and religious establishment or the polar opposite, terrorists, criminal warlords and other such that operate outside of the laws reach. Displaying super abilities will most often result in imprisonment, deportation, or in the worst cases sentences of death. Sometimes even bringing mob mentality infused stonings from superstitious locals. Any Meta-human visiting Turkey is supposed to report to the JÖAK and receive a nanite infused injection, formulated to negate any abnormal power bases, essentially turning a Superperson into an ordinary citizen for their time in Turkey. Although many cases have been reported of deaths do to injection rejection, Due to this many Metas' tend to forgo the process and enter the country illegally.

The Jandarma Özel Asayiş Komutanlığı (JÖAK); Turkey's special police unit; have developed a specialized swat team to deal with any Meta-human activity deemed obscene. They are outfitted in some of the most advanced exoskeleton body armor available, complete with functioning jet packs. Their weapons are highly specialized for dealing with just those sorts of threats and their reputation is that of 'shoot first, question later'.

Other, less obvious dangers await Metahuman in this desert paradise as well. Due to the drastically fewer numbers that live or visit the United Arab Alliance countries, Superpeople are considered a hot item in the black market. Cases have been reported of kidnappings by the proprietors of Metahuman slave trade. They are more often than not sold to criminal warlords that seek to enhance their military might in the area, or dissected in order to find what ever genetic abnormality gives them their power. The most notorious of these groups is the Order of Enoch, a terrorist cell rumored to be located in the North East of Turkey.
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