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(Edited) What creatures live in the fae world?

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(Edited) What creatures live in the fae world? Empty (Edited) What creatures live in the fae world?

I know I've just created a character, but I also got another idea that I really like. I wanted to create a character that gains powers out of a botched deal with a certain day creature, but I realized that you didn't list what lives in there, so I don't want to assume. So... Whatcha guys hiding in there?

PS: (I know the history says that few know what is in the dimension, but I just wanna know if I can say a trickster entity lives in there or something.)

PS2: (I may have realised to late that this may not be the best place to ask this question. If it is in the wrong place, could you please tell me so I can fix it? I'm still kinda new, lol.)

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(Edited) What creatures live in the fae world? :: Comments


Post September 14th 2021, 11:57 pm by Seeks

Grimalkin: Blend a hobbit with a tabby cat. There y'go. They like fermented catnip juice, can disappear at will (but have a hard time concealing their l'il teef), and have a habit of chasing mice and birds.

Foxbird: Smaller foxes with dove-like wings. They're known to appear in peoples' dreams and alter what happens within, for weal or woe. Some are nice about their dream interference, while others could be veritable Freddy Kreugers. Some have blamed sleepwalking on these critters possessing people in their dreams.

Bonesnatch: A dread bogeyman, no one has seen a Bonesnatch (or, the Bonesnatch?) and lived to tell of it. They say it resembles an emaciated, large whippet with shallow indents where eyes should be. Blind, it relies on a powerful sense of hearing to locate prey. It's thought to breathe ghastly cold breath from the frozen depths of Cocytus in hell itself. And it is named the Bonesnatch because those claimed to be slain by it are missing their bones. The SHRP universe's equivalent of World Weekly News has probably ran an article or two about this being over the years?

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