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Beginning of a Trend

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 5th 2013, 10:07 pm

Dr. James Seis was in his PowerSuit, under the moniker Doctor Seismic. He was in an armoured truck, one of five that drove the streets of New York in the night. Official word was that the trucks were undergoing testing, but they were really being used by Doctor Seismic and his men to forcefully gather people in order to further his work and goal. His goal was not a simple one, but it was a beautiful one: a world where all humans were stronger than metahuman, and they all heralded Doctor Seismic as their king, a reward for giving them power. In order to reach that goal, he needed test subjects and genetic source material. Mobile unit One had picked up three people to be experimented on and Mobile unit Four was chasing after a weak superhuman elsewhere in the city. The other three units were just doing a nice, scenic sweep of the city.

His men were specially trained and to some extent modified to do the work he needed them to. The vehicles they operated were state-of-the-art, as strong as could be, and not something you'd find at a car dealership. Doctor Seismic had billions upon billions of dollars, and he wouldn't hesitate to make sure he had the top of the line men and materials he needed to do as he pleased. The pinnacle of his spending to reach his goal so far was the construction of his Seismic PowerSuit, which gave him some abilities as well as a formidable arsenal of weaponry. And about two hours into Mobile Unit Three's sweep, he would finally get to test the suit in action.

The truck was passing an alleyway that was blocked off from the street by a pile of debris. As they passed however, the pile of debris was violently lifted and tossed aside from the alley entryway by some phantom force. The armoured truck stopped and it's back doors opened. Six men rushed out of the van, followed by Doctor Seismic in full gear. One security agent mounted the rooftop chaingun and another manned the high powered grenade launcher that was stationed at the back door of the truck. The truck's back doors were pointed towards the alleyway, meaning so was the chaingun and grenade launcher. The six men formed an arc-like perimeter from the walls on either side of the alley to the truck.Docto Seismic stood at the mouth of the alley, looking forward at the dark figure standing in the shadows. The one of the agents in the truck turn on the truck's brights and returned to the chaingun. Doctor Seismic took a step forward and began to talk to the now visible boy.

"Dangerous to be out at night alone, isn't it? Why don't you let me and my friends give you a ride, hm? And before you answer let me clarify: I'm not asking."

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 5th 2013, 11:01 pm

It was an ordinary night like any other. Alex had stolen food from a local fast food joint for dinner, then flew off to some empty alley devoid of drug dealers, drug users, and/or other homeless folks. In hindsight, they should probably opt for a more balanced diet, but whatever, food was food. Even fast food that had been more than likely processed to Hell and back. Not like they could afford anything better anyways. Well, actually, Alex could probably rob any kind of bank of any amount of money they wanted. They could even live like a king, queen, or whatever if they wanted to, but they honestly didn't care. Besides, a thing like them didn't deserve any comforts. No, what they deserved was that they had. Malnutrition, a fractured psyche, no home, no friends or family.

Once they were finished eating, they crushed their trash into a ball, and tossed in into the closest industrial bin. "Ten points.", Alex muttered to themselves as they levitated to their feet, shaking off their legs and behind. Deciding they'd walk, they attempted to leave the alley, only to be stopped by a mound of rubble. Alex's brows furrowed. They weren't in the mood for this crap. With ease, they pulled the rubble into the air, and launched it away from the alley.

Instantly, Alex was met with a group of men in tactical gear and armored trucks. The trucks back doors opened facing them, presenting to Alex a number of grenade launchers and chain guns. One of the men however, instead equipped in the combat suits of the others, was instead wearing a suit of surprisingly technologically advanced armor that Alex couldn't recognize. Still aware of the other men, he watched as they mobilized into a perimeter around them, with the man in the suit standing at the entry of the alley. Finally, one of the trucks shined their headlights at them. Initially wincing at the sudden change in lighting by covering their eyes behind their hands, Alex soon moved their hands away, staring at the armoured one.

"No. I'm going to walk.", Alex firmly demanded

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 5th 2013, 11:19 pm

"I did say I wasn't asking, right?" Doctor Seismic posed to himself. "Fine, if you want to go about this the hard way then me and my men are more than happy to oblige."

Doctor Seismic made a gesture with his hand and all the men in the perimeter turned off their weapons safety. Doctor Seismic then made a lifting gesture with his other hand and the ground began to rumble lightly. Behind the boy the rock and concrete were rising to form a 10 foot wall. Laser dots dotted the boy's shirt and exposed skin. Doctor Seismic smiled underneath his helmet.

"Now you have nowhere to walk off to. In most cases I'd be willing to give you a second chance here to reconsider your choice of things, but I have been aching to try out my new toys, and it seems that you have volunteered yourself."

Doctor Seismic raised his arm in the direction of the boy. From his forearm a launcher tube popped out and fired a graphene shock-net. If the net missed, the men behind Doctor Seismic would begin to fire their weapons, and Doctor Seismic would throw a left hook and a right uppercut at the boy.

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 5th 2013, 11:39 pm

"I said "No."", Alex growled, clenching his fists.

Hearing behind them the clicking of the soldier's turning off their safeties, Alex watched as the armoured man seemingly conjured a wall behind them. The garbage bin Alex had disposed his trash in earlier was still visible. So this was a kidnapping. Suddenly, a tube emerged from his suit's forearm, firing a net at Alex. Instantly, Alex took the garbage bin, and telekinetically discharged it towards the armoured man. The bin caught the net as it flew towards the man, and turning around, Alex slammed the soldiers against the wall. For good measure, he ripped their guns into pieces before lifting off the ground far above them.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 5th 2013, 11:56 pm

" So you can fly. Well, as I did to my pet bird, I'll just have to put you in a cage so you can't fly away."

Doctor Seismic crouched at the knees and then popped back up, his arms making a wide lifting movement that curved and ended in a pushing down gesture. What was the ten foot wall Doctor Seismic had created became a large dome-like construct of earth, entrapping the boy, Doctor Seismic, and his men inside. The chaingun atop the armored truck began to fire at the flying boy, and Doctor Seismic's shoulders and chest opened to reveal missiles. But he didn't use them, no, not yet. Instead he raised his arms, pointing them at his flying target, and began to fire blasts of plasma energy at him. After he fired off a few blast, Doctor Seismic began to run at incredible speeds at the side of the dome. His speed allowed him to run up the side of the dome and right towards his target. He cocked his arm back and prepared to deliver a full powered punch to the attempted escapee.

Meanwhile, the men that had been thrown into the wall had gotten up and had reached the armored truck. They exited the truck with guns once again in hand, as the truck did carry a back-up supply of weapons. The men on the ground began to fire at the boy as their comrade on the chaingun was. They didn't need to watch out for their boss. Bullet's would barely nick his PowerSuit. Being out of range, the man who was manning the grenade launcher got onto the truck's two-way radio.

"This is Mobile Unit Three, we have engaged a metahuman with what seems to be telekinetic powers. We are located at the coordinates."

"We will have Mobile Units Two and Four routed if things get out of hand."

"Alright, over."

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 6th 2013, 1:01 am

"I'm not a god damn bird though.", Alex huffed, watching as he created a dome of concrete surrounding them.

Suddenly, the chain guns from the armored trucks began firing at them, and the man's suit opened up, showing missiles. However, instead of launching the missiles though, the man began firing plasma blasts at them. The bullets futilely bounced off Alex's telekinetic barrier, but Alex had to quickly dodge the plasma blasts, unable to push them away and too uncertain over whether their barriers could hold against them. If only they could get the man to fire his missiles, he might be able to blast a hole through the dome for Alex to escape through.

As the bullets continued to converge on Alex's person, and their annoyance grew, causing them to lift the armored trucks into the air with some effort, and throw them away. They then focused on the soldiers, tossing them back and forth like rag dolls, slamming them again and again into the ground and other buildings. Distracted by the soldiers, Alex didn't notice as the man ran across the side of the wall before lunging at them, slamming his fist into Alex. Alex's barrier may have averted any damage to their body, but the kinetic force of the punch shot them towards the ground. They crashed into the concrete, blasting through buildings and cars until finally embedding into a brick wall.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 6th 2013, 9:58 am

After the punch landed Doctor Seismic plummeted to the ground as well, except his landing ended with a bent over fist to the ground pose. His suit was dust, but unharmed. He had made it durable enough to take a beating. His men were injured, some of them. No doubt their weapons were probably damaged to some extent. But he had some manpower left. He wouldn't hire anyone that couldn't take a beating. But it would take a minute for those men that could still function to get back on their feet.

Doctor Seismic calmly walked towards the wreckage to the wall-crater left by the boy's impact.Behind his helmet he smiled.

"I can't wait to crack open your genome. You've taken out almost an entire mobile unit by yourself, and for that I must give you props. I mean, it's not everyday that someones takes out one tenth of a percent of my resources." hes jested, followed by a brief chuckle.

"In a few minutes more of my men will be here in helicrafts. You will be accompanying me onto one of those helicrafts, the only question is whether you'll be strapped down and sedated or in the cargo hold in a bodybag. The choice is yours."

With the last sentence said, Doctor Seismic pointed both his arms at the boy. One arm was clearly charging a plasma blast while the other arm was again sporting the graphene shock-net launcher.

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 6th 2013, 4:40 pm

Alex only groaned as they fell flat on their face onto the ground from the wall. Even with their high pain tolerance, they had to admit that hurt. Awkwardly getting up on their hands and knees, Alex looked at the man, growling and seething through gritted teeth while listening. The soldiers Alex beat down weren't moving, so they were either dead or just unconscious. Should it be the latter, Alex would have at the most a few minutes to make their next move. While the man was distracted with his little monologue, Alex covertly lifted one of the remaining armored trucks into the air above him, feigning wincing and grunting from the effort as still being hurt.

Slowly pulling themselves to their feet, Alex glared at him. With one hand he was charging another plasma blast, and with his other hand prepared to launch another net. After a few moments of awkward silence, Alex began to laugh. First it was just chuckling, then grew slightly unnerving.

"Funny. An insect believes it can speak up to me.", Alex muttered before suddenly slamming the truck into the man without any warning.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 6th 2013, 11:16 pm

Though he wouldn't admit he, Doctor Seismic did not expect the boy's trick. He felt the truck slam into him, plowing him into the ground. The blow didn't hurt him, and his suit wasn't reporting any serious damage that would effect anything. But he could feel the suit was dented in several places. Worse, he could still feel himself trapped under the truck. Worse, but not a problem.

"Voice authorization: Overcharge strength."

With those words, his suit began to audibly whir as it's power source began to work above it's top capacity, sending the extra power to the part of the suit that granted increased strength to the wearer. Doctor Seismic began to push himself up, lifting the truck above him as well. He grasped the truck in his now free hands and lifted it into the air, tossing it aside. He was free. And he was still strong.

"It will take much more than dropping my own truck on top of me to hinder my efforts. Perhaps you'd like a demonstration of my peak capabilities."

With that, Doctor Seismic ran full speed behind his overturned truck, grasped it in both his hands, spun like a whirlwind with it still in his grasp, and then let it go, whipping it with all his strength and speed towards the boy. Then he held up both his arms, net launcher at the ready. If the truck didn't get the boy, his shock-nets would.

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 7th 2013, 1:49 am

Alex had turned around to catch their breath when they heard the man speak and the suit emitting a loud whirring noise. Cursing to themselves as they watched the man lifted up the truck. It seemed like the only way that they could stop him would be to rip open his suit and ravage the weak human body within. And oh how Alex would love to do so, but this was a kidnapping. Their top and only priority was to escape, which had been proving to be difficult. While the man slowly freed himself from under the truck, Alex began formulating another plan as quick as he could.

"I don't care. You're too persistent.", Alex said, half-groaning and half-whining

Thoroughly irritated, Alex watched as he spun the truck around, flinging it toward Alex. With a sigh, Alex braced their arms for the impact. The truck slammed into them, and Alex was pushed off their feet into the ground. They were grated between the crumbling concrete and the torn and bent metal of the truck for several feet, thankfully being left mostly unscathed due to their defensive barrier. The truck soon grinded to a halt, and Alex remained motionless under it, waiting for the man to let his guard down and approach.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 8th 2013, 8:16 pm

Doctor Seismic stood there for a few moments waiting for some movement. Eventually, he put his hands down. Hopefully, he had just knocked the kid unconscious, though he didn't care too much if he was dead. Just so long as he could bring him back to his base. Nearby, a few of his men began to stir. Five of them, by his count. They had no weapons, but they had their brains and their brawn, and that was enough for Doctor Seismic to work with. He gestured for them to stay close behind as he approached the truck. There was a good chance in his mind that this could be a trick of some sort, but he was also quite confident that any trick pulled would be little to no set back. Doctor Seismic reached a small crater in the ground under the truck, or at least what remained of it. The overcharge effects still active, Doctor Seismic picked up the truck and held it high, ready for whatever state the boy was in underneath.

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Pariah June 9th 2013, 1:37 am

Alex smiled to themselves once they began hearing the audible clunking of the man's footsteps. Then the lighter footsteps of some of the soldiers who had somehow survived. If Alex was correct, it was mostly somewhere around five or six or so. As the footsteps became louder and closer, Alex quickly grabbed onto the truck, his fingers digging into the truck's metal to provide decent handholds to keep themselves stable and lift some of their own weight, the rest to be handled through their telekinesis. There was a small chance that the man and his soldiers would simply not look up and put the truck back down, allowing Alex to wait until they left to escape, but more likely than not, they would.

Their heartbeat quickened as the man lifted the truck above himself. Alex held their breath, and kept a close eye on him and each of the five soldiers. He mentally prayed he for whatever reason, none of them would look up. But if they did, he remained prepared to attack.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2013-05-12

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 9th 2013, 8:07 am

Doctor Seismic looked below himself and was shocked to find nothing. No body, no blood, nothing. It took only a second for his mind to deduce where the boy would be, and it was then confirmed by one of his men.

"Sir, the truck!" the agent shouted. Doctor Seismic responded with a chuckle and a "Clever boy!"

But Doctor Seismic didn't have time to play around. He had to toss the truck now or he'd be crushed, the suit's power levels now returning to normal. So he quickly developed a plan. Remembering that the last time he'd really hurt the kid this entire time was when the kid was distracted, he decided that would be his best bet at capturing the boy.

So Doctor Seismic leaned forward, bent his arms over his head, and then pushed forward like a spring, sending the truck and it's stowaway flying towards one of the walls of the dome. But the was not Doctor Seismic's true attack. With one hand, he fired a beam of plasma energy at the truck; with the other, he had the wall and ground where the truck would land become very rough and lumpy, like gravel made out of boulders. But he didn't want the boy to concentrate on those attacks, no, not at all.

"Let's see how YOU like getting hit with a truck."

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Doctor Seismic June 10th 2013, 4:51 pm

Could a moderator please trash this thread.

"Man Deserves to be powerful. I deserve to be MORE powerful."

Beginning of a Trend DSgrid_zps3b655156

~ Security Agents - Vehicles - Suit Weaponry ~
Doctor Seismic
Doctor Seismic

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 29
Registration date : 2013-06-01

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Beginning of a Trend Empty Re: Beginning of a Trend

Post by Chellizard June 10th 2013, 5:21 pm

Pariah is eligible for the EXP from this thread; Trashed.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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