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Akihiko Tsukytera

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Akihiko Tsukytera Empty Akihiko Tsukytera

Post by keblinky May 19th 2012, 9:10 pm

Real Name- Akihiko Tsukytera
Renegade name- none
Title- The Fox
Alignment- Renegade
Age- 22
Gender- male
Race- Demi-god, part Shinto Deity part human
Hair- white
Eyes- golden
Height- 5'8
Weight- 160 lbs

Costume Desc- click the link-

Personality- Akihiko is arrogant, manipulative, and overly confident. He was raised as a guardian of the goddess Amaterasu, this giving him some respect for authority, though not as much as some people would like. He was never very friendly with people, though he is always loyal to those who gained his friendship. He is somewhat "old-fashioned" in his views.

History- Akihiko Tsukytera was born from the union of the goddess Amaterasu and one of her male disciples. He was brought up to her domain and was raised like a warrior. He had training everyday, educated in mannerisms, and taught how to use his illusory powers in combat. At his sixteenth birthday he was inducted into Amaterasu's Honor Guard were he would serve as the lead guard, defending his mother and learning many fighting skills. His service with the Honor Guard was cut short when he was patrolling around Amaterasu's throne room and an Oni attacked him, brutally wounding him, and greatly decreasing his power. The only way to save him was to store his form in a mortal body, which would send him down to the Earth. He found himself in the city of New York. His powers over light allowed him to blend in by using his illusions, which were the only major powers he had retained. After living in New York for a few years he had mastered the English language, learned some new martial arts to go along with his swordsmanship, and, strangely, learned to love Jazz. He now works at a Japanese food place.

Powers- The Fox is Fleet Footed- he is much faster than most people, being able to run around 75 MPH

Katana training- He is skilled with the use of his sword

Incendiary Illusions- He can refract light around things, effectively making illusions, used for tricking enemies in combat, and causing distractions, they are made of light, which Akihiko can channel into fire, which makes his illusions incendiary. Not ALL of his illusions are incendiary though ( those used for disguise), and he cannot make things like skyscrapers. The size limit is 7 feet tall, and the amount of illusions he can have depends on size. They can be taken down by physical attacks, as they dissipate the fire. He can only have one amount of the different illusions out at once and the cooldown is
Super Small Illusions- 60 at once(ants, and spiders stuff that size) (small singes) cool down- 1 post
Small Illusions- 15 at once (small like rats) (small burns) cool down- 1 post
Medium Illusions- 7 at once (dog sized, and regular animals) (bursts of fire) cool down- 3 posts
Large Medium- 4 at once (people sized) (large bursts of fire) cool down- 3 posts
Large Illusions- 2 at once (7 foot tall constructs) (small explosions) cool down- 5 posts

Enhanced Intellect- he is very intelligent

Power Grid--- Str-2

(He will have a katana, will post Item App soon.)
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Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
Age : 24
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Akihiko Tsukytera Empty Re: Akihiko Tsukytera

Post by Arcana May 20th 2012, 7:03 am

Approved until stated otherwise

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2483
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 30
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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