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Sarah Cho Lee/Psyche (WIP)

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Sarah Cho Lee/Psyche (WIP) Empty Sarah Cho Lee/Psyche (WIP)

Post by Fake Crowley February 26th 2012, 12:01 am

Real Name: Sarah Cho Lee. Goes by, “Cho.”
Super Hero/Villain/Renegade/etc Name: Psyche
Title: The Monarch
Alignment: Cho is Idealist but Powerless, Psyche is Cruel Good.
Age: Cho is 19 or so, Psyche is probably hard to chronologically define two dimensionally, but for all intents and purposes is the same age.
Gender: Cho is female, Psyche is presumably male.
Race: Cho is a Chinese-born adoptive daughter of two gay Americans. Psyche is an Entity beyond our comprehension. They fight crime.

Cho Appearance: The first impression you might get of Cho is that she’s svelte. Of medium height and lean build, she’s not really scrawny, but not healthy looking either. She isn’t all that prone to combat and has difficulty performing even the more basic physical tasks, such as running a mile under ten minutes or lifting a meager amount of weight at the gym. She doesn’t train herself athletically; doesn’t box or learn martial arts. She eats right, and occasionally goes out on really long temporarily and really short otherwise runs, but other than that she doesn’t do anything to become a martial arts master. With black straight hair tied back in a ponytail, dark brown eyes hiding behind a pair of thick glasses, and a face that, while not offensively stereotypical in that it has slanted eyes, pale yellow skin and pronounced cheeks, doesn’t deny her Chinese heritage either, she’s far from beautiful, she does look, “Pretty,” to some extent—in the right light, at least. While she dresses in jeans and a heavy sweatshirt, she’s not so much a tomboy as she is a nerd. Her voice is quiet—not exactly shy, but lacking in the volume or power that you’d typically expect of a hero. She typically keeps her head down, and doesn’t have much of a presence.

Psyche Appearance:

Psyche looks surprisingly human in appearance, although given that few are aware of his true nature this is doesn’t shock most people as much as it should. With a general shape and muscles that indicate that he’s an extremely fit human male, his shape is surprising to those who know of what he truly is. Standing at six foot three, weighing a good two hundred thirty pounds (Mostly of muscle, or whatever passes for muscle in transdimensional entities) and generally looking like an extremely compact version of the most fit body builders in the world (While he does have all of his muscles pronounced such that anyone who studies the human anatomy could pick out every muscle on the human body, his muscles are mostly not bulging outwards and are, to the contrary, fairly easy to hide with enough clothes), he obviously looks like the ideal superhero in terms of fitness. It’s difficult to tell if the pitch black, tar looking substance that covers his body (Face and all) is his actual skin or if it’s some suit that he’s wearing—he never takes it off and it seems to be attached to him (Especially when he’s injured), and yet if its real then that means that he has no real features other than his build—no facial features other than the vague shape of one, no toes, nothing, “Below the belt,” and nothing else along those lines. In other words, while his skin seems to act like actual skin, it’s stretched so that it seems like it’s a suit—a fitting quandary, to be honest, but one that puzzles those unaware of his true nature nonetheless. From his back he can summon a pair of glowing, beautiful looking wings—usually represented by a kaleidoscope of light, these wings extend only a few meters away from his body, and yet still grant him flight. Another ability of his grants him the ability to summon blades out of the top of his arms—made of the same material as his skin, albeit seemingly impossible to break and sharp enough to act as an actual sword, these protrusions extend from anywhere between one foot and five feet out of his arms, as impossible as that might seem.

Finally, his voice sounds deep when he telekinetically speaks, and while it isn’t exactly human sounding, it does seem more male than female, although this is presumably just a preference of his.

Personality: WIP for both.

Cho History: Cho was adopted by a gay couple from the United States soon after she was born. Her fathers raised her with kindness and love, and strongly encouraged her to follow her own path in life, to be herself. Up until the age of eleven, there was absolutely no trauma—or drama—in her life.

But then, on her eleventh birthday, her parents got into a horrific car accident.

Thankfully, there were no casualties and her fathers got out of it with only minor injuries, and while her birthday party was delayed a week there was no real cause for alarm.

Soon, however, puberty came, and with it came a great deal of psychic power. Her fathers found her absent from her bed one evening, and after a search party failed to find her, she walked down from her room and sleepily greeted her fathers and the police by questioning regarding all the racket that was going on. Naturally, they thought she had hid, and began questioning her—but she had been sound asleep the whole time. Sure, she had a rather vivid dream of being a vigilante out saving lives…

Further observation showed that she actually disappeared when she slept. Surprised at this turn of events, her parents never connected her disappearance with the strange news of a vigilante who had entered the streets, saving lives and fighting crimes in the name of justice…

(WIP from there.)

Psyche History: WIP

Psyche Powers: His powers include such things as summoning a pair of ethereal wings to use to fly, summoning a pair of thin blades that come out of his arms (Which he’s dubbed, “Stingers,”), being at peak physical condition (for a normal human), sending his thoughts to his allies, and, of course, basically surviving any attack due to his inhuman nature, albeit losing massive amounts of energy in the process. An additional power is his silence—he never makes any noise, be it verbal or from the environment, and while this does mean he can’t be talked, being beaten up by a guy who made no noise as he flapped down behind you is horrific as all get out. Finally, he has the power of astral projection—when he becomes dormant, he can project the image of a nineteen year old girl by the name of, “Sarah Cho Lee.” His psychic powers let him bend reality so that a human looking girl appears to exist—and while this does cause his own body to become temporarily nonexistent due to the immense psychic strain it takes to create a living, breathing human, he is still very much alive.

Cho Powers: Simply put, she’s an extremely powerful psychic, of the sort that can bend reality—although her powers are, unfortunately, limited to only being used while she’s asleep due to the way the human brain works. While this would normally be considered to be a major drawback that would render her useless, fortunately it does come with its benefits. Namely, that she can create a projection of her inner consciousness when she’s asleep using her psychic powers. This projection, who was dubbed, “Psyche,” by those who first encountered him, is capable of using her psychic powers, although he’s still not capable of using her powers to their full potential. It’s worth mentioning that the psychic strain of using this ability causes her to become temporarily nonexistent physically (Although mentally she’s very much there, albeit sleeping).

Psyche Power Grid:
STR: 3
SPD: 3
END: 3
INT: 2
EP: 5
FS: 4

Cho Power Grid:
(No Flight.)
Str: 1
SPD: 1
END: 1
INT: 3
EP: Theoretically 7, with the limitation that she can only use it when she's asleep and only for the use of creating Psyche. Practically speaking, 0.
FS: 1

Roleplay Sample: (Lazy.)
Fake Crowley

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-10-04

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