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A step back- -or is it forward?

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A step back- -or is it forward?  Empty A step back- -or is it forward?

Post by ghost March 6th 2012, 5:58 pm

"Are you sure you want another?" The bartender asked. Lance slowly lifted his head. "What did I say?" He replied loudly, "Just now.. what did I say?" Lance continued to question in somewhat of a drunken manner. His body language was shifting and uncertain, it seemed to put the bartender on edge. "You said .. yes.. sir" He answered nervously. "Ehh... close enough" Lance said, as he watched the gold liquid being poured into the glass.

This was his fifth time in London, the first was a mission, so was the second, and the third. Somehow he managed to stay under the radar. But every time he stepped foot on this wretched peace of land he ended up have to kill at least a hundred men, the thoughts of their families, of the burning flesh that slowly melted and fell to the ground, the blood that stained his shoes, it all seemed to hunt him. The images kept coming to mind. Alcohol seemed to ease the vividness of the horrifying visions.

He reached for the glass. The scotch shifted around as his hand brought it to his mouth. Then he sucked it down quickly.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
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Registration date : 2011-02-21

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A step back- -or is it forward?  Empty Re: A step back- -or is it forward?

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 6th 2012, 11:03 pm

///*Madame Eris Sange///*

Perhaps it was the decaying flesh. Perhaps it was all the house-work that needed to be done that she continually ignored. Or maybe it was simply because she was British and enjoyed a good drinking binge as much as the next woman. She was a cannibal, not in-human. She was a mutant, but still enjoyed alcohol. She didn’t just eat and drink human flesh and blood ALL the time. Sometimes she enjoys a good soda or wine or ANYTHING a normal person would like . . . But her main courses were always HUMAN. That night, she had a black cloak over her dress and a hood over her head just to not frighten pedestrians. After all, Madame Sange was content for the time-being meal-wise. She was full and now wanted to relax. As long as the Madame wasn’t hungry, innocent people are safe . . . For the most part anyway. Sitting beside a slightly older man, she blinked those inky black, red, and orange, eyes, her multi-colored, eerie pupils dilating in the pub’s dim lighting.

“Ah, I’ll take a good sizing of what this chap has.” She grinned, giving the bartender an eerie toothy grin—A grin worthy of giving young children nightmares- and paid him. Leaning back in her chair and not seeming to mind all the scared gazed people gave her and the whispering of others, Eris sipped on the scotch and let a smirk crawl onto her permanently black stained lips. “Delicious, don’t you agree sir . . . ?” She questioned to no one in particular.

An odd figure she was to behold in a small, local pub. A well known CRIMINAL, in fact. A figure known well, but everyone also knew that they couldn’t stop the crazy Madame . . . She was pale as pale could get, had the singed tattoos forever scorched into her skin, inky black eyes with orange/red, slanted pupils, and deep black hair. She was truly a sight to behold . . . The epitome and wet dream of every goth and emo and the nightmare of any scientist. Yes, yes, she was Madame Eris Sange. The cannibal. The Lady in Red. Madame Roulette—The Maneater. And she was getting a drink on a Saturday night as any other normal 30 year old woman would’ve . . .

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
A step back- -or is it forward?  Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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A step back- -or is it forward?  Empty Re: A step back- -or is it forward?

Post by ghost March 6th 2012, 11:55 pm

The visions passed before his eyes. People screaming, their flesh melting. Not only men, but woman, and even children.

"People are bound to die..." his old partner said, "Especially with your abilities." His smile used to make Lance cringe, so blood thirsty, so brutal.. It seemed like he actually enjoyed watching. At that time Lance blamed video games. But now everything seemed so clear. Then the burning in his stomach subsided. He quickly took another drink, sucking it all down.

When the woman sat next to him he barely noticed. Until she spoke. "Hmm.. " He replied... Taking another drink. "Good stuff indeed.." Lance began to stand up, sliding the stool out from under him, then sliding off. When his feet hit the ground he started to wobble a little. His uncertain posture would have made people around him run for cover.

His white T-shirt and tan cargo pants where clean, maybe a sign that he wasn't a usual drunk. Well, not in this country anyway. Maybe in America. Lance started to walk away, heading toward the exit when the bartender called out.

"Sir! You forgetting something?" He asked pointing to his jacket that hung on the back of his chair.

"Sir!..." The only word that went through his head. The echo would have made a rock star cover his ears.

Suddenly, Lance was back in Iraq. The smell was strong and fresh. At the time it made him wanna lose that sense, but now... it was different. A smile rose on his face. He walked back to his chair, grabbed his coat, quickly put it on and pointed his palms toward the bartender. The smile got bigger... Time seemed to slow as the rush of adrenalin pumped through his body. The desire filled his mind... The smell.. The scenes of burning flesh.. They now seemed to be like a stroll through a beautiful garden.

Suddenly flames burst out from around the Bartender. Lance's vision was blurred, making it hard to concentrate. This gave the flames a mind of their own. Paying no attention to the screams, they seemed to jump off the man and attack the wood counter that was in front of him, then the alcohol. Being horrified the bartender emptied his lungs with a loud yell every time he got a chance. It was music to Lance's ears, for the first time he welcomed the sound.

The flames danced around the man and the bar. Alcohol quickly caught fire and soon the whole wall was an inferno. The crackling of the flames, the smell of the flesh, Lance couldn't help but start to laugh, he even thought it was amusing how the man didn't even try to move. He just stood there yelling with an expression on his face that expressed awe and terror. Lance was becoming a pyromaniac, everything was so beautiful to him, the blue, red, and yellow tint to the wall, the incinerating man. Quickly Lance swung his arms around, catching the whole building on fire. It would only be minutes till the wood structure is ashes.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 450
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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A step back- -or is it forward?  Empty Re: A step back- -or is it forward?

Post by Sweet_Sacrifice March 7th 2012, 8:49 pm

From the moment she'd set eyes onto him, Madame Sange had a feeling that this guy was different. The vast mysteriy and light in his eyes intrigued the sadistic fiend . . . Ashes rose and the Madame stood in the flames and watched emotionlesslly as everyone either burned, ran out, and the shack was burned down. But after awhile, Eris dispatched a vile of her blood and began to extinguish the flames with the iron-like liquid.

Chuckling softly, she sauntered up to the man. "Well, well, well . . . A fiery mutant with a bloody-hunger for ashes. Beautiful. Simply beautiful . . . . I am Madame Eris Sange. I assure you I am your ally unless stated otherwise . . . I can offer you a hand if you'd like it. You seem uncontrollable in your state . . . " Her cold voice was like an ignorant child raking her nails over a chalk-board, but strangely soothing . . . eerily soothing . . . Like Deaths cold Lullaby.

//*Madame Eris Sange*///
A step back- -or is it forward?  Adybe9

///*Come little children close your eyes
Dance with The Madame's pure black eyes
Feel the demons grab your feet
As you sway to their bloody beat
Hush little children close your eyes
Here come the broken butterflies///*

Fear is Inevitable--You can't escape it.
I am Fear itself--You can't escape me.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : Somewhere is the Swampy Marshes of Lousiana
Age : 28
Job : I'm so Fresh you Can Suck my Nuts
Humor : Swag
Registration date : 2012-02-26

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A step back- -or is it forward?  Empty Re: A step back- -or is it forward?

Post by ghost March 7th 2012, 9:25 pm

Lance stood there panting. It seems that he blacked out, not exactly able to remember what had happened or why. Yet when he looked at the flames and how their demonic dance slowed, he couldn't help but smile once again. The smell was amazing, the scene was beautiful, the smoke rose quickly toward the sky, it was one of the most awesome things Lance had seen. There was something about it... these thoughts where quickly extinguished when a woman in black started to put out the flames.

He couldn't make out exactly what she looked like because of his blurred vision, and wobbly stance. When he tried to lean forward and examine her a bit he fell strait on his face. Luckily he could make out what she said and rose his hand with a thumbs up. He thought that to be a good way to say, "sounds good". He didn't stop to think of simple questions, things like, "Why didn't she run?", or, "How can you help?" Before any of them could go through his head, he was past out.

Avatar image: By Ofelia Generated with AI.
Posting Master
Posting Master

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 450
Location : Everywhere
Age : 32
Job : Medical, Navy
Humor : Your mom
Registration date : 2011-02-21

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