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Post by Darrek April 18th 2016, 12:46 am

He was fast, he was strong, he could fly, and he was a martial artist! Not only that, if things ever got out of hand, he had an ace up his sleeve that almost guaranteed he could wipe the floor with any pleb villain that tried to threaten a citizen! Certainly, he should be out combatting tyranny within this beautiful city on this glorious day!

But no, he was currently working behind the counter at Wendy's, giving shitty people their shitty food. Surely, someone like him should be out making a difference, but that was something he couldn't do. For one, he didn't have the resources to follow every crime. At this point, the news only reported the really big stuff, things he could never hope to get involved with on his best day. Now, there's still plenty of crime he could find, but he doesn't have any radio that tuned in to police frequencies to easily do so. Whenever he found crime, it was a complete accident. Even if those issues were solved, he still had an apartment to pay for, one that wouldn't pay itself. If he didn't do this, he'd be homeless, and he's heard that sucks, so he won't let himself live like that.

Despite the fact that he felt as if just about anything would be a more productive use of his time than slowly killing Americans through high cholesterol and assisting poor life choices, he continued to stay behind the counter, joyfully saying "Hello and welcome to Wendy's! How may I help you today?" to whoever was next in line.

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Chase Blackburn:

Darrek Stimson:

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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2016-01-23

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