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Johnny Cobalt (Paradigm)

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Johnny Cobalt (Paradigm) Empty Johnny Cobalt (Paradigm)

Post by Andrew April 2nd 2016, 2:00 pm

The Man Nature Selected

Basic Biography

Real Name: John Cobalt
Hero Name: Paradigm
Title: The Man Nature Selected
Alignment:Lawful Neutral
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Zenthian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'8
Weight: 240 lbs
Blood type: Non human blood, appears blue, compatible with AB+

The Looks


The Legacy

Johny is a sweet and caring young man. Born to a dying race, he was raised by a very terrible adoptive family. battling depression and anxiety Johnny found value in humans, especially since he viewed himself as one. He is the first to help a person in need, and also the first to eat. He has the temper you read about though. Unfortunately the more he gets the less reasonable he becomes. While his intentions always remain pure this doesn't mean the way he goes about his acts of good are always justified.

When he was born, his civilization was hidden away from humanity. They were a Utopian on an Island only few knew about and even fewer could enter. The Zenthian's were a race that could adapt to any situation. Growing  to the age of 3 in a utopia made things difficult when the plague hit his people. He and one other survived. They were sent to the mainlands to be orphans. Well orphans they were. Adopted by a terrible family, the two were treated like slaves. Eventually he grew the name Johnny Cobalt, and his adoptive brother named himself Maxwell Cobalt. They did it mostly out of spite. Their adoptive family wanted them to take their name, Alexander. Since both of their first names were unable to be pronounced by humans , they chose John and Maxwell from movies they had seen.

Upon turning 18 they left the home, and began schooling at a higher education, both born with super brains. His brother wanted to be a doctor, Johnny wanted to create cures for disease. They graduated 1 and 2 in their college class before going on to create an empire of hospitals and medical clinics. From Los Angeles to New York. They were living large, and doing what they love. Once the assault on New York happened both worked tirelessly to keep people alive in the hospitals, and once the Portal above the city opened Johnny knew it was time.

Creating some weapons for himself, he prepared to go out and fight crime. His own personal paradigm was shifting. It was time to help the world from the inside and out. The Zenthians may be gone but he and his brother were what was left. They would defend the honor of their people.  

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1: Passive Situation Adaptation: Johnny's body will naturally adapt to just about any circumstance. If he's falling from a roof he may grow wings, or he may harden and smash into the ground beneath him. If a bullet is shot his direction, he may develope insane reaction time and dodge it. Perhaps he may become composed of rubber and bounce it back. This power has yet to show signs of offensive capability, however Johnny hasn't learned to harness it completely.

Power 2: Superhuman Intellect: This man is truly chosen by nature to survive. his brain is a well oiled machine. He is capable of analyzing attack patterns, figuring out how to reverse engineer technology, or even pick up a fighting skill simply by watching enough times. He won't become a black belt over night, but given enough time he is able to figure out just about anything.


Weakness 1: Being of another race, believed to be dead by most, he is very weak against human magic.

Weakness 2: The Rage: Usually calm and collected. When Johnny becomes irate his brain stops functioning on such a high level. The more mad he is the less intelligent he becomes.

Weakness 3: He can only adapt to 1 situation at a time... for now.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s):
Immune to earth drugs.
Excellent marksman
master strategist
loyal to a fault
great hand to hand fighter
great at creating gadgets


The Suit: Created and enchanted by his brother. Zenthian magic allows it to shift with his body as needed. It also contains a belt used for storing his throwing stars and knives.

The Striker: A Custom .50 caliber handgun.There are Zenthian markings on the handle.

The Void: A crossbow specially designed by Johnny that is  accurate at an extreme distance, and auto reloads for him.

The Blade of Zenth: This blade is extendable up to 80 feet. it cant move in all directions while it's extending. Blessed by Zenthian magic, this sword can almost vibrate to cut through any material. Be it extended or at it's normal size. It's virtually unbreakable. Possible Johnny's deadliest weapon.
Normal State:


Weakness: Bound to do good: Johnny cannot activate the magic of this sword with intent to hurt the innocent. Even the slightest hint of evil in his heart and this sword becomes no more powerful than a regular katana.

The Teeth: a pair of daggers used by Johnny, they are made of a strong Titanium Alloy.

Grapple Gun: Able to fire this device up to 300 feet. The end becomes wedged in whatever he launches it into.

Throwing stars: Very sharp, very accurate, very deadly. These triangular like throwing knives are always in Johnny's belt.

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Johnny Cobalt (Paradigm) Empty Re: Johnny Cobalt (Paradigm)

Post by The Bolt April 2nd 2016, 2:39 pm

Approved until stated otherwise
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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