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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga March 2nd 2016, 2:59 am

(But we must! )

Diana Mendoza had finally found an Antique Store in L.A. that sold legitimate swords, in the middle of a sprawling, garden-type commercial mall complex. The swordsman greatly enjoyed her mocha lattes with her weapons shopping, and so placed her drink on the store's counter when she and the owner, an aging Japanese man, goes out into the garden and set up a Bamboo pole wrapped in a straw mat. A few people were

"KIAI!" Diana, dressed in her pricey street clothes, slices the thing in a single swing, sending it sprawling. The crowd assembled give Diana a light applause, and she returns the applause with bows. "It's perfect, Katsumoto-san."

"Hai. Very hard to make request. Money not most important thing to Katsumoto's friend. Katsumoto's friend not have deal with rent." The Japanese man explained his difficulty in obtaining the weapon.

"It's worth every penny." Diana sheathes the sword and hand it back to the store owner to be paid for properly. Katsumoto didn't receive the weapon, however.

"D-d-d-d-d- Diana san... D-d-d-d-d..." The old japanese store owner began to stutter and point behind Diana.

"Katsumoto-san?" Diana asked what was wrong.

"Dinosaur!" Katsumoto blurted out, then headed back into his store.

A roar, and the crowd at the mall began screaming in panic. From the Jurassic World IV Gift Shop, a trio of raptors stalked the grounds, snapping at the civilians.

"Now there's something you don't see every day." Diana thought.

"Help! Help! my baby! My baby's still in her crib!" A cry of help came from a woman whose baby carriage was somehow twenty feet away from her, and only ten feet from the Velociraptors. The baby's cry got the predators' attention, and slowly they stalked towards the little appetizer.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Samael Christensen March 2nd 2016, 3:37 am

He was always aware of when time was being violated. It was a sensation that rippled across his skin, like some kind of terrible burning STD that he didn't have the ointment for, or even a situation he lacked a metaphor for. This was his job to fix, the little annoying time disturbances that occasionally popped up in ways that he did not normally like to deal with. "I swear, there's always some problem." he muttered to himself, hands burying into the pockets of his thick jacket as he thought over the time period he would have to go to. Images would flash across the blank expanse until something came to view, or rather a few things to be exact. Three reptilian creatures that did not look like they belonged where they were, or so the time stream said. Still, if this was something that needed to be fixed, well that was what he needed to do.

With a wave of his hand, a rip would open within the empty space and he stepped through. There was always a certain nostalgic feeling in doing so, as he stepped out into the cool air of LA or rather the mall air. These were something that he could really dig if the current situation was not going on right now. His one open eye focused upon the problem at hand, which was only really a byproduct now that he thought about it. His eyes then fell upon what looked to a baby being encroached upon by two hungry looking raptors, something that didn't sit right by even him. The poor child had a good sixty tears in their life before they bit the big one...or rather the big one bit them. All it took was a thought, and he was standing next to the mewling babe, wrenching it from the stroller and then he was gone, appearing across the otherside.

"Now I know why ya losers went extinct. Always eating babies and not bein dead." He noted, handing the baby to the woman crying for their child. He kept his off color eye always closed, revealing only a single bland looking brown eye, that one turning to the raptors as he produced two white looking sharp constructs that appeared to be meant to pierce. With a snap of his fingers, they were launched with the intent to damage, but broke apart to bind up the deadly reptiles.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga March 2nd 2016, 9:20 am

Diana burst through the door ready for battle, but from literally nowhere, or perhaps the same way the dinosaurs appeared, a stranger with unusual abilities shows up. The velociraptors, dangerous as they were for their time, proved little consequence to Time Cop. Bound and gagged, the prehistoric animals tried to break free, to no avail.

The mother of course, was thankful and forgettable. She took off and the baby eating situation was averted for now.

"Okay... so left the cage in Jurassic World open?" Diana looked down at the bound raptor and gave it a good swift kick. It reacted wildly, tail flailing around and hissing, spooking Diana for a second.

"Tough guy huh?!" She pantomimed kicking it, but decided to look at the oddly dressed man. "Thanks for the quick moves. Didn't think I've seen anyone move faster."

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Samael Christensen March 8th 2016, 6:48 pm

"Remember mam, take care of that little guy. Otherwise he might get eaten by something else." He warned, almost sarcastically if someone didn't know their brand of humor. His eye then moved from the now bound raptors to the one that had gone out of their way to kick them, feeling as if they had some importance but ignoring that. "No one's faster than me...but I guess that comes with the whole teleporting thing." He added, looking back down to the reptiles as he considered how to get rid of them.

Considering they had appeared through a hole within time, all that it took was reopening that hole and throwing them back in. Sourcing the temporal energy that had been displaced to create such a hole, things would get interesting from there. "Okay everyone, step back. Unless you want to get sucked into a time period millions of years in the past. Then step forward, I'm sure scary dinosaurs would love the taste of Darwinism." From there he could prepare the portal to throw these things back, unless of course something was wrong to the point where he could not simply do that.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga March 8th 2016, 10:02 pm

"Time portals? So these are for real dinosaurs? I thought Dinosaurs were lizards. these things have feathers." Shows how much Diana knows about dinosaurs.

The time rift that brought the raptors to the mall reacted negatively to whatever temporal device Time Cop brought along. It caused the Jurassic to somehow "spill" into reality, turning a row of stores and nearby greenery into pre-historic jungle. Giant ferns and trees replaced buildings, while insects and creepy crawlies the size of corgis began to skitter about underfoot.

The sword wielding Diana, most uncomfortable seeing a centipede as long as her weapon, cut through the nearest critter that got too close. Insect goo promptly spills onto the floor and Diana's sword, and Time Cop's clothes.

The skies over L.A. soon erupted into chaos as well, as Nazi Germany's Luftwaffe were having to dogfight with pterodactyls. Machine guns rip through the creatures, but the large flight of flying dinosaurs were swarming planes, causing them to crash in explosive fashion.

There was a massive temporal anomaly amiss, if this wasn't already obvious. Time portals were opening around the city, the cause yet to be known. Likely someone finally built a time machine and got some wires crossed.

"...I'm not really following what's happening. Is the world coming to an end? Or... " Diana asked, only to swing her sword at a giant wasp that flew too close. It dodged, but a gunshot craters it. From a nearby corner, a masked man in a red SS uniform carrying the smoking luger, emerged. He carried with him a sheathed sword. The SS officer was accompanied by a woman with wild, disheveled hair and wore rags, carrying a staff. They also had a large man apparently made from solid iron carrying a portable cannon.

"Greetings mein american freunds. It seems ve are no longer in Berlin. Can you be so kind as to tell us where we are?"

"Who... who're you?" Diana looked to the side show rejects, but upon seeing the officer's blade, her heart almost stopped.

"Forgive my manners, fraulein. I am Baron Johann Mordenheim... of ze Nazi SS Occult Division. My associates are der Ubersoldat, und Die Hexe." He said with a sarcastically polite tone.

"Nazis? Aren't you like, bad guys?" Diana asked, revealing again her ignorance of history. Seriously, she didn't know who the nazis were. She looked to time cop for a little guidance.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Elena Vexus March 10th 2016, 3:16 pm

It was seriously just supposed to be a typical Tuesday. Vexus was on the east coast pulling some research numbers. Her most recent projects focused more so on spacetime distortions, it was definitely a challenging field for her. In recent years she had stumbled onto discoveries of spacetime, however most of them resulted in catastrophic injuries to herself. So now she was taking a more subtle approach to these things. Accidents and mistakes were the best way to come across new information, but she couldn't afford to destroy herself every time she got even slightly closer to a breakthrough.
Her General attended to some of the information while keeping a steady eye on her device which detected disturbances in spacetime. This way, she could go to the 'discovers' that other people have made and take down information without making any life threatening mistakes herself. It had undoubtedly been a slow month, but having a handle on spacetime would be majorly beneficial to her in the long run. If she could use her discoveries to improve travel, then the world could leap forward in the advancement of the human race. Interestingly enough, she had been working on projects like these since World War II when she was a Nazi SS Scientist.

As time moved towards the end of the day, something popped up on her radar. There seemed to be a discrepancy on the west coast. It was a small blip, but nothing had happened in quite sometime so it would at least be worth investigating. Elena threw on an outfit worth being seen in public in and prepared her transport to take her and her General to the location of the small disturbance. With the aid of her Celestial Eye, the two of them were dematerialized and sent rocketing across the country.
The two of them reappeared on top of a building in LA, Vexus immediately threw up a pressure barrier as what seemed to be an old German war plane crashed into them.
"What the hell is this. This is absolutely NOT a small disturbance..."
"It does seem that our information may have been slightly skewed."

This was an apocalyptic level of temporal disturbance. Dinosaurs were combating with what seemed to be Nazi Germany. There was a nearby shopping complex where they were getting a reading of a single time anomaly. Something that seemed to belong, but was out of place all at the same time. That would be where they would start. Though, entering the mall seemed to be a little more complicated than stepping through some automatic sliding doors. Plants from the Jurassic era had completely consumed the entrance, and of course Vexus had not worn the proper shoes for 'offloading'. She raised her hand and a red spell circle appeared on the foliage before a strong burst of fire cut clear through the plants and burst through on the other side. Her and her General stepped through into the opening to see some strangely familiar Nazi soldiers, an asian girl, and a boy who posed the most interest due to the strange readings he was giving off. She adjusted her sunglasses as they scanned the people in the room, only the girl was from this current time period. Elena slowly walked closer and moved her sunglasses on top of her head.
"Hello everyone, does anyone care to explain what's happening here?" she said with a casual chuckle.
"Elena? Fräulein Elena Vexus?"
"Madame Vexus, are you familiar with this gentleman..?" asked her bodyguard.
"Was machst du hier?! Ich dachte, Sie in der Zeit Katastrophe ums Leben..."
"Nein! Sie waren es, die zugrunde gingen..."
Elena's eyes widened at this realization. These Nazi soldiers were from a different timeline, a parallel universe where their time travel experiments proved successful.

"The year is 2021(?)..."
Johann's eyes widened and he exclaimed in success that the trials had proved fruitful.
"The date where you have come from, was it June the 8th, 1940...?"
The SS man took a step back, very surprised at Elena's knowledge of where they had traveled from.
"Ja... But, that would make you nearly a century old, Elena... he said in a heavy German accent.
"That is correct. However, in the timeline you have just entered the experiment you conducted on that day was a failure. The lab imploded into the time vortex you had created. I was the only survivor... It seems not only have you moved through time, but also dimensions as well. I assumed I perished only moments before you arrived here?"
Johann nodded and Elena crossed her arms.

"Es ist äußerst wertvolle Informationen, die ausgetauscht werden muss, mein alter Freund..."
Vexus then turned her attention to the girl and the boy.
"Do either of you have any arguments with me taking these three back to my laboratories for a little bit of friendly reminiscing?"
Vexus was currently unaware of the boy's ability to manipulate time, only assuming he had tripped and fallen through one of the many portals opening up. Once she had enough information from these successful Nazi scientists, she would no doubt be able to reverse the damage done by the time complications currently ensuing. Following that, of course, she would use her discoveries to benefit herself. Hopefully these two wouldn't cause in disruptions in her plans...


Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Samael Christensen March 10th 2016, 6:12 pm

Normally when he snapped a finger, a portal to the right place would open and not unleash more problems. This likely meant that someone had definitely messed up, if they could screw up even his powers. "World isn't ending yet, but I do need to do some clean up before we reach that point." He said, single open eye turning towards what looked to be new arrivals within their time. Large insects had flown through, mostly swarred down by the impressive swordsmanship of the unknown female that had jumped in to aid him. Not that he really needed the help, but it was much appreciated if he didn't have to do more work than he had to. Honestly, he hated having to deal with time crisis, but when they popped up, well that was his que to leap into action. Luckily any idiot that got swept through usually underestimated the short guy with one eye closed.

One of the massive mosquitos would fly his way, but found itself being bisected by a strange looking energy attack, it's disgusting insides splattering about as he avoided letting any of it touch him. "Yuck, that's probably not going to wash out any time soon." He noted as everything else around him was soaked with the internal fluids of a now extinct insect. Things only got worse as...what appeared to be Nazi's appeared from the portal, all dressed up and sporting accents to boot. Well if time traveling was involved, it had to be the Nazi's at some point, and luckily they left behind their gas. Member of an occult division, which meant they delved into the magical side of things. Likely they dabbled in things that they shouldn't have and were paying for that, or would pay for that if he had his way. That burning ich elevated into something more like a sharp pain that came and went.

He grimaced, glaring at the three that had come through with an almost baleful expression. While they weren't bad guys in the grand scheme of things, they had managed to make his shitlist pretty quickly. It was also possible that they had nothing to do with these portals, so he would withhold the fire and brimstone treatment until proven necessary. All that mattered now was that they needed to be thrown back into their own time, and that was when another problem revealed itself. Well, it wasn't one at the start, but rather someone curious about what was going on. Not exactly normal human behavior, as that would have detailed some running and screaming from the dangers pouring through. It was upon looking at the one accompanying her that he saw something more to them.

She knew these people displaced within time. Meaning that either she was displaced as well, or had just lived long enough to know them and still be within this time as well. They spoke within their native language, something that confused him considering he had never bothered to learn anything beyond the language he started out with. Luckily some parts were spoken in English, otherwise he would have demanded some manner of subtitles. Vexus however just confirmed what he was thinking, that these people had either created an anomaly or something else entirely. "Unfortunately I'll have to say no to the friendly little pow wow. Time is literally splitting apart as we speak, and I don't know about any of you, but I like the universe not being destroyed." He noted, keeping his hands buried in his thick jacket pockets.

"These fine people are going back to their timeline, along with the dinosaurs and anything else that came through."
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 903
Registration date : 2012-08-21

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga March 10th 2016, 7:36 pm

"Soldat, go and scout the area for any more threats." Johann was going to handle the talking, so their steely-faced grunt packing a cannon was going elsewhere to ensure the area was managable.

"Nazis? Bad... guys? My dear, ve are the Third Reich, the inheritors of Rome... the destined masters of the world." Johann looked at Diana intently, trying to figure something to say to get on her good side. It seemed they were far enough in the future that young folk did not know the Nazis- and this proved an extremely troubling implication in Johann's quick thinking.

He interjected the conversation with Vexus, wanting immediate spoilers. He looked around and saw all the signs of a rich capitalist society.

"Elena, while I would greatly enjoy sharing some bratwurst and Riesling, tell me frankly. Does the Third Reich rule all of Europe now? or did we lose ze war, given that madman's insanity and our calculations?"  

However, this friendly banter between old colleagues proved a bit agitating for Hexe. "Frau Elena... it seems you are doing so well for yourself. Why don't you show us around?"

The witch teen demonstrates her disaste by physically interposing between Elena and Johann. Sofia was always a jealous creature, jealous of almost any woman who spoke to Johann. Becoming the Spider Witch gave her no degree of maturity at all, unfortunately.

"Hexe, not now. Can't you see we have a situation?"

The teen witch hidden under the rags hissed and clicked, but conceded. She most definitely did not want her beloved Johann angry at her.

Cannonfire off in the distance suggested the steel-faced goon was doing his job of making the area relatively safe. There were monstrous screams, and there were also human screams.

Johann spied Diana's katana, recognizing its origin. "You are an oriental, ja? A... Japanese, given your weapon. We are meant to be allies. Japan aims to rule all of the East."

"It does?" Diana asked, shrugging, not really sure about that.

Johann grimaced. Diana's ignorance grated on Johann's intellectual attitude. "What are they teaching young folk in school zese days, Elena? She does not know of Imperial Japan, nor of our work. Have we been erased from ze history books?"

Once Time Cop explained the situation more clearly, Johann's expression seemed to turn very... cooperative. "...Universe destroyed? Then it seems our goals align. I for one have no wish to acclimate to a future I am unfamiliar with." He said, with a most unnervingly polite tone. Most uncharacteristic of the one dubbed "Baron Crossbones" by Nazi Propaganda.

Still, Johann caught on very quickly to the situation. "Ze machine we developed was woefully unprepared for anything but disaster, hastily assembled as it was to appease the Fuhrer. I theorize a disturbance from this time period resonated with our experiment, thus bringing us here, rather than atomizing us... but alas, I have no such device to detect temporal anomalies."

The nazi's theorem was astute, as a major anomaly was occuring at a university laboratory a mere 5 blocks away.

Diana looked at Elena and Time Cop, her expression completely lost in all this scientific mumbo jumbo. "...Ugh... I guess I can... help by stabbing things that get in our way." She said in a sad resignation, knowing her talents hardly helped outside the need for a sword arm.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Elena Vexus March 11th 2016, 12:41 am

Even for Vexus taking the Germans to tea would be selfish, even for her. No doubt that the longer they were in this time period, the worse things would get. If all of then temporal warping continued, it would spread across the globe and more than likely echo across the galaxy and just like he said destroy the entire universe. It was a bit of a hassle, but Vexus would agree in setting things right again. A rare sight indeed.
"My apologies, this probably is not the time for playing catch up with old friends. Fixing whatever has happened here takes precedence. General, record everything. Energy levels, anomalies, all of it. I will need to review this data in explicit detail when we return to the laboratory."

"Unfortunately Germany does not rule Europe and Japan is no longer an Imperial land. This one just seems to be dense judging by her lack of knowledge in anything but swordsmanship." With her arms still crossed she turned her attention to the boy with one eye closed.
"You give off an interesting aura. I'm assuming you have the ability to help correct this. I will cooperate in assisting in reverting reality back to its current state, however I will be documenting everything for further study.
My General and I are equipped with a device that can detect anomalies."
She said to Johann. "However the calibration is off so the severity of them may be a little bit skewed..." she said as her seven foot tall cloaked mechanical bodyguard tinkered with the device while paying very close to all of his surroundings.

Directing her attention back the the boy, she took notice of his one closed eye but did not make mention of it but did assume that she was not the only one with ocular abilities.
"I normally do not divulge my abilities but for the sake of the situation. I am very adept in technological advances. Johann can attest to that. My General here is a creation of mine. I also possess an array of magical abilities. I can sense that you are far more adept in the matters of space and time, so I will follow your lead."
Cooperation to this degree was not something Vexus did very often, however the repercussions of attempting to repair reality on her own would more than likely result in her own destruction as well as the rest of the universe. As a scientist she liked to take chances, however such stakes made her rather uncomfortable.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Samael Christensen March 11th 2016, 2:01 am

Luckily his mention of the universe being destroyed managed to gather the attention of everyone around. It may have had to do with the fact that they all lived in this little universe of theirs which sounded rather logical and for the most part just right. Now pleased with how everyone was going, he let his disposition calm down somewhat as his mind ran over what could be interfering with his powers. There were few things that could actually do that and it didn't make sense for a certain existential entity to mess around with things. One of them would ask about their little war, current affairs as it was and he didn't really care about that. Not like knowing would destroy the universe any faster than it already was being destroyed. Still, the oriental girl continued to prove her ignorance in a way that made his brain hurt, or rather would if it was not already hurting.

A hastily assembled machine sounded like something that could cause such catastrophe, or rather a problem, however something of this level should have been easy to deal with. There was more to this than faulty tech, that much he could tell. They needed someone or something that could detect temporal anomalies. Well that was something that he could do pretty well. "Need someone that can detect anomalies? I can do that." He said, removing a hand from his jacket and raising it. "It's a special talent of mine, dealing with the whole temporal stuff." Whether the others would be of any value, well he would find that out one way or another. Honestly, he was hoping they wouldn't have to do any fighting but there was always some kind of conflict going on, so he was prepared should violence be the answer.

This Vexus lady seemed rather knowledgeable, or very good at reading people. Not that the knowledge of his abilities would do her too much good unless she knew how to counter them properly.  "Good choice there. Anything involving time is sort of my expertise afterall. Wouldn't want to follow the lead of someone like miss stabby rip stab stab." He said motioning towards Diana with trademark grin still present. Just as he said that, an anomaly made itself present five blocks away from where they were. He knew, because...well he felt it opening up and man did that sting. "Well, everyone grab on and I'll get use there. I mean, we could walk but teleporting is so much cooler." If any of them laid their hands on him, they would feel a strange sensation as they were moved through space and time to the next anomaly. For those that did not, well they could walk.
Samael Christensen
Samael Christensen

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga March 11th 2016, 9:41 am

"Very well... lead ze way, we will protect you from any... uninvited company." At that promise, Baron Crossbones drew his saber- simple, but well crafted, the blade's steel as black as night. Diana saw it and without a doubt, recognized it. The Blood Sword. Here. In the possession of another Chosen like herself. She looked at it intently, and Johann noticed the attention.

"Something the matter fraulein?" He asked, in that ever polite, ever calm... and unnervingly friendly tone. He waved the sword around as it had Diana's undivided attention.

"Your sword. Where did you get it?" Diana blurted it out, with little subtlety.

"Ah, a tale for another time my dear. Finding this blade was an adventure in of itself. But we must make ourselves scarce- the Luftwaffe is suffering sorely in the sky! Hexe! Elena!" A cloud of winged creatures caused another german craft to plummet out of the sky, and this time on a collision course towards them. Diana quickly grabs onto Time Cop, and so did the Nazis. The teenage witch drags her petty jealousy whenever Vexus got close to Johann.

*** TIME! ***

Another anomaly takes the group closer but not exactly at their destination. The location was the scene of a most recent battle; cannon fire scarred the area, bodies of men and horses eviscerated to paste by large caliber rounds. Diana, unused to the sensation of spatial displacement, vomits from teleportation sickness.

Determined to get something useful from the time period, Johann continued to interrogate Vexus on historical events.

"So... Elena... I must know. how did the allies prevent our victory? Aside from massive industrialization... They must have employed some strategem, or some weapon. Perhaps They developed their own Ubermensch? When did the war turn against us?"

Diana though, was beginning to understand what Johann was doing. She wiped the puke from her chin, and stood up, reclaiming what little dignity she had left. In modern expression, he was asking for major spoilers. "Hey Time Cop. Is it really okay for Red Guy here to get spoilers? Isn't there like, a rule against that or something?" She asked Time Cop one of those time travel questions.

"There is no harm in asking, is there?" Johann asked, so subtly spinning sarcasm beneath the politeness.

Once reality stabilized around them, The ruins all around them were reminiscent of ancient greek cities- almost no space between buildings, and roads meant for carts and walking rather than cars. The straightest path of course, lies forward...

Johann used his blade to inspect the dead bodies, mulched as they were by giant exploding bullets. The distinctive weaponry and armor struck a cord in Johann's erudition. The historian within him was positively thrilled to see these things in person, and his academic excitement escaped his otherwise neutral tone.

"Greek hoplites and cavalry... Turned to paste by Ubersoldat's cannon fire. And the trail leads into this Greek temple... A Temple of Athena, the goddess's statue defaced. By something with claws." Johann thought for a moment, as he knelt to inspect the broken statuary. The image of Athena was broken a long time before Uber came here, and it was broken with blunt force rather than explosives. Doubting Diana had any useful insight to offer, Johann instead turned to her colleague, Vexus.

"Can you take a guess who lies beyond this temple?" He asked, extending the claw-scarred head of Athena. Johann felt an old friend and fellow academe would know her mythology better.

"Uh, can your Uber driver also turn to stone, Baron?" Diana called out, discovering something at the foot of the temple.

Johann looked at Elena in silence. It seemed their newest obstacle was a mythological monster.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Elena Vexus March 16th 2016, 12:37 am

The group of them were teleported to another location amongst the time anomalies currently ensuing. Johann was questioning Elena on some of the events that transpired after his time. The girl did speak up to trying to make sure that he didn't get any info he shouldn't here. She had a very valid point, though.
"There was a little thing called D-Day. And that's all I shall on the situation. Because the girl is right, spoilers..."
Revealing too much could tilt the balance. She was already in enough trouble with whatever higher beings kept tabs on reality, she really did not need to go in on telling the Nazi's how they lost the war. No doubt this Time Cop fellow would have a few choice words to say if she did.

The location at which they arrived was dressed like ancient Greece, only difference is that destruction sown through the streets. From the looks of it, their cannon friend had been here not too long ago. A statue of Athena had been destroyed, and not by their metal friend it seems. There were claw marks all around, noting that someone or something else was responsible for the destruction in the area. Johann then asked who, or what, was inside of the temple before them. She had a few guesses, but her idea was solidified when Diana pointed out that the "Uber Driver" had turned to stone at the foot of the temple.
"How interesting. I suppose these mythological beasts we thought we knew so much about are not so mythical after all..."

Vexus casually extended her hand out and a red ring appeared around the entire temple. Her General signaled for the group to stand back a little as he himself took a couple steps in reverse. Elena then flicked her wrist while pointing upward and an immense pillar of fire erupted from the red magic ring around the temple. Flames flooded every corridor, broke down pillars and obliterated the ceiling. Vexus was just trying to coax the legendary monster out of hiding. The fire ceased, revealing a heavily charred temple. Pillars and some more structured parts of the establishment were still intact, though most of it had been destroyed.
Elena then extended her index and ring fingers. Two very tiny blue magic circles appeared above her fingers as she she brought her right arm across her chest. Her General was tracking the beast waiting for it to exit the still smoldering remains, and as soon as it did Vexus would unleash another powerful attack. Then, from the left, she appeared. The snake beast Medusa came slithering towards the group at full speed. Elena immediately released her attack, creating a highly pressurized beam of water that sliced through pretty much anything as it traveled from left to right across the battle field. It cut through the higher standing pillars causing them to crumble to the ground, and with the water hitting the still hot coals a cloud of steam, dust, and smoke was thrown up.

Elena remained focused on the cloud to see if her attacks had proved successful. In the next instant her eyes widened as an arrow pierced through the dust and whizzed by her head, missing by only inches. The dust began to settle as Medusa stood as she lowered her bow, materializing another arrow in her hand. There was armor on the ground that had been cut through, Elena could only assume that had protected the demon from her initial attack.
"I do believer that she--"
"Missed intentionally. I am aware, General, thank you..."
So the bitch wants to play... she thought as she balled up her fists, cracking her knuckles. The General, taking note of her changed expression, moved even further away knowing that the clash that was about to begin would not be one to enjoy from close up. Hopefully the group would follow suit.

Medusa nocked her arrow and Vexus extended her hand. The Greek creature released her arrow at a mind blowing speed at the same time Vexus released her attack. In front of her had a large white magic circle appeared and from it roared slicing winds greater than any storm. This easily knocked down the arrow, but Medusa held fast only being slightly fazed by the powerful wind attack. Vexus brought her right hand over to the left and the extended it all the way back out to her right extended the width of the attack to encompass the entire remains of the temple while also increasing its power.
The wind ceased and Vexus brought her hand down causing all the dust that had been kicked up to immediately leave the area, which revealed Medusa firing another arrow. Vexus quickly dove to the right into a roll still only to be caught on the side of her cheek by the tail feathers of the arrow. Because of its speed, it cut pretty deep quickly drawing blood. The warmth of the red liquid down the side of Elena's face greatly annoyed her, despite the cut healing up in a matter of seconds. She stood up and let out a deep breath. Her opponent no longer had any where to hide as Elena's last attack had leveled the battle field completely, as well as extinguishing any remaining flames. It was obvious that Elena needed to keep her distance, the supernatural abilities of this demigod were known even by children. Before Vexus could even finish properly formulating, Medusa began to close the gap. And fast. Her snake body pushed her across the flattened battle field faster than Elena had anticipated. In response, Vexus began firing pressure blasts in areas that Medusa moved across with just the point of her finger. Even so, her attacks here too slow, the Greek archery legend easily evading everything. When she had made it within 100 feet, Vexus pushed out with both of her hands releasing one large pressure wave that send Medusa somersaulting backwards. The snake stopped herself by digging both her claws and bow into the ground. Elena had regained her distance, but had still yet made no progress in subduing this creature.

Medusa did not waste a single movement, as soon as she skidded to a halt she nocked three arrows simultaneously and launched them towards Vexus. Elena swiped her hand upwards with another wind spell circle which easily deflected the arrows, but as the arrows spun in the air the realigned their trajectory with their target and continued on with their same impressive speed. Vexus was alerted by her shared vision with her General, but still could not react swiftly enough. The arrows cleared clean through Elena's shoulder and hand, but the third one had bolted her to the ground. It entered through her shin, exited through the back of her leg and buried itself in the ground.
"Shit!" Elena cursed out loud. Not only from the pain, but because Medusa was on another head strong charge towards her.
"I've hand enough of this!"
Vexus folded her hands together releasing a shockwave of power, spiderwebbing the ground beneath her. She then broke the arrow and pulled herself free. The wave of energy sent out startled Medusa causing her to stop her charge for only a moment. Though as soon as she resumed, Vexus launched herself towards the monster. Her speed turned over the earth that she leapt from. Medusa swung at Vexus with her bow, but she avoided by flipping up and over her. The snake's tail grabbed Vexus around the waist in mid air and slammed her to the ground, while on the ground Elena tightly grabbed hold of the tail and did the same to her. It was clear that Medusa had not at all been expecting such a dramatic increase in strength, though Vexus was being reckless. She kept her eyes averted from her gaze, however charging in so quickly and taking a hard high right off the bat was incredibly careless on her part. Despite being slammed into the ground, Medusa was unfazed by the strike. While still holding on, multiple red magic circles began to appear all over the snake woman. They all ignited sending the Greek creature on a flailing rampage. Vexus had let go and put some distance between the two, but she still did not see any lasting damage.
The instant the magic fire subsided Vexus took off in another destructive burst of speed, and this time placed a devastating punch right in Medusa's abdominal region. Elena could feel that more damage had been done to her own right arm than to Medusa. And from a distance it could be seen how much the creature towered over Vexus. The creature had been pushed back quite a bit and had most definitely felt the punch, but she easily shook it off and retaliated by putting Vexus in a bind with her tail. Not even in her physically enhanced state could she manage to break free of the ensnarement.
"Shit..." Elena allowed her increased power aura fade and she closed her eyes. Off in the distance her general drew what was essentially a lightsaber and prepared to intervene. Medusa smirked and even let out a slight chuckle as she brought Elena up to eye level. The snakes that made up her hair all stared intently with their host as they prepared to give world's original death stare. Vexus' left eye opened slowly revealing her Celestial Eye which glared right back into Medusa's eyes. The monster was confused as to why her legendary ability was not doing anything to the woman. From around the both of them a silver sand like substance began to appear, it multiplied very rapidly quickly encasing the both of them in a spiraling twister. Upon seeing this, the General sheathed his weapon.
The conflict has been settled. What is it that we need to take care of at this location to resole the time crisis? Ms. Vexus will be returning to us momentarily." said her bodyguard.
The tornado of Technomatter dissipated, leaving nothing behind but a light cloud of the silver dust like substance. The cloud condensed into two streams which spiraled back over to where the group stood and as if like a magic trick Vexus stepped forward from the cloud of the strange matter. In her hand she held Medusa's head with a blindfold around the eyes.
"I felt like it was tradition." she said casually as she handed the severed monster's head to her bodyguard who placed it in a sack. Her victory over the beast was only chance in all honesty. Vexus took a gamble that her Celestial Eye would be immune to the supernatural effects of Medusa's glare. It was an experiment. Granted there were many of other methods she could have utilized in order to exterminate the Greek demigoddess, but she felt it was most appropriate to allow the confidence of the opposing party get the best of them. A tactic often used against Vexus.

"Now then, are we finished here or are there other 'anomalies' that need to be dealt with?" she said casually. It may not be of major concern, but Vexus' clothes, hair and body were completely unscathed from the conflict. She needed to keep up the image of a powerful individual, someone who had not been fazed by such combat. In actuality her body was still repairing itself. Her body was in no way conditioned for such intense close combat. Not to mention the last constriction that Medusa had her in had severely damaged her lungs and ribcage. And even though her Celestial Eye was only active for a few moments, it stopped her regeneration putting her in an immense amount of pain while her Technomatter devoured her opponent. She would definitely need a moment before engaging in any extensive combat again.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Hyperion March 19th 2016, 10:30 pm

(Skip me this turn)

Shael Atterrius
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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by The Nekromonga April 7th 2016, 9:59 pm

"D-Day? I see." Johann's voice had a hint of disappointment, as even a close colleague would deny him the future. They venture forth into the temple to face Medusa.


Before the others could contribute, Vexus went nuclear on Medusa. Needless to say, it was a spectacle Diana couldn't find an opening to contribute to.

"...Still only counts as one." Diana deigned to joke to Vexus on her victory, feeling suitably outmatched and in need to prove herself useful.

"Bravo, bravo, Elena. It seems your power has only grown." Johann applauded Vexus on her victory, taking good care not to look at Medusa's head. Even dead, the myths told of how it retained its potency.

The ground beneath them shook as the time rifts began to sunder reality.

"No time to celebrate, let's go close that time-whatever." Diana put inelegantly.


Beyond the ruins of the temple, the landscape continued to shift and change. One area was reduced to primordial earth's volcanic landscape, while another area was a densely packed Medival European town, complete with dense fog. But the way to the anomaly was straight forward now, through a park.
There at the center of the anomaly, emerged dark, ominous humanoid war walkers. They strafe the city with laser weaponry, only to be immediately blasted with lightning from the sky. In the distance, the faintest shimmering outlines of humanoids descended directly at the Anomaly.

Diana blazed a trail for them, slicing through the thick undergrowth. Once again she was relegated to vermin control, as prehistoric giant cats try to ambush the group on the way. The big cats would attack, only to lose their paw and taste her blade. Except, there was no dismemberment happening, only unconscious kitties.

"Huh." Diana glanced at her sword and only just realized it was a reverse edge. She grumbled about using her new found weapon on something worth her while.

The Anomaly

"We're here." Diana said, looking around the place. Those war walkers were reduced to heaps of molten slag it seemed, and the only ones left standing was one... toga wearing old man of unusual size and great physique. He carried a staff, with an hourglass atop of it, ever shifting. He waved his hand at a middle aged scientist working the console, causing him to age rapidly before their eyes.

"Mortals, turn back. The flow of time has been ruined in this place; what transpires here is meant for no mortal eyes." The old man warned the group to stay away. As he spoke he shifted from a feeble, bearded old man to a young Greek man, of similar physique.

"Fixing it? For real? then what happened to that scientist, you teleported him to safety? and who are you?" Diana was ever the skeptic, and nothing made her more skeptical than someone who aged people to death.

"I am Chronos, guardian of time itself. I am an Olympian... for whatever value that association holds. The mortal could not comprehend the danger he presented... and neither do you. " He fiddled with the device just beneath the anomaly. It was a truly mind warping sight, to peer directly into the rift- one could see all times, all realities through it, but to onlookers it showed their past- their futures. Things mortals should never know.

As if realizing something, Chronos looked at the trio before him. "I saw the future... yes... the swordsman... the other protector of time... and you... Elena Vexus... oh yes... eager to do battle." He pressed something on the console, causing the primary rift to expand. Diana blinked a few times, noticing things in the rift. She saw her life as a young girl from the Philippines... then her time as an assassin... then a future with... she averted her gaze, the visions too much for her. She focused on the self-proclaimed god, wondering if her teammates had something to say... but alas she could not find her teammates, and neither could they find her, for she was transported elsewhere, else-when, to another time in her life.

The rift would do the same for Vexus and Time Cop, hurtling them through space-time, to a point in their own histories. That one bad day that changed everything.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)  Empty Re: Stop Trying To Make Time Travel Happen, It's Dumb (take 2)

Post by Elena Vexus May 2nd 2016, 11:25 pm

During their walking, Elena had enough time to recover from her fight with Medusa. The girl with the sword proved increasingly helpful as she sliced a path through to their destination. Hopefully the location would bring an end to all of this temporal nonsense.
They soon reached a location where a large man stood. No doubt another Greek Deity. He spoke with great power, warning the group not to proceed any further. He displayed magnificently terrifying abilities managing to reduce an individual nearly to dust by aging them so quickly. This man finally introduced himself as Chronos, The God of Time. Elena's eyes widened, her mind flowing with questions. Someone that had limitless control on time. Someone who could view time as a physical dimension and manipulate it freely. Though before she could move to interview the God, she was suddenly staring through the heart of the time rift. Her heart began to race as she was thrown through scenes of her past and future.

She then faced blackness.
Elena was hovering in a black void. There was nothing around her. It was black as pitch, unable even to see her hand immediately in front of her face. She could not tell if she was up, down, flying or falling. Doing her best to remain calm, her human tendencies were screaming at her to freak out. It was truly terrifying, this area of nothingness. It was something Elena had never experienced before, despite having traveled through dimensions before. Soon enough it appeared as if she was in fact falling, judging by the rapidly approaching ground. Elena began  to worry, frantically trying to use her abilities in order to slow her fall. None of her magic was working, she was unable to activate her Celestial Eye. She was falling for such a long time, an impact with just about anything would destroy her body. She braced for impact, but strangely landed softly on her feet. Elena fell to knees as beads of sweat dripped from the tip of her nose. She began to recompose herself when she noticed where she was and immediately stumbled to her feet.

It was a laboratory. She gasped sharply once she realized her location. It was one of the labs she ran during World War 2. She was staring straight at one of the scientists, but they were not acknowledging her. It was obvious that looking into this time vortex sent her back in her own timeline, which was already breaking so many rules. Was it also possible that she was barred from interfering? Not that she could really blame them, whoever they were...
As she explored the area, she began to notice more and more little details that were left out. All the pages in the notebooks were blank, the writing on the chalkboard looked like children's scribbles, and any word that her past self or her colleagues said was absolute gibberish. This was now starting to seem like the universe's most elaborate prank. Try as she may, there was no way for her to interact with this dimension whats ever. Conveniently the walls kept her confined and the doors were not real. Vexus went and leaned against a wall and rolled her eyes. This classic facial expression landed her eyes on the one things that was still legible. The calendar. The 15th of May, 1940. Her eyes slowly found a clock in the room. Her breathing hastened and a tear streamed down her face. She slowly walked over to the window. The only window in the room.

Elena could see the bombers off in the distance. This was the one attack the Alliance went in on that had caught them completely off guard. So much research was lost, so many lives were mercilessly torn away. Vexus turned to her past self and began to scream furiously. It wasn't doing anything. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to run her arms through her younger self. Hoping any interaction might be able to notify her somehow of her impending doom. She knew that this moment completely altered her corse of life. She became to wounded and so hindered. The damage caused to her body caused her to lose much of her memory. Years of research for technology and development, lost. There had to be something... Anything...
Vexus' breaths became deeper, she knew that an opportunity like this would never arise again. She needed to bet everything on this and save her former self.
"Gah.... Ahh....Grrraaaahh.......AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
Vexus' body raged with magical power. Her Celestial Eye activated, and following her right eye was converted into an identical Celestial Eye. Her breathing was still erratic, and her heart was beating off the scale. She could not give up. This was everything she had ever worked for. Everything she WILL work for. This final effort will change Elena, it will change the world.
Vexus threw her hands out and ten massive black spell circles appeared. Sweat dripped down the sides of her face, she could tell whatever sent her here was beginning to realize what she was trying to do.
On top of those ten, another ten bronze in color appeared on top of them.
"AAHhhhh..Urrrgghhh--GAaaaaaahhhh--Coooome Oooon!!"
The sets of spell circles began to rotate in opposite directions. The bronze spells were applying so much pressure they were dramatically warping the space around them. The black spell circles were something Vexus had never utilized, and she was very unfamiliar with the properties. Just as she was nearing her limit Elena heard a crack, and her younger self looked over her shoulder.
"YES! That's it! More... MORE!!"
Two more circles of each type appeared. The scientists began to move towards the window, and they saw their fate as it flew over head. Only seconds left now.

The Elena of 1940 was not concerned with the cries from her colleagues. There was something... Off. She could hear the planes zoom over their facility. She knew what this meant. There were bombs falling, and she would undoubtedly perish. But there was something right in the middle of the room. It was just a speck. it looked like a piece of glitter flickering in the light, just suspended there. As she moved closer there was a feeling that grew, not a feeling that could be explained with words. Not something she would be able to explain in the next couple of years, or even decades. She would understanding it soon though. It was as if something, or someone, was calling her. Pulling her near this speck. She reached out with her finger, humanity's most basic form of discovery. Their sense of touch.


An arm burst from the tiny speck of light, sending fragments of what seemed like glass spilling everywhere. The opening quickly gave way to Elena Vexus from the current timeline. A scientist looked over his shoulder, witnessing the tear in reality only for his body to be blown apart by a bomb landing just outside of the window. Elena immediately wrapped herself around her younger self cloaking them in a protective barrier.
The two of them stared at one another's eyes. The Elena of the past gazed in fear, wonder, and awe seeing the two gleaming Celestial Eyes of Elena Vexus. She then placed both her hands on the young Nazi Scientist, right around her temples. The woman let out a blood curdling shriek as Vexus gave her a copy of the last 100 years or so. Elena released her and the barrier faded, the younger Vexus lay unconscious on a pile of rubble. From the hole in reality hands of a strange black matter emerged and began to grab onto Vexus to drag her back in. She knew this would happened. Far to many rules had been broken, and she was already on the naughty list. No point in not going without a fight. Her physical boosts roared into effect, blasting back the hands for just a second.

Vexus laughed maniacally as she destroyed these hands of death with ludicrous amounts of magical energy.
"Muwaahahahaha!! Mother Nature?! Father Time!? Fuck with me why don't ya?! Aaahhhahahah!!"
The hands started attacking in multitudes that Vexus could not deal with even with the amount of power she was putting out. They completely encased her body, preventing her from moving a single muscle as she was dragged back into the time vortex. As the opening to the portal closed, a final arm extended out to dispose of the now well in formed Elena Vexus. The woman being held captive gazed over with her still active Celestial Eyes. Her eyes narrowed and one final beam of heavily concentrated lightning incinerated the hand at the last second.

She felt as if she was being thrown down a mountain in a metal box. Her Dark Technomatter form deactivated as she was whipped about through was she could assume was the Time Vortex. Why then didn't just send her through it unprotected to be completely vaporized on contact was beyond her. A light quickly approached and she felt herself summersaulting and tumbling on hard ground. Her outfit was ripped up, her hair was undone and her makeup was smeared. Though she was not feeling as tired as she was expecting. Being thrown forward in time must have undone her activating her Dark Technomatter. Sucks for them. All the damage she had sustained currently was just from being brought back to the present dimension.
Vexus sat up on her knees and saw Chromos standing at a distance. He did not seem amused. She was still very winded from the beating she had received from the time vortex, so she remained kneeling while her body healed. Elena looked directly at the God of Time, smirked, and gave the almighty being the finger.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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