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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Neon February 5th 2016, 8:23 am

"It's five dollars and thirty cents.", the vendor looked at Alex as he handed the two hot dogs to her. The bulky-looking guy seemed friendly, yet there was something strange in his look as he kinda sized up the woman. It seemed like if he were looking at a riddle, trying to find solve it without any succcess.

"Thank you. And keep the change.", the brunette smiled, as she took the two hot dogs from the man, who seemed truly puzzled now.

"Thanks.", the guy said, counting the coins Alex gave him, then, not being able to hide his curiosity anymore, he suddenly turned to Alex, "Ma'am... I'm sorry... have we met before? You seem so familar. Yet, still... something is missing... Sorry ma'am, I might sound weird."

"No problem. And I'm around here often, so, who knows?", she looked at the man and shrugged, then wished a nice day to him and walked away from his stand. Of course, she knew the truth. She looked familiar from the TV broadcasts and the tabloid photos of the 'Amazing Colossal Woman' of LA. She smirked at this thought.

As Alex expected, her six-year-old daughter was already jumping up and down in enthusiasm, waiting for the delicious hot dog to arrive. She walked to the nearby bench where Rebecca was sitting, and offered one of the tasty-looking hot dogs to her. Of course, she picked the one looking more tasty, whichever it was (not having the kind of 'superpowers' children apparently all had, Alex honestly couldn't tell). "Thank youuuuu, mom!", Rebecca said with a broad smile, looking at her mom. "You're welcome, darling.", Alex smiled back at her and gave her an assuring look. Sitting down next to her and eating her own hot dog, suddenly she was welcomed by the other member of their little family. Largo came barking and waggings his tail, apparently smelling the delicious hot dogs. "Noooo, they're not yours! Be a good boy! You hear me? Largooo!"

It was a calm and lazy Sunday afternoon, the park crowded with people, who came here to enjoy the warm weather and the afternoon sun. People were walking dogs, couples were enjoying the time they could spend together. However, this peace and quiet didn't last long. Suddenly, a loud cry was heard, and the people in the park got alarmed. As they soon noticed, someone was shouting for help on the top of the nearby office building. Looking up, Alex observed two men on the tall housetop, working to set up a large metallic advertising board, with a giant metallic bottle of beer, advertising some new brand. One of them suddenly fell off, and now climbed for his life, attaching himself to a cable connected to the electric system of the huge billboard. It was a matter of minutes until the cable broke, letting the man fall into his death, and probably taking the huge metal beer bottle with itself along with the other guy. And who knows whose head it will bang or what will it crush when reaching the ground?

"Even of my free day? Well, it happens.", Alex shrugged, then turned to her daughter, "Rebecca, stay here and look out for Largo. Mommy will be back soon." The girl thought on her mother's words for a moment, then she got to the obvious conclusion, and with a large enthusiastic smile, looked at her, "You'll be big, mommy?" Alex couldn't help but laugh, as she replied to her daughter's question. "Yes, darling. Mommy's gonna be big."

With that thought, Alex quickly got out of her clothes, staying only in her 'superhero leotard', dropping the rest on the bench, and ran closer to the nearby building. She concentrated on getting larger, and as she closed her eyes, she quickly grew into a 50 feet tall giant. Now looking down at the park and the nearby streets like if she were in the middle of a toy town, she could easily leap to the tall building with a few steps. Now the people in the park and on the nearby streets wasn't only panicing because of the situation up there, but now they also looked shocked because of the gigantic woman who suddenly turned up. The situation got worse, and the man hanging on the cable did not last long up there. Just as the poor guy dropped, Alex quickly extended her hand and let him fall into her palm. Looking quite shocked, the guy gazed into the giant woman's face. The brunette looked into her palm with a smile. "It seems it's your lucky day."

Then, she quickly put down the man to the street, and reached for the broken billboard and the other man. As the giant bottle of beer began falling off, she quickly grabbed it and put it down to the middle of the park. She picked up the other, truly frightened guy with her other hand, and placed him in a safe spot down the street below, next to his colleague. "Next time, be more careful little guys.", she looked down at them with a grin. The two men were still in a state of shock. They looked up at their colossal saviour, uttering something like "Thank you... ma'am..." Alex waved to them and stepped away. "Don't mention it."

Now there was already a large crowd assembled, and police cars were rolling in to the scene. Everyone was watching the gigantic Alex as she made her way back to the park. People were taking photos and videos with their phones, all amazed by what they'd just seen. 'So, I'm gonna make it to the evening news...', Alex sighed, feeling like a circus animal or something. She didnt really want to be a 'celebrity'.


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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-01-30

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Radical February 5th 2016, 3:24 pm

Seth had walked out of a local subway with a 6 inch sub. He ate the sweet onion terriakyi sub fairly slowly to savour the flavour. Today was supposed to be a relaxing day of sorts. So in spirit of the relaxing day he finished his sub and hopped onto to his motorbike and placed his helmet onto his head. The bike started up and he cruised off to the nearby park to relax. On the way there he took the time to obey the road laws and drive slowly even though it was hard to on his speedy bike. He sped as fast as he could, but made sure to keep it within' the city laws. Seth didn't typically travel too often, but he decided to take the time and have a vaction so he crossed the country all the way from New York to here, in L.A. Riding to the park, which was only a hand full of blocks away, he began to see pointing at something, as he got closer, he prepared the bike to pop open the back carriage so he can quickly change into his gear. But after closer observation he noticed the woman help some workers that were distress.

He then parked the bike on the side of the road and began to move closer to the scene. After nearing the scene he noticed a few people around, Seth gazed at the woman that stood so talll and analyzed her, trying to understand the power and decided that she wasn't a threat. So with that he sat on a nearby bench watching cop cars swarm the scene. The great thing about being small was that you're harder to catch and harder to see, this woman on the other hand was going to have troubles staying as big as she is, hopefully she can return to her normal size if she has one.

He watched the police try to surround the giant and attempt to secure the situation, the public didn't tend to always side with 'heroes', it really depended on where you were and who you were and even who is around you. Even if the citizens believe you're a savior, the government doesn't really feel that way too much. Seth believed that he could only be out for himself and those that he cares for and help out whenever he can, but he'll never go out of his way to save someone only to get negative feedback from it, the human race was fucked, and he knew it. The only way things would be good is if change were to happen, and well, people don't like change.

Seth himself was neutral, he did what he felt was right and that mean't even if he killed someone or had to do something evil in the publics eye, but for the most part he was in this all for the benefit of humanity, the future of people. This giant doesn't seem like they will have too much fun with all this attention, so in order to help them out alittle he quickly jogged over to his bike and grabbed his bow and a special arrow, he aimed it and maximized the power. He released the arrow and the arrow went soaring through the air with great velocity, straight into the sky away from the giant to draw the attention away from it momentarily, maybe they could take the chance to shrink or disaappear with what little time he's given them. And BANG a large explosion went off in the air that was real loud.

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by LastFear February 5th 2016, 3:38 pm

Sunny days always were a good time to adventure out and take in the surroundings, so Karn casually meandered down the streets peacefully blended with the busy citizens. His disguise was nothing more then a black hoodie and a pair of cheap sunglasses but it was enough that you had to take a second look before you realized the green skin.....

Luckily this world never seemed to be boring to long as a loud explosion overhead snapped Karn out of his own head. It didn't appear to hit anything but was certainly made to draw attention as the sky lit up for a brief second. Waiting for another attack Karn felt to make sure his gun was safely tucked underneath the hoodie and ready for combat. But sadly everything returned to normal and most people hardly noticed the blast.

"What is wrong with these people" Karn silently judged everyone walking by, either to buried in there phone or rushing to work. They were all slaves and yet none of them realized, a thought that turned the green mans stomach into a knot of pity.

Sitting around contemplating the world was enticing but Karn's predatory instincts kicked in though and were drawing him towards the source of the explosion. Skitting through alleyways to cut time he popped out behind a wall of sirens of police officers shouting in confusion while a monstrous woman stood doe eyed in the middle of it all.  

The internet showed him all he needed to know about the police force, they were suppose to be there to protect but in all honesty they were just part of the iron fist designed to enforce the laws of the rich. Spitting on the ground in there general direction Karn reentered the alleyway hoping to find high ground so he could gather a better idea of what was going on.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 32
Registration date : 2015-09-24

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Neon February 5th 2016, 7:05 pm

As the police cars surrounded Alex from all directions, she felt like Gulliver among the army of Lilliputians. It seemed even if she was doing no harm to anyone, the presence of a 50-foot tall woman was seen as a threat by the so-called law enforcement. If they would hear her accent, they'd even think those nasty Brits send their gigantic women to LA to reconquer America, she joked in herself. She stood there, looking down at the turmoil at her feet: policemen were jumping out of their cars and surrounding her, while the crowd stood there watching and photographing the colossal brunette. A cop walked closer to her, standing at her feet and shouting up to her. "Please identify yourself, Ms..." The guy seemed awkward talking to someone who was ten times larger than him, and trying to make himself seem to be in authority, which made Alex make a small grin.

"Hey, I just saved two people and who knows how many others. What's the problem?", she said to the tiny policeman. Suddenly she saw the flashing of photo cameras. Obviously, the newspapers have also arrived. She expected a journalist to cross the police line and come to her feet to ask something idiotic in any moment.

Suddenly a large boom was heard somewhere nearby, which made everyone look for the source of the disturbing explosion. The cops now concentrated on finding out the source of that. This seemed to be a perfect chance for shrinking back to normal size and get out of sight. Alex needed to act quick. She concentrated on getting smaller, and in a brief second, she got back to her 5'7" frame. Now standing on the same level as the police cars and the crowd, she could easily slip away while everyone was trying to find the source of the mysterious boom. It was strange being in those turmoil instead of standing above it and watch it like one would watch bugs on the ground.

Making her way back to the park, she got to her daughter and quickly dressed back to her casual clothes. Now hopefully she can get away fine. Bringing Rebecca and Largo (the latter on a leash now) with her, she went to find her car. "Mommy's alright. Don't worry.", she hugged her daughter as they went on their way. Searching for her car, she strolled near a man on a motorbike, carrying an arrow. She almost bumped into him while passing near the bike. "Sorry. I'm really sorry.", she looked at him apologetically.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-01-30

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Radical February 5th 2016, 11:49 pm

Seth watched as the distraction seemed to work fairly well, hopefully she'll get out of there quickly and make it out, the police didn't seem like they were there for friendly chit chat by the looks of it. She seemed to take the oppertunity to quickly shift back into her normal size and weave her way through the people in order to make it out. On the way out she seemingly took a little girl and dog with her. A mother? Quite a different occourence for 'heroes', Seth wasn't fond of the idea of getting attached to anything all that much, especially people, when you live a life that is dangerous, you not only endanger yourself, but the ones you love. But people are who they are, some people may even make it work to ensure both safety of their family and others are assured when being a hero.

She seemed to make it out fully, and happened to be heading towards him, he began to rest his bow on his bikes handle bars and gazed towards the police officers to double check what they were doing. The officers seemed to be confused when they tried to turn their attention back to the giant to only see that it has disappeared. The police nowadays, ever since the New York incident seemed to have quite a different outlook on meta's, quite a different one too. Not for the best either.

As he went to turn his attention back to the woman, he noticed himself ending up face to face with her with her almost running into him, he then smiled casually and nodded at her apology responding with,
"No worries.", with that he followed up with, "You ought to be more careful next time, police don't seem to mess around."

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Neon February 6th 2016, 9:27 am

Alex looked at the guy on the bike, as she realized he was aware that the person accidentally bumping into him was none other than the giant woman who suddenly 'disappeared' in the middle of this chaos. It seems some people are more observant than others. The brunette glanced at the man, who didn't seem to look out of place among the crowd, except for the fact that he was carrying a set of arrows with himself.

"It's not easy you know, when you're Gulliver surrounded by those little people.", she replied wirh a sarcastic smile, then added, on a more friendly tone, "I try to do my best."

"My mom is a good giant.", Rebecca spoke up with the notion of defending her mother, looking at the man, "She saves people."

Meanwhile the cops were still occupied with the mysterious explosion which was deducted to have happened somewhere mid-air, possibly as the result of someone shooting an explosive up from the ground. Getting the feel that the guy on the motorcycle had something to do with the big boom which made her fleeing possible, she glanced at those arrows. "Thanks for diverting attention.", she said, then curiously asked, "So, what are you up to?"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-01-30

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Radical February 6th 2016, 1:26 pm

Seth removed his arrows and placed them into a compartment in his bike, as well s the bow and closed it up and turned to the woman again and looked at her daughter giving a friendly smile, "She does, quite brave isn't she?", afterwards he sighed and looked back at the woman and answered her question, "Well I was going to the park, but well, that changed a little." He then looked back over at the police, moving about trying to find the metahuman the shifts sizes it would seem. Seth thought it was quite spectactular to see metahuman's with superhuman abilities, either it be super strength or the sort, or even in this case, size shifting.

Seth himself however wasn't at the same degree physically, but he was rather more intellectual, he is able to learn pretty much anything super fast, to a degree that would be unexplainable. He guessed that would make him a metahuman too, but it would be hard to tell from anyone that hadn't known. He leaned back on his bike, looking around to watch the perimeter so that they wouldn't get any 'unexpected' guests.

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) UoYqcCI

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Neon February 6th 2016, 7:40 pm

Rebecca looked at the guy who smiled at her and said that her mom is quite brave, which made her proud, and she began to like the man. "My mom is the bravest mom in the world.", she proclaimed in a tone which offered no objections, then looked at Alex for reassurance. Her mom gave her a slight smile, then looked around, watching the cops as they were now searching through the area. They were not sure how and where could the giant simply disappear.

The brunette then looked back at the guy on the motorbike, who seemed to be a likeable person. It was rather instinctive than based on experience, but she often trusted her instincts. "I say, we can join our forces for the remainder of the afternoon. I only need to find my car.", she suggested, "And then you can talk about why you carry those arrows.", she laughed slightly, while watching the area to find the easiest way to her car avoiding the cops. "Oh, and by the way, I even forgot to introduce myself and my little family. I'm Alexandra, but call me Alex.", she offered her hand to the man, then looked at her daughter and their pet Dalmatian, "My daughter, Rebecca. And the handsome gentleman here is Largo."

OOC: LastFear: Karn can bump into us anytime.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-01-30

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by LastFear February 7th 2016, 12:08 am

Karn sat on a ledge over looking the hectic wave of onlookers and emergency staff bustling below. "These people are far to nosy" Laughing quickly after at the double standard as he was only sitting here because he came to investigate the explosion.

There was a slight breeze on a other wise beautiful warm day that left Karn daydreaming while enjoying his advantage point. His mind wandered calmly while below a police officer who took his job far to serious spotted a man in a hood standing on the roof not to far from a explosion and reacted unfortunately.

Snapping back to as the officer yelled for him to get his hands up while putting him at gun point. Karn had seen what the police were like through countless YouTube videos, so a calm reaction was necessary but not easy with the language barrier. "You have no quarrel with me look elsewhere" Karn stated confidently to the man but all that was heard was angry growls that were misunderstood as yells. With no second thought the peacekeeper fired off three rounds that Karn easily dodged by rolling backwards away from the ledge.

Karn made a mental check note to make something to help with communication.

Taking a step back he mentally braced himself for what was to follow, taking a deep breathe he jumped off the roof landing next to the officer. Reaching up quickly he snapped the mans neck and grabbed the pistol from the dead mans holster firing three shots into the chest of his partner. The shots echoed throughout the air and for a brief second there was silence before screams replaced the calm.

People scattered and emergency workers tried to understand what was happening but Karn was already on the move. Taking off with the crowd of people he quickly slipped in as a concerned citizen before breaking off down a alleyway to find a way from any eyes that may have spotted him at the start.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 32
Registration date : 2015-09-24

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Radical February 7th 2016, 1:03 am

Seth stood and smiled greeting the small family, he waved to the daughter and kneeled down to pet the dog. But all a sudden gunshots were heard and Seth turned his head to the action and quickly stepped back turning to the Rebecca, "Get yourselves to safety, now!" He turned again to the scene and noticed a strange figure moving about the area fighting the police. Seth turned to his bike and he opened the container on the bike and removed a small box from it, afterwards he unfolded it till it was a more flatter rectangle and he placed it on the ground and stepped on a button on the side of it and a suit emerged from it, slowly covering him in the suit from the feet up until it was completely on. He then grabbed his bow and the rest of his gear and closed up the container and got onto the bike and turned it on, speeding down the street towards the action. He sped fairly quickly and began to near the scene, the strange figure was still a fair distance away, but was still in sight.

He then encountered a cop that began to shoot at Seth so in response he sped at the officer and removed a arrow from his quiver and dialed the power back on his bow and released the arrow into the officer, straight into his leg, it immediately electrocuted him and he fell straight over in a nice little nap. He then stopped the bike and got off of it. He then began to receive more gun fire. It pretty much looked like half of the cops were after the strange guy and the other half was after Seth, seemed like they were all panicking. Seth stood up and fired a arrow into another cop and they collapsed as well. He sprinted out of cover and jumped up on a police car and leaped off, kicking a cop in the face in mid air to knock him out as he fell back down to the ground, as he neared the ground he prepared for a roll and rolled.

Seth was trying to hold back so that he wouldn't cause too much damage, which proved problematic cause it made things slower. So he stood up and fired more arrows at the majority of cops that were left and easily took them out, their skill versus his was like comparing a toddler to an adult. Seth as also using as little effort as possible to make sure that if he were to encounter this guy, he'd be ready. But for now, Seth stayed back and looked towards the alley he saw the creature thing go, he waited..

Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) UoYqcCI

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by Neon February 7th 2016, 5:55 pm

Just when things seemed to calm down a bit and Alex hoped they could sneak away from the park, suddenly another incident happened and everything slid into chaos again. This time the events evolved into a mass panic soon, but with a good reason. Some maniac, apparently using the turmoil to sneak into the crowd with a weapon, began shooting around, fighting the cops. While the police was trying to handle the situation and now concentrated their efforts to track down the shooter.

The motorcycle guy acted quickly. Alex decided to get her daughter to safety first, and then join the man in hunting down the person responsible for the shooting. She watched as the guy went to track down the shooter, while he had some trouble with the cops, but apparently he managed to overcome them quite easily. Alex hurried back to her car, and getting Rebecca and Largo inside, she again concentrated on growing, and after becoming a giant, she picked up the car like a toy and hurried away to get them to a safe location. Those who were not concentrating their attention on the shooter incident, now got another glimpse of the gigantic woman, walking through the streets among the tall buildings. Again, people were using their phones to take pictures and videos of her, as she passed along their way with a car in her hand.

Finally, Alex found what she was looking for: the home of her colleague who lived a few corners away from the park. Putting down the car in her front yard, the gigantic brunette caused a bit of a confusion as she explained to her small colleague and her husband why they should let her daughter and dog stay there for the night. Rebecca promised she will behave well, as her colossal mom waved goodbye and went on her way back to the scene of the crime.

On her way back, a police car spotted the giant and approached her with syrens screaming. Annoyed, she reached down and grabbed the car much like she did her own, and looking at the frightened cops inside, smiled: "Sorry guys, but I have no time to play with cars now.", then placed the toy-sized police vehicle on top of a tall office building and went on her way.

As she reached the steets near the park, Alex could see the events unfolding on the ground. The arrow-shooting biker drove into a nearby alleyway, apparently that's where the shooter was heading. She shrunk down to about 7 feet tall - still human-size, but larger and stronger than an average person - and without gaining attention, she headed for the same alleyway, so she could help her fellow superhero. Reaching the alley, she nodded to the guy, standing ready to slam down their suspect if he shows up.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2016-01-30

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Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open) Empty Re: Lazing on a Sunday afternoon (Open)

Post by LastFear February 7th 2016, 8:13 pm

Isn't it weird when things you least want to happen seem to be unavoidable, for some it was as simple as hooking a golf ball but for Karn it was stumbling into trouble.

The alleyway was tight but Karn made his way through at a efficient pace, bounding over a fence that stood in his path. Dropping softly on the other side he was confronted by a police car, two officers caught off guard never had a chance to react as Karn emptied the rest of the clip into the poor civil servants. Ripping the bodies out he buried the gas pedal into the floor, ripping down the road barely dodging the pedestrians.

Flying down the road he saw nothing in his rear view but never let go of the gas pedal while flying down the road. Unfortunately he didn't see the car coming from his left through a four way intersection, smashing into the side the driver spun Karns car around sending him flying from the car landing hard on the ground.

Ribs bruised, minor cuts on face, ankle sprained. All quickly healing as Karn limped away from the twisted carnage.


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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Age : 32
Registration date : 2015-09-24

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