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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red) Empty Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

Post by Radical February 3rd 2016, 8:30 pm

New York had seemingly been a place Seth had been stuck in for a long time now it would seem, it's been years since he's really left on his own merit. It's something about the place that keeps him here, like it was pulling him back. The city was where he grew up and helped him learn who he was. Being what would be considered a meta isn't easy by any means at all, he'd even credit those that go out of their way as a meta to save people, quite commendable, however, all heroic efforts are met with equal villianous forces. Seth chose neither side, staying neutral, fighting for himself rather than the benefit of others. Seth had been given an assignment on this particular night to eliminate a creature of some sorts that takes the form of a human. The creature in it's normal form resembled those alien things from the Alien vs Predator movies, and had similar characteristics. It would seem some scientist somewhere had been watching way too many movies. Seth had taken the assignment from a unknown alias that seemed to hunt after meta's and anything like the sort, the alias was known as "Stryker". The job was easily accepted, considering the reward was quite generous, 10,000$ worth of a hunt.

Seth had just gotten out of shower and dried himself, styled his hair and began to 'suit' up. The uniform was put on and he equipped different weapons and gadgets to help him on his hunt. The things he equipped would be a kabar, bow, several different types of arrows, grenades, and a 44. magnum. Once everything was equipped, he put on a long and big trench coat and zipped it up to hide everything he was wearing underneath, he even threw the coats hood up to hide the helmet of the suit. Once he was set, he exited his house and locked the door and proceeded to his motorbike, it was a sweet 1000cc Kawasaki Ninja. Upon getting on he started it and sped away on the black bike and raced down the street to the last known location of the creature. He rode down the street and ran red lights, lane splitting past cars and such. The night was fairly calm, for now on the way there.

The ride had taken a good half an hour and he arrived in the Upper West Side area and parked the bike, turning it off he entered the targets last known building and walked in the front door. Apparently the office building tends to have night shift workers here, so Seth was expecting civillians to be in the area. The time wasn't too late either, it was only 8:30 and he was able to walk in so far. He made it inside and entered a elevator that took him to the fifth floor. He entered the office space and was met with a late night secretary as soon as he walked in, in response he just unzipped his coat and looked at the woman with his index finger up indicating to stay quiet, she began to panick immediately and sccurried out of her chair and away after seeing Seth kitting out in his gear, quite menacing looking to say the least. He walked past the desk and entered a cubicle area, he took his bow off his back and drew a spear tipped arrow, pulling the draw spring back he found a male that fit the targets description and creeped up behind him slowly, for some reason no one noticed Seth because they were working so hard, quite funny actually.

Seth made it behind the target and stood only a few feet away and said,
"Turn around slowly and leave your hands up.", the male turned slowly and had a worried look on their face and panicked, immediately shifting into their normal form and shrieked an unhumanly sound and bolted away, smashing through cubicles like a rhino, Seth managed to fire off the arrow he had drawn and shot it into the creatures back as it smashed through the office window and down to the street below. Seth sighed and sped after it and leaped out the same window, firing an arrow behind him that had a wire attached to it to allow him to repel down quickly in mid air, but the creature had shot an acid spit like substance at the wire and it melted apart, making Seth fall four stories below landing onto the roof of a limo, smashing into the top of the vehicle. He let out a grunt of pain and slowly began to move to get moving again.

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red) Empty Re: Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

Post by Red February 3rd 2016, 9:02 pm

So many pinky swears and crossed hearts and hope to dies. Keeping promises seemed to be going out of style these days. Did anyone understand the concept of chivalry anymore? Lucius was afraid the answer was a plainly delivered no. You see, a certain mercenary broker had let a little something slip to Lucius about a creature in New York matching the description of one of his former Ultra Gang members, after he had been given a small fortune that is. The only condition was he not allow any mercs to be sent on the job. Unfortunately, he claimed it was out of his hands and supposedly a few were sent by private contractors. This only made Lucius' job harder really, but he had to do what he had to do. The aliens were an important piece in the game still, and he couldn't have one running around his city, and neither could their leader.

He drove to the location he believed the creature was after using an algorithm and the last sightings to pinpoint the general area it was in. A simple endeavor, though very complex for anyone who wasn't a super genius. There was definitely perks to it. He was in his newly built car, which itself was worth half a million dollars without his pricey improvements to it. There was no doubt to anyone who it was, only one big wig in this city could afford that, especelly in that color. Needless to say, it turned heads. But at this point the police were under his thumb, no one dared challenge him.

He made it to the location and, sure enough, he saw the creature fly by his area of view. It wasn't really what he was looking for, but he was already here, so he decided he might as well kill it and bring it back to his lab. If anything it would expand his knowledge of the extraterrestrial.

So he got out, and simply waved his hand to form a large, solidified red energy barrier around the creature, rapidly shrinking it to keep it contained in a small area and potentially crush it if things went bad. What he didn't know was someone sent here to get this thing was already after it.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red) Empty Re: Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

Post by Radical February 3rd 2016, 9:18 pm

Seth had risen back up and moved his neck side to side with a few cracks on each tilt and slide off the top of the car. He aimed his bow at the creature and noticed it was surrounded by some sort red containment energy. He looked back at the other figure that was there and slowly released tension of the draw string and lowered the bow looking at the person containing the target. He sighed, "I need that creature, there's a bounty on it.", he began to look around slightly to observe his surroundings just in case and noticed a expensive looking car nearby, "Not everyone can afford high end cars you know."

With that he analyzed the person, noticing technology on the individual that wasn't exactly the usual things he's seen before, the person seemed to be wearing a mask and various other gadgets that were in question, and he had a red colour scheme to his clothing that gave off a odd vibe that didn't sit too well with Seth, Seth was the type a guy that liked to know what he was facing, or what he is to be faced with, he hates the unknown, that's proably why he hated surprise birthday parties so much. Seth then asessed the situation and concluded that he would back away if the person refused to give up the creature, this person really was the unknown and his power can be deadily if provoked. Hopefully this guy was understanding. The creature wasn't worth risking his life over.

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red) Empty Re: Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

Post by Red February 5th 2016, 11:44 pm

"I'm aware of the bounty..... But, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to care." Lucius said, now using his construct to literally lift the hissing creature into his car, or try to anyway. It was only a matter of time and the creature was locked in the back seat, which enclosed like some sort of personal back of the car prison. Lucius then slapped his hands together, as if dusting them off, then looked to the male.

"Run along back to the hole you crawled out of, if you play nice you may just find that money in one of your accounts miraculously." Lucius said, hinting at the fact he was prepared to pay for the lost money here, only he was being a complete dick about it. Lucius hadn't seen this one in his city before, and he knew a lot of people and had a photographic memory. He was likely some overseas merc.


Other Links:
I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "Natural Selection will force us into conflict either way. Only under Rise will that conflict be ordered, and with room for a future. The alternative is a catastrophic, global revolt of Inhumans."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1255
Location : The wrong side of history
Job : Professional Asshole
Humor : Hurting feelings and killing parents since 2014
Registration date : 2014-09-11

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Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red) Empty Re: Hey! I'm walking here! (My boy Red)

Post by Radical February 5th 2016, 11:59 pm

Seth watched the creature get placed into the back of the car and turned his gaze back to the mysterious man quite confused. Seth had never encountered someone like this before, quite the unusual person to say the least. Seth then slinged the bow onto his back and placed the arrow back into it's quiver and he stood before the man responding with, "You seem like a sophisticated individual, I can just tell by looking at you that you have something going on, what it is? I don't know, but something large, and I bet you need help to do it, if you ever need a work done, hit me up and we can discuss terms."

Seth then walked over to a nearby street pole ripping a lost puppy notice off of it and reached into one of his pouches, then he began to write a secure phone number, and an email address onto it and began to walk back over to the man folding it up, "You can contact with these", with that he stood before him as if he was waiting for him to take it as he held it out for him to grab, Seth had money, but it wasn't money he was after, he was after the thrill of doing something that mattered without any commitments, hopefully this man could deliver.

Status :

Quote : "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 29
Location : Everywhere
Age : 35
Job : Mercenary
Humor : "Do I look like a joke to you?"
Registration date : 2016-02-02

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