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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic August 13th 2016, 4:19 pm

The Sanity Warden was losing, Pat was dying, and Drifter lost more of himself by the second. God knows where Matthew was, but who would have blamed him if he had just turned around and left? Probably a lot of people, but that was beside the point.

It was becoming more and more clear that if the Warden didn't do something bold, he was going to get his weakened body mutilated. He let go of the explosion, and with all the might he had left ripped Pat from the clutches of the tendrils and threw him through the hole in the wall he had created when he entered. Patrick would take a nasty hit against the hallway wall outside the room, but it was better then dying.

And of course, with nobody to hold it back, the explosion expanded out. It knocked the Sanity Warden into a wall, frying his body up and down. He hit the ground like a ton of bricks, but he was still alive. For however long though nobody knew. If he died, his anti-thesis would take full control, and that simply couldn't happen.

That matter would be dealt with soon enough, for now Drifter needed to be brought back to normal. He was sent flying through a newly exploded hole in the wall, smashing into the wrought iron fence of the Asylum's grounds. Despite this though, he seemed totally fine, getting up and brushing himself off.

But then he fell to the ground, hands over his head screaming in pain. Insanity's power was weening, and the male desperately tried to get back into the building, preferably killing the Sanity Warden in the process. But he was a long way away, and there was still at least one person that could stop that from happening.

Once Matthew entered the room, he would find the Sanity Warden nearly dead, propped up against a wall. He would look to the male with a smile, the first to be seen from him, and he pointed to the hole in the building.

"You have to get him away from here...... And knock some sense into him once you do..... I'll deal with my counterpart........ But by the end, i may be something worse then even him......... All i know, is i can't die and give him control. Go." The Warden said, struggling to breath. It was essentially up to Humanity and an injured Pat now, but whatever they did would still not fix the consequences of this day.

The world would no longer be governed by the forces of sanity or it's counterpart, but something else entirely.

Posting Apprentice
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Number of posts : 290
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Zell August 22nd 2016, 7:59 pm

He had been playing a facade for so long, he no longer truly knew who he was. Was he a shell of a man? Was he nothing more than a vessel to be filled by the likes od a Dragon god, or the Primal evil? Was he a revolutionary and a terrorist. Was he a false idol that believed himself to be dark messiah? Was he a murderer and occultist? Who even knew anymore. He had done so many was no wonder he was able to teach others excellence, regardless their power. Regardless their role in life. He walked up to the disaster and witnessed the destruction firsrt hand, though the Sanity warden simply smiled and stated the obvious.

 Mattew walked up towards Drifter before slicing his hand with his knife and flicking his hand, splattering a few droplets across Drifter's shirt and becan reciting his incantation.

"Invoco te patrem et creaturam in nomine Leviathan . Et omnes qui de chaos influit . Qui magna rerum omnium animis cogat et perniciosa . In nomine congerie severence tua requiram . In nomine tuo cogam furoris exercitatus. Yamm nomine , quas eieci te corda omni hominum mentes . Fiat veram revelabitur in nomine meo. Scribis Sors, Signatum est in meo sanguine... Tu es fortitudo mea usque ad extremum vitae spiritum trahitur ad omnia , sed I." As he spoke the words the creature of insanity would likely hear the words of rumbling thunder, the words clearly compelling him to detach and sever himself from the possessed man. The fission would start with a loss of motor function, releasing the almost lifeless victim from the clutches of his possessed friend. Next would be the feeling of intense pain as they were pulled from the victim, forced to take it's own form as a black ink poured through Drifter's eyes and ears, profuse vomiting was also expected. Exorcism was not glorious, especially not when it was done in the means of Chaos and Madness.

  The horrific form seemed to protrude as a snake before twisting, looking as if Drifter were somehow giving birth through his mouth, his own oxygen now getting blocked off. Though it was not enough to suffocate Drifter the work-like creature then began to soak up the black liquid that Drifter had previously expelled and started to take a shadowy and sickly looking form.

   Matthew brandished his dagger before looking to the creature and smirking at it, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses and a wry look crossing him as he seemed to taunt the creature with his posture and stance, the knife held improperly as if he didn't take this area of madness seriously at all.

 "You can't lay a hand on them'll be aweful bored." He said, satisfied with himself as he flipped the dagger around and held tit in a reverse-blade styled stance, a far more proper way to handle the weapon. "Wanna have fun? You know what you've gotta do." He taunted the creature as he began to chew of his lower lip a bit, anticipating and watching the creature before him. He couldn't teleport, he couldn't telekinesis him, but goddamn couldhe move fast and hit hard if he wanted to. The unfortunate part of not being Yamm anymore....Supernatural creatures could use their inherent powers, even under the influence of an incantation.

Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Samhai10

"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic August 22nd 2016, 9:56 pm

Drifter found himself gagging and screaming as he held the sides of his head and heaved. The intense pain was unreal, yet not as intense as the feeling that gripped his very soul. It was like every panic attack he had ever had decided to join forces and notch themselves up to 11. His eyes felt like needles were being jammed in them; the vomit constantly spewing from his mouth like acid. It was all in all a terrible experience that was wrecking his body as a black mist was ripped out of him.

Drifter hit the ground, exhausted. The mist-like substance had taken a form, a simple silhouette. The spell, or prayer, whatever it was, seemed to have worked.

"You, you think you've won? Haha—hahahahahahaha.... I'm still in him..... I'm in all of you. You can't exorcise a concept, Yamm." A deep, chaotic voice spat. Insanity was limited in what it could do, but that wouldn't stop it from killing the Dragon God in this vulnerable state. The silhouette lashed out.

But that's when the being was stopped. He literally couldn't go within an inch of Humanity. Confusion was sent over the being. He had no idea what was happening. That's the moment when foot steps could be heard in the direction of the Sanity Warden.

"That's what i thought.......... We can't touch him." He said as he closed the distance with the Silhouette and Humanity. He had a smirk across his face, like he had just figured something out.

"He's more important then us...... Or, should i say, me?" The Sanity Warden continued, limping. His smirk had turned into a faint chuckle at this point. Whatever he was thinking, it was amusing to even him.

"It took me forever to realize. It's almost embarrassing now that i think about it.... It makes sense doesn't it? Insanity is just the lack of something, the lack of me. How can the absence of something have an avatar?" At this point the dark eyed being had made it to the pair, and the shadow-like mist was chaotically lashing about, seemingly cornered.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!" The deep voice spat, but the Warden payed it no mind.

"We're the same being....... I don't know why i never saw it..... But we are." The Warden then reached forward, literally grabbing the shadow. It spiraled and struggled, but it was diminishing by the second. Soon, the entire silhouette was gone, and the Warden healed.

His eyes flickered yellow, and soon, his body was doing the same. He was visible and then invisible three times a second, seemingly fading from existence. He smiled just before he disappeared for the last time.

".....Oops, looks like i don't answer to you anymore..........." He said, but not to Humanity. He was saying it to the heavens.


Drifter groaned, his head pulsing. He felt hungover, just a lot worse. After a few coughs, he vomited one last time. He then rapidly looked around, trying to get his bearings on the situation. He looked to Matt, confused but he seemed to have figured it out. His friend had 'fixed' this.

"You should have let me go......." Lukas said. He stormed out of the building after that, moving through the broken wall.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Humanity August 22nd 2016, 10:39 pm

Matthew was all forms of happy at the moment, quickly sheathing the dagger and hiding it from Drifter's sight before he could even orient himself to the goings on around him. With the dagger hidden he ran up and tried to steady his friend, then looking to Pat. He had to prioritize things. Drifter was possessed, but Pat was thrown through a wall. How much would his armor take of that? Not all of it that much was certain... the damages were...hard to diagnose in a rush and in his mind like this.

   "you should have let me go..." and with that he stormed off, angry it would seem. He had every right to be, he was weak and he was pathetic. But so was everyone else after their first possession. Christ, trying to fight Sin off and trying to deal with Yamm. They were almost undeniable. But got easier. You became more fortified, became less scared. Hopefully, his friends wouldn't have to learn that out the hard way.

  Quickly getting to Pat he started to look him over. sever lack of oxygen then thrown through a wall. Son of a bitch was tougher than he looked. He wasn't going to die, especially not after he took the time to set and splint his arm with a broken 2x4 and torn pieces of his jacket. With everyone gone at that moment though he looked back and smirked at where the "Sanity" warden had been.

  "You'd better come when they call...friends don't leave each other to die." He mumbled before trying to pick Pat up a little, eventually trying to hoist him up and walking, Pat's feet dragging on the ground as he tried to get him to the next safest place.


Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Humani11
Mega Poster!
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Quote : "If you can call me a hero...the next shot's on you."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Job : The Villain
Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
Registration date : 2014-01-19

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Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad) - Page 4 Empty Re: Blood To Bleed (Vigilante Squad)

Post by Stoic August 22nd 2016, 11:01 pm

Topic Concluded

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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