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The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP)

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The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP)

Post by The Nekromonga January 9th 2016, 4:10 am

Oyuki was knee deep in orders, delivering entire tables worth of food in one trip. She gained quite a following for doing this, but the head Chef was shouting his lungs out telling her not to. When Jenna told her that Diana had run into trouble, the Kunoichi quickly follows behind.

The room was quiet when they reached it, Oyuki having the key to the door (just in case.) Oyuki saw Diana cradling a woman's body, which had a sword run through it. She wondering what happened that would cause this one to regret her action.

Before anyone could say anything, Monica grabs the sword and snaps it halfway down the blade, throwing it away. The darkness that made it black poured into Monica's body, reverting it back to a normal looking, albeit broken katana.

"Mom?" Diana muttered, and the dead woman suddenly decided to be undead.

"Foolish girl. You could have been a god. You could rule over these lesser beings. Instead, you content yourself with temporal wealth... but I must thank you for giving me the power to free myself."

"Get out... get out of her." Diana clenched her fists in indignation, but hitting her mother's dead and now possessed corpse was not exactly a good idea.

Her hesitation amused the demon greatly. "Hahahaha... No... You should die." The... dead woman... undergoes a nightmarish transformation where corvid wings emerged from Monica's back, and feathers growing all over her, until Monica was replaced by a giant demon bird.

Giant claws emerged from the ground to try and grab Diana, but she reacted instinctively. Her training was real at least, and she saw the broken hilt of her former blade. A broken sword was better than nothing, so she grabs it and follows Jenna's advice.

"We really need to go!" Diana said, the room getting filled up with giant demon bird feathers that animated the dead bodyguards and mob bosses into crow zombies. Oyuki flung firebombs at Diana's now demon mom, while Diana demonstrates that her athleticism was her own by hauling Jenna on her shoulder and still sprinting faster than the ninja toward the fire exit. She blocks the door with her sheathe.

The Nekromonga
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Registration date : 2013-01-18

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The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP)

Post by Quinn January 9th 2016, 7:41 pm

'Ah, this is embarrassing.' That was the only thing that went through Jenna's mind as she was lifted onto Diana's shoulder as they sprinted out of the room and onto the fire escape.

She, of course, didn't stop doing her own thing, having connected her phone to her Bluetooth and had speed dial going. Thank god for technology, right? "Go up the stairs, we need to get to the roof. I have a plan." She ignores the confirmation coming from her phone as they fly up the stairs.

The door practically bursts open as they make it to the top of the building, overlooking the city. Jenna wiggles a bit. "Put me down, I can't do one liners like this, it'd look stupid."

Having been put back on her feet, she straightens out her clothes as she checks her phone, muttering to herself as she waited for both plan B and the demon to arrive. It wasn't long before the demon caught up to them, basically breaking the door off of it's hinges as it burst through onto the roof.

Jenna raises a hand to stop it, looking super confident. "Yeah I know you have us trapped and everything, but before you rip us apart or whatever I have to tell you something. We have three things that you don't. A phone with speed dial, a Bluetooth, and..."

Jenna spreads her arms as a helicopter rises from behind them, a cannon locking onto the demon almost instantly. "A twelve point seven millimeter Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B Gatling gun." The helicopter opens fire on the demon taken human form as a second one parks right by the edge of the building. Jenna pushes Diana and Oyuki towards the second helicopter, figuring that it would be best to make their exit now, while the demon was busy being shot to shit.
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The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP)

Post by The Nekromonga January 9th 2016, 8:26 pm

Giant Demon Bird Mom emerged from right behind the trio, looking like hell itself was rising up to grab these sinners. It laughed an evil cackle as its talons dug into the building, dragging itself closer and closer.

"...Why do you flee, Princess... Stay with mommy... we can be a family again..." As a final taunt, the giant demon thing partially brings out Monica's animated body, still wearing the white suit, still having a wound in her chest, speaking to Diana with mocking affection.

"I'm going to kill you, Corvus." Diana said, wrath overcoming grief in the moment. Instinctively she kept Jenna and Oyuki behind her.

"You have killed so many for me, my dear. Without mercy, without regret. Why not continue and become stronger? Become my high priest? I will spare your pets, let you keep them around." Monica said, her demonic echo-y voice offering her a devil's deal.

Demon Bird Mom's confident gait was turned to surprise and a dull fear, as a flying machine of the day and age emerges from below the building line, gatling gun in tow.

"Eat shit and die." Diana departs with her bff's and leaps onto the helicopter.

"Your pitiful machines cannot stop me-" Magic spells and hand waving weren't quite fast enough against 6000 bullets a minute, and the demonic form of Corvus was promptly turned to so much dramatic mulch. Sadly, Monica's body was further defiled, causing Diana even more angst. It takes the demon several seconds to reform after the onslaught, though he does not pursue.

Diana looked on at the demon that had taken over her mother. Her adrenal rush subsiding, she breaks down into tears in Jenna and Oyuki's arms, having awoken from the nightmare at long last.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 36
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Dark Crow Smiles (Dubba XP)

Post by Quinn January 10th 2016, 3:05 am

Jenna relaxes in the belly of the Mi-24 that had picked her up, as much as one could in anyway. They clearly weren't designed for comfort in mind. The helicopters got them far enough away from the demon bird before dropping them off in a field, then heading off to get the fuck out of the country before the military could respond to the fact that a helicopter just shot the shit out of New York's most famous hotel.

Sitting on a bench while waiting for their ride, Jenna holds Diana's hand. She wasn't really a hugger but wanted to give her friend some much needed comfort. "Don't worry, I'll find out who caused this."

It was a promise easily made, but one that will be much harder to keep. Of course, Jenna had connections, ones that run deep.

A car pulls up in front of them as a man steps out and opens the door for the girls to get in. "Come on, we should go. I have things to do after all." They step into the car and it pulls away, heading off into the city.
Post Adept
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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