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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 7:35 pm

Mitsuko stole the device just as she planned. But, then she remembered her plan never involved stealing anything. It was to stop people from stealing this device and currently she was on her way to giving the device to those cheerleaders. No one followed her. Not even the guy she just high fived. That was a sacred bond and Mitsuko would not throw it away lightly. With an about face, Mitsuko rushed back to the weapons facility.

The three cheerleaders did not take kindly to Aaron and his demeanor of settling things with punches. The three girls coordinated a strike to try and pin Aaron to the ground while they could get him into a better position to interrogate him. Just as the fiery brunette would raise her hand to try and strike Aaron into submission, Mitsuko would leap out from the crates, latching herself to the brunette's back. One of the cheerleaders would run to grab Mitsuko, unsuccessfully grappling the small woman.

The brunette backed herself into a corner, letting Mitsuko know she needed to hop down. Her shoes squeeked and Mitsuko got low enough to avoid the off hand grab, allowing her to knock both girls off balance. It was in this moment Mitsuko remembered her fighting reflexes needed some toning. Maybe Danny could teach her a thing or two about rubbing a bracelet.

Instead of physically fighting, Mitsuko decided to lead them on a chase. Both of the girls gave in to trying to chase the little rabbit through the halls. Mitsuko tried her luck with a few doors, each one locked, and each stop allowing the cheerleaders to catch up to Mitsuko each time. The first time Mitsuko just jumped back in the cheerleader's arms, pushing her into the wall. The second time, she preempted the grab by stomping on the other girl's foot. The second attempt let Mitsuko know the best door to go through was right behind her. Quickened footsteps led her and every bit of force she could muster helped her pull down a large stash of crates to blockade the cheerleaders behind closed doors. "Hey! Take care of that cheerleader and then we can figure out how to keep people from stealing this thing and not steal it ourselves!"

"I'm sure they're gone by now." Tsukimi backed herself against Danny, giving up on their plan to escape. "HELP! A CROW EYED SKANK TIED US UP AND PUT US IN A CLOSET!"

"Not in my ear!" Danny placed herself opposite of Tsukimi while she continued to rant. "Good message though. ANYONE WHO CAN HEAR ME! ELLEN IS A LYING FRAUD WITH NO TALENT!" The duo continued to yell, trying to garner more attention from the outside world, but only feeding their voices directly into a vent feeding into the locker room with the squad of cheerleaders.

"Many masks indeed." Veracelia watched as Travis took the initiative. These Prodigy whelps would finally meet their match. "It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Masters."

Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 11th 2016, 8:49 pm

Well the device wasn't in the hands of diabolical cheerleaders, however that left him with the problem of trying to fight three cheerleaders. As harmless as that sounded, well even Aaron would have trouble dealing with three people. Reacting fast to something did not always equate to being able to actually fight, so he was just getting luck for the moment. Still this was...probably not what Alpha would want but then again Aaron was not known for always following what the big guy said. The chewing out would come later, but for now he was in a brawl with some chicks so that could wait. Their strikes had become coordinated, meaning they were probably trying to wear everyone's favorite foul mouthed dude down. "You girls really need to lighten up." Zeta was beginning to get winded, but he couldn't afford to slow down.

As luck would have it, his ally wasn't the type to run away without helping him. This came in the form of Mitsuko jumping down to surprise one of them, Aaron taking this opportunity to grab one of the girls and throw them off of their feet as quickly as he could. With two of them running off, that left Aaron with one cheerleader which was much easier to deal with and he had the thing that Alpha wanted for his nefarious schemes. "Huh, that was easier than I thought." He muttered with a smirk, pleased with himself as all of the things fell into place. If he were a mastermind, one could even say that he was a pretty good one. With a blow that would hopefully knock his angry girl out Aaron turned his thoughts on the device. "This would probably be a lot easier if I knew what I was looking for." He grumbled, climbing the crane to dig through the crates for said device.

Leaving the room with the woman, her schemes fresh within his mind Alpha prepared to move onto his next phase. The sounds of someone screaming could be heard, so he followed that until it lead him to a closet of all things. ""This is probably the worst place you can hide someone. He muttered under his breath, twisting the doorknob and opening the door via telekinesis. Dull grey eyes fell down to what appeared to be Danny tied up in duct tape of all things. "Miss Tamamoa, we really need to stop meeting like this." He quipped, as they both would find their binds being severed by a invisible force. "Though it looks like Ellen turned the tides on you this time. Bracelet didn't help much this time did it?"

Was he gloating? That was possible, though Alpha was not known to do so excessively. "You have a heist to thwart don't you? I would suggest getting to that quickly."

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 9:40 pm

"HELP!" Tsukimi let out the last of her willful yell as her voice grew hoarse.

"It's no good Suzy. No one is coming." Danny rested her head against the wall while Tsukimi just rolled onto her back. "I don't think we're in immediate danger, but Ellen took that picture to get back at me."

"We have bigger problems if they get those weapons." A deep breath filled Tsukimi's lungs. "HELP!"

A crease of light broke into the room. No one stood directly behind the door. Tsukimi squinted to try and get a better look. "Hey! Help! Untie us!"

"Oh crap." Danny heard Travis voice and watched him walk into the room. "He's not here to help us Suzy." It hurt, but her bindings fell off. Slowly she rubbed her sore wrists and massages her thighs. "Yeah, the bracelet has problems when- well, let's just say everything Ellen is going to say about capturing me is a lie. She thinks putting us in a broom closet and letting us scream for help was a smart idea, so this whole thing has been one big mistake and she just happened to sit on the table as it turned." The level of justification Danny went to finally caught up to her mind. "Yeah, we need to stop that. Keep Ellen away and we'll be good. Okay?" Danny and Tsukimi both stretched out and rubbed away some of the soreness before leaving the broom closet and heading for the tunnel.

Both girls entered the tunnel with no sight of the cheerleaders anywhere. And no Ellen either. Danny could live with that. The duo made quick work of the obstacles and came out on the other side, no worse for the wear, but the warehouse looked rather empty. "Danny! Suzy!"Mitsuko waved over as she locked the cheerleader Aaron incapacitated in a closet. "Meet my new friend Aaron. He helped me safe the weapons."

"Um. Why are you here?" Danny looked over to Zeta with a great level of befuddled lack of understanding. "So, who is actually trying to steal this thing?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 11th 2016, 9:55 pm

"I can only try with that one. Ellen reeeaaally does not like you. So you should probably work that out, however people these days do that." Travis noted with a shrug though Danny and her friend were more intent upon stopping the weapon robbery.So he followed them, though shadowed would have been a better word since his intentions to actually interfere further were nonexistent.Aaron you have one Danny and friend coming your way. Try not to burn anything down. You're doing really good so far. He sent the telepathic message to Zeta, who would take it as well as anyone who didn't quite like Danny would take it.

As for Aaron, he was still digging through for the weapon when he got this message. "You have got to be kidding me. She's probably going to punch me in the face....again." With a morose sigh, he picked up what looked to be the right thing. Well, the device he was after was a little smaller, small enough that he could slip it into his pocket without much of an issue. Save for of course the fact that anyone observant enough would see that there was something in his pocket, but he could brush it off as being his phone which was pretty large. Jumping down from the lift with a soft thump, Aaron stretched to release the tension from his joints. "Why am I here? know. Nefarious things, stopping crazy cheerleaders from stealing dangerous mind control tech. Just the usual stuff."

As for who was going to steal the tech, they would get their answer. "That would be us. So why don't you just hand it over like good whatever you are's. Before me and my girls have to make you." Ten points of staying committed to the part, even if it was really annoying to Aaron. Ellen appeared with one hand rested upon her hip, looking smug as usual flanked with a small squad as back up in case things got ugly.

"So um Danny, how about we hold the punching each other in the face until we deal with these people?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 10:13 pm

"I hold back on punching you to punch Ellen?" A smirk crossed Danny's lips. "Deal."

"You can't punch Aaron. He helped me and I'm pretty sure we're in love." Mitsuko chirped in, before she backed out of the fray. Something about twelve cheerleaders who shoved her in a locker did not bode well. "I don't think I can trap them all in a hallway and cave them in with debris."

"That was way too specific to be improvised. What did you do?" The priority of what would be important flashed before Danny. She let go of Mitsuko and got ready to parley with the most important element. "Alright Ellen. You want a real fight? I'll give it to you." A turquoise sword would appear in Danny's hand as she got closer to Ellen. Turquoise bars would break any of the other cheerleaders trying to get in the duel. "I'm getting that picture back."

Tsukimi quickly put together her wits to start to figure out how to fight every cheerleader if Danny really left her and Aaron to fend for themselves. "Okay. Follow me." Somewhere in the warehouse, Mitsuko tucked herself into a hiding spot, leaving Tsukimi to her own devices to fight without needing to worry about guarding her half sister. She did need to keep Aaron safe though. "Come on."

One cheerleader moved to intercept Tsukimi on her way towards a tower of crates. The cheerleader assumed Tsukimi would go high, but a quick sweep of the leg took the adversary to the ground. "Move." Once she made it to the pile of crates, she could make the cheerleaders need to line up to fight her instead of allowing them to swarm her. The first opponent rushed the stack, but only went backwards when Tsukimi kicked the crate out from under her. The next cheerleader tried to get a higher ground and attack Tsukimi from a diving attack above. A quick step allowed Tsukimi to remove the stop the cheerleader hoped for, sending the girl careening back to the ground.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 11th 2016, 10:32 pm

"We're in love? Well that's new to me." Aaron muttered with slight confusion, though at the very least he could avoid having his face ruined. However, now that they were dealing with even more of these bimbos, well he would have to get creative, or run like his mind was telling him to. Running seemed like the smart idea right now, if Alpha would even let him run away anyway. While he thought of how to deal with his problems, Ellen was squaring up for her fight with Danny. Everything on her that counted as a bracelet broke apart until they formed what looked to be a multi-segmented blade weapon within her hand.

"I have been waiting way too long for this one." She said with a low growl, dashing towards Danny with an overhead swing, putting all the force that she could behind this attack. It was her hope that she could disarm Danny of her strange weapon, or maybe even break it if she did things right. However, should Danny parry or just avoid the attack, the weapon would break apart into more of a whip formation as Ellen would flick her wrist to cause it to flail around in the hopes of striking home.

"Ellen does not play around. Well I hope she doesn't kill Danny, that might mess things up." Alpha muttered to himself as he watched all of this transpire. Aaron had rushed the croup along with Mitsuki, throwing himself into the middle of the fray as he threw a punch into one of the cheerleaders stomachs, causing them to double over as another managed to kick him in the face. The pain was nearly instant, along with the iron taste of blood from his split lip as Aaron quickly moved out of the way of a follow up attack.

"Ow, not in the face." Throwing himself forward, Aaron tackled the cheerleader that punched him in the face to the ground before transitioning into a sort of roll off of them to transition into a defensive stance.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 11th 2016, 10:54 pm

"You might not know this about me, but I'm kind of a sore loser." The black blade collided with Danny's sword, breaking the turquoise saber. The follow through of the swipe swerved in the perfect spot for Danny to get away and retaliate with a blunt hammer. "But, I'm going to make you sore." After the initial gut shot, Danny would rise up and aim to deliver a blow to knock Ellen's whip out of her hand. "And you're already a loser."

Three cheerleaders tried to mount an all out assault against Tsukimi, prompting Tsukimi to mount her own assault. The freefall attack threw enough force at the trio to knock them to the ground, with Tsukimi rolling off of the downed cheerleaders. A quick deliverance shot from Tsukimi's leg broke against the shin of a cheerleader trying to get a sneak attack on Aaron. Once her foot returned to place, Tsukimi performed a close spin to get back to her feet and gut kick a cheerleader making a move towards Travis. "Are we supposed to be fighting that one?" Tsukimi would point up to the melee going between Danny and Ellen.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 12th 2016, 6:01 pm

"No, you're just a loser!" She shot back as their little duel pressed on, Ellen likely having forgotten that Danny was far better of a combatant than she was when it came down to it. Sure, Danny couldn't control metal but she wasn't exactly taking advantage of that with the whole sword swinging thing. That was when the hammer came in, throwing Ellen off balance along with hurting a lot. That painful blow was followed by one that collided with her hand, sending the weapon held within falling to the ground. Seeing how pointless trying to fight her up close was, Ellen decided to try something else. This came down to making some distance and  scattering her weapon into little fragments before beginning their dance through the air. The aim of this maneuver was to wear Danny down rather than do any direct fatal damage, small cuts that would compound over time should they hit their mark.

If not at the very least they would annoy Danny enough that she tired herself out.

Meanwhile Aaron and Mitsuko were dealing with their own cheerleader problem, luckily ones without magical bracelets however. Things were going easier for him, even if it might have been the fact that his stamina was just better than the usual guy of his build. "I...don't think we are." Aaron said with a shrug. "Danny and her have some kind of beef against each other, so I'm gonna stay out of that one." He said knocking a cheerleader charging him down with a good punch, quickly feeling over his pocket that the device was in only to find it was gone. This was what he got for wearing slightly baggy shorts.

"That was easier than I thought." Travis muttered to himself, feeling over the device in his jacket pocket as he watched the small brawl. He had what he came here for, so there was no real point in sticking around for too long. Okay Aaron do your destructive thing. He sent the telepathic message before taking his leave.

"That sneaky bastard." He muttered to himself, forming a small fireball within his hand. The target, well the crate full of tech that probably would explode if set on fire.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 12th 2016, 6:37 pm

If there was one thing Tsukimi hated, it was cheaters. If there was one thing Travis just did it was cheating. However, Tsukimi could no detect the telepathy, so she just assumed the deception came from Aaron. Thus explaining why she choose to deliver a swift, round house kick to his head. "Danny! Mitsy's boyfriend is a traitor!" But, others thought to betray as well. Before the fire could get out of control, Tsukimi ran to activate the fire alarm and grab a fire extinguisher to try and battle the blaze back to a non lethal state.

"Running away!?" Danny laughed as she chased Ellen, giving in to the first part of the trap. Metal shards began to circle around Danny, beginning to cut towards her. The first couple of shards only succeeded in breaking against constructed walls on either side of Danny. While the stationary walls protected her, they limited her movement, allowing Ellen to make a break for it. "Not so fast!" Danny sprinted forward, each step would bring a new wall on either side of her while the old walls would dissipate, granting Danny limited protection, but at least keeping her in good health.

Once she began to close the distance, the little shard would pelt her in the calves. It only took five shots to bring Danny to her knees. The little stingy pellets did a good enough job to make her too sore to continue on. "Suzy, take care of the fire, and take out Alpha. Bet you a lucky cricket this is his fault." Turquoise constructs would try to wrap Ellen's feet in place to hold her still while Danny prepared to make one last charge with a giant turquoise fist directed at Ellen.

Once the fire got back into control, helped in part by a swift hit of the extinguisher to Aaron's head, Tsukimi would turn to direct her anger towards Travis. Lunging forward, Tsukimi would try and deliver a kick to his chest, followed by a turn around back kick to his throat.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 12th 2016, 6:56 pm

Aaron's explosive tactic was met with a swift kick to the back of the head, knocking his vision out of whack and sending his reeling forward. Forced to his hands and knees, the male cursed under his breath as he tried to reorient himself from the force exerted to his noggin. "Dammit, I can feel the brain damage."  Quickly he pushed himself to his feet, or rather as quickly as  someone who took a blow to the head could get to their feet anyway. Ellena however appeared to have a better time as her death by a thousand cuts plan came into effect. What she did not count one was how varied that construct ability of Danny's was, and that would be her downfall it would seem.

"Running away? As if Ugly Betty." She scoffed, as the shrapnel would do its work, Danny was being brought to her knees. This was however the thing that made her not notice the construct at her feet, wrenching the female off of her feet and onto the ground with jarring force, followed by the fist which hurt equally as much.

"Sometimes it seems my most trusted lieutenants should be...less trusted." Alpha noted to himself as Tsukimi rushed him in what looked to be a kick to his chest. All it took was a millisecond to think of a tactic, one that was simple and came in the form of dodging out of the way of the limb, before countering with a kick of his own. Whether it hit or not, he would quickly back up before they could deliver a proper counter blow. "Sorry, but I don't quite have the time for a fist fight. So why don't we postpone this?" Holding a hand up, he would unleash a small telekinetic pulse, just enough of one to send the woman flying back should she be hit by it. His eyes fell upon Ellen and Aaron who were suffering major ass kickings as it was, though Aaron would likely be less effective due to what he assumed was a mild concussion.  

"We have what we came for, so I will take my leave. Danny, and friends it was nice seeing all of you again. However, well I have places to be and people to see. So take care." With Ellen knocked out, and Aaron less than reliable, he would have to get out of her his own way. This involved telekinetically lifting the two of them and bringing them to his side, breaking any bond that kept them from that. "Ciao everyone." Turning around he tried to remember if there was another way out, remembering they were effectively in another building and collapsed the tunnel behind him as he walked through it. If they wanted to follow him, well they would have to take the scenic route.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 12th 2016, 7:27 pm

It felt good to knock Ellen to the ground. Standing over her with a massive fist made the shot look epic enough for framing, but unfortunately she did not bring her phone along with her. The fight to the otherside of the room fell with less of a boom as Tsukimi went flying to the other side of the room. "It's not going to be that easy!" Danny hopped down and grabbed Tsukimi. She could feel her thighs ache and groan under the pressure of the jump, but knew she needed to catch up to Alpha. "He can't go very fast either. We can catch him." Danny slung her arm over Tsukimi's shoulder.

"Sounds about right." Ellen flew overhead towards the tunnel Alpha retreated through with Aaron in tow. Debris crumbled around the tunnel entrance, but Danny would not allow a denial. A turquoise drill popped up, pushing through the debris. The two girls made their way through the tunnel, hot on the pursuit of the fleeing villain and his loser entourage.

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Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 12th 2016, 9:07 pm

"Shoulda just collapsed the whole place." Aaron noted as he hovered along, carried aloft by the invisible hand of Travis' telekinesis.

"I could've but that would've gotten me nothing. They aren't really y threat to us, beyond damaging your face anyway." Travis stated as the sound of sound could be heard behind them, faintly like drilling if he could source that sound anyway. Things were getting slightly more annoying, but he had a feeling they wouldn't be able to stop him, not if he did things right anyway.

" You were saying?"

"I'm sticking behind what I said. Now if you're well enough to back talk me, then carry Ellen for a bit. I have my own plans for these two." Letting Aaron stand on  their own, they could do well enough when it came down to walking. Eventually they would come upon what appeared to be a fork within the passage, and so he decided to let Aaron walk on ahead while he dealt with Danny and her friends. It was likely they would be in hot pursuit of Alpha, so they would run into him in a matter of a minute or so. What they would find, was Travis leaning against one of the walls, arms cross and with a smirk.

"I don't know exactly why you're chasing me, but it's probably to beat me up for some vague reason right? Listen I'll cut to the chase. I'm sure we were here for the exact same reason, to stop those guys from getting some pretty dangerous tech, so that was what I did." Seemingly unthreatened by the three, he cleaned one of his fingernails. "I have a feeling I can't talk you out of the whole trying to beat me up thing, but shouldn't you be going after the one that orchestrated this whole thing? They are afterall the one trying to steal this stuff."

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 12th 2016, 9:24 pm

The drill did what a drill should do, but the girls managed to do nothing even close to sneak their way to Alpha. Danny could feel her legs begin to relax a little more, no thanks to Ellen and her idiotic display of losing the battle and the war. They turned the corner to leave the tunnel, finding a smug Alpha. His smug face wanted to be punched. It really did. "You have the device!" Danny pointed towards Alpha. "You're being really weird! You busted us out of that closet, then you tried to have your talking monkey set us on fire, and now you're giving us a villain monologue! You've been all over the place with whether or not you should get punched in the face, but right now, you're still in the danger zone."

Danny watched as Tsukimi ran towards the roll of duct tape. The plan played out in her head. Tsukimi would try to tackle Alpha from behind while Danny would take him high and from the front. "We'll deal with the other person, but we're going to get the information from you, not let you give it to us!" Tsukimi used honor to increase her negotiation from the lawful stupid alignment. "We don't just let one criminal go because he is slightly less evil!"

"I don't even know if he is less evil right now! Maybe ten minutes ago when we were friendly, but even that was a trick!" Danny would continue to try to avoid Alpha and his telekinesis while trying to negate Alpha from telekinetically throwing Tsukimi away by bracing her from behind with a construct.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 12th 2016, 10:40 pm

"Perceptive, but that won't exactly help you anyway." Alpha noted removing the a rather small looking technological device from his jacket pocket. It was unimpressive to the uninitiated but he knew what it could do, if he tinkered around with it anyway. [colr=chartreuse]"However, if I wanted my talking monkey to set you on fire....well you would be on fire. You're really underestimating my ability to get things done Danny."[/color] Slipping the device back into his pocket, Travis pushed off from the wall with eyes focused upon Danny. By sending out an unnoticeable pulse of telekinetic energy put, he could keep an eye on everyone within the area incase anyone tried anything funny. If they wanted to go two against one, well they would have that. "Blahblahblah, you really like to hammer home the whole I'm good and you're evil thing don't you?"

There was someone running behind him, and so he decided to deal with them accordingly, that being with a pulse of telekinetic energy along the floor. Rather than throwing her back, he planned to trip her up while stepping aside from the person likely falling forward behind him. Meanwhile Danny attacked from the front, Alpha producing a telekinetic barrier that he propelled forward to likely throw Danny backwards. This was all in his mind a means to stall them, his escape plan would come soon enough.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Danny The Sphinx January 12th 2016, 10:53 pm

While Tsukimi lost her balance during her attack, all hope did not fade. The slipping combatant threw one of her legs out to try and pull herself closer to Alpha, allowing her to try and bind his legs together. "I'm going to beat the ass out of you!" With her hands full, Tsukimi headbutted Alpha in the back of his knee to try and dislodge his balance.

Danny flew across the room and landed against the tile floor. "Well, I am good. And you are kind of evil most of the times. But this is a good look for you." Tsukimi did her best to keep Alpha from being able to blast Danny in her approach by trying to pin his arms to his side. If she could achieve that, Danny could make it to deliver a kick with both legs to his chest. "Had enough?"

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Giphy

Danny's Partners (Tsukimi, Tori, and Abby)

The Dress Shoppe Danny Stole From Bliss
Danny The Sphinx
Danny The Sphinx
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 849
Registration date : 2014-09-28

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Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 Empty Re: Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha)

Post by Alpha January 12th 2016, 11:07 pm

Despite his success in tripping her up, in the midst of his maneuver he found his legs being grabbed onto which made him almost end fall over. The headbutt however ended up hitting his knee rather than the back of it, just hurting like hell rather than making his legs give out under him. While his attention was still mostly on Danny, that made it much easier for Tsukimi to pin his arms by wrapping her arms around him, thus making all of this even more annoying. A low growl rippled from his throat, as he tried to toss her off of him manually but that didn't work at all. That gave Danny enough time to deliver the flying kick to his chest, which caused him for a moment to lose his breath as he stumbled back a few steps. With a thought the would try to forcibly remove Tsukimi from her grappling and fling her against the wall.

"Okay...that was a good kick." He sounded slightly winded, and likely there would have been some kind of bruising if he didn't already recover from it. "I don't know why you want this device so badly, but I likely have an actual use for it. So I'm going to take my leave before you decided to flying kick me anymore." Pressing the palm of his right hand against the floor, he unleashed a small pulse of energy into it, letting it spread outwards as the floor itself would begin to ripple outwards.  All at once it would begin to cave in, dropping anyone onto a floro otherwise unknown beneath them, except for Alpha who was floating thanks to the magic of tk.

"As the terrible pun goes, have a nice trip and see you next fall." With that he would float away, or rather would float until he reached a non destroyed portion of the tunnels floor and began to run.

Danny Is Just Better Than Everyone... (Alpha) - Page 2 CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

Status :

Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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