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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Humanity January 16th 2016, 2:09 am

Well today was the day that everyone was meeting up. It was pretty unfortunate that he was couped up in the music shop for as long as he was. Of course he knew about the little meeting today, in fact he requested the presence of a particular ally to come with him. It was partially a surprise when his requested ally brought someone else with them. Dumah arrived with yet another friend of Austyn's, that of course being none other than Matt. After his inexplicable escape and desire to remain hidden yesterday called quite a bit to mind, though he was always a rather shy and timid person.

"Hola!" He said, beaming at Austyn as he immediately excused himself to the symphonic metal section. Of course he'd be into that stuff. He was kinda classy, it had a classical tone to it to show some form of sophistication and the lyrics were dark and rather sorrowful. It was a pretty good comparison to the little human friend. Of course then he looked right to Dumah and mouthed the words "Who is that? Why is he here?"

"So uh..we're actually closing. I mean take your time but If you need anything just hollar so I can hear you from the back, alright?" As soon as Matthew nodded he turned his head just in time to see Austyn trying to gently nudge Dumah to the back.

"I-oh...uh...." Matthew watched as they rounded the corner, his guise dropping a moment. "Ar-ar-aroooo!" he snipped a moment, though Austyn and Drifter were a little too far gone.

"Who-" Of course it was posed as a question drawn out long enough for drifter to interrupt him at any time with the appropriate answer. Following the event he just sighed and cleared his throat. "Okay so... what is he coming with us?" Ausytn asked, of course he seemed nervous a bit, not that he particularly cared about any extra company...he just didn't want Matt to know that he was...well related to more people. Honestly the psychology of the matter was illusive to him. But if Matt was going...he wanted to know. When Drifter gave his response to that there was one final thing he needed to address with Drifter, and that was the matter of Eric and how to "handle" him.

"As Seraph I'm ordering you to be on your best behavior and give Eric the respect he deserves." Of course Austyn's head tilted slightly and smirked. "Luckily, Seraph isn't here...but as Eric's brother I'd appreciate Eric if you gave him a little more than the respect he deserves....give him everything he deserves." He said the very end of it being rather flat and deadpanned. Of course he was essentially saying to Lukas that if Eric got out of hand he had full permission to deck him.

Finally, depending on Lukas decisions, the little party would head out and meet up with the other triplets and most likely whatever friends they had decided to bring. Because if Austyn knew Ryan at all then one of his little friends would be joining him... at least that would deliver some entertainment and conversation starters.

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 16th 2016, 2:33 am

So Ryan had to wait a day for their little meeting to actually happen, but that was well worth it if he could have some time to get to know his brothers better. If they wanted to get to know him anyway, which was something that he found himself worrying about immensely all day before that meeting was supposed to take place. Enough that the nervousness could have kept him from going without some encouragement from his friends, mostly Jordan and that one kid who's name he kept forgetting. "My name is Shael." They reminded him while chewing on what looked to be some kind of cheeseburger, earthy brown eyes glaring at him for a moment before they fell back on his food. They stood a few inches shorter than him, a tan male dressed similar to him save for a thick looking camo jacket that he was always wearing when Ryan saw him.

"Well um...thanks for coming along with me."

"No prob. You're my friend and I help mah friends out." Rather simple and to the point, thought that was something that Ryan could appreciate about his friend. They weren't really complex, which meant he didn't usually have to look out for things that bothered them. There was that whole sniffing the air thing they did, but then again it came with the whole having super sense things that they were quick to explain. Their meeting point was a comic book shop, one that Ryan had never been too but he was hoping they would have some manga there. Sure, he hadn't actually read any manga due to his inability to read before, but then again anime ws pretty much animated manga. The thing about a lack of censorship was enough to make him want to read it, but that would come later.

"So this looks like the place." Ryan said, squinting lightly as he took in the sign nestled above the entrance way. Stepping into the building, Ryan looked around for what he was hoping to find and found nothing. This left Ryan slightly annoyed but not enough to complain. Eventually Eric would arrive, and Ryan would take note of them, offering a small wave as they entered the comic book shop before actually walking over to them. Austyn should be there any moment, or in an hour. One of the two anyway.
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Aurelius January 16th 2016, 4:38 am

So it seemed this was the day. Tempest got up early, got dressed in a button up and sweater that made him look like a school boy along with the tie, and did his whole grooming thing. He was probably the most clean cut of the three triplets, he really took pride in how he looked. His apartment was literally spotless, the beds made military style and everything where it was supposed to be. He had a perpetual smirk on his face, walking down the halls of his apartment building before getting down to ground level and taking a cab to this comic shop. Not the most formal setting but he thought it appropriate for three teenage boys. What he didn't know though....was that Dumah dude was coming. The guy, at least compared to hIm, was kinda scary...... Like he might punch you directly in the forehead and not give a single fuck.


So Dumah was coming with Seraph and his brothers, for whatever reason. He supposed they needed someone to buy them booze, that or be the adult of the situation if they had some kind of triplet slap fight. That would have been odd to watch, three people fighting that all looked the same. He probably would have a harder time following what was happening then when he watched Transformers, and that just looked like junkyards having sex. Regardless, he was going, and Matt decided he wanted to come along when Lukas said he was going to the music store, apparently he still bought his albums rather then just downloading them. He wasn't going to hang with the triplets though, he was pretty much asked to just drop Drifter off. When they got there, Austyn predictably looked confused about the friend he had brought along. To the point where he waved Matt off and pulled Drifter away with a nudge, asking questions and the like. Drifter smiled and answered.

"He's a friend of mine, Matt is his name. Figured you might know that since he comes here a lot. And no, i just told him i had business here and that he could drop me off." Drifter explained. He figured that was it, but in an even lower voice Seraph said something.......well shocking. Lukas smiled wide at it though, showing his understanding. He had wanted to hit that kid in his stupid mouth since he first met him, even though it was the same as Austyn's......whom he was fine with.

"Of course, i wouldn't give him any less." Luke said, clearly understanding the distinction between the two statements. Why he wanted to see his brother hit Drifter didn't care, all he cared about was his desire to see Eric hit. The comic shop wasn't far, which is why he wanted to be dropped here. All they needed to do was walk a few blocks and they were there, arriving just after Ryan and the other odd kid Dumah had seen around headquarters, why were they together? An odd grouping really, but then again it might have been a natural thing, birds of a feather flock together type thing.

"Oh jesus the retards are breeding.... Hey! Ryan my man!" Luke said as he and likely Austyn walked toward them, saying the first part under his breath so no one would really hear him, unless Seraph had good ears. After that, Tempest walked in with his usual high horse mentality. He was wearing something that really, really irritated Luke. It was so arrogant. This kid really thought he was the shit.

"How is everyone doing?" Eric asked, shifting his head brightly to each person in the group with that half smile of his.


Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Aureli10
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Humanity January 17th 2016, 4:41 pm

Austyn had taken a drink from the fridge in the break room and began walking with Dumah to their designated meeting area. Austyn was glad that his acquaintance understood his "message" in this arrangement. If Eric got too heavy-handed or started acting like a cunt then Dumah would hit him and Eric would play the concerned brother. It was brilliant...almost. Not really. It gave him an excuse to give Dumah what he wants, Eric what he deserves and it gives Austyn an excuse to take his "friend" and leave when shit gets heavy and he doesn't wan tot deal with it.

  Austyn was dressed in his work clothes still, dark jeans and a plain black shirt. A belt wrapped around his waist with properly kept and cleaned boots, shined to perfection. Around his neck was a shimmering golden chain that disappeared behind his black shirt, hiding his one-of-a-kind heirloom. Actually the most defining difference of him from his twins was his hair. It was actually something he called a bit of "controlled chaos" as his hair was directed to the left, his bangs curled back up and around, and the wind seeming to make his hair nice and poofy while still looking a bit more professional than one might have expected of a teenager in a music store. Then again the professionalism was something seraph prided himself upon.

 As he threw his head back and killed his drink, Dumah spoke out about the retards breeding. Immediately soda spilled out the corners of Seraph's mouth and down onto his shirt when his lips curled. Turning his head to the side he proceeded to cough out the soda, laughter causing him to inhale the liquid and causing his face to turn bright red as he ended up in a mixture of coughing and laughing. Then Luke spoke loud enough for others to hear and he said hello to Ryan.  Eric made it his personal goal to ask everyone how they were doing. Such a good Samaritan. Asking how you were doing before he decided how to fuck you over in the social exchange.

 "Doing alright. Can't...really breathe at the moment." He said as he tried to catch his breath. After his little coughing fit he cleared his throat and looked to Eric. Of course he didn't bring a friend. He didn't have any friends to bring. Because he was a Lucius clone. An insert into their lives to screw them over. Well news flash Lucius, two people can play that game. Just...someone else other than Seraph. He didn't know how to clone people...

 "So what's...going on I guess?" He asked, still not overly sure how to go about this weird...ensemble of his face.


Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Humani11
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 17th 2016, 8:24 pm

Shael seemed to perk up at something, looking to Drifter with a single raised brow as if he had caught what they said. "Huh, I guess that makes three now, right?" He asked with a smirk, and a knowing wink shot at them before turning his ever shifting attention to something else. That something being the other comics in the store while Ryan would be able to catch up with his siblings, as that was the reason he was here and Ryan was to some extent a friend of his. First came Eric and then Austyn, both outdoing him when it came to overall appearance, not that he ever found himself trying to impress anyone. No matter the weather, he was dressed in a pair of shorts of some kind, mostly due to the fact he couldn't feel the cold even if it was far below zero. This time it was  a pair of basketball shorts with some kind of anime related t-shirt and a small woolen cap to keep his otherwise wild hair light brown hair in check.

Anytime he had his hair made up, well someone else had to help with that and they were  a little too busy today to do that. So it was mostly his hope that his brothers didn't care too much about his overall look, otherwise they would be highly disappointed. "I'm doin good." He said in usual cheery Ryan tone, looking over  one of the many comics the shop was peddling, wondering if they sold anything he would have an interest in. Unfortunately none of it fit his interest so he set it back on one of the shelves, and turned his attention back to them, offering a small wave to Drifter who had been kind enough to say hi to them. It looked like his attempts to befriend the male was making some headway, even if it was happening very slowly.

"Hi." He finally responded to Drifter before looking around to see Shael talking to someone else, not anyone he recognized but they looked like they knew each other so he let them be. They looked like they knew each other enough for the tan male to be smiling, which was not unusual but not as wide. "Not much actually, I thought this place would have something else, but....doesn't look like it." Ryan noted with a slight huff while looking around at all the comics, and dealing with the fact they were indeed not what he wanted.
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Red January 26th 2016, 12:05 am

Shael might have thought that was a good come back..... But too bad for him Eric was right on Drifter and Austyn's heels. So, there was another available person that could have been the third retard.

"Right indeed." Gesturing with his eyes to the newly arriving Eric as he smirked at Shael. Yeah, he didn't really care the kid heard him. One, he couldn't prove to the others he said that, and two.......he wasn't going to do shit besides that. But Luke was going to remain civil, at least for now. No need to start things out with conflict, especelly with something meant to be a joke.

"Anyway..... I'm fine, Eric." Luke said, responding to the male. He wasn't a complete dick, at least not enough of one to totally ignore him. That would just be improper.

"Awesome! So, whadda we doin'?" Eric asked. His abrasiveness might have worked on weird school kids, but on people like Dumah and

"No idea, figured i would buy you guys alcohol then you three would drunkenly punch each other until the amusement wares off and i decide to stop you." Drifter said, completely and utterly honest. But it seemed like a joke, considering his usual flavor of sarcasm. Eric just let out a faint and disapproving chuckle.

"But really, we're going paintballing..... Unless you three are afraid the technopath with humiliate you." Drifter said. He had planned something, because he figured these three miserable saps wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Besides, it might allow them to get their aggression out.

"I......don't know, i've never done paintball before." Eric said, but Dumah would wait to see what everyone else thought of the idea, and more importantly if they had anything better to bring to the table.

Last edited by Red on January 27th 2016, 2:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Silus January 26th 2016, 11:20 pm

"C'mon Dumah, let's actually do something they have a chance in." Austyn said rather amused by the suggestion of paintball. Truth be told with the type of training a Seraphim operative gets it would be like pitting a police officer against a toddler. A mundane, toddler before any telepaths decide to get snarky. As fun as it would be for Austyn and Dumah to utilize such tactics he found the whole concept a rather buzz-kill. Except...getting to shoot the Lucius clone though.  Quickly, Austyn changed his mind and decided to try and recover the all-but-lost hope that paintball was still an option. Though knowing very little bout his brother he decided it was time to stereotype more than a southern bible thumper in L.A.

 "I just don't think they got what it takes is all. Not everyone's a natural." He said with his hands up just a little bit in surrender of the concept, letting it go and seeing if the poke to the pride did anything for either Ryan or Eric. If a retaliation was inbound then Austyn and Lukas were about to have a good time.

Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Lucife10
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Jordan Reynolds January 27th 2016, 8:00 pm

Paintball, Ryan hadn't ever played the game let alone learned enough about the rules to be any good at it. That made him wonder more than anything what it had to do with, beyond shooting people with balls of paint. Maybe that was what it was all about, and if that was the case then maybe he would be better at it than he thought. Maybe Shael knew moew about this but they were a little too busy to really give their input on the matter. "I've...never actually played paintball before." Ryan said, something that seemed he shared with Eric. Granted he never really had the chance to play it with everything considered, but that was more poor excuse than anything. Putting into consideration that likely Austyn was better with the whole shooting things, this was obviously them baiting them into something.

"But it sounds like it could be fun." He said not really sounding annoyed by the attempted jab at his pride.
Jordan Reynolds
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Stoic February 1st 2016, 6:30 pm

It seemed the Seraph was in on this whole thing, baiting the two other triplets into agreement. That was a plus really, because Drifter assumed he would have to convince all three of them. Now it was two on two, and in all honesty Drifter could bet Austyn and him were the more stubborn side. Eric looked like he didn't want to at all, but the hits to his pride were just a bit to much, so he went into recovery mode.

"Well, no, it's just....... Well you two don't really have physical powers like us. Wouldn't it be unfair?" Tempest said, trying to make it seem like he was concerned for THEIR safety.

"Don't you worry about us. Either way though, power use is against the rules." Drifter said with a smile. Eric just ended up sighing and accepting that this was a thing now. So, Drifter would lead the three a few blocks down the road to an abandon factory of some kind, one he had set up beforehand. Once inside, they would find a metal and concrete interior with plenty of cover, and a bag of gear on the floor with six or seven guns and masks.

"Other then not using your powers, the rules are as follows. If you get hit, you call it and make your way back to the bag. The bag and surrounding area is the safe zone, so no shooting anyone near it and don't go near it if you aren't dead. Last man standing wins, and last of all......have some fucking fun." Luke said, pulling his mask down and running off into the building.

"Match starts in thirty seconds!"

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Humanity February 3rd 2016, 9:59 pm

Well this was going to be fun, in many regards. Of course Eric bringing up that Austyn didn't have powers brought nothing more than a scowl and a twitching eye. Akin to what one might have believed to be a Napoleonic complex kicking in. He was going to enjoy this. Copious amounts of paint would be used against his brothers. This was going to be a rather fun day to say the least. Immediately Austyn ducked down and away heading over a little area of their "course" in order to find his way into a concrete tube before setting himself up, looking around the environment in order to fortify himself, and hopefully looking for an opportunity to strike at Eric.


Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Humani11
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Humor : I used to be the dragon king, but then I took a can of plot bullshit to the knee. I'm just waiting for my powers to "miraculously" come back now.
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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 15th 2016, 6:49 pm

Well they couldn't use their powers, which was fair enough considering that it would have been far too one sided if Ryan could just do his usual means of avoiding things.  So Ryan went along with it, though he wasn't really expecting to win. Honestly he didn't even know the rules of this game, though maybe they would be kind enough to tell them the rules. Once all that was done, he would let Drifter lead them to where they would actually be playing the game, which looked like some kind of abandoned factory.It was upon stepping inside that they found what looked to be better for playing the game, along with the equipment needed to play it. It took Ryan a few seconds to pick out a gun but once he did, he looked it over to familiarize himself with how it worked. What to pull to make it shoot, and things of that nature.

Something about safe zones once you were shot and things like that. Once he had the gun and mask picked out, well he put the mask on, because getting shot in the face would probably hurt really bad. Once that was done, they would pick out a good position and wait for the match portion of things to begin.
Jordan Reynolds
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Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Stoic March 15th 2016, 9:21 pm

Despite the fact that these kids were vigilantes in their own right, Drifter felt he had the advantage. He dealt with overwhelming odds all the time. Granted he broke his bones several times facing them, but he was about equally as successful as he was not. Eric and Ryan relied on powers, and from what Drifter could tell so did that other one he had dubbed a retard. The only one that stood a chance against him was Austyn, and he hoped to coordinate with him until they were the last ones standing.

Luke ducked under cover, moving quickly through the warehouse, not stopping for even a second as he used his freerunning skills to his advantage. Being older and having trained in parkour for years, he was the most mobile here likely, if they kept to the rules. The first person Luke spotted was Ryan, and he immediately slid behind a pillar for cover and took a shot at the hydrokinetic in one fluid motion. Luke seemed to have outmaneuvered the male, as he approached from the back. A barrage of paint was fired, and it looked like Ryan was done for unless he pulled some Humanity shit.

As for Eric, he slowly walked, quite visible and confident in his approach, toward the direction Seraph was in. What would come of that was yet to be seen, but his tactic wasn't very good.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Zodiac March 15th 2016, 11:40 pm

He didn't stay in one place too long. He weaved in and out of the course, seeking cover from one area to the next. His eyes scanning the area like a war machine. His heart beating slowly as he stealthily made his way past the abandoned car, sliding around it and putting himself through the back seat and nesting within the trunk a moment. Take a breath, eyes shifting all about as he fell silent, his senses honing in on the area around him. His mind was sharp, but his mind continued to wander.

Why am I doing this? He wondered. This was a bad idea. This was pointless to him. This wasn't "fun" for him, hell all this really was is more of work. Keeping his mind busy to regulate his heart, keeping his feet in the right position as he ran to keep silent all while not letting anyone hear his breathing and making sure he held the paintball gun just the right way. His eyes shifting all the time was just like a real combat situation with multiple contestants. This was more of just ways to put his training to the test. He didn't anticipate on winning to be honest, though what he really wanted to do was say fuck it all and leave.

Why was he still here though? Was it to get Eric? No... perhaps it was because part of him hoped that Eric and Ryan were right. Shaking his head and releasing a shaky breath he fixated his gaze upon the wandering Lucius clone. Austyn aimed and almost fired but stopped as he considered where exactly he was going to fire....

No...I probably shouldn't shoot him in the balls with a modified paintball gun without a pressurized regulator.... he groaned inside his own mind before contemplating pulling and firing from his stealthy hiding spot.

Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Guilty10
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 643
Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Jordan Reynolds March 16th 2016, 9:17 am

Eric was perhaps the easiest target to catch sight of, but he wouldn't go after him. The reasoning behind that was simply because he...well he didn't want to embarrass his brother right now, especially since being outdone by the retard as many would call him behind his back would not do well for their self esteem. Mind as well let the competent people do that, while Ryan had all of the fun, though that did make him wonder where Shael was, and partially wish Jordan was here instead. It would have been cool to see his little friend do some badass flips and stuff like that. Just thinking about it brought up cool imagery, though his mind quickly snapped back to the game they had at hand, which would likely be over for him if he didn't make any moves. That was when he noticed something, a flash of movement and someone making use of higher ground to move around.

Ryan's body went into overdrive as he moved, narrowly avoiding a paintball that was aimed for some part of his body. This shot whizzed passed him, slamming into a hard surface, the membrane that held the paint breaking apart to create a splatter. Already he was thinking of how to respond, at least without using his powers but the guy was already preparing to make use of his own penguin yet again to unleash a barrage upon him. They had assumed they were outmaneuvering him, but he was keeping his surroundings in mind, quickly pressing the palm of his free hand on the top of a chest high wall and vaulting over it, ducking down to avoid the barrage that had been sent his way. Exhaling, he prepared some manner of counterattack, trying to think of a way to do that without making use of his powers.

Trying to do things without powers was difficult when you had them your entire life, but he would have to make due with what he could do. Quickly popping from his cover, he fired off a few rounds towards the likely still moving Drifter, barely catching sight of someone performing some impressive maneuvers as well. Shael doing their thing, vaulting and moving around with an impressive grace even without the use of their powers. Even if they weren't smart, one could give them credit for being rather athletic, crazily so considering how small they were. Maybe having powers they couldn't technically turn off was an advantage to him, but then again that's was just life really. Seemingly keeping up with Lukas' parkour expertise, they also unleashed a barrage of paintballs their way, considering that he was the first target his eyes fell upon.

"Wow....that's pretty good actually." He said mildly impressed, at the normally feral males impressive acrobatics.
Jordan Reynolds
Jordan Reynolds
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1034
Humor : [14:27:18] Danny The Sphinx : So, with wealth 2 you get a spoon and then at wealth 3 the spoon can swallow people's souls, and then at 4 it creates blackholes and then at 5 it ends all existence
Registration date : 2011-04-04

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Stoic March 16th 2016, 6:34 pm

Eric wasn't doing this for fun, he wasn't here to shoot paint balls at people. That would likely explain why he stood out in the open. He didn't think this would repair anything with his brother, hell it would probably make things worse. He would try to steer this in the direction he wanted, as he usually did. He was quite successful most of the time, but Austyn was a unique kind of stubborn. He knew his brother was close, so he took the opportunity.

"I don't want to do this..... And i don't think you do either. Beyond the getting the satisfaction of shooting me that is. I have a way with reading people, and when i look in your eyes i can see hatred for me and indifference for Ryan. What are you resisting by acting the way you do towards us? What are you trying to prove?" Eric said, shooting himself with his own gun in the mask, making him out of the game. He had his brother mostly alone, and he wanted answers. These two were the only family he had and he wasn't about to give up on them.

Drifter found himself in a slightly difficult situation. Two people were firing at him, keeping him pinned to his cover. He wasn't going to be able to go anywhere unless both of them ran out of ammo, and that was highly unlikely. So, he had to sort of bend the rules. But then again, he never said anything about using flashbangs. He tossed one out just as both of them were firing at him, and tucked his head between his legs. It would likely momentarily blind them, and a moment was all Lukas needed. He used a lighter in his pocket to jam the trigger of his gun then fixed it in Shael's direction. That would keep him occupied while Drifter ran off, vaulting over several machining devices to hide him within a matter of a second or two.

After he got away, he drew his paint pistol and set out to get a better position, but ran into Eric......talking? Drifter didn't see he had shot his mask as he came from behind, so with a shrug he decided to take the vulnerable target. He got up close and fired several rounds into the males back, which hurt badly at such close range. Eric let out a yell of pain as his speech was interrupted, and he was clearly angry.

"Arghhh! ...........You know, i used to like you! NOW YOU JUST BOTHER THE HELL OUT OF ME!" Eric said, whipping around and waving his hand to release a conjunction of electrical energy and wind, which sent the surprised Drifter flying over a large container and landing out of sight.

Eric seemed a little worried about that, but just shrugged and turned back around. He let his anger get the best of him, briefly showing his true nature, but with a few heavy breaths returned to his composed self.

"He's probably ok."

Six Months Ago

It was a breezy, quiet day somewhere around Eric's old boys home, which was surrounded by a large forested area. No one was out today but two students, grunting along as they made their way into the treeline with their cargo. Such a peaceful, beautiful day this was.

"Eric, this is bad man, really REALLY BAD!" A male of about fifteen or sixteen said as he dragged a large sheet made into a bag into the woods with his friend, Eric. Honestly the male was less a friend and more a goon, but that wasn't the point at the moment. Eric snarled and dropped his part of the makeshift bag, looking to the other boy with anger.

"I swear to GOD if you wuss out on me now, you'll join her. She was going to ruin my future, and by extension yours too. If they ask questions, I'll talk my way out of it, i always do." Eric reassured, picking up the sheet again to keep dragging. The other male looked worried, distraught even, and helped. Eventually they got to the deep forest, and finally a hole. With a grunt they pulled the sheet bag into the unnecessarily deep hole, causing the cover to flap upward and reveal a blonde girl of about Eric's age, blue in the face with green eyes wide open and blood around her neck. The other male burst into panic and semi tears when he saw her. The once beautiful girl was mutilated.

"Oh, jesus...... What did you do Eric? Why? Aria didn't deserve this." The boy finally said, his first sign of resistance to Eric just about ever. Still breathing heavy from it all, Eric looked to his friend with a glare, tossing him a can of lighter fluid.

"Spray her down." Eric said, taking a few dozen steps away from the hole to seemingly think and get some air from the situation. His friend reluctantly did as Eric asked, spraying the girl down until the container was empty. After it was done, Eric returned with a shovel, which he had pre-placed out here when he dug the hole. In an instant, Eric hit the other male over the head, then kicked him into the deep hole.

" no NO! I said i wouldn't say anything! You can trust me!" The boy said as he held his bleeding head. Eric looked at him with sorrow, he didn't want to have to do this, but knew he had to.

"I'm sorry Ben, you're just too weak." And with that, he dropped a match in, lighting up the hole and causing the boy to scream. Eric obviously couldn't have that, so he hit Ben with the shovel a few more times while he burned alive. After they were unrecognizable, mostly ash, he buried them.

(Don't do anything drastic to Eric just yet.......)

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

Post by Zodiac March 18th 2016, 12:41 pm

In a flurry of wind and lightning Drifter was propelled back, though Austyn couldn't do anything about it he instinctively raised his gun to shoot a highly pressurized, unsuppressed paintball at his hand. The force of the wind however was enough to simply cause the thing to be thrown off trajectory. That in and of itself was proof enough to Austyn that he was intending to make a point. Perhaps even a lethal one.

Oh and he's outta here! Austyn's eyes shifted colors for a small second as a voice in the back of his head whispered, tickling his brainstem and taking hold of his primal urges. With a hand, Seraph pushed the trunk up. Immediately he was going to sprint off towards Eric and introduce him to something called "Pain", but for some reason he just stood there. It was almost a stare down when Eric turned and simply played the whole thing off by saying...

  "He's probably ok."

  It was almost hysterical the way Austyn's smile went from ear to ear, though his mind racing. He knew what he was going to say already, but he didn't speak. He just stood there with a sick smile and a hand coming up to run through his shaggy hair as he snickered, trying to contain it. Next, Austyn stepped down towards Eric and settled himself about five feet away, his chortles and attempt to hold back laughter finally succeeding as he sighed from his hearty humor.

"Oh are you kidding me? You're too much."
Austyn said as he shook his head and began to cough, clearing this throat before looking back at Eric with a smirk, still as if trying to contain the laughter from earlier. Aiming his gun up he held it off to the side, not really looking where he was firing it, but then letting out a single shot. His arm moved back to the side a little before letting out another shot. The shot fired was headed right for Shael's throat (anticipating he would move with his reflexes) while the second one fired was at Ryan's shoulder (Anticipating he would not move). "You really don't get it do you? You're so good at reading people but you can't read the open book in front of your face? Hehehe...I guess it must be a blonde thing." Austyn said quite clearly before clearing his throat and lowering the paintball gun, regardless if he actually hit either of his targets. It was more 0of a display for him to let them know to back away. Fun time was over.

 "Well then let me help you. One orphan to another... I don't like you because you're about a real as Elena Vexus' tits, and I can see that quite plainly. You're a constructed guise that tries to put on a fancy show, only to lose his temper and let the real deal show underneath when he doesn't get his way." Austyn was still smiling, waiting and watching for Eric to do it. Hit him, shock him... give him a reason to send him to prison. Austyn looked towards Ryan and then to Drifter's area before looking to Eric again. "I hate you because you're fake, and in being such a fake you've done nothing but lie and been trying to take over my life. You'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're the top, that you're in control. You proved it when you walked in and revealed my identity in front of everyone. I haven't seen you make a social slip-up the entire time I've watched you.... and you conveniently make a slip up then and there? Coincidence? Maybe.... but that would explain why you like Ryan so much... he's not hard to control, is he? He's a good, simplistic guy that's glad he has his family around and you're just happy you get to run the show." Austyn was speaking directly through Eric at this point, his words jaded and piercing though soft enough to keep the conversation private as he kept smiling from ear to ear. Finally the smile faded and it was just a smirk, eyes still fixated before a small glint faded.

"Do you even realize it? That's what stumps me."
He asked, looking back to his more irritated stance on things and groaning as he rubbed his temples. Instinctively Austyn brought his free hand up and pulled on his shirt collar and tried to get some freedom from his choking sensation. "Let me guess... at first you were excited to have family...for ten seconds. Then you were annoyed someone else had your face, probably still are. Then you saw it as an opportunity...and let me tell ya something. The second you saw opportunity for anything other than it to be in charge, to be in control...whatever opportunity you found; that's when you stopped deserving him as a brother... I'm indifferent to him because he didn't lie to me...he's an idiot and he outright says he is. I'm an asshole and I'll outright tell you I am. But you... I might be the one that wears the costume, but you sir are the real person wearing the mask; and I see right through it. You're just another fake that doesn't deserve my time... Get back to me when you wanna be real." He said walking past Eric shoving his shoulder into him as he passed, hopefully knocking him down and making it look as if it were an accident. Maybe it was the adrenalin. Maybe it was something else.

Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Guilty10
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Quote : "Killing never takes a villain out of this world...It just replaces them."

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Age : 28
Job : Your salvation through destruction.
Humor : [19:13:20] @ Forceaus : The racking of sperring skirrs means you rack disciprine
Registration date : 2013-08-18

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Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yes that is true but fuck you i'm a unicorn [Tempest and Austyn]

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