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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard January 23rd 2016, 1:44 am

Skyler's insane intelligence level coupled with her super human reflexes allowed her just enough time to realize and assess the situation before her. A woman with bright pink hair had been after Skyler. How long? She had no real idea.

The pink haired femme had the literal upper hand with Skyler at this moment in time. The energy blast hit her sending a shock of pain racing through to her very core. But that only pissed the silver haired woman off. An audible growl passed her lips, rumbling from her chest. Pink's upper hand was not held for long. While the mercenary jumped up Skyler took the chance to dodge the leg kick with inhumane reflexes.

Lowering toward the ground, Skyler tumbled to the right stirring a cloud of debris as she moved. Rocks were scattered around as her heels pushed into the cold New York City ground.

"Does it look like I'm hiding sweetheart?" annoyance was evident in Skyler's voice as she eyed the woman.

What did she want? Was she an old enemy of Dominus? Thinking it over, Skyler spoke in a commanding tone.

"This is between me and you Pink. No one else. This goes for you too." she looked over her shoulder towards Luke.

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Stoic January 24th 2016, 12:31 am

Oh great, he was being given the helpless civilian treatment. Sure this woman was a metahuman, one with super tech, but Drifter had tangled with her sort before. Well, actually he tangled with her before, back before he was a vigilante and she was rolling with Lucius Alba's crew. She was a brutal bitch, a hot brutal bitch......but a brutal bitch none the less. It seemed bullets were even less useful on her then before, as she used her wrist mounted plasma blade to literally cut them in half, her eyes moving with technology as it happened. It seemed her reaction time was also given a boost...... Who in the hell did this to her? It couldn't have been Red, those two had a falling out. But who else had the tech to give this all to her? It was a big question, but one not to be contemplated while they were fighting her.

As for Skyler, she had showcased two powers so far, dodging attacks perfectly and taking a hit like a champ. It probably would have taken Luke's head off, but that was the downside to being human. Unfortunately for Skyler this chick sort of liked taking hostages, it was kinda her thing. She wouldn't focus on Skyler, she would try to grab Luke up now that she knew Skyler had incentive enough to keep him safe as to tell him to leave. Drifter however wasn't going to have any of it.

The mercenary then raised her wrist and fired out a stream of barely noticeable bullets. Only someone with enhanced vision would see these were actually fast moving hooks using plasma cutting technology. They would cleave through anything they touched, and showcased this by going completely through the truck like butter. If one of these twenty or so rapid fired claws hit Skyler, they would sprawl out once through her to hook themselves in while activating some sort of energy rope tethered back to the females arm. The intent was clear here, the woman wanted to have more control over the fight, so went for tying Skyler up. Honestly multiple hitting Skyler was probably likely, considering the fact these were sprayed so quickly. Drifter only got away by hiding under the truck before the woman shot them as he was setting up his own plan to take her out and didn't want to be one shotted.

If one or more of the tethers stuck in, the pink haired woman would wrench Skyler forward, straight into a minor pulse of energy. The only way she was getting them out was through a lot of force applied to them, and a lot of pain.

Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

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Job : Vigilante, of course.
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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard January 28th 2016, 7:26 pm

"Aiva, I know I said keep your eyes to yourself tonight, but I know you're there. Get me all the data you can on this Pink haired bitch," Skyler commanded to the thin air.

Within a few microseconds, an adorable holographic girl popped up, floating just a few inches from Skyler's face. She was a bright white blue translucent color with flecks of digital particles falling from her as she took a few steps in the air around of her. Gravity meant nothing to the Artificial Intelligence.

A slender device slipped from Skyler's right ear, the earring she had on no longer there. It had transformed into a metallic eye patch, pressing and sealing into her flesh around of her right eye. An electric green glow emitted from the center of the lens, giving Skyler her sight back in her right eye. The link was hooked up directly to her brain, sending image signals at even higher intervals than her left eye. She smirked toward the Pink haired woman as she brushed off the skirt of her dress.

"Look, I'm completely into having this little tiff if you really wanna, sweet 'eart, but I was trying to enjoy a night out without any drama. This is the second time my nights been interrupted." Skyler's thick Southern accent slipped into full gear as her lips curled into an annoyed grimace.

Just as Skyler finished speaking, an array of bullets were shot at her. But they weren't entirely bullets. It was as if time had slowed down around of her, her right eye now calculating the trajectories of each and every round of ammunition. They were smaller hooks, and she was not going to get hit by one - at least, she would try not to get hit by one. Skyler's body moved with precise rhythm, dodging every single one. She, unfortunately, got a few holes in her dress, and even her hair suffered a bit of damage.

Everything happened in a few short seconds. The array of fire ended up completely littering the truck with bullet holes, but Skyler was fine. Not a scratch on her.

"Is that all?" She asked, the lens over her right eye adjusting and zooming in on the Pink haired female.

"She seems to be after both of you, Mama. I'm still gathering information, though," Aiva said, popping up as a larger hologram now. She stood at roughly five feet and two inches, her hair long and brushing her ankles. She wore a full body suit that had digital text scrolling over the seams.

Pumped with adrenaline, Skyler hadn't noticed one of the hooks go through the meat of her right shoulder. The pain inched up on her as she felt pressure apply to her rotator cuff. She was yanked forward. Luckily for her, she worked best in close quarters combat. Bad for her was the pulse of energy she would have to pass through first. She focused her mind, her body already healing before she even took any of the damage. The cord that was in her shoulder was now sealed there. It would be a bitch to remove.

During the lurch forward, she moved her left hand down and grabbed her knife, her fingers slipping into the brass knuckles. As soon as she was pulled through the burst of energy, she reared a fist back and was ready to punch the Pink haired woman right in the face.

Skyler did admit, though, that the pain of the energy pulse did leave her toes feeling a bit numb - if only for a few minor seconds.

-My DeviantArt-
No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Stoic January 28th 2016, 9:18 pm

The AI would eventually find plenty of information on this specific metahuman. She was noted as being extremely dangerous due to her involvement in Lucius Alba's affairs, as well as her general ruthlessness. Her name was Lilia Sanders, or at least her name now was. She had been given something different by her adoptive parents, and she hated that name. But that wasn't really what mattered, what mattered was after her falling out with Red she dropped off the map. Until now it seemed.

"Is that all? No, not even close." The merc said in response. Her plan to use the woman's healing against her sort of worked in that that hook was embedded in her and wouldn't come out easy, but it also tangled her up in close quarters. The pink haired woman ended up getting punched in the face, which hurt and left a mark...... But her skin was like marble, and the minor wounds on her face closed right up as she looked at the woman. After that, she pressed a button on her arm that electrified the rope, sending jolts into the hook and the person it was through.

It would likely be sent straight into Skyler, and from there attack her nerves and every cell in her body, causing extreme pain and lack of mobility. This was prepared to fight regenerators. Ever heard of electro-therapy? Yeah, this was the opposite. It bombarded the cells with so much activity they couldn't focus on any one thing like movement, and you guessed it, healing. It didn't negate the factor of course, but it would sure slow it down if Skyler got her cells bombarded enough.

After that, the woman withdrew a pistol from her holster and pointed it at the Skyler. The ammo was Tillorium fragmentation shots, they exploded when they entered an organic body and released the liquid metal. Because of Tillorium's regenerative abilities, it continued to multiply itself in the persons body until they exploded or the expansion just burst from the person. No healing factor could be used against this gun. Immobilized and about to get shot in the face, Skyler seemed to be in trouble. Lucky she didn't force the human to leave.

Lukas had very little gear on him, but he had enough. First up was his EMP, that would quickly shut down the woman's tech, causing her eye to flicker, the rope to lose it's electric power, and her movement to be slowed due to her cybernetics. It was only temporary though, so Drifter had to move quickly or all the woman had to do to kill Skyler was shoot. He popped some smoke and stun grenades and looked away, without her super eye Pink wouldn't see anything and the stun grenade would keep her from firing. After that, Lukas ran out, not seeing well himself but the smoke wasn't too think and he hadn't been hit with a stun grenade. He threw two Thermite bombs at the merc, which exploded and covered her in a greek fire substance that burned at 2500 degrees Celsius (Seriously.....check Wikipedia....). The woman scremed and fell to the ground, and Lukas grabbed the woman's gun, which she dropped, and made sure not to get burned. After that, he shot the rope attached to Skyler and the liquid metal literally eat it. When he turned around though..... The merc had vanished.

"She'll be back, she saw who i was and won't let that down easy." Lukas said. Without the rope attached to her Skyler would feel her powers back to normal, and they had some time to breath. The merc had used some sort of teleportation to extract from the field, likely to heal up from the fire attack.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard January 29th 2016, 6:23 am

Titanium knuckles smashed into the zygomatic arch of Pink, sending a shock wave of force rippling over her skin.

The force was absorbed, however, by this woman's marble like skin. It was impressive, and Skyler now started to understand the anatomy of her opponent. Her mind was racing as her electronic right eye scanned Sanders from head to toe. Aiva was feeding Skyler information directly to her brain simultaneously. If anyone could understand how Skyler processed information, they would have to be smarter than her. She had an impeccable gift.

Just as Skyler moved her blade to slice through the cable stabbing into her, a jolt went through her body. It forced her jaw to lock and her whole body to convulse. She felt her mind loosening it's grip on consciousness. She was slipping, and her body was falling into shambles. Blood dribbled from the corner of her mouth, nose, and ears. The wound on her shoulder also began to leak crimson. She began to pale even more than usual. This was something new. She had never been against something like this before.

"Mama! MAMA!" Aiva was glitching in and out of the place, appearing and disappearing. The electrical shock surging through Skyler was interrupting the connection between herself and Aiva.

Skyler held onto reality, her eyes wide open, searching for Aiva as she flickered in and out of her line of sight. Just as she saw Aiva's worried face, the electric surge stopped, but so did all of Skyler's gear.

Aiva vanished, and her right eye was now blind again. She felt her body start to regenerate immediately. It was as if she was a few cracked eggs away from a delicious breakfast scramble - but she was good now. Almost better than good.

Skyler was out of the woods - that is, until Lukas threw a stun grenade and forced Skyler's eyes to close and her body to retract and shudder in pain. She heard a ringing in her ears, but as she staggered backwards, she noticed what happened next. Two thermite grenades made their way into Pink's vicinity. They exploded.

Skyler rose her arms, shielding most of the blast. Her flesh melted away on her forearms and hands, leaving nothing but her bare bone and raw muscle. It hurt like hell, but lucky for her, the stun grenade's effects hadn't worn off yet. Her brain was still catching up to everything around of her.

Her flesh began to repair itself, but this damage was bigger. It would take at least five minutes. And it would hurt the whole time.

With her heart pumping, she dug her blade into her shoulder and attempted to cut the cable out of her flesh, not taking any more chances. Blood stained her white dress, but her shoulder healed back within three mere seconds.

"I need... to sit down." She said, her hands actually trembling, her voice holding a sort of waiver. "But we need to get out of here. Now." She said, her breath still shallow as she looked over her wounds. She had gotten pretty badly injured, and miscalculated the time it would take to heal. Her body was very shaken up. Her shoulder hadn't healed yet, and her arms were numb. She was not going to stick around without proper gear. Skyler needed to plan ahead and formulate better ideas to take down this woman.

"My keys.. Under the back left tire. Silver 2002 Corvette." She pointed with a shaking hand to the far end of the parking lot. Sure, she could have taken Lukas to sit in her car - but she didn't trust him. Not enough at the beginning of the night.

Now she owed him her life.

-My DeviantArt-
No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Stoic January 30th 2016, 2:43 am

So Sanders had retreated, and now it was their turn. The merc would be back, that much was certain with her level of regeneration. But Drifter assumed they had enough time to get in Skylers car and bolt. Running wasn't his style, but this had to be done. The woman was fully geared, Skyler and Lukas were taken off guard after a bar brawl. So, Drifter grabbed the keys and ran to the car, quickly getting in it and pulling it up to her, he even reached over and opened the door. Judging by the females condition, she likely didn't want to drive, or simply couldn't, not until she healed.

He screeched off down the streets of LA, while Pink healed. After that though, she was hot on their trail on some sort of motorcycle. Drifter kept good distance, but it was only a matter of time before the woman caught up.

"Any ideas?" Lukas asked, because honestly all he could think of involved explosions, and those didn't always work out, especelly in crowded LA streets. So it was they either pick up the pace somehow or get this bitch off their tail.

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard February 6th 2016, 1:33 am

Standing there, stunned, Skyler felt the world seemingly slow down. Her breath staggered as her lungs tightened. The feeling of shock was lifting from her slowly. It wasn't until Luke pulled up next to her with her own car that she was ripped back into reality.

Skyler's arms were already healing by the time she sank into the seat. She had to grit her teeth to help muffle the grunts and groans of pain that rippled through her. She let out a few screams, but used her hand to muffle them as well. She was not proud of the pain she was showing, yet this was the only way to get through it.

She breathed sharply through her nose, her chest rising and falling. She squirmed in her seat as her muscle and skin finally grew into place. It took approximately five minutes once her cells were no longer discombobulated.

"Keep driving. I'm an ex-marine, and I can usually use that as an excuse to get out of a ticket. I'll shoot her." She said, unlocking the latches that held the roof in place.

She then crawled into the back seat and tore off her eye patch. It was of no use anyway. The EMP blast had fried it.

Drawing her Higpoly Revolver, she took aim and unloaded six shots, which were actually twelve, aiming to take out the gas tank on the motorcycle. The hand gun had a specialized chamber, and ammunition. Each bullet could penetrate even a tough skinned metahuman - that's what the bullets were designed for. Tearing through a motorcycle would be easy. Especially with Skyler's accuracy and hand gun experience.

The high caliber ammunition erupted from the gun, and would blast into anything that they hit. Most likely, five or more of the bullets hit Pink and her motorcycle. Skyler almost never missed.

-My DeviantArt-
No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Stoic February 6th 2016, 2:59 am

The writhing in pain in the passenger seat was a bit distracting, and troubling. It brought back a few bad memories, but they seemed to get through it eventually, or at least in time to stop Pink before she got close enough to do a Terminator jump onto the car or something. Lukas was driving as fast as his skill and the heavy New York traffic allowed, even taking alleyways and ramming through light objects. It was a bumpy ride, but they kept distance until Skyler popped out the top and fired her gun at their motorcycle riding pursuer.

Sanders was hit, directly in the head once and another in the gas tank. Luckily for her she was thrown off the bike by the first before the second exploded the bike entirely. She ended up on the ground, face down, getting ran over by a few cars. She would probably survive, but they lost her, finally. Drifter watched, letting out a cheer and laughing at the sight of the female falling off the bike. It was a weird thing to laugh at, but considering the night.....he couldn't stop himself. He chuckled as he drove, doing so even as he thought of places to park and regroup.

"Well, that was an adventure."  He noted, pulling into a public parking garage, before finding a secluded area and stopping the car. He took a deep breath, leaning into the steering wheel, seemingly exhausted by the experience. What a night. A few worries went through his mind, like where his brother was, and if Sanders knew enough about him to go after him. But right now, he just blocked it out. That was all he could do. When there was so much to care about, it was sometimes better to just not care at all.

"This........ This was nice Sky. I don't really know what happens now but, i don't know, i would like to see you again. Though swapping numbers seems awkward at this point." Lukas said, smirking at the last bit, more out of laughing at himself then anything. He looked stressed really, and who could blame him? With the amount he let slip tonight, only to have it interrupted by reality yet again. All his concerns and failures were back.

"I, i do, like you. I've never been able to talk with someone like that. So........... I guess i don't know what I'm saying, ya know?"

Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "See, I am a serious vigilante with serious themes dealing with serious issues. You may some day achieve this grand seriousness, but for now, fetch my coffee."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 290
Location : The Moral Highground
Job : Vigilante, of course.
Humor : You cannot ban that which is neither banned nor not banned.
Registration date : 2015-07-27

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard February 6th 2016, 3:32 am

Skyler's left eye witnessed the bullet dig directly into Pink's forehead and into her brain. Satisfied, the added pleasure of the motorcycle exploding and causing a pile up only made it better. It gave Skyler and Luke the advantage. They had escaped.

With her knees pressed into the passenger seat, she then relaxed and turned, sitting down. She would need to report what happened, anonymously of course, and change the plates on her car - again. She was glad she had a few registered tags for her vehicle. The perks of a secret agent, really.

Resting her head back and laughed as well. She looked over at Lukas as he drove, New York City's night coming to an end with the sun peering over the horizon. The warm rays of sun spread out as time ticked on, giving the night something new. Pink and orange hues erupted against the inky midnight blue sky, washing out the stars.

As they pulled into a secluded spot, her attention fell upon Luke. Her wounds were fully healed now, and she felt much better. She felt just the left over phantom pain on her arms, but it would subside eventually. She had taken a beating tonight. Her shoulder was also completely healed as well.

"It's not.. that awkward," she started, trailing off. Her eye(s) met his as if she were looking into his soul. It was hard not to feel that way when Skyler Snowden looked at you. At least, she had been told that in the past.

"It's funny. Really, it is... I thought my night had been ruined, but it turned out better than they usually are. Luke..." She said, trailing off one more time.

-My DeviantArt-
No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5019
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Red February 6th 2016, 3:54 am

Jesus, did she really have to make it this hard? It was clear what Lukas was trying to do, to anyone that looked anyway. But yeah, unfortunately it was up to the guy in most situations to actually express the whole i like you like you bit. She just continued to drag the conversation on, looking at him with those eyes of hers. Last time he got into this he regretted it, he really did. He closed his eyes briefly, considering what he was about to do and if he should actually go through with it. Would he get smacked? Or maybe shot? Maybe it was worth it regardless? All the thoughts and concerns, they were always racing through his head. He just wanted them to stop.

"Don't kill me." Luke said with a half smirk. He then leaned in quickly, across the console, and attempted to kiss the female, resting his hand behind her head. He could give up doing this, he could let go of that critical mind of his and simply drift off. That's all he wanted, to let go, unfortunately though, dying wasn't an option, so this would work for the time being.

Now, Drifter was a bit of an aggressive kisser...... He just wondered why anyone would do it if they were simply going to get a peck and be done with it. No, he held his co-kisser in place, and let himself go free. Let himself release all that emotion into one moment, and, well, that unfortunately for most involved something that looked less like a smooch and more like savagery.


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I thought the price was my soul

That i need only give myself to reach my goal

Now i see that is not the cost

They'll all be taken

This deal was swindled, and i have lost
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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

Post by Chellizard February 6th 2016, 4:04 am

A look of complete confusion crossed her features as Luke mentioned not to kill him. She was certain she wouldn't, considering this man had just saved her. Well, yeah. She had to give him credit where it was due. She adjusted herself in her seat, about to turn and look away from him when he quickly leaned across the console toward her, his hand guiding her into him.

She found herself entangled into a kiss. Something she had not expected in the least bit. It had been so long since she had shared any kind of physical contact with anyone outside of hugs and cuddles with Lilia while they enjoyed hot cocoa. A minor flash of terror raced into Skyler's mind, making her think of the last man she had kissed. Franklin Salters. She almost gagged on the thought, but her left eye saw Luke and realized she wasn't being forced, however passionate this moment was.

It lasted a few more moments before Skyler tore herself from him and sighed. It wasn't of relief, or worry, or disgust. It was happiness. She was almost afraid to breathe - to let this moment go.

"... exchanging numbers doesn't seem so awkward now, does it?" she finally said, a genuine smile crossing over her face.

She felt it.

She felt... something. It was not able to be explained, but she was not going to title it love.

Not yet.

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle) - Page 3 Empty Re: No exploding salads this time, I promise. (Chelle)

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