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Wrecker Empty Wrecker

Post by Cerulean October 21st 2015, 2:08 am

Rich Kennedy/Wrecker
Fresh Hero

Basic Biography

Real Name: Richard Kennedy
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Wrecker
Title: Fresh Hero
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Mutant - Caucasian (with bits of Spanish and Native American thrown in)
Hair: Dark Brown, Short, Fade
Eyes: Bright Blue
Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: 230lbs (When not using power)
Blood type: O-

The Looks

Face/Body Shape:

Costume (He also likes to use facepaint, from time to time):

Facepaint Examples:

The Legacy

Personality: If Wrecker had taken a personality test, he would have gotten ENFJ, for many reasons. He has a sort of force of personality and it passionate about things he cares about. He believes in humanity and will do what he can to guide whomever possible to be the best person they can. Communication usually comes easy, and Wrecker has no issue standing up for what he believes in. Altruism and authenticity seem to radiate from him sometimes, not to mention he is enthusiastic as well. Along possessing these leadership qualities, Rich is tolerant and reliable as well.

Of course, he is far from perfect. While his feelings are strong, he doesn't always have the thickest skin (metaphorically). An always changing self-esteem and being a bit naive counts against him as well. It is also possible that his good intentions can cause him to be spread too thin and end up crushed under the many promises he makes. Wrecker also finds difficulty in making hard decisions, particularly when it involves people and the possibility of harm.

History: He was born Richard Brian Kennedy, to an middle class, western New York family. Rich didn't come until much later. The middle of three sons and ended up being the one with the shortest frame. His family genes would put in somewhere in the 6 foot mark but he drew a total of 5'9'' when he was done growing. Both of his brothers? Jack is 6'4'' and Ames is 6'2''. "Bastards." Richard would often say.

By the time Rich came into the picture, his father had become a prominent supervisor and saved up large amount of money that half went towards running an art shop his mother had set up. The other half was stored away from a rainy day. They stayed in their minimal lifestyle. It is how they preferred it.

Much of his early life involved 4 things: Eating, Art, Sports, Doctors.

Both his mother and father took pride in their work and so passed it on to their boys. When they weren't at school, his father encouraged him to come play "sports" with his brother. When he didn't feel like doing that, there was always Mom who could use help in the shop or taught him a thing or two about art. He was very determined to be the best at both, or at least art since Big Brother had a few years head start in training which was helpful when their father let them use actual equipment. Too bad it was useless once they found out.

Apparently it was a gene that allowed it happen. His ability. The act of being able to make himself stronger, tougher, or light as a feather. The first time the doctor asked him to use it, the table collapsed from sheer weight. If he wasn't supremely embarrassed, Rich might have laughed. It was difficult to control at first, accidentally breaking things or floating around his house. It was like slapstick had become his life. The "mutation" in his genes was able to create and take away the cells and bonds nessessary to create the heavy or light effects. How the gene is able is to do that, is still  a mystery.

When Jack was born, Rich felt relieved. He wasn't the baby anymore, and he could have some of the spotlight taken off of him. Of course, when he outgrew him in height, he became the little one again. He was often teased for it in school. Instead, he decided that if he couldn't be the tallest, he would be the stoutest. Which is when people started attaching the Wrecker to his name. Of course, they had no idea about his ability, but he was a destructive person nonetheless.

Many nights he would be out lifting large rocks, working himself to the point of exhaustion. And when it wasn't heavy anymore, he moved something heavier. When making himself lighter, at night, he would try to take flight. It is what he did. By the time he was 18, he was starting to lift seemingly impossible things. Let us just say there were few people who said anything that wasn't nice, by that point. Life was simple, but good.  They managed to build a good home. Of course, this was about the time Ames was getting into some trouble.

Rich's older brother had made his way up the ranks in "The Ring" and was now a regular. It was how he paid for his shack two towns over. He wanted out, but he knew what would happen if he did. They knew his father and where his family slept. The last who even got off scot-free was his father himself. Anyone else were encouraged to come back mysteriously after their house burnt down or they ended up missing for a month. So he ran. Ames went home.

It wasn't even a week before the shop was smashed. Their father assumed it was them coming back to get him. Mother cried. They tried to fight and it was unfortunate Rich was not there at the time. Unfortunately, he only got to see the aftermath. Momma cried. Jack had his head smashed in. Father's arms were too broken to hold his wife and it was raining. Hard. Windows smashed, earth was broken apart and there was a trail of slight red coming away from the whole scene.

And the way Jack was going, the shop was going to have a successor. But with the head injury, there wasn't much he could do other than whine and moan at Momma. Richard was at a loss on where his road took him, because he wanted to blaze his own path but didn't know how to. Taking a giant leap of faith, he packed his things and went out to see the world to try and find something else other than hardship.

Years of travel brought him much joy and friendship. However, time and time again he always seemed to just pissed him the hell off. It inspired him to find his path. That path...lead him to Wrecker. His persona. It became a person. A person with a mask and a vendetta against the criminal underworld.  New York State had plenty of people that were worth the risk to stomp a justified crater in their ass and walk it off to do more.

While there is ALWAYS more to the story, we wait to see what the future holds.

The Powers and Weaknesses


Power 1: At Will/Density Manipulation - The ability to change density.

Overall Limitations: With Advancement 1 his ability to raise his density has become virtually limitless. It's getting to the point is the issue.
He eats like a black hole, from the energy needed to use his power.
That said, his use of power does depending on his energy level. The more drained he is, the more less he is able to change in density.
If his power is being controlled by an outside force, it can be devastating to himself and to people in the immediate vicinity.
He can only change the density on himself, not size or volume. (Specific to him)
He has to "activate" the power. So if he is not ready to take a hit, the blow could be deadly if it is to a human.

Benefits when density is higher than normal: Supernaturally Dense Tissue - Leads to Super Strength, Super Durability, Pressure Resistance, Temperature Resistance, Super Endurance

Limitations to  a higher density: While this does make it more difficult to harm him, any type of invulnerability will never be absolute.
Energy attacks and Magic are still effective.
Strength and Durability is gained, but things like speed, movement, agility suffer, after a certain point.
Too much weight would also cause issues, at times.
Is a liability as his style ends up breaking more things that necessary.

Benefits when density is lower than normal: Limited Intangibility and Pseudo Flight

Limitations to a lower density: In terms of the the ability to manipulate density, lowering it is miles behind his talent to raise it.
He cannot actually fly, the way Superman or Ironman can. More like a leaf on the wind.
Anything denser than your average steel, he is unable to pass through. (Specific to him)
He cannot phase through anything that isn't solid. (Specific to him)
It is also a lot easier to damage him if he isn't paying attention.
Energy and Magic are still effective.
Cannot pass through anything, if under the effect of electricity.  

Power 2: Enhanced Cellular Regeneration -  Light to modern wounds (such as lacerations or blunt force trauma.) heal in seconds. Serious wounds (such as losing limbs) can take a few days to over a week.. Critical wounds (such as decapitation and the body destroyed) would take 1-3 months depending on the actual wound. This also makes him more resistant if not immune to different types of disease, drugs, and toxins. He can use it while using his Density manipulation as well.

Drawbacks: While this is help to keeping him alive, it not impossible to overtax it, nor is it unable to be stopped. This power is coming from his mutated gene, if it is tinkered with the healing factor can be taken away along with density manipulation. The regeneration uses up energy just like his other powers.


Weakness 1:The smell of dog food makes him gag.

Weakness 2: Has a form of colorblindess.

Weakness 3: Diagnosed with depression.

Weakness 4: Has a low self esteem, at times, which can be used to great effect.

Weakness 5: If a power is able to effect his mutation, that it could easily mess him up.

Weakness 6: Is still easy to manipulate, as any stubborn human.

Weakness 7: He is easily startled.

Weakness 8: Still able to be poisoned.

Weakness 9: Overall, he does have a weak nose. It has caused a lot of gagging and vomiting incidents.

Weakness 10: Any concoction that can remove and suppress his mutation will work. (Also possible plot idea, if it doesn't exist?)

Weakness 11: His senses can still be affected, as a human. Blinding, Deafening are VERY effective.

Weakness 12: Illusions of his family are also very effective.

Weakness 13: Heights.

Weakness 14: Snakes.

RP Mechanics

RP Mechanic(s): Skills that are human limits including: Singing, Painting, Playing Piano, Cooking, Athleticism, General Knowledge of Arts and Sports, and Leadership


Physical Priority

Agility 4
Endurance 2
Reaction 3
Strength 1


Advancement 1: How Dense can you Be? (Worth 5 xp)

With this advancement, Wrecker takes the kid gloves off and starts to live up to his name. He has unlocked the full potential of the density GAINING side of his power to manipulate it. He is popping the cap off to show that he can stand with the big boys. All of his abilities gained under gaining density shoot up, like a bottle rocket. He truly becomes a force to be reckoned with. Raising density becomes a turn of the dial, at this point, with his abilities going up with it. While he may never be absolute, in his power, at this rate he doesn't need to be. Right now, he is who he needs to be.


Drawbacks: He still has no experience with this level of power, even with him training himself since childhood. All weaknesses are still in place and his ability to lessen his density remains unchanged. He also still does not have pain suppression, so anything that hits like a truck will still feel like a truck.

Advancement 2: Doctor, he's awake...and heading to the cafeteria. (Worth 10 xp)

With this advancement, the mutated gene within this hero gifts him with a new ability. Enhanced Cellular Regeneration. Light to modern wounds (such as lacerations or blunt force trauma.) heal in seconds. Serious wounds (such as losing limbs) can take a few days to over a week.. Critical wounds (such as decapitation and the body destroyed) would take 1-3 months depending on the actual wound. This also makes him more resistant if not immune to different types of disease, drugs, and toxins. He can use it while using his Density manipulation as well.

Drawbacks: While this is help to keeping him alive, it not impossible to overtax it, nor is it unable to be stopped. This power is coming from his mutated gene, if it is tinkered with the healing factor can be taken away along with density manipulation. The regeneration uses up energy just like his other powers.

Last edited by Alpha on January 24th 2016, 10:09 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : Editing things and finishing sheet)
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Wrecker Empty Re: Wrecker

Post by Jordan Reynolds October 23rd 2015, 3:07 pm

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Wrecker Empty Re: Wrecker

Post by Cerulean January 24th 2016, 9:56 pm

Added advancements and changed up sheet aesthetics.

"Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most: that people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; that love, true love, never dies... No matter if they're true or not, a man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in."  - Hub McCann Secondhand Lions
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Wrecker Empty Re: Wrecker

Post by Alpha January 24th 2016, 10:09 pm


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Wrecker Empty Re: Wrecker

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