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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix] Empty Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

Post by Arcana October 17th 2015, 2:08 am

New York had been rebuilt admirably, considering that it had been destroyed only a few years ago. People had worked diligently, submitting funds towards the reconstruction as well as just helping out. Zell had been more on the monetary side of things, but then again all of the help given was likely appreciated especially by him. Brooklyn had been his home after all and seeing it destroyed gave him no amount of joy. However Sean had not returned to the city for nostalgia, no he had a different reason to be in the city altogether.It was business for him really,dealing with metahumans that proved to be an issue to the human population in general. Normally someone lower would have been sent to deal with this, but then again sometimes they just felt like sending Apex out to deal with it.It might have been some test of skill or maybe the person he was sent after was truly dangerous, Sean would just have to find out eventually.

Normally agent would wear something along the lines of a suit but then again Sean was not known for being conventional. He dressed up in a pair of dark colored cargo pants, a pistol holstered at his thigh as well as a few grenades tied around on a belt. They had their purposes but then again Sean doubted that he would need any of them. His shirt was a slightly tight fitting white one, it didn't really constrict his movements but it did in a sense show off some definition of his overall, and he had a thick black jacket over that one. "There we go, I think i'm all set up." Sean muttered to himself with a resolute nod. Checking his equipment one more time he made sure that his boots were tied up before looking over the edge of the building he stood upon. Something about being this high was exhilarating in a strange sense, though perhaps it heralded back to his more wild days. Back when New York had been attacked by Necrodium, but that only reminded him of his failure to protect the city.

He was being sent after a rather dangerous metahuman known as Asura, one that was supposedly going about causing trouble more than anything. The file on them was thick, mostly a body count really as well as in detail examples of their overall feats. A female mercenary with nary a glimmer of mercy within their heart and apparently they had taken to the life of crime as their latest venue.The fact that The Agency was sending him after her now was more than anything making him question their wisdom,but then again that Williams bastard tended to be more wiley then he gave credit. Getting to the ground level was easy enough,requiring a small amount of acrobatics on his part before he nimbly landed onto the concrete.Strangely enough the streets were not as crowded as he was used to them being, but then again things had changed quite a bit since  New Yorks attack.

Luckily carrying a gun openly was something that he could do, and the grenades for the moment were hidden from view thanks to his jacket. Silver eyes faintly glowed as they peered out from under his jacket hood, piercing the shadow that was cast. Not that he needed the jacket really, but then again Sean just liked to feel mysterious. His destination was a rather dilapidated warehouse, the exterior of it looking rather rusted. A few people were gathered within, most of them looking rather shady when Sean thought about it and likely they were packing some kind of heat.

Honestly he didn't care too much about the thugs when they would be taken out with a hit a piece,but then again his mind was on their boss.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix] Empty Re: Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

Post by Andrew October 17th 2015, 2:29 pm

It had been a while since Phoenix had tracked down a villain of this world on his own. "Remember what she taught you.
Wait for your moment and make the best of it.
" The hero suited up in his new costume. A red mask, and a red suit with yellow streaks. Across the chest a yellow phoenix. His new bo-staff across his back. He was ready for some action.

Today he was tracking Asura, since taking back to New York City, he had learned of some terrible things she had done. As he went to reach for the spot the Talons communicator once sat, he grew a frown across his face.
"Not anymore Andrew"

As he made his way to the warehouse, where some thug he shook down told him he could find his target, he clenched his fist and took a breath.
"At least it's not a Dragon this time, right Elena?" Andrew spoke softly to the sky, remembering his training with the witch who saved his life.

He saw a hooded figure walk into the warehouse before himself. Elena had taught Phoenix to focus more on the figures in front of him and rely more on all his sense.
The presence in front of him felt almost strikingly familiar.
"Who are you?" Andrew wondered.

He waited a few minutes looked up the window he would make his entrance through, and prepared to go crashing in. This was not a stealth mission. This was no reconnaissance. This was Phoenix publicly announcing to criminals that he was not dead.

Andrew took four steps back. On last inhale. Then he blasted forward towards the warehouse window.
As he straightened he body to almost flat, he made an acrobatic movement through the small opening.
Once inside he looked down from the rafters.
There seemed to be a meeting happening.
One guard on the rafters caught eyes with Phoenix.
"Damn it..."

Phoenix's eyes glowed with a fire as he looked into the pupils of the man across the way. Andrew was heating the man brain to the point where he would simply pass out. Nothing too dangerous.

As the man slipped off the rafters and passed out of the floor. Andrew grinned. Showtime.
Leaping down and smashing to the floor, Andrew circled himself with fire and crossed his arms. Inhaling and exhaling the fire seemed to grow and shrink in unison.
"You must be Asura....." he spoke pointing to the woman described so many times to him before turning to hooded man he saw before.
"...Wait a second."

Suddenly he realized who it was. "Sean?" he mouthed silently.

Before he knew it guns were trained on him.
"I thought you were dead fire boy." A thug spoke.
"Yeah and we know these guns are enough to carve you up."
"He looks older guys. Doesn't have that same kiddish look from before."

"Is that so?"
Andrew sent three tendrils of fire at the men with guns.
The white and gold embers shined beautifully.
One by one the guns were surrounded and melted into nothing but a piled of goo.
"I'm far from dead."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix] Empty Re: Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

Post by Arcana October 17th 2015, 5:25 pm

One thing Sean liked about dealing with these lesser gangs was the fact that they didn't really put too much stock into their minor grunts, which meant acting as one was even easier.Already he was running over the many ways he would take out all the disposable goons before going after the big boss, who was a bit more dangerous than the others when one thought about it. All it took was a look at her to tell that she was one deadly woman, though the pink hair may have been much. His eyes fell upon the weapon at her side, a rather deadly one in the vein of a high frequency blade. Those were the bane of the more durable types,considering that it tended to be able to slice through flesh no matter how durable thanks to the current running through it. Sean was tense and ready to make his move, however someone appeared to beat him to the punch.

Above him a window shattered as a figure burst through it with exceptional speed. This suggested that maybe he was not the only one going after this little gang but then again that made him wonder who it was. Within a matter of seconds they would land among the goons,looking towards the leader who seemed amused by the sudden interference but that gave him an opening for him to do what he did. Without warning now that he was among the group of thugs,he threw a fist into one fo their faces with enough force to knock them to the ground as well as out. "I sure heard that one." He noted with a smirk as a gun or two was pointed in his direction, though his ears did catch what sounded like someone saying something about the hero. Fire boy? That sounds oddly familiar, but...could it be? Sean wondered to himself before kicking the gun out of the hands of another thug and then clocking them out the same as the other.

"Well that fire looks familiar but I don't remember it being so gold." He muttered to himself as they took out three guns with a jet of flames that reduced them to molten slag. They had greater control than he remembered his old friend having, and the dead coming back was something that he did not remember happening so often. "Mind if I step in?" Sean noted seemingly appearing behind the three thugs who had been disarmed, knocking them on the heads with a few chops. "Wow, labor force is really lacking lately. Might need to consider a change in staff." Sean noted removing his hood, damn did he hate the thing now that he thought about it.

"Two heroes. Well this might be more fun than I thought." Fun, well that was one way of looking at things but maybe not for her.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix] Empty Re: Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

Post by Andrew October 21st 2015, 10:49 pm

"It's good to see you again old friend!" The hero was filled with joy as he was filled with memories of their battles together.

He watched Sean take down two perps with a single chop to each head. "Damn. How strong did he get?"

Guns were pointed all around the room at Andrew and Sean.
"Well, no time like now."
With one back handspring Andrew planted his legs into the chest of an attacker sending him flying backwards towards the wall and knocking him out.
He used the momentum of his own kick to send him forwrd towards the next target.
Running at the man Andrew pulled his staff from his back and began to spin it with great might.
A wind tunnel formed and 5 men were all blasted at wall knocking them out and leaving them weaponless.

Reversing the direction of his spin, he sucked all the weapons into the center of the room.

Two bullets bounced off Phoenix's chest.
They didn't even make a bruise.
"That's right. Those little things don't hurt me anymore.
Ever tried to battle a dragon? Tell me how you do with one of those pea shooters.
Walking towards the gunner, Andrew put his finger down the barrel.
"I thought you were weaker!" The man cried, almost in shock.
"Lot's of people do."
Andrew gave a swift chop to the side of the man's neck and he fell limp on the floor.

"Clean em' up brother" Andrew said pointing to Sean.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Rising from the ashes [Phoenix] Empty Re: Rising from the ashes [Phoenix]

Post by Arcana October 24th 2015, 5:14 pm

If he was on the fence about this being Phoenix well they managed to destroy all doubts with a single sentence. "It's good to see ya too." Sean noted with a smirk. Within a matter of seconds Phoenix was in motion, though Sean's attention was more towards the big bad in the room. Sure, humans thugs would have been fun to deal with but then again Sean much preferred an actual fight. Whether they would be easy to beat up was something else, but then again that was all something that he would get to find out now. "Yeaaaah. I think I should be enough to beat you up. Both of us would be a little overkill anyway." That was when the xenogens did their thing, giving him a rather impressive booster of speed as Sean's fist whipped out to the side. This appeared to catch Asura off guard as the fist collided with their face and sent them flying into the wall with a resounding boom.

His fist stung but it was nothing really as the pain rapidly faded away, leaving him pleased with  what he had done. Turning upon his heels, he looked to see Phoenix dealing with the thugs in rather quick succession. A few bullets were shot in his direction, bouncing off of him without any damage whatsoever. "Always with the bullets. It's like they never learn do they?" Sean muttered to himself with a roll of his eyes, scanning over the remaining Thugs with a small smirk. There were likely two left, but they didn't really seem like they wanted the pain train that the others got. Not that he could blame them, because getting your ass kicked was not exactly great. So they tried running, not the most intelligent of plans but then again who was he to judge?

So he did the usual, outrunning them with ease and tapping one on the shoulder they turned to a fist in the face. "Yeah, not exactly your best plan." And then they were down with another strike. "I think that's i..." His sentence was cut short by a fist in the face as Sean was sent skipping along the floor. He stopped somewhere around bumping into a wall, before jumping back to his feet. "Goddammit...that actually hurt." He noted rubbing his cheek annoyed.

"Well then this next one is going to hurt even more."

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Post by Sponsored content

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