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Time of Arrival (open to 1)

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Thorgron September 29th 2015, 3:50 pm

Timestream gyroscopic stabilizer, check. That's the last of it Everything was in order for a trip through The Timestream. It wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do ever, but Solomon had experience and well...time. Yes Solomon had been set apart from the flow of normal time for...well...he wasn't exactly sure. Time had become somewhat irrelevant to him as he became able to move freely within it. Plus, how does one keep track of dates and years when they could change in minutes. And all of this confusing and muddled time was thanks to his most prized invention, The Timestream Traveler. In appearance it was something of a ship, appearing more like a seafaring vessel than a device meant to weave itself in and out of time. But a time-machine it was, to Solomon's knowledge the only one of its kind throughout the Timestream. He was damn proud of it too. And now he was about to make yet another journey in his most prized craft.

Alright old girl, where do you think we should stop next. The future? The past? Somewhere in between? To be honest, though Solomon had created the craft, even he was a little sure of how it worked. Sitting in the cockpit, positioned before a wide array of button and levers and all sorts of doodads he was barely in control of the thing. He could start it up, get it going and prep it for The Timestream, but there was never any telling where it would take him. The thing kind of had a mind of its own and no amount of programing or engineering could give him full control over his own craft. Not that he minded. He was always happy to go along for the ride, see sights that no other man would ever see. It was all about the adventure and The Timestream Traveler gave him just that. He had even stopped programming in dates and destination times long ago, his craft never excepted them anyhow.

Alright Teetee, let's see go! With a yell of childlike excitement he turned the machine on to full steam and let his technological magic go to work. A bright blue bubble enveloped himself and the craft, cordoning them off from the current time. Reflected on the inner surface of the bubble was the raw Timestream, the substrate through which all things flowed. And in an instant, the blue bubble collapsed on itself and the machine was forced out of the linear Timestream and into The Flow, a place in between time and space. It was in this space that the craft's boatlike appearance became necessary. Traversing in The Flow was like white water rafting in a leaky canoe with no oars. The poor little crafted battered and rocked against bare time, against the centuries past and futures so vast man may not even dream of them. All the while the little Timestream Traveler carried it's passenger to their unknown destination. All Solomon could do was steer them clear of any hazards as best he could and wait for the machine to decide on their destination. But this trip through time would not be like all the others before it.

Racing through the Timestream, the Teetee began to shake and rock violently. It was all Solomon could do to stay in the craft as a monstrous wave of The Flow crashed over the machine and sucked it down beneath the surface of itself. Now it was tumbling, hurtling through the nothingness and fullness of raw time. The sheer magnitude of the event forced Solomon into unconsciousness, his mind could not handle the things he had seen.

In a flash of light he awoke. The Timestream bubble around him popped and he found himself lying on his back. The sun shone on his face though grey clouds overhead. Frightened, he sat up, reaching to his own body. He was fine, the Exclusion suit had done it's job. But he couldn't say the same for the Timestream Traveler. In fact, as he hurriedly looked around, it seemed that it was gone, vanished, lost somewhere in The Timestream. Well, that was somewhat of a setback. But not necessarily a major loss. He had built the damn thing before, he could certainly do it again. All he needed now was to figure out where he was in time. Picking himself off the ground, he was greeted by a crowd of people, all stopped and gawking at him. After all, Solomon had just appeared in the middle of a street in a bright blue sphere of liquid light. I don't suppose any of you could give me today's date? He shouted to the crowd, hoping that maybe someone would help him out.

Time of Arrival (open to 1) Pbucket
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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Elena Vexus September 30th 2015, 7:35 pm

Tensions were high, deadlines were fast approaching and the world was at war. Again. A young Elena Vexus worked diligently through the night in the middle of Germany. As a very loyal and dedicated scientist she was absolutely determined to out do the Americans. The projects were top secret and would no doubt change the course of the war, if not all of history.
After hours of notes and research in her apartment, there was an impossible light that filled her home from the street window. Immediately she thought that this was the end. The opposing forces had beaten them to the ultimate weapon, and everything was over. The homeland was being eradicated. Just as quick as the light had appeared it vanished. She slowed approached her window and opened it looking down to the street. There was a sort of silent panic in the air as every one was looking at this man who had appeared in the middle of the street. Impossible... Elena had theorized on something of this caliber, but never went any further. The technology was not available yet.
"I don't suppose any of you could give me today's date?"
An American!? The fool! Appearing in the middle of Germany like this. The military would surely execute him on the spot. She needed more information on how he got here. Vexus rushed down to the street and quickly came up by the man. There were people beginning to gather, she did not want this to become anymore of a scene than it already had been.
"Hey, hey, es ist okay jedermann. Nur ein Projekt. Kehren Sie zu Ihrem Zuhause."
Simply telling people there was no issue and to return to their homes, they gave a glare and turned in the other direction. Shortly after, a military official approached her. Hopefully the man had enough smarts to remain silent.
"Was ist das für ein Mann hier zu suchen? Warum tut er wie ein Amerikaner zu sprechen?"

"Verwirrt Gefangenen, Offizier. Er wird mit mir zurückkehren. Nichts, um sich mit beschäftigen, das versichere ich Ihnen." After this sentence she pulled out a badge to show the officer. He then looked over at the man and nodded to Elena before exiting the scene. He had asked what an American was doing here, and she assured him that he was under her watch.
"Kommen Sie!" she said as she tugged on his strange armor signaling him to stand up. Elena then had him follow her back into her apartment style house. If the man had not noticed the Nazi insignia on the officer's arm, or all of the flags hanging on every street corner then he was truly an idiot. Whether he realized it or not he was in the middle of Nazi Germany during World Ward II.

She pulled him upstairs, locked all of the doors, blinded all of the windows and pulled out a German pistol from her desk aiming it at her new 'friend'.
"Sit." She waved the gun at the chair in the room encouraging him to sit. The room was dimly lit by a couple of table lights in the corners, and a few candles flickered on her desk just above her notes.
"How did you get here? Were you sent by the Americans? I had just saved you life down there, so I do believe you owe me some answers..." she said to him in a heavy German accent. She stared at him, finger on the trigger and waited for him to say something. Though, as it seemed like he was not going to speak at the moment she let out a sigh and lowered the gun. She grabbed another chair and pulled it in front of the one he was sitting in.
"It is Wednesday, August 15th, 1940... My name is Elena Vexus. Who are you?"

Vexus was only 25, but an incredibly successful scientist. A brilliant mind recognized by the Nazi Party and so highly praised that she is one of the head SS Scientists. Which was the badge she presented to the officer earlier. Because of that she was not one to cross. She understood how many of her prisoners' minds worked, so hopefully she would get the answers from this man that she wanted. If he attempted any hostile movements she would not hesitate to shoot. The gun may be lowered, but she was still on high alert.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Thorgron September 30th 2015, 8:53 pm

Hm, well, these people were clearly helpful. His question was met with more gawking and an ever gathering crowd. But there was something else on their faces as he spoke. It was a mix of fear and anger. Why the hell were they angry at him? As he stared around at the crowd an his surroundings he began to get somewhat of a clue.

First of all, he was clearly some time in the early to mid 20th century. The technology around him, vehicles and such all pointed to that. But the murmurings of the encroaching crowd, they were not in English. It was times like these he really wished he had studied more linguistics. There had been more than a few occasions where the use of a native tongue would have gotten him out of a sticky situation. This was just such a situation. Especially he thought, as his eyes rose to the banners and flags around him.

No way he murmured, mouth dropped wide open as he stared at the swastikas and Nazi memorabilia all around him. This was Nazi-Freakin-Germany. He would have been terrified if it weren't for the fact that he was as excited as a kid in a candy store. This was a pivotal moment in world history, a defining time for all of mankind. And here he was smack dab in the middle of it. This is awe- he began as he tried to contain his excitement and collect himself, only to be interrupted by a german woman in an SS uniform. She was quite beautiful and very young he thought to be a part of an elite police force. But he was soon glad to have her on his side.

First she quelled the crowd, hopefully explaining him away as some sort of Nazi experiment. Really she could have told them he was a blue space-man and he wouldn't have been the wiser. Unfortunately he didn't really have time to think on that as he was dragged closer to a townhouse. This time the two of them were stopped by a man in military guard. He seemed a little less convinced by her first excuse for a man appearing in a bright flash of light as the other people. But again the Nazi woman was quick on her feet, delivering yet another valid excuse for his bizarre arrival in this time period.

I'm gonna have to remember to learn German so I can thank this chick he thought as he was whisked away from the crowded street and in to what he assumed was the woman's residence. Once they were upstairs however, the situation seemed to hmm, change a bit. A pistol was pulled from the desk drawer and aimed at Solomon. "Sit" she demanded as she moved around the apartment, locking and shutting up every entrance to the place.

Thanks God he sighed, letting himself relax into the chair provided him I was worried that you only spoke German. It was an odd thing to be relieved by, seeing that in his current circumstances it was very likely that she was about to shoot him. But you take what you can get, and for now he was off the street where he may have been ripped apart by a mob of angry Germans. So in his mind, abduction by this, well, whoever she was was at least a small victory. Victories only last for so long though and immediately the woman began to bombard him with questions. And with those questions, some things came in to focus.

A hearty laugh escaped from Solomon as he realized that she was under the impression that he was an allied scientist. Quickly he composed himself however, after all, his life was being threatened. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I know this is a very serious moment for you. Let me try that again. He straightened up, a faked look of fear and determination in his eyes. You won't get any information out of me Nazi swine! he started in a heavy mid-western militarized accent. He could not keep the act up though as he once more began to chuckle. I'm sorry Miss Vexus, I mean no disrespect. I've just never been interrogated by a real life Nazi before and too be honest I'm a little bit excited about it. Solomon was frank with the woman. He had no reason not to be. Oh yea, my name is Solomon, Solomon Mumot. And I got her in my Timestream Traveler, "Teetee" I call her. In his mind there was no harm in informing this woman of his origins. Time after all was fluid, he'd proven that in his first excursion through the Timestream. Besides, mankind, and by mankind he meant himself, wouldn't invent or have anywhere near the capability for time-travel for another thousand years. What harm could letting a Nazi scientist know it was possible do?

Time of Arrival (open to 1) Pbucket
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 630
Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Elena Vexus September 30th 2015, 10:08 pm

This man was so lighthearted. Did he not understand the severity of his situation? The officer they ran into could be inquiring about this man as they spoke. It was crucial she got all the information she could before they came for him. Of course in the best case scenario she would be allowed to keep him as a test subject. That way her and her team would be able to transport him back to their laboratory and start running some numbers, maybe even reverse engineer what appeared to be sorcery.

His American accent was almost annoying. He then burst off saying she won't get any information from him, immediately she aimed the gun for his skull, the trigger nearly pulled. The only thing that stopped her was his laughter. He followed with an apology. "Real life Nazi"? What on earth did he mean by that? As if there were fake Nazis?
"Excited!? How dare you. I am an elite ranking member of the Schutzstaffel!"
in one swift movement, a tiny syringe dropped out of her gun, she cartwheeled over the man's chair tilting it back enough where his feet couldn't touch the ground. The gun was held to his temple and the syringe to his throat.
"Pleasure to meet you Solomon. The trace amount of liquid here may cause your blood vessels to constrict, significantly slowing blood flow to very crucial parts of your body. And then there is this gun. You know what a gun does..."
She pushed his chair forward forcefully as she walked back over to her seat. Elena only performed that feat in order to assert her dominance and hopefully get this guy to understand the severity of the situation.
"Time travel... That is hardly believable. To the rest of my community, at least. I believe that such things are indeed possible. However if you wish to continue breathing, you'll need a better story."
She paced the room for a moment, twirling the gun on her finger after putting the special syringe back into its hiding place.
"Any way I think of it, things do not bode well for you my friend..."
She grabbed her trench coat from the standing rack and slung it over her shoulders. In her pockets something metal was clanking around. She walked over to the sink and took the object out and rinsed it off. Drying it on a towel it was revealed she was cleaning off handcuffs.
"I'm going to need you to come with me. And I do apologize if its a rough ride.."

Hopefully he would agree, if so Elena would handcuff him and take him down to her car outside and throw him in the back kind of violently. Once in the vehicle she would set off towards her laboratory.
"We our heading towards our experimenting facilities. Here we will be running a multitude of tests. On your body, that strange suit you have on, some brain tests. Things of that nature. I do hope you do not have anywhere else to be, because this may take some time..."

They went through the gates of the facilities. There were mass graves, furnace houses, and horrible other buildings that only hand one door and no other entrances or windows. Eventually they pulled up to an almost castle looking building where her doors were opened. Elena was gently helped out of the car while Solomon had a black back throw over his head as he was dragged out of the car.
"Vorsicht! Schädigen Sie nicht, dass Probanden in irgendeiner Art und Weise. Er ist unglaublich wertvoll. Wir sind mit dem Hauptlabor gehen."
The guards then helped him up and attached a leash to his handcuffs to lead him in the right direction.

After a short distance and too many flights of stairs downwards, the bag was removed from Solomon's head. He was still being surrounded by armed guards. The dungeon like room he was now in had tubes filled with strange liquids, operating tables with alien looking instruments surrounding them. Everything seemed like it was out of a science fiction horror movie.
"Ich habe euch gebracht ... Eine Zeitreis !!"
The other scientists in the room immediately dropped their things and ran over to Elena. They were talking and shouting things in German, all glancing over at Solomon. They then kept nodding their heads over to different objects in the room. More than likely to first get the armor off of him and then run some very invasive tests on his body.
"Der Name des Mannes ist Solomon. Mit ihm tun, wie du willst, auch wenn ihn so lange wie möglich am Leben zu halten. Wir können das Fortschreiten der Geschichte ändern."

"Wie hat dieser Mann gekommen? Warum sagst du, er in der Lage, durch die Zeit zu reisen, ist?"

"Er erschien in einer brillanten Lichtblitz, copletely nicht bewusst, wo oder wann war er. Er spricht auch nur Englisch mit amerikanischem Akzent."

After that sentence the scientists became silent and glared at Solomon for a moment. They then ran off and began preparing things all around the room. Vexus then slowly began to approach the man.
"Haltet ihn."
With that the four guards around Solomon grabbed on him and held him so that he may be unable to move or escape.
"Oh my dearest little angel of time..."
She said softly as her hands graced the side of his face and then kissed his forehead.
"We are going to rule everything... This planet, and then up to the faintest star in the sky. And even beyond that... We shall echo through time..."

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Thorgron October 1st 2015, 7:33 pm

And just like that the situation, at least in Solomon's mind, went from something akin to an amusement park ride through history to a very real and aggressive interrogation. In one swift motion Elena Vexus had gotten out of her chair and cartwheeled over him in a tremendous display of acrobatics. Holy shit this woman's bionic! he thought as he felt the gun press to his temple and a needle at his throat. Kinda overkill don't ya think? he said to the woman as she explained the compound in the syringe. I am well aware of the lethality of a gun. You can't very well threaten me with death twice can you? But it seemed death was not her intention. He didn't think it had been, but that didn't mean he hadn't been thoroughly frightened by the spectacle.

No she was interested, of course, in his time traveling devices. He couldn't quite decide if this meant the fact that he had lost the Teetee was a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, Nazi scientists wouldn't get their hands on a machine for traversing time and space, on the other, that seemed to be his biggest bargaining chip in this endeavor. Of course, he did have an array of other gizmos, ones that would be far less useful to the Nazi cause but interesting and highly advanced none the less. His internal debate would come to an end right about as Elena finished polishing the handcuffs and and informing him of just what was about to happen to him. He rose to his feet and slung his hands out in front of his body, accepting the cuffing. After all, from what he had just seen, he didn't stand much of a chance if this encounter came to a confrontation. Struggling wasn't really an option, at least not yet.

That decision he came to slightly regret as he was led to a car, a black bag forced over his head. Is this how you say hello in your country? he would quip at the German officers who pushed him into the transport vehicle. There was no use in being scared or timid at this point. They wanted him and his gadgets. For now he was safe from death,a t least so long as they needed him and his explanations, which made his next sentence all the more detrimental to his case.

As Elena spoke, she mentioned his brain and how they would be running tests on it. I'll save you at least a little trouble Miss Vexus. There's no use testing my brain. he spoke. I'm no metahuman, a genius sure but there's nothing particularly special about my brain. It had just slipped out and it took all of about a second for him to start sweating and to realize that he had just sold himself out.

Quickly and as stealthily as possible he reached to the ChronoP3 Player at his waist, a device that would appear to be little more than a slightly futuristic iPod. He knew the 4-Dimensional sequences by heart and to any observer it would simply appear that he was cycling through songs. But when the Reverse sequence was completed...nothing happened. You've gotta be kidding me he thought, inputting the sequence in a hurry once more. Come on! Reverse reverse REVERSE ALREADY! At this point he was screaming in his head but it seemed that the ChronoP3 player was going to be temperamental at the moment. He needed another solution.

Uhh... he started, noticeably less confident from before but I am the only person who knows how to work this stuff sooooo it'd probably be a lot easier for you to leave me alive. Obviously he was neglecting the fact that even he was barley in control of his own technology. He had invented it all sure but there were times even he wasn't sure he understood fully how it all worked.

But of course there were more pressing issues at hand, like the fact that he was being lead into what appeared to be a concentration camp. A rather confusing mix of awe and dread filled him as he pressed his head against the glass of the car's window to get a better look. So few living people have seen one of these while it was in operation he thought, catching himself on just how true the "alive" part of that thought really was. It was certainly enough to make him step back some from the surrealist feelings he was currently having. The black bag on his head and the leash on his handcuffs helped with that as well.

As he was yanked down flight after flight of stairs, he wondered if maybe he should have taken the whole Nazi thing a bit more seriously. After all, this was the most famous, and one of the most successful, groups of mass murders in history. Perhaps his sarcastic attitude was out of place. Then again, if he was going to be pulled apart by the Dr. Frankenstein's of the Third Reich in a government lab deep beneath a death camp, he might as well enjoy the experience while he still had the capacity to.

All of the sudden he came to a stop and the bag was lifted from his head. It took a moment for his eyes to readjust to the unnatural light of the lab. Once they did however, he had to admit that he was impressed. These people had gotten together a serious assortment of tech, all for the purpose of scientific testing, mostly on living things of course. But while he gawked at the equipment around him, the researchers were staring at him. Too bad he couldn't understand a word that any of them said. If I get out of this, I'm learning German he confirmed with himself. Sure there were words he could understand, like his name. He waved to the group when he heard it. But other than that he was clueless. That of course didn't stop the guards from treating him as hostile, four of them assaulting him and restraining him from moving. And that's right about when Solomon's enjoyment of the whole situation flew out the window and he went into full freaked out mode. Elena's hand caressed his face as she spoke to him of the glories of what she would accomplish with him, then planting a kiss on his forehead. Well then, shall we? He said, a nervous quiver in his voice as he squirmed slightly, indicating that they get to work.

Time of Arrival (open to 1) Pbucket
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-04-16

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

Post by Elena Vexus November 1st 2015, 11:11 pm

It gave her a strange pleasure, seeing this man now realizing the severity of his situation. She had a smirk on her face as she waltzed back to her table and grabbed a clipboard with some notes on it.  Elena waved her hand and the men restraining her new friend brought him to an upright operating table and strapped him in. There were restraints at the neck, wrists, right about each elbow, ankles, right about the knees, and around the waist. Nothing was meant to be able to budge from this bondage.
The rest of the crew began to come up to the restrained man and take notes. They would give his skin a feel, jot something down, knock and feel the strange clothing he was wearing, take more notes.
"We'll need you to explain, in absolute explicit detail how to operate your device. After we have the information that we need, we'll remove the required components from you. We have no intentions of killing you, however we will be keeping you around. We would not want information of our discovery to leak..."

A few of the other scientists began to wheel over a unnecessarily large machine. It looked like a very large spot like, but had far too many wires running from the back of it. They positioned it in front of him and it began to fire up. It sounded as if it was a laser charging up to fire, incredibly mechanical, almost otherworldly.
"This is out next-generation X-Ray Camera. It will take an incredibly detailed picture of you, and the suit you are wearing. We normally only use this in order to reverse engineer American technology. We have only tested this on humans a few times previously."
Elena displayed some of the x-ray sheets from past experiments. There were multiple sheets, one had the skeletal system, another the vascular, a third with organs, so on and so fourth. All extremely detailed in appearance.
"Of course such technology draws on an enormous amount of power... Also, none of these subjects survived much longer than a month after these images were captured. The levels of radiation they experienced apparently burnt up their very cells..."
Another one of her co-workers attended to a station with many buttons, switches and levels in order to control this literal Death Ray. It would take some time before it was ready to take the picture.
"I suppose I am contradicting myself in saying that we won't be killing you. Unfortunately radiation poisoning is a terrible way to go. We will offer to put you out of your misery if your condition becomes absolutely unbearable."
The wires connecting to the machine began to glow slightly as electricity flowed into the large device.
"However I do have a theory. It is quite possible that your body will deal with the radiation better due to your travels through time and space."
Vexus then looked up from her clipboard as if she just had a thought. She then turned over to the nearest scientist.
"Während ich darüber nachgedacht. Nehmen Blutproben. Eine vor dem Röntgen, und eine weitere nach."
He gave a nod and then went over to a table and got a couple of instruments for taking blood samples. He made his way over to Solomon and lowered the table to his height so that he could get a blood sample.
"We will be taking blood samples. One before and one after we use our X-Ray machine. We then should be able to determine whether or not you will survive after your photoshoot."
Vexus continued to prepare some paperwork as the rest of the scientists readied for the tests that they will be conducing on this man's body.
"It will be a few more moments before our device is ready to capture the images. In this time, do you have any questions?" she said to him casually. Everything was going smoothly. This was fantastic, Vexus would soon be able to bridge science and what they consider magic. It was absolute destiny that Solomon came into her life. Noting is ever going to be the same.

Ms. Elena Vexus
The General
Advancements: #1-#8
Elena Vexus
Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus
The Eternally Elegant Elena Vexus

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 600
Registration date : 2011-08-22

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Time of Arrival (open to 1) Empty Re: Time of Arrival (open to 1)

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